UA's Vigilante Protectors

By Jelliclegirl19

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A group of young vigilantes grew up together in an orphanage that was owned by two sisters. Even though they... More

A Day Of Fun
A Tragic Death
The Funeral And The Trial
The Ultimate Decision
Getting Everything Set Up And A Proper Scolding For A "Hero"
Killing The League Of Assasins
News Report And Well-Deserved Praise
4 Years Later
The Sludge Incident Part 1
The Sludge Incident Part 2
Punishment For Fakes And An Expression Of Gratitude
A Love Confession
Another Mission And A Surprising Phone Call
Getting Assinged A Job As Guards
List Of UA Students
Aftermath Of Rescue
Meeting With The UA Staff
Meeting The Big Three, Mei And Varian
Meeting Other UA Students
Finding Out Their Secret
Dinner At The Midoriya's
Making Breakfast For Students And Staff
First Day Of Guarding Duties
Hanging Out With The UA Students
Being Asked To Train Students
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 1
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 2
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 3
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 4
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 5
Aftermath Of Training Session
Don't Have Too Much Stress
A Wonderful Hangout
The Day Off Part 1
The Day Off Part 2
The Day Off Part 3
The Day Off Part 4
The Day Off Part 5
Getting A New Mission
Arriving At Overhaul's Secret Base
Eri And Kota's Story
Defeating Overhaul Part 1
Defeating Overhaul Part 2
Aftermath Of Mission
Killing Muscular
Making It Back To UA
Eri And Kota Meet The Students
Shopping For Eri And Kota's Rooms
Working On Eri And Kota's Rooms And A Heartwarming Choice
Adopting Eri And Kota
A Family Outing
Visiting Alania's Grave And Admitting Something Heartwarming
Encountering Three Fake Heroes Again
Parents Day Part 1
Parents Day Part 2
Preparing To Put An Asshole In His Place
The Vengeful Protectors Vs All Might
Aftermath Of Fight

Getting Rid Of Fake Cops And Judge

351 11 15
By Jelliclegirl19

After successfully killing The League Of Assasins and bringing the family back to safety The Vengeful Protectors were driving to the prison where the corrupted ex-cops and ex-judge were and they were all grinning from ear to ear while doing so. After just putting The League Of Assasins to their police cars and not letting the vigilantes and anti-heroes finish them off, letting them go free and all the crimes they've committed by abusing their power and putting their victims through psychological and mental pain for years they deserved exactly what they were gonna do to them. You see they had a plan on how to kill them and they couldn't wait to execute it.

"Well guys are ready to get rid of our first corrupt forms of "justice?" asked Izuku.

"Oh you know it Izuku." Shoto answered.

"I can't fucking wait to see the look on those assholes faces when we execute their death sentence." said Momo with a smirk.

"Me neither Yaomomo me neither." Kyoka said with a smirk.

"Oh this is gonna be fun!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Denki.

"You can say that again Denki." Hanta said with a smirk.

"Anyway I already contacted the uncorrupted police officers there and told them what we are doing and they agree that they deserve the death sentence that we're gonna give them and that we're not gonna get in trouble since they do." said Izuku.

"That sounds excellent Izuku." Fumikage said with a smirk as Dark Shadow nodded cutely.

"Yeah it seems that recognized how they fucked up and that we're gonna give those bastards what they deserve." said Mezo with smirk.

"Exactly now let's give those assholes what they fucking deserve." Izuku said with smirk.

The others smirked and nodded. A couple minutes they arrived at the prison. They all walked out of their car and started to get the stuff they needed out. As The Vengeful Protectors approached the entrance the police chief smiled at them.

"Ah you made it now before you give those assholes and disgraces to justice their proper punishment the person who found out about their crimes wants to meet you." said the police chief.

"Oh really ok." Mashiro said.

"If you don't mind me asking who was it?" asked Toru.

"It was me." a voice answered.

They all turned around and saw one of Musutafu's top detectives Detective Tsukauchi was walking towards them.

"After seeing trial and how those bastards were so determined to get The League Of Assasins set free I got really curious so I asked a technology analyst to hack into their files to see if they did something like this before and when we found out they did and also did worse me and my fellow officers had them fired and arrested." said Detective Tsukauchi.

"Well you did the right thing sir *ribbit*." Tsu said with a small smile

"Indeed well done giving those heathens their proper punishment for all that horrendous torture they inflicted on innocents." said Fumikage with a small smile.

"Thank you and when the chief here called me and explained your plan I had just had to come and see you give them an even more proper punishment." Detective Tsukauchi said with a smirk.

