Rumours ~ Ruikasa

By m3naa_

14.1K 310 4K

Before Wonderlands x Showtime happened to him, Rui had always felt so alone (apart from when he was with eith... More

Meeting Kamishiro!
Welcome to the band, Rui!☆
Realization, Development and Breakout
Lies and Understanding
Breaking The Ice
If Only You Knew...
'Just Friends', You Say...?
Things Sure Have Changed, Haven't They...
The Truth Comes Out
An Important Witness
All The Same Source
Opening Up To Each Other
Signs, Practice With The Troupe And Asking For Advice!☆
Bonus: Chaotic Confusion
In America!~
It's Been Years Since I Last Saw You...
Wait, No! Mom, That Would Be Incest!
Not A Chapter!
Are You Done Rotting Yet, Nene?
Our First Big Show And A Conversation That Had To Be Had!
Goodbye, America!
Back To School!
The Question We've Both Been Wanting To Ask
None Of It Was Real...?
Thank You For Reading!
Welcome To Nene's Daily Struggles!

The Sort Of Ending We've All Been Wishing For

430 12 257
By m3naa_

It had been many years since Wonderlands x Showtime disbanded. They'd decided long ago, before the end of high school, that it time they went their separate ways.

     They still spoke to each other, but not as often as they'd used to when they were still in high school. As adults, they had different responsibilities now.

     Tsukasa and Rui were still dating, and Tsukasa had started staying over with Rui and his mother and Akimitsu, who had been her husband for several months already.

     The two would go out by themselves every now and then, but with Tsukasa's career as an actor and Rui's as a director, there wasn't much time for it.

     Even though he couldn't spend much time with his boyfriend, Rui really did love him. So, he decided he'd pop the question soon. And, after some preparations with the help of Nene and his mother, the time came.

     Rui was alone with Tsukasa in a small park. It was sunny and it was fresh, the perfect weather for a date. The director was trying to muster the courage to ask Tsukasa the question while the actor spaced out, staring up at the sky.


     "Tsukasa?" Rui said, getting the blonde's attention.

     "Yeah?" Tsukasa smiled at Rui. "What's up?"

Rui pulled out the small box, making sure to do so in a way that kept it out of Tsukasa's sight. Rui fingered the box for a moment, pursing his lips.

     Come on! Spit it out!

"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore," Rui said, soon insulting himself inwardly for phrasing it like that.

"What?!" Tsukasa looked afraid and heartbroken.

"Because, um..." Rui threw himself down onto one knee and showed his boyfriend the contents of the small box. "Because I want to marry you. Tsukasa, will you... Marry me?"

Tsukasa froze and he stared at Rui in shock as tears of joy began to build up in his eyes. He sprang forward and hugged Rui, pinning his arms down.

"Yes, Rui! Yes, I will marry you!" Tsukasa sniffled into Rui's shoulder.

Rui's heart began to race and he hugged Tsukasa back.


     "I just thought, well, you're getting married already," Rui's mother sniffled. "And I never told you that you have a half sister."

     "I have a half sister?" Rui repeated, shocked. "How?"

     "Well, one night, while we were still married, your father got drunk, and well..." Ms. Kamishiro shrugged. "He got another woman pregnant. After I found out, things just weren't working between us anymore. We decided that he would go to take care of the child he had that wasn't ours and that I would take care of you. We kept it a secret."

     Rui stared at the woman in disbelief. "Who is she?" He asked.

     "Do you remember Asahina?" Ms. Kamishiro said. "Otori's friend from school that was there when you introduced me to all of Wonderlands x Showtime?"

      Rui blinked at her. "She's my sister? Well, she is a nice person." He started to smile. "I just wish I hadn't found out so late."

     "Better now than never!" Ms. Kamishiro said with a grin.

     "I'm one hundred percent sure that that's not how you use that phrase." Rui chuckled.


     "Tenma Tsukasa, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honour him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?"

     Tsukasa inhaled sharply before responding, "I do."

     "Kamishiro Rui, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honour him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you live?"

     "I do." Rui said.

The "I do"s were followed by the exchange of rings, then the pronouncement. The notary asked Rui and Tsukasa to join hands.

"By virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of Japan, I now pronounce you husband and... Husband. You may now kiss the b—the groom."

Tsukasa leaned in and pressed his lips onto Rui's in a sweet moment of bliss and excitement.

The notary then started to vape. It had the flavour of frozen grape. You shouldn't ask why. A marriage is not a marriage without a notary vaping a frozen grape flavoured vape.

     Rui stared at the notary in confusion while Tsukasa made a face.

     How has he not been fired yet?


Rui and Tsukasa had invited Nene over for the morning to catch up a little bit. When the green-haired girl told them a specific piece of news, they both looked heartbroken.

Nene was sitting in front of the two men, her legs crossed one over the other with a weary expression on her face that suggested that she'd had enough of their stupidities.

Tsukasa sobbed into his husband's shoulder. "She d—didn't have to go s—so soon!" He said, his voice trembling.

Rui was silently crying as well, hugging Tsukasa close and rubbing him on the back to calm him down. "It's alright, my love. Emu will always be with us in our hearts."

"Will you guys cut it out?" Nene said exasperatedly. "Emu just went to a different part of Japan on a business trip for two days, quit acting like she died or something! You're both such drama queens!"

"Isn't she your own wife?" Rui said. "You should be acting even sadder than Tsukasa right now."

The green-haired woman rolled her eyes.

"No, because I'm not stupid," Nene scoffed. "I know that it's not a big deal and that she's going to come back."

"What if she d—doesn't?" Tsukasa choked.

