Into the World of Ninjago

By Ocean_N_Clouds

11.2K 421 157

In which a girl is Reincarnated into a World of Cartoons as the little sister of the Blue Ninja that does not... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Happy 4K Views
Season 1 & 2
Season 1 - Chapter 1
Season 1 - Chapter 2
Season 1 - Chapter 3
Season 1 - Chapter 4
Season 1 - Chapter 5
Season 1 - Chapter 6
Happy 8k views
Season 1 - Chapter 7
Season 1 - Chapter 8
Season 1 - Chapter 9

Chapter 10

401 15 2
By Ocean_N_Clouds

Author∆: If y'all are wondering what Irene look like then look at the very end of the chapter

Also, I change these 👇🏽 I forgot what it called






[Sysa speaking]

{Creatures Talking}

Change point of view

C10 - Uh oh

Third person POV

It is the hour pass midnight. The wind is blowing through the leaves and branches of tall trees, creating a rustling sound that fills the eeri air

The stars twinkles with mystery, surrounding the full moon and illuminate their shine to support the moon's from glowing softly

It is a peaceful silent night, a night for a group of individuals that sleeps on the ground with blankets on them

It was until one of the individuals heard a voice calling his name

"Kai... Kai..."

The individual in red gi woke up with a startle, the fogginess remains of his eyes from his sleep that soon slowly fades



"Was that...?" He murmured looking around and saw a silhouette of his younger sister between the gap of bushes and trees

"I have to go" She disappear into the mist

"Nya! Wait up!" Kai exclaimed as he stood up and follows the girl to the path she disappear into

When the boy chases after his sister, grey sharp orbs slowly opened

It's time

With a small excited smile, she turned to an individual whose sleep is soon to be disturbed and gently shake him awake

"Elder Wu. I saw Kai following a girl earlier, is it someone he knew?" Irene asked with a oblivious and curious voice

Irene knows who and why. However, she wanted to act oblivious to the situation since she would soon meet the girl anyway, and besides she can't disturb and interrupt the original show at this time since it is important

She will have to force herself in, but soon. It is not the perfect time yet

Master Wu snapped awake, his eyes narrowing as he stood up and grabbed his staff

"Stay here Irene, it is dangerous for you" Master Wu warned as he rush to follow the direction Irene pointed at

Great, now all I have to do is wait

Irene leaned on a tree, closing her eyes as she control her breathing to appear asleep

She hid her straw hat inside her 'Space Inventory' together with the clothes she use when she arrive. She may be in a kid show but that did not stop her from maintaining a clean and healthy hygiene

She felt something heavy on her lap, then strands of what seem to be threads brushing her skin. She inwardly expresses her confusion when she senses that the individual has brown aura, she choose to ignore it

Seconds later, she heard the sound of bones clattering and footsteps, then harsh whispers

She felt Jay and Zane's aura being surrounded by gray and full aura of a group of Skulkins. Then without warning, they tied the two ninja

She waited for seconds, until she heard two harsh whispers

"Shut your bone mouth and help me tie them up"

"But the girl- She look so innocent! She must be a traveler that help them"

"Are you blind? Is a traveler this close to one of the ninja? He is laying on her lap! They might be their lover or something!"

Irene gently furrowed her eyebrows as she secretly took a peak at her lap, only to see thick black locks resting on her skirt and skin with the familiar face of the black ninja

She unnoticeable sigh, and unconsciously brush her fingers into his hair, a habit she gains from her brother that she always spoils- who actually acts more like a child than her even if she is a year and a half younger than him


She felt Cole's head moving. He is waking up

Cole Brookstone never expected to wake up with Skulkins surrounding them and his remaining ninja friends tied together, this situation barely fazes him. But when he saw he was in the lap of his motormouth little sister. He almost let out a sound that could awake the sleeping female

Her long wavy brown hair fading to ginger flows on her shoulder like gentle waterfalls, the ginger locks shining bright from the moon's delight. Her eyes are closed gently, without any difficulties from the breeze and her falling strands of hair. Her lips are parted, glistering pink from the moon's and stars light. Small natural blush were visible, light pink in color and complimenting her light tan tone skin. Her soft features are illuminated by the soft glow of the moon's light

She looks so peaceful that he did not have the heart to wake her up even in a dangerous situation

He felt heat crawling from his neck to his face, but a sound of footsteps averted his attention from the peaceful girl. He let out a small shoot! when he saw the Skulkins walking towards him and was about to grab the Scythe that he somehow felt connected with, but found the spot empty

They took the weapons!