"Oh don't worry sir." said Katsuki with a smir as he cracked his knuckles.

"Yeah we'll give those unmanly bastards what they deserve." Ejiro said with a smirk.

"Good now go and have fun." said Detective Tsukauchi and the police chief with smirks.

The Vengeful Protectors smiled and nodded and then walked in to set up their equipment and get those bastards ready. As soon as they got everything set-up they snuck over to the jail cells since they knew where they were since all of the uncorrupted cops told them where they were and knocked them out.

After getting everything was all ready to go The Vengeful Protectors smiled as they went stood in front of a metal gate that was being covered by a huge gray cloth and smiled to see all the victims of the corrupted ex-cops and ex-judge standing their cheering. It was part of their plan that they all get to see their tormentors die for their crimes so the Detective Tsukauchi and the uncorrupted cops called them all to watch and see the show to which they all agreed. They sure as fuck wouldn't want to miss those assholes get what they deserve!!!!!!

"Hello everybody glad you could make it. Now are you ready to see those who were supposed to protect you but instead wronged you get their proper punishment and die" they asked with smirks.

The audience cheered yes.

"Good so sit back, relax and enjoy the show." said The Vengeful Protectors with smirks.

And then they pulled off the gray cloth and pushed their special remotes that turned on the lights. As soon as the lights turned on the entire audience cheered and The Vengeful Protectors, the uncorrupted cops and Detective Tsukauchi smirked whe. they saw the ex-cops and ex-judge chained to and spinning around forcefully on a playground roundabout and started panicking.

"What the hell is going?!!!!!!!" one of the ex-cops exclaimed fearfully.

"I don't know!!!!!!!" answered one of the ex-cops fearfully.

"What the hell's the meaning of this?!!!!!!" the ex-judge asked angrily

"It's your punishment." answered Izuku.

The ex-cops and ex-judge turned around to see The Vengeful Protectors smirking at them.

"What do you mean? What is this?" one of ex-cops asked fearfully.

"It's quite simple really like my friend said this your punishment for all the heinous crimes you've committed." answered Tenya smirk

"Since you all made your victims feel trapped we decided the best way for you to go out is to be trapped yourself and not being able to escape the death we're gonna put upon you."  Ochako said with a smirk.

"And how are we gonna execute it you ask? Well it's quite simple acutally." said Yuga with a smirk.

"You see you all ride this carousel but it will only stop spinning when one of you is gonna die and you'll all take turns so don't worry." Kyoka said with a smirk as she and she the others started walking to the front.

"And it will it stop in front of this little device we made." said Mashiro with a smirk as they went next to a mounted shotgun.

"And when you're in front of this little baby you'll be the one to die." Mina said with a smirk.

"What?!!!!!! What?!!!!!!" exclaimed a female ex-cop.

"That's correct and all we have to do is push this button." said Fumikage with a smirk.

"And when we well you know the rest." Ejiro said.

"And don't even try to beg for mercy cause did yoy grant any of them mercy?!!!!!!!!!!!" asked Rikkido.

"No you didn't you just kept letting them suffer *ribbit*." Tsu said.

"So we think that it's only fair that you suffer just like they did." said Shoto with a smirk.

"And now it's time for you to die."  The Vengeful Protectors said in unison with smirks.

As the ex-cops and ex-judge were still spinning the audience began cheering and the ex-cops and ex-judge really began to panic. They were serious they were all gonna die!!!!!!!!!

"Please someone I know what we did but we had to for the greater good you gotta get us out of here!!!!!!!!" exclaimed a male ex-cop.

But the audience did not listen as the cheers got louder. What part of any of that crap was part of the "greater good"?

Then The Vengeful Protectors smirked as the roundabout stopped and their mounted gun pointed to the ex-judge. Seeing the gun pointed at him the ex-judge began to feel a little more panicked.

"I'm a criminal court of justicele for Christ's sake you can't do this to me!!!!!!" he exclaimed angrily.

"One you used to be and two there is also something you should also know before you die." said Toru.

"Does the name Alania ring a bell?" Denki asked.

"You see we're some of the orphans that she took care of." said Momo.

"And when you let those bastards go it really pissed us off." Katsuki said angrily.

"But of course this is not just for us it's for them too." said Tenya as he pointed to the audience.

"All the pain they went through." Koji said.

"All the psychological and mental torment they endured." said Fumkikage.

"All the sadness they felt." Hanta said.

"We'll make sure that they sleep well tonight." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison.

"We all saw the trial and we're all sorry for your loss and that you all didn't get justice." a woman in the audience said sympathetically.

