Black & White [Jeremiah Fishe...

By tacobailey

15.2K 312 51

"I want you, why can't you see that?" "You don't want me, Jeremiah" The last thing on Rowan Park's mind is a... More

fourteen (part 1)
fourteen (part 2)


324 4 2
By tacobailey


"So, the volleyball tournament is tomorrow, Taylor's coming tonight, and you're hanging out with Jeremiah again tonight," Elena states as we make our way, arm in arm, toward the pool at The Club.

The two of us were going over plans, but obviously, Elena already knew the plans, well, reinforced them.

"Yes, yes, and no I'm hanging with the girls tonight." I shoved her hip with my own, causing both of us to go off-tack a bit.

Elena faked a yawn. "You're boring, but I say you hang out with us until at least 7:30 pm and then go spend the night with Jeremiah."

I wanted to cover her mouth since she was talking way too loud for my liking around people I could possibly know. Even worse, Jeremiah could be lurking around the corner without us knowing.

"Elena!" I shush, sending her a glare which she ignores.

"Come on, let me live my love life through you, please." She begs, shoving her bottom lip out. Her light blue eyes sink down as if she's trying her best to get me to cave.

"You literally have a boyfriend." I point out.

"And, so? We are dating. You're not dating, yet, and this is literally the best stage ever in any relationship so please enjoy it."

I open the fence door for both of us, letting her words sink into me. She does have a point. Talking stages are typically one of the most fun stages. You're not committed to one another, officially, but at the same time, you are doing everything in your power to try and get to that point.

All your feelings are heightened and the butterflies are the most prompt and intense. This is just the beginning of the honeymoon phase.

"Fine, we will see where the night takes me." I let go of her arm and she does the same, taking a few steps ahead of me, a smirk rising on her face.

"It better take you to Jeremiah's di-"

My eyes widen as I spot a curly-headed shirtless boy approaching us.

"Jeremiah!" I shouted as loud as possible to cover up whatever the hell was about to come out of Elena's mouth. We receive a few looks from bystanders, but the most confused person out of all of them is Jeremiah as he stands side by side with Elena.

"Sorry, someone is just a little excited to see you." She nervously laughs while widening her eyes in disbelief at me. We both know she almost just really embarrassed us both.

I look away from her and to Jeremiah who has a cheeky smile on his face. "Is that so?"

Wishing for a cool breeze, a warm one comes instead, causing my warm face to become even warmer. Trying my best to keep it cool, I let out a small chuckle. "Don't let it get to your head."

"Oh it is, definitely in my head already." He laughs while bringing me into a quick hug. My insides immediately turn to jello.

I hear a small aw from next to us and as we both pull from each other's embrace, Elena has her bottom lip stuck out.

"You guys are sickening," She gushes, which receives a chuckle from all three of us. Elena looks over her shoulder and to the snack shack where Steven is in all our eye line. Her mouth widens sending both of us a devilish grin. "I think it's long overdue for me to annoy Steven."

"Agreed," I say, already taking a step toward the shack.

"Agree as well, let's go," Jeremiah adds and the three of us all make our way towards Steven who is whipping down the countertops. He wears a hairnet in his hair, which is required, but I know Elena is about to weigh heavy in on him about it.

"Hey stud muffin, nice hairnet." Elena swiftly slides onto a stool. Jeremiah and I both follow her league, myself sitting next to her and Jeremiah sitting next to me.

Steven looks up to Elena, sending her a harsh glare. "How original. Now why are you here again? I see you plenty enough during the school year, and holidays."

We all know he is joking. Steven actually used to have a crush on Elena when we were kids, but that was short-lived because Elena accidentally drowned Steven's pet turtle at Christmas. When I say "drowned" she brought him into the hot tub with us and let's just say it didn't turn out well for George.

"Aw, I missed you too, Stevie."

The two of them go into their own little conversation, well, more like a bickering match. I've always enjoyed watching the two of them joke with each other.

Jeremiah must have been enjoying it too because he started to chime in.

"Steven, you literally spend hours in the bathroom, you look foolish trying to convince anyone otherwise." Jeremiah shrugs with his hands out. I lean into Jeremiah and point my finger at him while looking at Steven who was already rolling his eyes.

"What Jere said, please stop yourself when you're ahead," I say. Steven does spend a long time in the bathroom. Doing what? Possibilities are endless, but the hot water is usually gone by the time he gets out.

Steven's about to fight back, but Elena jumps in. "I told you so."

The four of us continue to talk for a little while longer until Steven's boss jumps on him for talking to us for so long. Jeremiah then hesitantly stands up, indicating he should go back to work as well. We say our goodbyes, both of us giving each other a side hug before parting ways.

Truthfully, I wish I had gotten more than just a side hug, but it sounds like, according to Elena's plan, I will be spending the night with him.

Time will tell.


"You and Jeremy? Fucking, finally!" Taylor exclaims as the four of us girls walk down the edge of the beach. The water splashes over my feet every couple of steps.

