One Shots of Chris Evans and...

By Disneygrl38

330 15 34

One shot stories of Chris Evans and his characters. Some may continue at some point but most are stand alone... More

The Rainy Day
The Hug
Comforting Andy
The Surprise Trip
Tweleve Days of Christmas Magic
New Year's Kiss

You're Not Alone

40 2 4
By Disneygrl38

Authors note-This is just a short idea I thought of. It is a little sad so just a warning, it is sad, but has some sweet moments in it too.

Emma and Chris have been married for five years and it has been the most beautiful years of marriage. Every time Emma would see Chris her face would light up. One Friday evening they are sitting on the couch together cuddled up watching a movie.

"Can you believe tomorrow it has been seven years since the day we met." Chris says.

"Wow, I didn't realize that was tomorrow. Your so good at remembering dates I'm terrible."

Chris smiles. "It's okay babe. I thought maybe we could do something special like dinner maybe or something."

"Sure, sounds good. Are you thinking going out for dinner?"

"Yes, that's what I was thinking. Is that okay?"

"Yes, that's fine."

"Okay I will take care of making the reservations. I'll call tomorrow."

Emma nods her head and lays her head on Chris's chest. He smiles and leans down and kisses her head. "I love you babe. I love you so much."

"I love you too darling."

The next day Chris calls the restaurant he plans to take Emma and makes a reservation for that evening around 6. They spend the day relaxing together then that evening they start getting ready.

"Darling?" Emma calls from the bedroom.

"Yeah babe?" Chris says coming to the bedroom.

"Do I need to dress up for tonight?"

"Yeah, a little bit."


Emma heads into her walk-in closet and looks for a dress to wear.

She comes out wearing...

"Wow babe! You look beautiful!"

"Thanks. You look nice too."

"Thanks. Let's go."

Emma grabs her small purse and Chris's takes her hand and they head out to the car. He helps her in and then he climbs into the driver's side, and he pulls out of the driveway and drives to restaurant. It takes a few minutes for them to get there. Chris looks over at Emma and smiles. He places a hand on her leg. She smiles and places her hand on top of his and intertwines their fingers. They continue to hold hands all the way to the restaurant. When Chris pulls into the parking lot, Emma can't believe her eyes. She has never been here, but she knows its fancy.

"Wow Chris."

"You like it?"

"It looks fancy."

"It is. I wanted to make tonight special." He smiles as he parks the car. He turns off the engine and gets out and goes around to the passenger side and opens her door. He takes Emma's hand as she gets out. They walk in hand in hand. They are greeted by a young man.

"Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, Evans for two."

He looks down at his book. "Oh yes. Right this way."

They follow the young man to the table.

"Hope you enjoy. Your waitress will be with you shortly." He smiles then leaves.

Chris pulls out the chair for Emma.

She smiles. "Thanks."

She sits down and then Chris sits down across from her. They began to look at the menu.

"Everything sounds so good."

"Well get whatever you want."

A waitress comes to the table Chris orders them both water and a bottle of red wine. She nods and leaves the table. Emma keeps looking at the menu. She is about to speak when her phone goes off. She pulls it out of her purse and sees a text from her mom.

Mom-Call me as soon as you can!

Emma gets a look on her face. Chris notices. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"I just got a text from my mom that says to call her as soon as I can. I might should call her now."

"Okay sure."

"I'll be right back."

Emma gets up and walks outside and calls her mom.


"Mom, I got your message what is it?"

"It's your father."

"Dad? What happened?"

"His cancer treatment isn't working and...." She starts crying.

"Oh no! Is he?"

"Yes, I think so. You might want to..."

"Yes, I will. I will tell Chris and we will come." I say trying not to cry.

"Let me know when you're on your way."

"Are you home?"

"No, we are at the hospital."

"Okay. I will let you know when we are on our way. Love you."

"Love you too sweetheart."

Emma hangs up and then starts crying then quickly dries her tears and walks back inside and goes back to the table and sits down. Chris looks up. "Is everything okay?"

"Umm, no."

"What is it?"

"My dad...." Emma starts to say but then starts crying.

"Babe..." Chris reaches out and takes her hand. "What is it?"

"My dad's cancer treatment isn't working, and he is...."

"Oh babe. I'm sorry."

"My mom said I should come as soon as I can."

