Serendipity Connections

Від JkjmVJhsgRmJ

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In the bustling city of Seoul, fate interweaves the lives of eight remarkable individuals, each thriving in t... Більше



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Від JkjmVJhsgRmJ

In Earth Con:-

"What's the matter, sir?" Jisoo inquired, her curiosity piqued. Jin gently took her wrist and locked eyes with her, his voice soft yet firm, "Will you accompany me on a date?" Jisoo blinked, taken aback, "I'm sorry?" Jin moved closer, his gaze unwavering, "What did you understand, Jisoo-ssi?"

"Jisoo-ah, are you joining us for lunch?" A voice called out from behind. Jisoo turned to see Irene beckoning her. Before she could respond, Jin pulled her back, positioning himself close behind her. He addressed Irene, "Would you mind if I take your friend out for a date?" Irene, surprised, stuttered, "N-no, sir. Please, go ahead." With that, Irene hurried away, leaving Jisoo standing there, flustered. "So, would you consider going out with me?" Jin whispered into Jisoo's ear, his breath sending a shiver down her spine. She pulled away, flustered, "Sir, please let me go." Jin, undeterred, held her waist, drawing her closer, and slipped something into her pocket. "If you're interested, call me Jisoo-ssi," he said, admiration evident in his eyes. With that, he released her, and Jisoo fled. As Jin watched her leave, he smirked, stepping outside, "Oh, Kim Jisoo, only I know the depth of my feelings for you."

In Seoul Hospital:-

Taehyung sank into the sofa, a sense of impending doom settling over him. "God, Jimin is going to kill me." He cradled his  head in his hands when a melodious voice interrupted his thoughts. "Is your head still bothering you, Mr. Kim?"

Looking up, Taehyung found himself captivated by Lisa's enchanting smile. "Good lord, she's stunning," he thought, clearing his throat. "Yes, actually. My head has been throbbing since last night. I fear it might be serious. Could you check me out.... I mean, would you mind checking me?" Lisa, with a gentle shake of her head, replied, "I'm sorry, Mr. Kim. I'm a pediatrician. I treat children, so I wouldn't be able to help you. However, you can schedule an appointment with one of our doctors here. They can certainly assist you." She smiled warmly and headed towards the elevator.

Uncertain of what to do next, Taehyung hurriedly got up and followed her into the lift. As they rode in silence, the elevator halted at the third floor, admitting two nurses. Taehyung chose to remain silent, listening as the nurses greeted Lisa, who reciprocated their pleasantries. Upon reaching the fourth floor, Lisa exited the lift, with Taehyung trailing behind. She disappeared into her office, closing the door in his face. He knocked gently, poking his head through the crack. "Ms. Lisa, please, may I come in?" Lisa met his gaze, gently shaking her head. "No, Mr. Kim. You came here for your treatment. Please, go and get yourself examined. I treat kids and you're an adult." With a disappointed frown, Taehyung withdrew, leaving Lisa to her paperwork, a smile playing on her lips.

Half an hour had passed, and Taehyung found himself wandering the corridors, puzzled about how to approach Lisa. The nurses eyed him oddly, clearly wondering why an adult was lingering in the children's section, especially without a medical purpose. Suddenly, a nurse rushed into Lisa's room, and shortly after, she also hurried downstairs. Curiously, Taehyung also followed them and ended up on the ground floor, in the emergency section.

Outside the closed doors, he peered through the glass, watching as a boy lay on a bed, continuously vomiting. Lisa approached, swiftly administering an injection that seemed to stabilize the boy. With his breathing returning to normal, she reviewed his previous reports. Stepping outside, she approached a man who seemed to be the boy's father. "Are you Jeonghyun's father?" she asked. The man nodded anxiously, "Yes, I am. What's wrong with my son?" Lisa explained, "Sir, your son has severe food poisoning due to a prolonged unhealthy diet. We've managed to stabilize him for now. I'll prescribe some medications, and he should recover soon. He's resting at the moment, but you can see him once he wakes up." Relieved, Jeonghyun's father thanked her. "Thank you, doctor," he said. Lisa smiled warmly, "No problem, sir. Take care of Jeonghyun," she advised before heading towards the lift.