Of course, once Taylor arrived, she insisted that I needed to tell her everything right away. I had to almost pry her off of me and convince her that we'd have to save this talk until the four of us were far away from the house. I could not risk anyone listening in on this very private conversation regarding my intimate life.

I guess I'm sort of a hypocrite because I've exploited every detail of Jeremiah and I's heavy make-out session that has been playing in my mind on replay.

I'm totally not complaining at all because it's probably on the top ten list of the hottest things I've ever experienced.

And honestly, Jeremiah definitely makes up for all those ten occurrences.

"We haven't talked about what we are, but I know what we have feels so right," I admit, staring off into the slightly orange and pink sky that was now being replaced with darkness.

"I'm so jealous of you, you have no idea." Taylor shoves me slightly.

"Taylor!" Belly cries out, shoving her this time.

"What? I'm not saying I'm jealous of her being with Jeremy, I'm jealous of the fact that she's finally found her Prince Charming," She explains quickly to Belly then turns towards me, linking her arm in mine.

"I'm seriously so happy for you, Rowan. You deserve the world." Hearing Taylor say this makes me aw out loud, leaning into her so I can hug her arm.

"I love you, and I love all of you. I have no idea where I'd be if it wasn't for you three, goons."

"Shut up, you're going to make me cry because I love all of you too." Elena gushes causing us all to stop walking.

The four of us looked at each other before mentally agreeing that it was time for a group hug.

"Get over here," I try to laugh off my happy tears as we all wrap each other's arms around one another.

"I love you girls." Belly whispers as we huddle up together. If anyone were to pass us right now I'm sure they'd think we were insane.

But I couldn't care less because these are my people. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be near the person I am today.

When we got back to the beach house, Conrad discreetly tried to tell Belly he wanted to talk with her. When I say, 'discreetly' he pretended like he didn't know where a certain glass was and asked Belly for help. Not even a minute later the two of them disappeared outside.

My plan was to hang with the girls for a while longer because of how much fun we were having, but I should have known better to not have thought that because I had both Elena and Taylor staring at me like I didn't belong in the living room.

I flipped them both off lovingly before taking my happy ass upstairs with my two bags of candy and bag of popcorn to the one guy I couldn't wait to see.

I was still riding a high from everything that had happened recently. This meant my confidence was through the rough. I knew this because I didn't even bother knocking on Jeremiah's door. I gladly let myself in. Even though we did not discuss hanging out tonight, I knew Jeremiah wouldn't mind. Once I caught a glimpse of his face, I was instantly reassured because he sent me a warm smile.

"Rowan." He welcomes me, setting down his phone on his nightstand. He was dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. A perfect staple, especially worn by him.

"Jeremiah." I greet him back, setting my phone onto his nightstand along with the snacks and crawling in his bed next to him. He opens up his arms, pulling me on top of him.

"What did I do to deserve this pleasure?" He asks innocently which makes me poke his stomach before lifting my head to look up at him.

His eyes are already on me, and his stare is full of passion.

Shit, I want to kiss this man already.

"I thought we could have a movie night, I brought snacks."

He grins, pulling me up higher so my face is now hovering his own.

"You're an angel." He states, running his fingers up and down my back in a comforting matter.

I told myself I wouldn't kiss him right away because, for some reason, I love the suspense. But hearing him call me an angel immediately makes me fold and I find myself placing my lips upon his own.

Jeremiah doesn't hesitate to let out a sigh, wrapping his arms around me to somehow pull me closer to him. Our lips begin to move in sync as if this is what they have been waiting for all day.

I pull away from him, brushing back his hair gently. "Sorry, I couldn't wait."

He huffs, turning me over so smoothly that it takes me a second to comprehend how he did that. Jeremiah hovers over me now, trapping my head between his arms.

"Neither could I." This time he places a soft kiss on my lips, then head, then cheeks, and then suddenly he is kissing me all over my face, making me burst out into a fit of giggles.

"Jere!" I cry out, trying to wiggle out from underneath him. I struggle for a few seconds before facing defeat because I know there's no way I'll be able to get out of his grasp.

The last place he kisses me is my lips before rolling next to me.

"So, what movie are we watching?" He asks so casually as I try to catch my breath.

I want to address what just happened, but I find myself getting lost in his eyes once again. The effect he has on me is almost scary. His entire presence calms me like no other.

"I'm thinking... something funny." I have enough respect for Jeremiah to not put him through a chic flick.

He rubs his chin as if he is thinking. "Hmm, something funny? I mean, I could always entertain you." He suggests jokingly.

I copy his action, rubbing my chin now. "Hmm, it's funny that you think you're entertaining, go on." I try to stop myself from smiling by biting my bottom lip. Jeremiah lets out a fake laugh, which for some reason causes me to burst out laughing.

He tries so hard to keep a straight face but ultimately fails because now he is laughing too.

"You're something else." He shakes his head.

"You love it." I find myself saying without even thinking. It's too late to take it back because his mouth is already moving.

"I do." 

author's note

i apologize for not posting on Sunday! but here is just a little filler chapter

it is about to get a little crazy in a second....

love y'all

- bailey :)

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