Palworld We're all Pals Here

By MSWolfsbane

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User #072 washes ashore on the Palpagos Islands after his research vessel is attacked. He is quickly befriend... More

Chapter 1 Palpagos Isles
Chapter 2 Violence In Paradise
Chapter 3 A Samurai Arrives
Chapter 4 Jessica Jetdragon
Chapter 5 Raid
Chapter 7 Sanctuary
Chapter 8 Sally Lovander
Chapter 9 Syndicate
Chapter 10 Syndicate Part II
Chapter 11 Vessel #33 Crescent Moon
Chapter 12 Minx
Chapter 13 Sam and Minx vs Palworld
Chapter 13.5 Sam and Minx Part II
Chapter 14 Zoey and a Damn Mammorest
Chapter 15 Free Pal alliance
Chapter 16 Dungeon Discoveries
Chapter 17 Round Two Fight
Chapter 18 Mourning
Chapter 19 Axel and Orserk's Assault
Chapter 20 Fillet O' Friend
Chapter 21 Siege on the Windswept hills
Chapter 22 Gothic Hostess
Chapter 23 For the Love of Moon
Chapter 24 Pizza Party
Chapter 25 A Day At The Beach
Chapter 26 Last Broadcast
Chapter 27 The Final Victor
Chapter 28 Sambushi's Rest
Chapter 29 Unofficial Introduction
Chapter 30 Alpha
Chapter 31 Moradobushi
Chapter 32 Astegon's Eruption
Chapter 33 Sally's Rest Jessica's Turmoil
Chapter 34 Assault on Alpha
Chapter 35 Rinse and Repeat

Chapter 6 Thunder Bear on the Windswept Hills

34 0 0
By MSWolfsbane


I work on my base a bit before I get the wild idea to head north. There's a tower there and I want to know why they are so special. I'm bad with directions so I head a little further north east and meet an interesting pal.

It's a large blue snake looking creature with bright blue eyes. The creature leans up and sniffs the air folding its ears back as I approach.

"Chillet?" The creature says as it's ears twitch.

I return Moon to her sphere so she doesn't murder it with the seven flaming meteor tornadoes of the apocalypse.

Chillet moves closer to me sniffing me in a cute way. This ice dragon is sizing me up, and looking super cute doing it. I'm not falling for it though. I slap Chillet over the head with a bat and it curls into a ball on the ground holding it's head looking sad. I toss a sphere and it rumbles a few times before locking. Sorry Chillet. I didn't want to hurt you, but this is how things are.

Pal #055 Chillet

It can curl up its body and roll around at extremely high speeds. Long ago, people would tie bags of milk to domesticated Chillet as they grazed to produce butter using this spinning force.

I send Chillet out and it stares at me twitching its ears. Moon floats up beside me.

     "Luna-ris?" She says tilting her head curiously.

"It's so cute, isn't it so cute Moon!" I yell.


"Luna," Moon replies crossing her arms.

       "I mean, of-course you're cuter," I say with a smile.

      "Chi-llet," it says curling into a ball at my feet.

     "Moon," she says squinting her eyes.

      I lean down and pat Chillet on its head. It seems Chillet has won the cuteness competition. I still need to head back to camp and see who I have that is strong enough to challenge that tower though. I've heard there is a powerful foe inside, someone connected with the syndicate.

     Chillet looks super cute as it scurries along the ground beside me. Moon is crossing her arms with a scowl on her face as she floats at my side.

     "Come on Moon, I don't like you any less, but Chillet is just cute," I say rubbing her back.

     Moon turns her head and floats away. I can't imagine why she is so jealous. Well, I went way too far north before the trail led back around. It's almost dark so I return Chillet to its sphere and send out Sam.

     "Morado, finally, it's lonely in those spheres you know mijo," Sam says forming a campfire by the edge of a small lake.

     We're just down hill from the tower, but we've been walking all day so I think we should rest. Plus I'll be able to cook some of these berries I picked  were we found Chillet.

     "Moon, come sit by the fire," Sam yells.

     "Lunaris," she replies throwing a fit.

     "What's the matter with her?" Sam asks.

     "Her feet probably hurt from floating all day," I reply sarcastically.

     Moon smacks me on the back of the head.

     "Hey Moon that hurt!" I yell.

     "Lunaris," she say turning her head.

     "Ah, you have a new pal and she is jealous," Sam says laughing.

     "Luna!" Moon yells and floats off toward the tower.

     Damnit, I can't have Moon wandering around alone. I don't know what dangers await us at night. There might be some of those flame pals roaming around. I better follow Moon so she doesn't get hurt.

     "Sam, watch the camp I'll be right back," I yell.

      "You can count on me amigo, but if you need me, just tap my sphere and I shall find you," he replies.

      It's dark and I don't have a torch so I can't see anything. I hope I'm not walking in circles. Wait, what's that structure? It looks like a stone arch. I see the glow of violet eyes ahead and run through the arches.

      I arrive at the base of steps leading to the tower. There's an eagle statue, how convenient. I activate it allowing me to travel back to my base at will. Now I just need to find Moon.