"Yeah none of you kids deserved to go through this pain so you deserve revenge as much as we do." said a man in the audience sympathetically.

The rest of the audience, the uncorrupted cops and Detective Tsukauchi nodded in agreement. This made The Vengeful Protectors smile knowing that they were on their side.

"Oh please like we really care!!!!!!!!! All of you are nothing but meley worms. You all deserved whatever torture you got and none deserved peace. And as long as we get money in the end we don't give a crap what happens to any of you." the ex-judge said with an evil grin.

The ex-cops smiled evilly too. This made everyone else in the room pissed off and The Vengeful Protectors growl. How dare this asshole say that. It just further proved just how corrupted him and the ex-cops were. But then The Vengeful Protectors smirked.

"Oh you shouldn't have fucking said that bastard cause now you really gonna fucking die." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison.

"Ready Dark Shadow?" Fumikage asked.

"Oh I'am ready." answered Dark Shadow.

With a press of the button the mounted gun shot the ex-judge and he was dead. This made the audience cheer and the ex-cops begin to panic more.

Now it was the ex-cops turn as the roundabout kept spinning.

"Listen to me what did was just our policy" one of the ex-cops.

"You're policy what kind of fucking excuse is that?" asked Denki with a raise eyebrow.

"Yeah that's one of the most studpidest policies I've ever fucking heard!!!!!!!" Mina yelled.

As the ex-cop looked down and saw that the roundabout had come to a complete stop and that he was in front of the mounted shotgun.

"Fuck." said the ex-cop.

The Vengeful Protectors grinned and the audience cheered as the mounted gun pointed at him.

"Jesus Christ please, please, follow the policy, follow the policy!!!!!!!" he exclaimed fearfully.

"Nah we're not gonna." said The Vengeful Protectors.

Then pressed the button and the mounted shotgun shot the ex-cop leaving him dead. This made the ex-cops really freak out as the audience clapped and cheered.

And The Vengeful Protectors just kept doing just that as the audience kept cheering them on and the uncorrupted cops and Detective Tsukauchi smirked. It was about time those bastards got what they deserved.

When it came down to the final ex-cop he was pissed off. How could those brats just kill his colleagues and a good judge like that just for their and those other meley worms revenge?!!!!!!! They all did the right thing why did nobody fucking understand.

"Oh well then that's it isn't it, it's over you motherfuckers, well you know what you stupid little brats what that stupid slut did is bullshit fucking bullshit!!!!!!!" he exclaimed angrily.

Then as the roundabout came to a complete stop and the mounted shotgun pointed at him he glared at The Vengeful Protectors as they were smirking at him.

"Look at me, when you're killing me you look at me!!!!!!!!" growled the ex-cop.

And they did just that as they pressed the button and the mounted shotgun shot him dead.

The entire audience stood up and gave a round of applause seeing the people that the tortured them and put them through living hell dead and the uncorrupted cops and Detective Tsukauchi smirked. The Vengeful Protectors smiled and took a bow at the cheering crowd feeling very happy that they granted those people the vengeance that they wanted to put on those bastards for years and that now they can all sleep knowing that they were finally gone.

After the uncorrupted cops got rid of the ex-cops and ex-judge's dead bodies and The Vengeful Protectors got rid of their set up the victims of the ex-cops and ex-judge thanked The Vengeful Protectors for killing them and letting them see their tormentors get the proper punishment that they deserved to which they said you're welcome and that they were glad that they could help them get their revenge.

As soon as they all got out of the prison and The Vengeful Protectors began to walk towards their car some news reports approached them.

"We heard about all the great things that you did and we have to say that it was amazing and thank you for all that you've done." said a female reporter.

"You're welcome." The Vengeful Protectors said with small smiles and nods.

"And before you all go who are you?" asked the female reporter.






"Red Riot."


"Tsukoyomi and this is my quirk Dark Shadow."

Dark Shadow smiled and waved cutely.




"Can't Stop Twinkling."


"Invisible Girl."


"Earphone Jack."


"Alien Queen."


"And we are The Vengeful Protectors here to help those who are being wronged and those who have been wronged vengeance and to wreak vengeance onto those who are evil and corrupt." The Vengeful Protectors answered in unison.

As they walked into their car after putting everything back everyone clapped and cheered for them and they all drove off knowing that they not only got their revenge and just began their vigilante careers but they just gave those who felt lost and alone in the world some much needed hope.

(Can you guess what I based the punishment for the ex-cops and ex-judge on? If you guess correctly then you get a cookie.)

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