Taehyung, who had been watching Lisa intently, rushed after her and slipped into the lift once again as the doors closed. He took her hand and drew her closer, declaring, "You're amazing." Lisa, taken aback, lightly pushed him away, the lift opened, and Lisa entered her room, with Taehyung following closely behind.

As they settled inside the room, Lisa sat down at her desk, while Taehyung pulled up a chair beside her. He swiftly grabbed the pen from her desk and pocketed it, prompting Lisa to sigh in irritation. "Alright, enough. Tell me, what do you want?" she asked, clearly exasperated. He gazed at her with adoring eyes and said, "You and me, out on a date. That's what I want." Lisa shook her head, rejecting his request. "No, sir. That's not happening," she replied firmly. Taehyung, puzzled, asked, "But why not? What's the problem? Any woman would love to go on a date with me, so why not you?"

Lisa explained, "Sir, you're Kim Taehyung. You're the most handsome man, and it's not hard to like you. But you're also a celebrity. I like you a lot, but do you think your fans would approve of me dating their favorite idol?" Taehyung looked surprised and countered, "If my fans truly love me, they wouldn't judge you. It's my life, and I can date whomever, whenever and wherever I want." Lisa smiled and asked, "Can I ask you something?" He nodded, and she continued, "Why do you want to go on a date with me?" Taehyung shared, "My mother, who was a doctor, always told me to become a doctor when I grew up. She said they're the most stable people. But I didn't like science; I was more into singing, dancing, and rapping. When I saw you, I saw what my mother meant. I admire your independence and knowledge. Plus, you're pretty hot, so I think you'd be good for me." Moved by his words, Lisa expressed, "I love you as an idol, you know as V, but I want to know you as a person. I want to see the real you, not just the idol." Taehyung leaned his head on her hands, touched by her words. "That's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me," he remarked, before asking for her number. Lisa obliged and gave her number to him. "Now please go, I have to work." Lisa said and Taehyung nodded. He kissed her on the cheek and then ran out of her room and Lisa sat there, she couldn't believe what had just happened. "I just talked to the Kim Taehyung, and he kissed me," she thought excitedly. Overwhelmed, she decided to share the news with her friends, thinking, "God, I love him so much."

In the evening, Jennie and Jisoo were already back home, having prepared dinner for all three of them. They had changed into comfortable clothes and were now watching the last episode of "Guardian: The Lonely and Great God" while catching up on some work on their tablet and laptop.

The doorbell rang and Jisoo got up to answer it. "Hey, Lisa," she greeted, opening the door. Lisa entered and hugged Jisoo tightly, who hugged her back, albeit with a confused expression. "Is everything okay?" Jisoo inquired. Lisa nodded, releasing her hug. "Is Jennie unnie home?" she asked eagerly. Jisoo confirmed that Jennie was indeed home, prompting Lisa to squeal in excitement. "Amazing. I have to tell you guys something very important," Lisa exclaimed. Jisoo shook her head, chuckling, and headed to the dining room, while Lisa went to her room after exchanging hugs with her as well.

When Jisoo returned to the living room, Jennie looked at her with a knowing expression. "Please tell me you know why Lili hugged me so tightly right after coming back from the hospital," Jennie asked. Jisoo shook her head, grabbing plates and bowls from the kitchen for dinner, as Jennie rolled her eyes. "You know what I think?" She exclaimed, drawing Jisoo's attention. "What?" who asked, intrigued. Jennie picked up her laptop and Jisoo's tablet, gesturing dramatically. "I think someone came back to life from death, that's why she's so happy today. It's a miracle. How amazing and wonderful," Jennie joked, and they both chuckled.