Chris nods. "Of course, babe. We can leave tonight if you want."

"I'm sorry Chris."

"Sorry? For what? You did nothing wrong."

"But I ruined tonight. I know you had this whole romantic dinner planned and..."

"Babe, hey its okay. You're more important and I know you want to see your dad. It's okay."

Chris reaches into his pocket and pulls out money and lays it on the table. "Why are you paying? We didn't order anything but water and wine."

"Yeah, but I need to pay for the wine."

He stands up "Come on let's go." He says holding out his hand.

Emma stands up and takes his hand, they walk to the car and after getting in Chris pulls out, as he drives, he calls and makes a flight for them to go to North Carolina that night. They get home and quickly pack a bag for a few days and then leave and head to the airport. They wait about an hour before their flight is called and they board the plane. Emma messages her mom to let her know she is on the plane heading that way. It takes about two hours and three minutes before they arrive in Asheville around 10 pm. Chris has a car waiting for them when they arrive. He is given the keys. He puts their luggage in the back, and they climb into the car, and he drives them to the hospital. He looks over at Emma and sees her trying not to cry. He reaches over and takes her hand.

"I love you babe."

She looks over at him and half smiles. "I love you too."

They arrive at the hospital and Chris parks, and they walk in together and up the desk. The lady at the desk greets them and asks who they are there to see.

"Daniel Audrey."

"Are you family?"

"I'm his daughter and this is..."

"Chris Evans! OMG."

Chris smiles. "Umm yes...I'm her husband."

"Of course you are. Umm he's in room 515."

They ride the elevator to the fifth floor and head to his room. Emma sees my dad in the bed, and he looks weak. Emma's mom greets her and hugs her. Emma walks to the bed and takes her dad's hand.

"Hey daddy."

"Hey princess." He says in a weak voice.

Chris walks up and stands beside her. "Chris." Daniel says.

Chris smiles, not sure what to say. Emma sits down in the chair near the bed. Chris stands beside her.

Daniel smiles at his daughter "Your so beautiful, you have your mothers' eyes." He says once again in a weak voice.

Emma tries to smile. Her father then closes his eyes and falls asleep.

"He's sleeping a lot right now." Emma's mother says.

"How long has he been here?"

"Since Thursday."

"Thursday? Why did you wait till today to call me? This is Saturday!"

"I know sweetheart I'm sorry. I didn't know until today how bad off he was. The doctors are saying he only has days."

Emma bites her lip trying not to cry. Chris reaches over and takes her hand and squeezes it.

"Are you and Chris planning on staying a few days?"

Emma looks at Chris. Chris nods. "Yes, I plan to stay as long as Emma wants."

"I can give you the key to the house if you want to go to the house and sleep for a while."

"Are you going to the house?"

"No, I'm staying here with your father. I can call you if there is any change."

Emma looks at Chris. "Do you want to go to the house?"

"That's up to you babe."

Emma looks back at her father who is still asleep. "I know I wouldn't be able to sleep."

"You should at least try sweetheart." Her mother says.

"She's right babe. You should at least try. We can head to the house and try and then come back in the morning."

"You mean later this morning."

Chris smiles. "Right later this morning."

Chris and Emma leave the hospital and head to her parents' house. They unlock the door and are greeted by a golden retriever puppy who runs up to them.

"Lassie! Hey girl." Emma says and leans down and pets her.

"I guess we are staying in your old room, right?" Chris asks, looking at Emma.

"Yes." She nods still petting Lassie.

Chris nods and walks upstairs and heads to Emma's old bedroom and sets their suitcase on the floor by the bed then walks back downstairs and finds Emma on the couch with Lassie. He smiles and walks over and sits down next to her. Emma immediately snuggles up to him and lays her head on his shoulder. Chris wraps his arm around her and kisses her head.


"Yes babe?"

"My dad is going to die without ever getting grandkids." She says and starts crying.

"I know babe, I know, it breaks my heart to just think about it, but instead of thinking about what we can't give him, why don't we find comfort in the times shared and memories we made."

Emma looks up at Chris with tears in her eyes. Chris wipes the tears from her eyes with his thumb and smiles at her. "It's going to be okay. You're not alone, I am here for you always."

"I know you are, and I love you. I love you so much Chris."

"I love you too babe."

