Barracks (War of Hearts)

By 2Hearts_write

468 24 9

--Updated weekly-- "Why are you following me?" "I am free to roam anywhere within Barracks, am I not?" "Alda... More

1- Behind
2- After We Meet
3- Right
4- Run
5- Awake
6- Choices
7- Kill me not
8- Solace
9- Wrecked
10- Aftermath
11- Recognition
12- Origin
13- Fight
14- Hands
15- Etched
16- Actions
17- Render
18- Torment
19- Secrets
20- Blue
21- Aches
22- Rhythm
24- A shifter
25- Concern
26- Knowledge
27- Sleep
28- Whistles
29- Altruism
30- Relentless
31- Ordinarily
32- Forces
33- Home
34- Emotions
35- Ancient
39- Beneath
40- Altered
41- Restless
43- Add
44- Color
45- King
46- Stares
47- Walls
48- Among
49- Responsibility
50- Of Hearts

42- Recognize

5 0 0
By 2Hearts_write

The room is stifling, its silence oppressive. I wish it were a dream, but the throbbing pain in my face confirms otherwise. My swollen cheek protests as I touch it, and when I glance down, I see heavy chains binding both my feet. Movement is a struggle; the weight of the chains anchors me.

Just what I needed.

Lavyrle must be behind this. Cecile and I underestimated him. He wants me far away from his precious daughter, ensuring neither of us reveals the other's existence.

"It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be," his voice emerges from the shadows. I survey the cramped room, claustrophobia clawing at my chest.

"Cecile, if you don't help me now, I'll find a way to remove you from my head. You'll regret it," I address her.

"And you said you didn't want me," she whispers.

"We're kidnapped, in case you haven't noticed. Now isn't the time." 

She sighs. "Don't fear this maniac."

"Easier said than done."

"Do you want my help or not?"

"Would've been more useful earlier. Can't you conjure spells now or something?"

"We need to determine our location before devising a plan," she sounds bored.

He interrupts our conversation, and my anger flares. "You've landed me in a world of trouble."

"Why am I here?" I lift my foot, displaying the chain. Cecile has taken over my voice.

"Braver now, huh?"

"Less foolish, you mean. You caught me off guard. I was more surprised to see you." Cecile's audacity shines through; I envy her boldness.

He steps away, vexed. "Your luck will run out eventually."

"Of course it will. So will my patience. And then I'll end you."

He laughs, but this time, I'm not petrified. "You couldn't do it before. What makes you think you can now?"

I grin. "Don't drop your guard, rogue. When I escape, I'll come for you."

He rolls his eyes, tossing me a piece of bread before departing.

"Watch your back!" I say.

"Left you some toys to play with."

The room is shrouded in darkness, the air thick with foreboding. The clicks of locks echo, and I wonder why he's so cautious. What does he fear?

"Toys?" My eyes adjust, and I stumble backward, collapsing onto the floor. Skeletons line both walls—remnants of a family, their bony forms reclined. One set of bones appears recent, and my scream is stifled by my hand.

The day drags on, light barely penetrating the room. I lose track of time, my meals scarce. The skeletons haunt my waking hours, making sleep impossible. When he visits, my face no longer throbs from his blows.

Cecile bickers with me, her presence a lifeline. We try to discern our location, but the wall's sole opening reveals nothing. Trees and dead grass surround us.

Cecile tests her powers, but the chain thwarts her. She can't roam freely within me. So we wait.

They can't know what I am. This must be precaution.

The wooden door creaks open, revealing a girl with short black hair as her eyes and dirt-stained fingers. Rain falls outside, and the walls muffle the sounds.

"Ready for your burial?"

"My what?" Surprise colors my voice. Two men stand behind her, shovels in hand.

I don't like this.

She steps closer, keys jingling. "I'm sorry you won't be their queen." She binds my hands and feet, releasing me from the chains. Magic again.

With one hand, she hoists me over her shoulder.

How much weight have I lost? 

The rain pelts down, blinding me as we come to a halt. The cacophony outside is deafening, and I realize I'm outnumbered—at least a hundred of them, brandishing shovels. Their intent is clear: to kill me, bury me, or perhaps both. The mere thought repulses me.

At the top of several steps stands a post, adorned with winding wreaths of red roses that crumble to ashes as I approach. Beside it, a concrete fountain transforms into a pool of blood. She turns me around, securing me to the post. I'm powerless, my mind racing.

As they catch sight of me, the shovels soar into the air, their screams of excitement drowning out all else. I survey my surroundings, absorbing every detail. I find myself in the heart of a village, poised to become their sacrificial spectacle.

Xavier is my first thought. Is he alive? A question without an answer, one I won't know until I escape. And Aldaire—does he search for me, or does he secretly wish I were no longer under his charge? How far am I from them?

In the crowd, a familiar face catches my eye. He discreetly places a hand over his lips, and I shudder. What is he doing here? He should be on his honeymoon with Emma. His cape conceals his identity, but I recognize him—a knight in disguise.

They celebrate my impending demise, oblivious to his true purpose.

"We'll offer you to him," she declares, "and he'll accept us as part of his family. Then we'll invade the royals and claim what's rightfully ours."

"Give me to whom?"