A few minutes later, Lisa joined them and sat beside Jennie, with Jisoo seated in front of her. "Okay, I have to tell you guys something very, very important," Lisa began. Jennie and Jisoo nodded eagerly, prompting Lisa to announce, "Kim Taehyung asked me out." Jennie, serving Lisa her food, quipped, "Wow, in which room?" Lisa, confused, asked, "What do you mean, which room?" Jennie clarified, "You know, the room in which you were sleeping in while you were dreaming." Jisoo burst into laughter, and Jennie continued eating, unperturbed. Rolling her eyes, Lisa clarified, "Guys, I wasn't sleeping. I went to Hybe Entertainment last night and treated him. He had fainted. Today, he came to the hospital and asked me out on a date." Jisoo coughed loudly, and Jennie handed her water, asking Lisa, "First of all, start eating your food, and second of all, you're serious, right?" Lisa confirmed, "Yes, I'm serious. He asked me out on a date, and we exchanged numbers." "Woah," both Jennie and Jisoo exclaimed together. Jennie then demanded, "Okay, we need details, Lalisa. Right now. No excuses. Spill." Lisa nodded and proceeded to narrate everything that had happened at the hospital. Jennie and Jisoo squealed with excitement, enjoying dinner while listening to her story.

After finishing the discussion about Taehyung, the three of them moved to Jennie's room to enjoy some ice cream. They listened to music, discussing work and other topics. Jennie turned to Jisoo, asking, "Unnie, how's the new job?" Jisoo smiled, replying, "It's nice, a bit hectic, but I love it." Jennie expressed her pride, saying, "I'm so proud of both of you. One is a doctor in one of Korea's most successful hospitals, and the other is an architect in a successful firm. You both are amazing." "Thank you, Ms. Jennie. We're proud of you too," Jisoo responded, with Lisa nodding in agreement.

"I have something to tell you guys, though," Jisoo began, setting her ice cream bowl aside. "Go ahead, Unnie," Lisa encouraged, while Jennie motioned for her to continue. Jisoo shared the story about Jin giving her his card and flirting with her. Lisa jumped up, hugging Jisoo tightly. "Oh my god, Unnie. I'm so happy for you. Kim Seokjin asked you out. You're going to be an actor's wife," she exclaimed. Jisoo pushed her away, causing Lisa to fall onto the bed. "Who said I'm going to be his wife? What the heck," She retorted. Jennie laughed heartily, patting Lisa's head as she picked her up. "It's okay, Lili. Sit down comfortably and unnie, you're so pretty, I'm sure he wants to marry you. He gave you his card. That's a big deal, and you didn't even tell us. You were silent the whole time. That's unfair," Jennie teased. Jisoo lightly smacked her thigh, saying, "Oh, please, Jen, not you too. He just gave me his card and told me to call him. Relax, I'll text him tomorrow." Lisa rolled her eyes, muttering, "Whatever, bitch." Jisoo rolled her eyes back, and Jennie chuckled, heading outside to place their bowls. The three of them wished each other good night and went to sleep.

In Rosé's Home:-

Min-young, after being discharged from the hospital, was tenderly escorted back by Rosé and Yeji. With Yeji away at her office that afternoon, it was just Rosé and Min-young in the house. "Min-min, I'll fetch your meal. You just relax, alright?" Rosé's voice was gentle as she observed Min-young engrossed in his phone, nodding in agreement.

Returning with a steaming bowl of soup and a plate of fried rice, Rosé coaxed, "Baby, here's your meal. Put down the phone and sit up. Come on, now." Min-young complied, settling comfortably on the bed. "Okay, Eomma," he replied obediently.

As she fed Min-young, Rosé broached a sensitive topic, "Minyoung-ah, have you ever wondered about your father? Where he is, or why he doesn't live with us?" Min-young paused, then softly replied, "Eomma, you're here, right? That's enough. Besides, our teacher says people get what they deserve, so maybe I don't deserve a fath-" Before he could finish, Rosé interjected sharply, "Min-young," then sighed, composing herself. 

"Sorry, baby, I didn't mean to raise my voice. I'm so sorry. Listen, your teacher is right, but not entirely. Life's not that simple. Take a thief, for example. They may steal and become wealthy, but eventually, they lose it all and realize their mistake. As for your appa, every child deserves both parents. It's not that you don't deserve a father; it's just that your father, the one who left us, doesn't deserve you. Do you understand?" Min-young nodded, "Yes, I understand. But why are we suddenly talking about appa?" Rosé chuckled, "Because we're about to meet an awesome person, who happens to be your appa." "But you said appa left us, then why are we-" Min-young began, but Rosé interrupted gently, placing a pillow for him to lie down. "Min-young, look, the person we're going to meet is your caring appa. He's going to take care of you and love you like a real father." "Okay, until he takes care of us both, he's my appa but if you cry, then he's not my appa. Deal?" Min-young extended his hand, and Rosé shook it with a warm smile. "Deal, my lord." 