Emma lays her head back on his shoulder and Chris begins to rub her arms and then run his fingers through her hair. He knows this helps relax her and he hopes it will help her now. Emma ends up falling asleep next to Chris. Chris eventually ends up falling asleep as well. The next morning Emma's phone rings. She wakes up and grabs it from the coffee table where she had laid the night before. She sees it's her mom. Chris wakes up too.


"Emma! You need to get to the hospital fast!"

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Your dad has gotten worse and I...I don't think its will be long..." she says through tears.

"Oh mom! Okay, we are on our way." She says trying not to cry and hangs up.

Emma looks at Chris.

"What is it?"

"My dad, he's worse and he' mom says she doesn't think he has long." Emma says biting her lip, so she won't cry.

"Okay let's go." Chris says standing up and holding out his hand to Emma. She takes it and they leave.

Chris drives quickly to the hospital and arrives and they go in and head to his room. Emma walks into the room and sees already that her dad is weaker than he was the night before. She walks to the bed and sits down in the chair next to it and takes his hand.


He slowly turns his head and smiles and says in a weak voice.


"Hey daddy." She says and rubs his hand.

Daniel tries to squeeze her hand but struggles. "You're so beautiful, just like your mother. You're my girl, my princess."

Emma bites her lip, so she won't cry.

"I love you, princess. Take of your mom, okay?"

Emma nods her head. Daniel half smiles and looks up at Chris.


"Yes sir." Chris says, walking closer and puts his hand on Emma's shoulder.

"Take care of my girl. Look after her. You have been good for her...she..." he says struggling to talk.

"I will sir, you know I will. I love her with all heart."

Daniel smiles. "I know you do son. I'm...I'm glad she has a such...such a great man like you." He looks back at Emma and smiles then takes one last breath and he's gone. Emma no longer is able to hold back tears and cries. Chris wraps his arms around her and lets her cry on his chest. Emma cries for several minutes. "It's okay babe. I'm here. Cry all you need to. It's okay." He says rubbing her back.

Later that day they head back to the house and sit together in the living room. Emma is looking at old pictures of her as a child with her father. As she looks, she is crying, remembering those moments and knowing that she will no longer have any new memories with him. As she is looking, she all of sudden gets nauseous and runs from the room and runs to the downstairs bathroom.

"Babe?" Chris says concerned when she all of sudden got up and ran out of the room. He gets up and walks to the bathroom and sees her on the floor leaning over the toilet.

"Babe, are you okay?"

Emma nods. "Yes, I think so. I just nauseous all of sudden."

"Maybe it's just your nerves. You are going through a lot right now."

"Maybe." Emma then slowly stands up and stands at the sink. Chris is standing behind her. As Emma stands at the sink then it hits her. "OMG!"

"What? What's wrong?"

Emma then runs back to the living room and picks up her phone and pulls up an app and looks at it. Chris is right behind her. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"OMG! No! I can't be!"

"What? You can't be what?"

Emma's mom looks at her "Emma, sweetheart do you think your..."

Emma nods her head slowly.

"Think she's what? What is going on?" Chris asks, looking at Emma then her mother.

"I'm late Chris."


"Yes, I'm late. You know..."

"Oh! mean your...your pregnant!"

Emma nods her head and then starts crying. Chris immediately wraps his arms around her. "Hey, why are you crying? This is what we wanted; we have been trying for so long. I thought you would be happy."

"I am but...but why now? Why couldn't this have happened before...before..."

"Oh babe. Listen, it's going to be okay. Your dad is looking down right now and I bet he's smiling."

"Oh Chris." She sniffs.

Chris kisses her head. "I love you babe."

"I love you too." She smiles and lays her head on his chest.

It's quiet for a few minutes then Emma says. "Chris."

"Yes babe."

"I have the perfect name for it."

"What's that babe?"

"If it's a boy Daniel and if it's a girl Danielle."

Chris smiles. "They are perfect I love them." He knows why Emma chose those names and he thinks it's a great name and he couldn't be happier. They will have the baby they always longed for even if it happened at the most unexpected time. He couldn't be happier, but right now he wants to be with Emma and comfort her during this difficult time and make sure she knows she's not alone, that he will always be by her side no matter what.

Authors note-Hope you liked this short one shot story. I have thought about making this into a series maybe adding more we will see.

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