A Wallflower's Bloom


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"Are you mad? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington." Brokenhearted from the words she heard... Еще

Chapter 1: London 1815
Chapter 2: Bridgerton House
Chapter 3: Cowper's Ball
Chapter 4: Twenty-four Letters
Chapter 5: Danbury Ball
Chapter 6: The Dances
Chapter 7: The Confrontation
Chapter 8: Calling Hours
Chapter 9: Unexpected Tutor
Chapter 10: A Suitor's Gift
Chapter 11: Lesson One
Chapter 12: Realization
Chapter 13: Bridgerton Ball
Chapter 14: Lesson Learned
Chapter 15: An Invitation and A Letter
Chapter 16: Tea Party
Chapter 17: Confession
Chapter 18: The Queen's Ball
Chapter 19: Public Confession
Chapter 20: The Aftermath
Chapter 21: Royal Retreat
Chapter 22: A Brawl
Chapter 23: Repercussions
Chapter 24: A Vulnerable Gentleman
Chapter 25: The Long-Awaited Response
Chapter 26: Secret Revealed
Chapter 28: Bonding with the Mother-in-law
Chapter 29: The First Kiss
Chapter 30: The Honeymoon
Author's Note

Chapter 27: Welcome Back

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Welcome Back

As Penelope stepped into her family home, she was greeted with unexpected excitement from her mother, the dowager Baroness Lady Portia Featherington, and her eldest sister, Prudence. The enthusiasm in their voices caught her off guard, but she could not help but feel a flutter of anticipation as she approached them.

"Penelope, my dear!" Lady Featherington exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy as she enveloped her youngest daughter in a warm embrace. "We have the most marvelous news!"

Prudence beamed beside their mother, her own excitement palpable as she clasped Penelope's hands in hers. "You won't believe it, sister. Duke Debling has written to Mother, asking for your hand in marriage!"

Penelope's heart skipped a beat as she processed the news, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotion. Her heart swelled with happiness as she absorbed the reality of her engagement sinking in. She felt a rush of happiness and excitement at the realization that her betrothal to Duke Thomas Debling was now official. It seems Thomas had already taken the initiative to ask Portia's permission for their marriage even while they were still at the royal retreat in Kew Palace.

Portia Featherington smiled proudly at her youngest daughter, her eyes shining with her rare maternal affection. "I was told that during your outing at Kew, the duke has proposed to you in front of the Queen and you've accepted! Oh, Penelope, I cannot express how overjoyed I am for you, my child. To think that my youngest daughter will soon be a duchess! It's beyond my wildest dreams."

"Forget being a Bridgerton, becoming a duchess would suit you best!" 

It was known among all of her daughters how Portia wanted anyone of them to be wed to a Bridgerton son, as to become connected with that affluent and esteemed family. But since Thomas Debling has riches and titles way above the Viscount Bridgerton, she could no longer ask for more. Once Penelope officially becomes the Duchess of Northumberland and Countess of Beverley, it will help their family and Prudence's standing to become matched with better suitors.

Penelope's heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief as she absorbed her mother's words. She had never imagined herself as a duchess, but the thought filled her with a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future. She will finally get the freedom she had long wanted, and finally be able to make choices on her own, as what Thomas had promised her. He will not ask her to change and will fully give his support no matter what Penelope decides to do.

"Mama, sister. I.. I don't know what to say. This is all so sudden, but.. but I'm truly grateful for your support and happiness. I never imagined that I would be so fortunate." Before she proceeds to her bedchambers to rest from the hours-long carriage ride with Lady Danbury, Penelope prepared to deliver the urgent news to her mother and sister. She knew that their behavior could make or break the impression their family would leave on Lady Jocasta Debling, Thomas' mother.

"Mama, Pru.." Penelope began, her voice steady but tinged with urgency. "We have an important visit to Thomas' estate in two days' time. His mother, Lady Jocasta Debling, will be arriving in London to meet our family and assist with the wedding preparations."

Lady Portia Featherington's eyes widened with surprise, while Prudence's expression shifted with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Penelope continued, her tone firm but polite. "It's imperative that we present ourselves in the best possible light during this visit. I kindly ask that you both be on your best behavior and exercise tact and grace in all our interactions. Our conduct will play a crucial role in shaping Lady Debling's opinion of our family."

Portia nodded solemnly, her gaze reflecting a sense of understanding and determination. "Of course, Penelope. I will inform Philippa and her husband to join us. We will do our utmost to make favorable impression on Lady Jocasta. You can count on us." Portia can only agree on her youngest's goal. After all, for Penelope to fully become a duchess, she first has to get the approval of Duke Debling's mother for their union.

Prudence also nodded in agreement earnestly. "I understand, sister. I'll do my best to comport myself appropriately and ensure that we represent our family with dignity and honor." Knowing that she will soon be a sister to a duchess, Prudence is aware that their family would attract more attention as to what they're currently getting right now. Having been on the center of scandal for these past two seasons, the Featherington family had come to an internal agreement to lift up their reputation for this year. And with Penelope at their family's helm, their standing at the society sure is towards the positive path.

With a sense of relief washing over her, Penelope smiled gratefully at her mother and sister. "Thank you, Mama, sister. I appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Let us make Lady Debling feel welcome and esteemed on our meet." With that, the youngest Featherington excused herself and went to her bedchambers upstairs.

After two days

As the Featherington family, accompanied by Philippa's husband Mister Albion Finch, arrived at the Northumberland House located at the far western end of the Strand, they were greeted at the doorstep by Thomas Debling's mother, the dowager Duchess Jocasta Debling, with Lady Danbury by her side. The grandeur of the townhouse left the Featheringtons in awe, its opulent decorations and elegant design reminiscent of a royal residence.

