↱ECHO↲ ⇾seongjoong⇽

By larryloverq

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After losing the love of his life three years ago, Hongjoong vows to honor Seongie's memory by becoming a nur... More



873 87 120
By larryloverq

From San:
Fuck this. I'm coming over.

Seonghwa sighs in relief.

They've only been slaving over this track for the last four days with no progress— something is wrong and neither one of them can put their finger on it.

It just sounds off and instead of this back-and-forth over the phone bullshit they've been managing with, San is finally making the trek across the city so they can figure it out in person.


It's not like Seonghwa hasn't been dropping hints over the last few days, desperately wanting to be done with this stupid thing so he can move on to recording the guide vocals for that album for the girl group with a ridiculous name like "lemon tart" or "orange slice" or something.

That project has a deadline and he would like to keep it.

He doesn't blame San for being reluctant to come over; Seonghwa has been somewhat of a recluse for the last two years or so after he finally got his music degree behind his father's back.

He didn't even attend the graduation ceremony seeing as how he would have to roll down the aisle rather than walk.

He's just lucky that San found a company that liked the educated man enough to trust his recommendation to hire Seonghwa despite his request to work from home.

It's worked out pretty well so far, save for days like this when he needs human contact to break through the creative block, but he can bear to have one of his friends in his space for a few hours.

Besides, it will be a welcome distraction from Hongjoong.


Where does he even begin on that subject?

It's been over a week since the nurse started and things have progressed somewhat comfortably.

Seonghwa lets Hongjoong help him just as much as Wooyoung and bath time is no longer a source of pain, thanks to his ingenious plan to move on and fuck his crush out of his system.

The night that Hongjoong had helped him shower for the first time, Seonghwa put up an online dating profile on one of the popular phone apps, looking for a quick something to boost his ego and remind him that he's still human.

At first, he was intent on putting up the most flattering pictures of himself, the ones Wooyoung likes to take of him when they go out for either of their birthdays— all shots of Seonghwa from the waist up with dewy skin, hooded eyes, and lots of collarbone showing.

Looking at those pictures, Seonghwa remembers days where he wanted for nothing and had it all.

He felt good, looked good, and had the world by the balls.

Back then, he never had to worry about someone finding him desirable; women and men alike practically threw themselves at his designer-clad feet.

But despite his wish to feel that way again, Seonghwa knows the reality, so he did include some pictures of him in his chair, still dressed up by Wooyoung, but with the chair nonetheless.

These photos make him grimace; he wonders how many people have laughed at his profile upon seeing them.

Then, miraculously, two days ago, he got a message from a rather cute guy a couple years older than him.

Seonghwa was ashamed at how he squealed like a schoolgirl upon seeing the notification.

Wow. Are you even real? I just looked through your profile and I have to say, you're gorgeous. So interesting as well. I love music and am obsessed with coffee too 😁

Thus began a strange sort of flirtation that Seonghwa wasn't used to.

It had been quite some time since he had felt like this, like someone wanted him physically as well as mentally, and to say he had butterflies in his stomach would be an understatement.

He was absolutely loving the attention; he hardly even cared that Hongjoong was becoming increasingly more comfortable with him now that there was no bad blood between them.

From San:
Be there in thirty.

With a sigh, Seonghwa saves his progress on the track before closing the file.

He will wait for San to show before he even attempts to mess with that shit again.

In the meantime, he rolls over to the window of the studio and props it open before opening a drawer and digging out a fresh pack of cigarettes.

He used to smoke like a train, but Jongho and his physician bitch at him enough for him to quit, but occasionally, he still craves a stick.

Today, he merely wants something in his mouth, so he lights it up and places it between his lips to puff away as he checks his phone again in case San happens to text— the man has the worst luck with traffic.

Instead of his colleague, two notifications from the dating app appear.

Seonghwa leaves his cigarette dangling from his mouth to hastily check them.

KangByun127: How is your day going, gorgeous? Still working on that secret project of yours?

Seonghwa smiles around the cigarette.