They shared a laugh, and Rosé picked up the plate. "Come on now, it's time to rest. Lie down for a while." Min-young nodded and lay back, as Rosé headed to the kitchen to put away his plate and have her own meal.

While Rosé was eating lunch she got a text from Jimin.

Hey, will you be able to meet today?

Yeah sure. When will you be free from office?

I will get free by 6, so you tell me if you'll be free at that time.

I am free only. Min-young got discharged today so I am at home but is it possible if you could come here because Min-young is still not allowed to go outside right now.

Oh yeah, no problem. I can come to your  home. I understand that he would be weak, obviously he went through a surgery. Just text me your address and I will be there by 6:30.

Great, I will send you the location.

Alright bye.


After finishing her lunch, Rosé tiptoed into her room, mindful not to disturb Min-young, who was napping amidst her design work. With pending orders to complete and deliver, Rosé emerged from her room and settled on the sofa near the entrance of her house.

Hours slipped by unnoticed, and a sudden ring of the doorbell jolted Rosé awake. Glancing at her phone, she realized it was 6:38 PM. Remembering Jimin's promise to visit, she hurriedly sprang from the sofa and darted to the door, ready to apologize for the delay. "I'm so sorry for not opening the door sooner. I was..." Rosé began, but her words trailed off as she beheld her landlord, Tae-hwan, standing at the threshold. "I've told you repeatedly to pay the rent on time. What's your excuse now?" Tae-hwan's voice boomed as he barged into the house. Shocked, Rosé stammered, "Mr. Choi, I'll have the rent in two days, please, just two more days..." But before she could finish, Tae-hwan cut her off, "Oh yeah, I know how you will get the money by tomorrow night. You will sleep with several men and then get the money for the rent because that's what you are. A slut...."  Before Tae-hwan could continue his tirade, Jimin arrived. Enraged by Tae-hwan's disrespect, he swiftly intervened, slapping Tae-hwan across the face. "How dare you speak to my fiancée like that! No one in this world has the right to disrespect her," Jimin shouted, throwing money at Tae-hwan. "Take your money and leave. Tomorrow, Rosé and her son will no longer be tenants here."

Defeated, Taehwan pocketed the money and retreated, while Rosé closed the door softly, tears streaming down her face. Jimin embraced her, offering comfort. "It's okay, my love. Let's go inside. Everything will be okay."

Rosé wiped away her tears and gazed at Jimin. "Would you like some water?" she asked, to which Jimin nodded. "Yes, please." She fetched two glasses and a water bottle from the kitchen. After pouring water into the glasses, she handed one to Jimin and kept the other for herself. Once they had both quenched their thirst, Rosé inquired, "Jimin, why did you want to meet today?" Setting his glass down, Jimin explained, "I wanted you to meet my mother so she could get to know you. I'll meet Min-young whenever you're comfortable with it." Rosé agreed, placing her glass on the table. "Sure, I don't mind meeting your mother. and as for Min-young, he's asleep right now, so I'll go wake him up. You wait here."

As she moved to stand, Jimin gently grasped her wrist, stopping her. "No, let him rest. I can meet him tomorrow. It's not urgent," he suggested. Rosé rolled her eyes and freed her wrist from his grasp. "Relax, he's been sleeping for hours. He'll be fine. Come on, man up and show him that you're a sweet but a strong man who can protect him and his mother." Amused, Jimin stood up. "I wasn't scared. I just thought he needed the rest. And for the record, I am the literal definition of sweet but a strong man. Come on, let's go meet Min-young aka my future son."


Here's one more chapter for all those 🤍who want to read. please guys do 🤍🤍comment if you want to. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee everybody, have a nice day. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

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