      Avoiding the tower I head up another set of steps. There's a large structure lit with the glow of torches. In the center there's a cage. I feel something grab me and pull me behind a tree. It's Moon, and she has a worried look on her face.

     The structure is a makeshift base.  By the symbols it's a Syndicate base. Moon points at the ground and then I smell it. The stench of burning hair and flesh. The base isn't just lit by torches, but the smoldering corpses of men and pals. I pull out my paldeck as I see a heavily armored soldier step out from the base.

The Brothers of the Eternal Pyre:

Pyros as they're called by the few that deal with them and live. They are a radical group that seek to exterminate all Pals and destroy the world tree 'Gaia'. Before it grows too powerful and blooms turning everyone in the world into Pals.

     Turns everyone into pals? Why the hell would they think a tree is going to turn everyone into pals? Moon grabs my shoulder and points toward the middle of the structure.

     There's a cage in the middle with two prisoners. A girl and a large pal.

     "Not your first time in a cage?" One of the soldiers asks.

     "What do you want with me and Glizziebear?" The girl replies.

     "Your Grizzbolt will fetch a high price on the black market, hell, you might too," he says reaching into the cage to touch her cheek.

     She slaps his hand away and a large yellow and black bear like creature stands.

     "Grizz-bolt," it says displaying its claws.

Paldeck #103 Grizzbolt

With a friendly smile and a hardy physique, it is docile towards one it recognizes as a partner. For reasons unexplained, its personality undergoes a drastic change when holding a minigun.

     "Now, now, you might be a big scary thunder bear, but your lightning can't keep away all our flames," the man says raising his flame thrower.

     "Sit down Glizzie, there isn't anything we can do, just like the first time we were in the cage," the girl says hanging her head.

      Grizzbolt growls angrily and sits down hovering over her.

"Moon, Lunaris, Moon," Moon says floating toward the fort.

      Damnit, this isn't going to be good.

     "Moon, wait!" I yell.

     I stop as one of the soldiers turns pointing his flamethrower at me. I don't think. I just react. The sights line up on my pistol just right and I give the trigger a tight sqweeze. The recoil forces my hands back as the shell ejects. The small projectile pierces the lens on the soldier's mask. Blood shimmers in the light of the torches as his brains explode out the back of his head.

     I don't feel nauseous this time. I don't feel sorry, or like I did something wrong. I don't feel anything. Moon wants to save this girl and her pal. I want Moon to be safe, so I have to help her. It doesn't matter if it's something I want to do. It's something I have to do.

     "Moon, take care of the soldiers, I'll free the girl, hopefully she'll help us," I say running toward the cage.

     The men scream as Moon slaughters them. She'll wear down soon using such savage attacks. Then she'll be vulnerable.

     "Who the hell are you?" The girl asks as I pick the lock on the cage.

     "I'm not really sure, I just go by Morado," I reply.

     "Ok Moron, what are you doing, me and Glizziebear have this," she says grabbing the bars.

     "Glizziebear, you really named your Grizzbolt Glizziebear?" I say with a chuckle.

     "It's cute, unlike you, now tell me why you're helping me strange man who wreaks of body odor," she says angrily.

     "We are surrounded by burning corpses and it's my musk that bothers you, you know what the lock is done, do whatever you want, I'm going to go help Moon," I say slinging the cage door open irritably.

     I stomp off toward Moon. This place really stinks of burning flesh and she says I smell bad. I lift my arm and sniff. Well, she's not wrong, but still.

     Moon falls to the ground kneeling as I join her. Seems like she used up most of her energy. I step up beside her as ten well armed men approach.

     "Come on Moon, I freed the girl, let's get out of here," I say patting her shoulder.

     "Moon," she says in pain pointing toward her leg.

     Moon's leg is caught in a bear trap that's chained to a tree. I'm not even going to worry about how she got stuck in a bear trap when she can levitate. I cock my pistol and step infront of her readying Chillet's sphere.

     "Don't bother, Chillet are weak against fire, but you can't burn lightning," the girl says stepping forward.

     I pull my Paldeck and point it at her out of curiosity.

Zoey and Grizzbolt:

Don't fxxk with Zoey and Grizzbolt.

     "Glizzie, shockem'" Zoey yells.

     Grizzbolt raises her claws and a massive electrical ball appears above her.

    "Grizzly thunder!" she yells.

     Massive bolts of lightning strike the soldiers turning them in to boots filled with ashes. I cough loudly throwing up in my mouth. Guess I'm not completely callous yet. Zoey approaches me. She seems like she's trying to calm me at first. I feel her soft hand rub against my cheek and then she punches me.

     "Not used to the carnage yet, don't worry, it only gets worse the longer you're here, just wait until you have to butcher a pal to survive," she says stepping away.

     "Wait, Zoey," I say regaining my composure.

     "What is it?" She asks.

     "You have a pretty smile," I reply.

     "Wow, you're coming on to me already you perv," Zoey says crossing her arms.