"Sauron, of course. By presenting you as a bride, we'll gain acceptance in Loui, becoming part of his lineage. We can't simply hand you over; that would weaken our hold on you. But this way, you'll be ours first."

This rogue crowd, homeless even in the outlander's land, puzzles me. Why me? Why not choose another? 

I spit on him. He played a twisted game with me when we first met in that forest, and now he is planning this? "You are a coward, you need all of them to do your job?"

His eyes darken, striking me once more. Blood spills from my mouth, exposing my scent and vulnerability.

"This is our sacrifice!" He raises his hand. "A future royal in exchange for freedom. It will show them that we mean to take the throne. Fire!" His words echo over the cheering crowd.

Not even the rain quenches the flames that consume their torches. Night descends, thunder rumbling like an ominous drumbeat. It's the perfect backdrop for a sacrifice.

"Why are you doing this?"

"It was all her idea, and we reveled in it. You are closer to the throne, and Sauron will delight in possessing what belongs to Aldaire. The queen's broken promise fuels his sadistic pleasure. Chaos is his lover," says the woman, her voice carrying a twisted glee.

Her? If not Lavyrle, then who? Stefani? Yes, it must be her. She loathes me, and there's no reason for Himley's involvement. Stefani made it clear—I was her competition. Perhaps she discovered the truth about Aldaire and me. That means she is covering for her father and fooling these people with me. If I survive this, she'll pay. She'll suffer.

Behind her, Tristan reappears, conversing with another man, stealing glances my way. Safety emanates from him; he'll rescue me.

Their voices swell into a fervent chant, shovels raised high. Nearby, a muddy grave awaits. At least they plan to bury me.

Tristan shoves one of them to the ground, her arm scraped, yet she rises, undeterred. His message is clear: not everyone here is a vampire. They're exiles united against the royals.

"Power!" someone shouts, and they ascend the stairs one by one. My terror spirals; I'm clueless about what awaits me.

The scene unfolds like a dark ritual, a macabre dance of blood and desperation.

Transformation. The word echoes through my mind as I stand amidst this eerie assembly of vampires. Their eyes, glinting like polished obsidian, bore into me. Superior Maximillian's name reverberates—a catalyst for metamorphosis. He turned Tristan, binding them in a way I can't fathom. Now, I'm here, caught in the same position. If that is the case, will I be bind to them?

The first vampire approaches, his movements deliberate. His head tilts, revealing elongated fangs. He pierces his own palm, crimson droplets falling onto the ancient stone fountain. Then, with a cruel smile, he leans toward me. The taste of iron coats my lips as he forces his blood into my mouth. I choke, my body convulsing. The others follow suit, each with their unique rituals. Human exilers murmur cryptic words, their hands pressed over my heart. Other vampires, rebellious and curious, feed on my blood—hungry for the royal essence they claim I possess. The fountain becomes a macabre communion, a mingling of life forces.

Where is Tristan? Panic claws at my chest. I scan the crowd, desperate for his familiar face. But he's vanished, swallowed by the throng. Perhaps he's abandoned me, realizing the odds are insurmountable. I'm insignificant—a pawn in their ancient game.

Then she steps forward: the rogue witch. Her blade gleams as she chants, and her words buzz in my ears, incomprehensible.

He takes the blade from her hand and smiles at me. "You'll be our creation. You'll be ours."

I shake my head, tears blurring my vision. The knife descends, piercing my flesh just below my heart. Pain blooms, paralyzing me. Thunder rumbles overhead, and rain lashes down. My heartbeat falters, and I gasp for air. Transformation commences—an agony that will reshape my existence. As the world blurs, I cling to consciousness, fighting against the pull of oblivion. My eyes flutter, glimpsing the twisted faces of my new kin. 

The chanting ceases abruptly as an arrow streaks from the shadows, piercing the rogue's chest. He crumples to the ground, consumed by an otherworldly fire—a scream that echoes danger. I choke on my own blood, witnessing another fall, the once rhythmic chants now a cacophony of desperate screams.

I fight to remain conscious, my head swaying, balance slipping away. Are they coming for me? Or are they too late? When I awaken, will I be human or monster?

The witch, her power waning, collapses. A swift sword severs her neck. And there, behind her, stands Aldaire. A sob escapes me. Xavier and Himley join the macabre tableau. Tristan remains, a silent sentinel.

"No, no, no. Don't leave me," Aldaire pleads, freeing my hands and feet. I manage a feeble smile. Seeing him before my demise is a gift.

Words fail me; blood spills instead. Fear grips me—not of death, but of choices torn away.

"Himley, swiftly!" Aldaire's urgency fills the air.

She approaches, lips moving in synchronized incantations. Aldaire holds my hand, kisses it. The knife gleams in his grip, probing the wound. Himley's touch fluctuates between pain and healing, her voice fading in and out. Xavier materializes beside me, completing the fractured puzzle.

"Stay awake," he implores, but darkness encroaches. The black blotches expand behind my lids, and I surrender.

In my dream, sorrow dissipates. Happiness envelops me. I linger, reluctant to wake. Here, danger is absent, and self-sufficiency reigns.

"She'll be alright," His voice reaches me, laden with guilt. "I shouldn't have left."

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