Before he knows it, he is tied up with his other ninja friends

Jay growls when the Skulkins try getting close to Irene, which is actually effective but his warning is soon ignored when one of the Skulkins gently tied her to the tree she is leaning on

When the Skulkins finished tying Irene to the tree, they watched as she let out a sound of awoken before her eyelids flutter open to reveal warm and bright grey orbs

Instead of acting like a normal tied up person like the ninja- who is currently trying to wiggle their way out from the ropes. All she did was look at the ropes- which she notices is very loose but she knows they did that on purpose- then smiles brightly and gently at the Skulkins

"Awwww!" The Skulkins awe simultaneously

They did not know her skill 'Charm' activated. Who would? Only Sysa and her know of her special system ability. And currently, a few MP was taken from her skill that automatically activated, not that she minds, she can easily gain her MP back anyway

"Oh my~ Hello there, good evening" She spoke, her voice soft and comforting like a caress of a light feather which warm up the heart of the skeletons who melted at the unexpected greeting

Almost immediately mostly all the Skulkins greeted her back with enthusiasm, seeing the girl as a innocent and pure bystander rather than an enemy

The ninja can only watch as most of the Skulkins pay attention to the only female of the group, almost forgetting their presence at all

Jay sighed deeply, as if expecting their reactions. Who would he blame? Irene looks pure and innocent when she wakes up, she looks like a baby angel especially with her warm smile, and it's not the Skulkins fault for wanting to spoil her at sight

Samukai, the former leader of the Skulkins and is currently the commander, ignores the unexpected reaction of his fellow skulkins towards the girl

He saw no reason to interfere or find the girl a threat since she looks weak to his eyes- oh he never knew how she could easily kick his butt

"To the Fire Temple!" Samukai commands, expecting Lord Garmadon's plan to succeed

Some of the skulkins cheered

But then, a large shadow formed behind Samukai, his red eyes filled with intended evil that causes some of the Skulkins to shiver at his presence

"My brother has taken the Sword of Fire to the Underworld. Hurry! Return home and unite the weapons before it's too late!" The shadow spoke in a hurry

"Uh... change of plans. To the Underworld!" Samukai exclaimed causing most of his army to cheer

Nuckal, one of the Skulkins, has his sword replaced by a stick, without his knowledge. He let out a confused sound from this

Kruncha, one of the Skulkins and a friend of Nuckal, looked at him and pointed at his stick in confusion

"What happened to your weapon?" Both the Skulkins ended up shrugging that unusual situation as Nuckal throw the stick away

The Skulkins went to their transportations made out of skeletons and unknown source of fuel. Then they departed from the tied ninja and girl

Some of the Skulkins who interact with the female received bags of candy from her, this joys them so while they went to the underworld, they ate some of the candy

The female on the other hand can only smile innocently, glad that the Skulkins were childish and stupid enough to not have ask where she got the candy from

The ninja cough from the dust that flew towards their direction from the speeding skulkin transportation

"Great. Now what?" Cole ask

"Now, we get outta here" Jay said while he took out Nuckal's missing sword behind his back with a smirk

Irene smiles in pride at Jay's quick thinking and idea of stealing Nuckal's sword

"Splendid! Passed it to me, brother. I'll cut you guys down" Irene said hurriedly, recalling that this is the part Jay recklessly cut the rope, bringing them to pile landing each other

Irene can almost imagine the sore back and neck they might have from this accident