KangByun127: I think you need a break. Why don't we go out to dinner tomorrow?

"Fuck," Seonghwa mutters, taking a long drag before blowing it out of the window.

He never thought things would progress this quickly, but this is what he wanted, right?

He wanted something quick and easy but this is so sudden.

Is he ready for this?

Shit, how could he go out to dinner like this?

Would this guy even be ok with pushing him around or would he have to bring Hong—

Seonghwa blanches at the thought of needing his nurse to accompany him on a date because of mobility issues, like he's some kind of child.

And what about later in the evening if things go well?

Would they go to his date's place?

What if he lives in a building that isn't wheelchair accessible?

"Fuck," Seonghwa curses again, practically sucking the life out of the cigarette just to get some relief from his anxiety.

This really was a stupid idea and he would make a complete fool of himself.

His phone buzzes.

KangByun127: Maybe we could go to that restaurant your friend owns? That way you're more comfortable.

Letting out a breathy sigh, Seonghwa stubs his cigarette out.

He's surprised at this guy's forethought.

It's surely a relief.

HwaHwa93: That sounds great actually. Thanks for thinking of me ❤️

As soon as he hits send, Seonghwa panics.

They've been flirting but neither one of them has used the heart emoji yet.

Was this ok?

Was it too forward?

Too forward?

He has to scoff at himself.

He's trying to fuck, not ask this guy to the school dance.

Forward is good.

Forward is—

KangByun127: Of course, cutie ❤️ And just so you know, my apartment building has an elevator, so no problems there 😉

Seonghwa sputters.

His fingers fly across the keyboard.

HwaHwa93: Oh? Do you want to show me where you live?

KangByun127: I definitely want to show you something 😉❤️

It's absolutely amazing just how furious Seonghwa blushes at this; he can feel his cheeks burning and his smile is so wide it hurts.


Seonghwa whips around to find Hongjoong peeking in the door with a concerned look on his face.

Seonghwa didn't even hear him knock.

"Are you smoking?" the nurse asks, furrowing his brows at the sight.

With a sigh, Seonghwa makes sure the cigarette is completely snuffed out before closing the window.

"Yeah, I do that sometimes." He looks over. "Is there something you needed?"

Hongjoong swallows hard, his eyes still trained on the ashtray.

"Um, there's someone here for you. Choi San?"

"Yes, he's a colleague. You can let him in."

Hongjoong disappears and moments later, Seonghwa can hear the nurse deep in conversation with his producer friend.

The two appear in the doorway, still chatting.

They're talking about the weather or something just as menial when Hongjoong sucks in a loud gasp.

"Is this vintage Valentino?" he exclaims suddenly, reaching out to finger San's silky black blouse.

The producer looks alarmed, but then he smiles pleasantly.

"Yeah, it is! You like fashion?"

"I love it," Hongjoong chirps, his glossy lips breaking into a grin. "I really can't afford it though, but it's a hobby of mine."

San seems pleased at this; Seonghwa himself only cares for newer trends— or rather, he did when he had an active social life.

"I have a friend who deals in vintage fashion and I get my stuff from him," the producer explains.

"He's a foreigner but he rents out a space in a Gangnam-gu. Maybe— Maybe I could take you to meet him sometime?"

At this, Hongjoong's eyes grow wide, his cherry lips morphing into a little "o".

"Would you?" He seems so excited at the prospect before shrinking in on himself with a shake of his head. "No, I couldn't ask that of you..."

"I really don't mind. You seem like a cool person," San replies smoothly, running a hand through his coiffed black hair.

The producer has always been handsome in an untraditional way, which, to Seonghwa, was always appealing.

It's what he first noticed about the younger man at college, but then he quickly grew enamored with his intellect, though their friendship is drastically different than the one he has with Wooyoung.

Hongjoong blushes at the compliment— actually blushes, as if the captain of the soccer team had just whistled at him in the hallway at school.

"Oh.... well, thank you."

Seonghwa watches this scene curiously as San rubs the back of his neck, and Seonghwa can tell that the producer is trying hard not bite his plump bottom lip.