Penelope's heart swelled with nervous excitement as she stepped out of the carriage her eyes taking in the splendor of her future home. But any apprehension she felt melted away as she was enveloped in Jocasta's warm embrace.

"Penelope, my dear!" Jocasta exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine affection as she pulled Penelope into a tight hug. "Welcome to Northumberland House. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

Tears of gratitude welled in Penelope Featherington's eyes as she returned Jocasta's hug, feeling a sense of belonging wash over her in the presence of her future mother-in-law.

Lady Jocasta Debling, the dowager Duchess of Northumberland and dowager Countess of Beverley, commanded attention with her striking presence as she greeted the Featherington family at the doorstep of Northumberland House. Her deep black hair, in stark contrast to the golden locks of her son, Thomas Debling, cascaded in elegant waves around her shoulders, framing a face that exuded regal poise and grace.

Despite the years etched upon her features, there was an undeniable air of elegance and authority about her, accentuated by her impeccable posture and the confidence that radiated from her every moment. Her piercing dark eyes held a depth of wisdom and insight, reflecting a lifetime of experiences and challenges overcome.

Dressed in an exquisite gown befitting her station, Jocasta epitomized timeless sophistication and refined elegance. Her attire, though understated, exuded a quiet opulence, with delicate lace and intricate embroidery adorning the fabric in subtle yet exquisite detail.

But it was not just her outward appearance that commanded respect; it was the aura of strength and dignity that surrounded her, a testament to her unwavering resolve and unwavering commitment to her family and her duties as dowager duchess.

"Thank you, Lady Debling." Penelope replied, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'm honored to be here, and I'm grateful for your warm welcome."

"That's Jocasta for you. Do not with the formalities, you're family now, my dear. And we're thrilled to have you join us." Jocasta smiled warmly at Penelope. The redhead could see Lady Debling's eyes twinkling with kindness.

As Jocasta led everyone into the main drawing room of the townhouse for afternoon tea, she initiated a conversation to foster familiarity.

"Lady Featherington, I trust you are acquainted with Lady Danbury, yes?" Jocasta began, her voice warm and inviting.

Portia nodded graciously. "Indeed, your Grace." She replied, her tone was very polite which earned sharing glances between her three daughters. "Lady Danbury and I have had the pleasure of crossing paths on several occasions."

Jocasta smiles approvingly. "Excellent!" She remarked. "Agatha has graciously agreed to assist me in reintegrating into society after my prolonged absence from London. Just as she has been doing for my dear Thomas. "

At the mention of the duke, Portia inquired about the whereabouts of her future son-in-law. Lady Danbury, ever the voice of information, responded promptly. "The Duke has gone to the archbishop to secure a marriage license and formally inform his Majesty of his intention to marry Miss Featherington." Though Thomas was not in the obvious line of succession for the throne, he felt customary to notify the king, his mother's cousin, of his plans to marry. After all, Thomas beholds a great duty under the crown being the lord protector of the northern England territories. With the King's illness, he had solely taken the duty to protect the northern borders from any attempts of invasion.

Jocasta then proposed a task for Portia and Lady Danbury. "Portia, perhaps you and Agatha could handle the invitation list." She suggested. "As I am not as acquainted with the members of the ton as I once was, I'm afraid I am not well suited to this task." The two dowagers agreed to the proposal and started to discuss names and seating arrangement for the guests.

Turning her attention to Penelope, Jocasta extended a heartfelt invitation. "Penelope, my dear. I would be honored if you would accompany me to the modiste tomorrow. We can work together to design and chose fabrics for your wedding dress. We can also drop by to the florist to select the blossoms we can use for the church and the reception. It will be a wonderful opportunity for us to spend some time together, just the two of us." The dowager duchess said with her gentle tone.

Penelope's eyes lit up with gratitude and excitement at the prospect of bonding with her future mother-in-law. "Thank you, my lady. I would be delighted to accompany you." The young Featherington replied, her voice filled with warmth.

The next day at the shopping street

As the elegant carriage bearing the Northumberland crest pulled up to the Featheringtons' doorstep, anticipation hung in the air like a delicate veil. Penelope, adorned in her finest attire and filled with excitement, stepped out to meet her future mother-in-law, Jocasta Debling.

Lady Jocasta Debling, resplendent in her own regal attire, greeted Penelope with a warm smile as she descended from the carriage. "Penelope, my dear. I hope you're ready for our excursion today."

Penelope's heart fluttered with excitement as she nodded eagerly yet in a poised and elegant way as how a societal lady should be. "Absolutely, Lady Jocasta. I've been looking forward to this." The redhead smiled softly.

With a graceful gesture, Jocasta extended her hand to Penelope, inviting her to step into the awaiting carriage. "Then let us not tarry any longer. We have a busy day ahead of us." 


Author's Note:

Just want to share some bits of information here.

1. Not sure if you guys have watched The Tudors television series.. But I love Maria Doyle Kennedy on that show! And so, while I was creating the plot story of Debling's background, she was my inspiration for Penelope's mother-in-law. And I felt that Catherine is just too common a name, so I picked another character name from MDK's other TV roles. Hence, Jocasta (Jocasta Cameron from Outlander)

2. As for the Deblings' estate, I've tried to do some research as to the Duke of Northumberland's residences during the regency era. There was the Syon House which was located in West London and the Northumberland House which stood at the far western end of the Strand. The latter was demolished in 1874. (See, I tried to align some facts within this fanfiction hehe) Based on Wikipedia, the Duke of Northumberland family's traditional central London residence had been Northumberland House so I opted to use that estate on this chapter. But I might still mention Pen and Thomas residing on Syon in the future as its garden (Syon Park) sounds promising.

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