Jay shoot Irene a look towards the rope that binds her, but it turn into shock when she easily loosen the tope around her

"You can do that?!" Jay gaped

Irene chuckled softly and grabbed the rope that surrounds her then secretly activates her skill 'Storage' and put inside behind her back

"They tied their ropes loosely. They underestimate a girl who once stole a bone from their species" Irene grinned as Jay chuckle at her words and throw her the sword in which she caught without trouble

"You did what?!" Zane and Cole gaped

Irene silently laughed at their reaction while she went towards a rope tied to a log that acts to maintain the balance "That was years ago when I was young, as much as I love to share my experience, we have to get the stolen Golden Weapons and then find Kai and Elder Wu"

Jay frantically shook his head as he watch Irene cut the rope and grabbed it before it could cause the ninja to fall "We?! No! You stay here! It's dangerous for you to come! Have you seen the whole army?! They are armed with deadly weapons that could hurt you! I would rather-"

Irene deadpan as she slowly lower the ninja until they are above ground. She then tied the rope to a branch and went to the ninja to cut the ropes that tied them

She can only sigh inwardly as she watch her brother ramble on and on like what he normally do when anxious

When she cut the ninja free, Jay force her to sit on a log and stare at her with a stern expression

"You. Stay. Here. And that is final"

Irene can only nod absentmindedly as she watch the three ninja ran towards the direction of the Skulkins, following the skeleton prints on the ground from the Skulkin's tires

Jeez. Overprotective much? Not that I complain, this would make it easier to not disturb the original show Irene though as she stood up and walk towards the direction Kai went

I might as well meet Nya before the others! Then we can become friends! I've never had a girl friend before! Well since I had been isolated in the junkyard- it doesn't matter! Oh! Maybe I can set Jay and Nya too! That would be amazing! I would be her bridesmaid when they got married! Wait a minute- My thoughts went a little to far there Irene can only awkwardly cough in her fist as she smiles innocently

Then with a skip on her flat heels, she went towards the Fire Temple

Irene POV

After a few minutes of walking to the darkness of the eeri silent night. I saw illuminating red colors at the distance, with a smile I went running towards the direction and came face to face with the Fire Temple

The Temple is surrounded by lava and heat that acts as the light of the surrounding

I went inside the temple without a second thought, my steps light and silent

I look around, looking for the certain red ninja and his sister that he successfully save

Suddenly, I heard a large rumble behind me. I blink, feeling a large aura that dance like a flame at windy nights, then I felt two particular aura on the large aura

A small smile tug on my lips when I realized that one of the aura is Kai. And I can tell that he is excited based on his aura that spikes once in a while, to perhaps show me about him riding a dragon

I slowly turned around, a smile on my face when I saw a Dragon's snot in front of me

"What a bright amazing creature you are" I murmured in adoration as I softly caressed it's snot and trail my fingers on its warmth scale from the heat of the surrounding lava and steam

"Woah, you are not scared?!" I heard Kai's voice above, causing me to look up and met his wide maroon orbs

"I am not, they may be creatures that are known to be myth, but that does not mean they are aggressive. They are loving creatures" I said, feeling the dragon pressing it's snot to my arms, asking for more affection

I can't help but coo as I shower it with pats and compliments

Kai pout, shooting me a look of expectations like a child waiting for his favorite ice cream

I chuckled at his reaction "I never forgot you, Kai. You did an amazing job understanding the dragons motives and be friending them. Splendid"

Kai seemingly beamed and raised his chin high in growing pride

"Uhh... Am I a nobody now?" I heard a female voice from behind Kai. Almost immediately I felt my face brightens

Nya Smith, Kai's younger sister that is perhaps as old as me, peaked behind Kai's shoulder and stare at me in shock

Nya has short cute bob hair that reaches her shoulder, her dark blue orbs similar to the darkest part of the ocean. Her appearance are entirely different from Kai's, however they both have the same face shape

"Hi! My name is Irene Walker!" I greeted with a grin while she smiles widely

"Name's Nya, nice to meet you"

I felt excitement and giddiness forming like a balloon inside of me. Nya Smith! My favorite female character!