What the hell?

Were they flirting?

Isn't Hongjoong straight?

Perhaps the nurse simply thinks San is being friendly, but the man is definitely interested.....

"Well, I'll be in the kitchen sorting your medication if you need me." Hongjoong leaves then with a slight bow.

His converse squeak against the hardwood.

San watches the nurse leave and then turns to Seonghwa with an arched brow.

"He's— Um, he's new. What happened to Wooyoung?"

"Wooyoung is out of town for two months and that's his replacement," Seonghwa explains, rolling over to his desk to pull up the track on the monitor.

"He's, um—" San shuts his mouth and Seonghwa sighs heavily.

"You can say it."

"He's your employee, I just can't—"

Seonghwa glances over his shoulder.


"Ok, he's really handsome and like... quirky? In a good way," San blurts out, wringing his hands.

It's amazing how someone so stylish can be such an anxious dork sometimes, but that's just another reason why Seonghwa decided they would make for good friends.

"Yeah," Seonghwa snorts, turning back to the computer. "In a good way."

Hopefully, San will let the subject go.

He doesn't.

All throughout their session, the producer asks little questions here and there about Hongjoong, whether the man is seeing someone, if he was nice, what his interests were.

He tries to disguise the inquires as attempts at seeing if Seonghwa likes his new nurse, but it's such obvious bullshit that Seonghwa finds himself growing frustrated.

Hongjoong works for him.

Hongjoong doesn't have time for friends or dates—

"Seonghwa-ssi, Jongho-yah is here now." Hongjoong is standing in the doorway wearing a sheepish expression.

His gaze flicks over to San and then back.

Seonghwa looks over at the clock at the top of his computer screen.

"Oh fuck, I didn't even notice the time. We really need to finish this draft today."

"I can stick around until you're done with therapy if you want," San offers. "That way, we can get it knocked out tonight."

Seonghwa doesn't like the idea, but they really do need to finish this thing.

"That would actually be great. I'm so tired of dealing with this fucking thing. Just, uh, hang out in here or in the living room."

"Actually," San interrupts, looking over to Hongjoong hovering in the doorway.

"I really wanted to get some coffee. Maybe you would like to get some with me Hongjoong-ssi? That is, if you're not needed while Seonghwa is in therapy."

Hongjoong looks like an animal staring into a car's headlights.

"I, uh—"

"He's not much of a coffee drinker," Seonghwa blurts out, then freezes seconds later.

Where did that come from?

Sure, he had noticed that the nurse prefers teas and juices over Seonghwa's own choice of extremely black coffee, but was this fact really so important that he had to mention it?

He tells himself it's just because he's aggravated with the way San doesn't seem to be taking their work time very seriously, instead making eyes at Hongjoong, who really doesn't warrant such attention.

"He's right," Hongjoong admits softly. "I don't really like coffee."

San nods.

"Well, the cafe down the street has tea and juice. It's really good."

Hongjoong glances over at Seonghwa, almost as if he's asking for permission and the thought sends a jolt through Seonghwa's chest until he realizes that Hongjoong is asking for permission, because Seonghwa is his employer.

Seonghwa is only his employer.

"Go ahead," he permits dryly. "It's not like you have anything better to do."

At the noticeable drop of Hongjoong's face, Seonghwa grimaces, knowing that he's only insulting the nurse because he's annoyed.

He's also annoyed because he doesn't understand why he's annoyed.

Hongjoong can do what he wants, make friends with who he wants, but it's strange to think that the nurse might find one of Seonghwa's friends better company than his patient— might devote more time to new friendships than doing his job, when he's supposed to be a stand in for Wooyoung, who waits on Seonghwa hand and foot.

"Are you sure?" Hongjoong has his attention focused solely on Seonghwa.

In lieu of a reply, Seonghwa merely rolls out of the room and greets Jongho in the foyer.

When the therapist asks why he looks so pissed, he merely cites work frustration as the culprit.

Because that's all it is— frustration with something that isn't working.

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