     "You're right, I hardly know you, surely my compliments are all driven by my sexual desire towards you and have nothing to do with me being nice, in that case, your eyebrows, I can't stand your eyebrows," I reply.

     "What's wrong with my eyebrows," she says angrily.

    "They look stupid."

     "Glizzie, how do my eyebrows look," she says turning to her.

     "Grizz-bolt?" She replies.

     I turn Zoey toward me and wrap my arms around her, she embraces me holding me tight. We have a moment. Hell, Grizzbolt wraps her arms around us too. Bit of a strong grip she has.

     "Thank you," Zoey says with tears in her eyes.

     Then she knees me in the nuts. I fall to the ground holding my groin.

     "What was that for?" I ask.

     "I don't like being touched, and my eyebrows are perfect," she replies stepping away.

     "I guess I'll see you in the tower then," I say holding my stomach as I struggle to my feet.

     "I look forward to it," she replies.

     I return to camp and have Mr. Kitty and Sam make some food. They make a bountiful feast, but I only bring some of Mr. Kitty's pizza with me to the tower. For some reason I just remember eating pizza with other people is a desired social event.

    Maybe it's weird to want to get to know someone better in this unforgiving world of Pals. Especially when they might be your enemy. Zoey's the first person I've met besides Dr. PAL and Indigo that aren't trying to kill me, yet, and I'm curious why.

    There's a loud hollow bang as I knock on the door. It takes a moment before anyone answers. Moon looks over at me confused. She doesn't realize I don't remember ever talking to a girl before and I'm nervous. The door opens and Zoey is standing infront of me in her pajamas.

     "What you want, it's past time for battles, didn't you read the posting," she says pointing at a piece of paper with terrible handwriting taped beside the door.

    Battle time is 9am, or maybe 11am, until 5pm, unless I close the doors at 3pm. No battles allowed during pajama time!

      "I was wondering if you wanted to enjoy some pizza?" I ask holding the pizza and rubbing my head.

     "With you, hell no," she replies.

     She goes to close the door and her stomach growls.

     "What was that, you sure you aren't hungry?" I ask.

She gives me a playful smirk like she's not going to let me get the better of her. It's obvious she still doesn't trust me yet.

     "Probably some direhowls nearby waiting to devour your flesh," she replies grabbing her stomach.

      Grizzbolt pushes her out of the way and grabs my arm dragging me into the tower. It seems she is hungry.

     "Glizzie, what are you doing?" Zoey yells.

     "Grizz-bolt," she replies rubbing her stomach.

      "Moon," Moon says entering the tower.

     "Wait, did your Lunaris just say Moon?" Zoey asks. 

     "Yeah, that's her name, she was the one that led me to you."

     Zoey paces around the only floor of the massive tower thinking. She stops a few times about to ask me a question before she starts pacing again. When she finally stops she asks me just one question.

     "Have you and Moon been intimate?" Zoey asks.

     I sigh deeply expressing my never-ending disappointment with humanity. Zoey moves closer to me desperately awaiting my response to her perverse inquiry.

     "No, and it worries me that's a common question around here," I say rolling my eyes.

     Zoey moves really close to me. She's got a strange look in her eyes. I can't really read her body language.

     "Do you want to be intimate with me?" she asks biting her thumb.

     "Zoey, I just came by to check on you, I'm not trying to get intimate, I am curious about this tower though," I reply.

     She stares into my eyes for a moment, then turns away. I'm not sure if she's mad or pleased.

     When she turns back around she tosses some yellow pajamas at me.

     "Fine, here are your Sparkit pajamas," she says stepping over to a large pal bed.

     "You want me to stay the night?" I ask.

     "I'm not asking, and I hope you aren't refusing," she says squinting her eyes.

     I spend the night with Zoey and Grizzbolt. Zoey snores lowdly, like cannon fire. I feel for her though. She spends all her time alone in this tower.

After a few hours Zoey rolls over on me half asleep. There's a strange wonder in her bright pink eyes.

     "Hey, Morado, what do you want to do with your life?" Zoey asks.

     "I want to know who I am, and I want to protect Moon, I haven't really thought about anything else."

     "I don't suppose you remember the outside world, I wish you did, I wanna go there someday, I wanna know what it's like out there," Zoey says gripping my arm.

     "Zoey, your breath smells strange what have you been drinking?"

*Zoey giggles

    "Saki," she says with a smile.

      I reach over to pull Zoey's beanie off her head and Grizzbolt grabs my wrist. She shakes her head no and I pull my hand away. Zoey grips my arm tighter rubbing her nose against it. Grizzbolt smiles and I lay back closing my eyes.

     "Goodnight Zoey."
"Goodnight stupid," Zoey says yawning.

"Wait, where are Grizzbolt and Moon going?" I ask as they leave us.

"To sleep, lay down dumbass, I will punch you," Zoey says raising her fist.

I convince Zoey that violence isn't the answer. Fortunately she's just lonely enough to desire more than a punching bag. Too bad she's so intimidating. Her answer to everything, even affection, seems to be violence. She is pretty cute though. Like a rose, pretty on the top but when you try to get close she hits you with the thorns.

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