"It's a pleasure to meet you! Oh my gosh! A girl! Can we be friends?!" I burst, shocking both the smith siblings

I must have a wide smile right now but I don't care. I am meeting Nya Smith!

"Woah woah woah there, calm down or you might burst. But yes, I'd love to be your friend" Nya chuckled lightly at my reactions

Her reply only made my smile wider. I felt my cheek hurting but this did not stop me from smiling

I saw Nya poking Kai who seems to be in a trace at staring at me in which I haven't noticed until now. Then she whispered something, I was not fast enough to activate my 'Sharpen Senses' skill

But whatever Nya whispered brought Kai to spluttered gibberish words and turning red

Kai position to reach his hand in front of me, in which I did not hesitate to grab. He and Nya help me to climb at the middle. I do not need help but I also do not want to deny their help

When I am comfortable at sitting on the warm scale of the fire dragon, me and Nya immediately made a conversation

After a few minutes of interaction together with Kai, we heard three footsteps outside of the gates

I raised an eyebrow when I heard Cole commenting about how mortals couldn't cross over the underworld, which Kai took as a opportunity to have a amazing entrance

I watch in awe as the temple split open when Nya push a bottom. I don't even know how they find it

Steams smokes out of the temple, showing the three ninja of the fire dragon which me, Kai and Nya are riding on

I put my hands on Kai's shoulder, while Nya has a hand on my shoulder too. Surprisingly, we become very comfortable at each other for a few minutes

The fire dragon let out a ear-piercing roar that brought the earth to rumble from the forces of the sound

Adorable! I inwardly coo

Cole let out a scream and went to hurriedly hide behind a wall due to his fear of the creature

"Our father used to tell us stories about the dragons, that they were mystical creatures that belong to both worlds and ferried between them" Nya informs while Kai jump down

"Are you insane?!" Cole stammers while he peaked his head

"Once he realized we were trying to protect the Sword of Fire, he actually became quite a softie" Kai said as he pet the dragon causing the amazing creature to nuzzle it's snot to Kai

"Knock it off" Kai laughs

Nya and I shared glances before bursting in a fit of giggles

I can already tell that me and her are gone be quiet a fun pair. Nya is the only girl in the team after all, one of the reasons why many underestimate her- but not when I am here, they may as well be cautious around us... Especially me

I heard a groaning and wheezing sound. I turned in that direction and found my brother glaring at me with a stern expression

He wheeze and groaned lowly while I blink

"He cannot talk. But he is expressing his concern for you when you were not at the camp site" Zane informs as I nodded with a chuckle

I was about to jump down from the dragon when the creature itself lower it's body for safer landing. I bet the dragon and patted it's head for it's help

"I'm sorry. I was looking for Kai-" I said running towards Jay, but when I stopped in front of him, I received a bonk on the head

"Ow!" I hissed even if it did not hurt. Just an expression that slip off

Jay started to groan and wheeze even more, a normal person couldn't understand him but I do. Call it a sister's institute

"Do you know how worried I was when we did not find you at the camp site?! I thought you were kidnapped! By those walking skeletons! Again!" Jay groaned sternly as he grabbed my head and started messing it

I subconsciously let out a sequel as I tried to escape his wrath and deadly grip. I would easily have but I'd rather let myself act like a normal person

"I-I'm so sorry! It's my fault- Please forgive me? W-Wait! M-My hair!"

After my brother satisfied himself by ruining my hair, he turned to Nya and gave her a friendly wave which she waves back- wait a goddamn minute

W-W-W-Where is that one scene...? The part where Jay asks her if she likes the color blue...?

Before I could inwardly panic at the scene that did not happen, I saw Jay staring at Nya at the corner of my eyes

"Do you like blue?" I heard Jay wheeze which I immediately interpret

"My brother asked if you like blue" I said almost eagerly while Nya smiles

"You guys are siblings? Cool, but yes, in fact it is my favorite color" Nya answers while I secretly glance at Jay who nodded in understanding then slowly turned towards me, glancing at Nya with interest

He is interested in Nya! But I never expected him to be silent about it, he is less expressive than the original and a bit mysterious but I think it could be the better

"Irene, do you like red-" I heard Kai asked but then suddenly Jay started to wheeze and groaned loudly. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion

I saw Kai huff in irritation at being interrupted but turned to Nya who slid beside him from the dragon's back

"This is goodbye, isn't it? Come back to me in one piece, okay? I don't wanna have to run the store on my own" Nya said to Kai while I turned to Jay

"Brother I-"

"You. Are. Staying. Here" Jay groaned firmly as he pulled me away from Zane and Cole to a corner

"Irene. This mission is dangerous for you. I know you can protect yourself and you can certainly do since you are not just a weak looking small girl, but I cannot risk letting you get hurt or worse, gone" Jay wheeze and I was able to miraculously understand

I furrowed my eyebrows with concern. I know they will succeed but it still does not mean I should not be worried. My appearance in this show is already an interference

Perhaps Jay might... Because of me

I shook my head from letting intrusive thoughts in my head then forced to look at the blue ninja who I consider as a family and big brother

"-That's why I want you to stay here. And perhaps get to know Nya, you've always wanted a female friend since you were such a lonely bookworm yeah?"

I let a smile form on my face at Jay's teasing grin at being called a bookworm, not that I am ashamed of that, in fact I am happy I am being called a bookworm

"Be safe okay? I don't want you to disappear again" Jay wheeze as he patted my head with fondness and hidden sadness in his eyes

He knows that the mission is dangerous, and this could cost the lives of many, including themselves

"Yes. I'll behave. Also, I think I should also say that to you. Be safe brother, I still have many recipes I would love to share to you" I smile while Jay chuckled

I watched with a smile as Jay went towards the others and attempted to talk to them, which they could barely understand- scratch that, they do not understand

My existence in this world is a mistake. I shouldn't be here but look at me. I should not be here

I pursed my lips as I watch Jay and
Zane ride on the dragon with Kai while Cole tremble on his spot

They are fated to become a group of teenage heroes. That is a huge responsibility, and no one bat an eye at the fact that these teenagers literally has the world depending on their shoulder

I am aware that I was reincarnated, so basically I am mentally older than they are right? So...It does not hurt to stay right? I can help them carry the burden. In fact if this is not a kid show where each action is tied to the future of the show, then I would have taken that burden

I barely listened to their conversation and went beside Nya

These teenagers- characters- no, people, having to carry the world all by themselves is sickening

I want to help. And I was planning too since years ago

That's the main reason why I trained myself to the core. I pushed myself to the limit until Sysa told me to stop before my body breaks

It is not enough. I know it is

I would have taken those burdens, but not for now. I'll let the show continue to its original show and try to interfere less

I just hope that... My existence is for the better

«Extra for the readers»

Earthenia: Her existence is changing the future of the realm you are looking after

Elowa: It does not matter. Her existence serves a purpose that no other mortals can succeed

Author: Okay. It ain't my fault if some scenes were changed or mysteriously gone

Elowa: You created this fanfiction for a reason, Ashne

Author(Ashne): Hahahaha.... Haaa?

Elowa: You literally throw all of your ideas into one fanfic. Can you like create another one?

Author: No! My beloved Ninjago deserves all my attention!

Eartenia:... Let her be

Author∆: What the hill we reaches 1.72 K views?! Are y'all that bored that you randomly read a Ninjago fanfiction?! Not that I complain—

Anyway thank you everyone! I am jumping on my feet and shoving my phone into my best friend's face who actually thought it would flop 😭

I am so happy!

Anyway, those who are curious on what my OC looks like 👇🏽

But let's pretend that her brown hair is fading to ginger like this one 👇🏽

It would have been perfect! But the one above is Irene's looks. Also add the crown clip at the side since it is efficient to this book


Bye readers~!

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