"Oh my God," Nene rubbed her forehead. "You're unbelievable. Just like that priest."

"You're unbelievable!" Tsukasa snapped tearfully.

"Calm down, Tsukasa!" Rui frowned at the actor in his arms.

     "You know, we haven't visited the SEKAI in a really long time," Nene said. "Do you think we should go?"

     "And leave Himawari alone with no adults to watch her?" Tsukasa shook his head.

     "Then you stay and watch her," Nene sighed and took out her phone. "She's yours and Rui's daughter, anyway."

The green-haired girl pressed play on The World Hasn't Even Started Yet, and the two men watched as she vanished.

     "I think I'll go with Nene," Rui said to Tsukasa. "I'm not able to picture it as brightly coloured as I used to. Plus, I started to miss it and the others a long time ago."

     "Fine, both of you abandon me," Tsukasa said, crossing his arms.

Rui chuckled and gave Tsukasa a short kiss on the lips before entering the SEKAI as well.

He shut his eyes tightly, his retinas burning as the bright light he'd forgotten all about became the only thing he could see and his most vivid memory at the same time.

     It was painful to open his eyes to such colourfulness, but coming back to the SEKAI and being greeted with that view felt like he was returning home from a long trip. It was comforting.

     "Wow..." Rui breathed, looking around. "Its brightness is certainly greater than what I remember it being..."

     He turned his head and saw Nene, her eyes watering as all the memories came rushing back to her.

     "I missed this place," Nene said softly.

"I'm telling you, I feel it!!" A familiar, high-pitched voice cried. "They came back!"

Rui's eyes widened and he glanced around, finally spotting a blue-haired girl whose long pigtails and fluffy cat ears and tail bounced with every energetic step she took.

Is that... Miku?

"Miku! Wait up!!" KAITO shouted after his friend as she ran over to Rui and Nene.

"RUI-KUN!!! NENE-CHAAAAN!!!!" She jumped onto the both of them, hugging them. "It's been so long!!"

The rest of Miku's friends came over as well, all excited to see Rui and Nene after so many years.

"You look so old!" Len grimaced. "What happened?"

"Aging." Rui deadpanned.

"It's a little something called growing up," MEIKO answered. "Something you'll never understand, Len-kun."

"Hey, was that an insult?!" The boy cried.

"Shinyyy... Hey, wait, you two got married?" Luka yawned, her attention attracted by the gleam of the wedding rings on Nene's and Rui's hands.

     Rin looked up at the two adults, horrified. "You got married?!"

"Not to each other!" Nene said hurriedly. "No way, never!"


"You know, even if that may be true, it still hurts," Rui frowned. "No need to make it sound like the thought of yourself marrying me is so disgusting."

Nene rolled her eyes.

     Rin breathed a sigh of relief. "Who did you marry, then?"

"I got married to Tsukasa," Rui said. "Nene got married to Emu."

     A wide smile broke out onto Rin's face and the girl started to jump up and down, perplexing Luka, and KAITO. MEIKO looked shocked.

"Aha! MEIKO-san, you lost!~" Rin cheered. "Hand it over!"

MEIKO sighed and handed Rin several pieces of candy.

"You placed bets on who you thought we would marry?" Nene said, frowning at MEIKO. "Really?"

"I mean, what are the odds of marrying your first significant other?" MEIKO shrugged. "I bet that you two would find other people, and Rin bet that you would marry Emu and that Rui would marry Tsukasa."

Another reflection of light caught Luka's eye. She blinked at it drowsily.

"Ooh, sh—KAITO-san HAS A RING, TOO?!" Luka gasped, now looking fully awake.

"What?" Len whined. "How did you get married before me?"

"Yeah, how?" Miku echoed. "Aren't you pansexual, Len? You have a bonus!"

Nene and Rui laughed.

     "Don't rub it in!" Len pouted. "I just can't believe KAITO never told us he was married. Not even their name!"

     "Oh, their name is Stfu34003," KAITO smiled. "We've been married for a long time."

     "Have you?" MEIKO sounded surprised.

"That's nice," Rui said to KAITO. "I'm happy for you. Anyway, I think Tsukasa might be getting a bit lonely by now."

"Doesn't he have Himawari with him?" Nene pointed out.

"She's probably sleeping," Rui said. "And if she's awake, then I shouldn't leave Tsukasa taking care of her on his own. He might need my help."

"Who's Himawari?" Miku asked, her ears perked up and upright. "She has a super cute name, by the way."

"Doesn't she?" Rui grinned. "Himawari is mine and Tsukasa's daughter. We adopted her a while ago."

"Awww!" Rin said. "That's so cute!"

     "As cute as it is, Rui said he has to go now," KAITO said. "Hopefully Nene will stay longer."

"Bye," Rui gave the vocaloids one last smile before exiting the SEKAI and going back to his husband.


"Rui, what the hell is that?!" Tsukasa cried as he saw the enormous hunk of metal in the middle of the living room.

Himawari, who was now four years old, gasped dramatically, her eyes shimmering in admiration and amazement.

"A time machine!" Rui presented his invention proudly. "I was just about to test it out after making a few adjustments."

"Heck no!" Tsukasa grabbed his husband's arm firmly. "What if it hurts you?"

"It won't," Rui laughed. "But it's nice to know that you care!"

"I wanna test it with you, Daddy!" Himawari grabbed one of Rui's hands with both of her tiny ones. "Pleeeaaaseee?"

Her pleading eyes squeezed both Tsukasa's and Rui's hearts.

"No, it could be dangerous for you," Rui patted his daughter on the head gently, earning himself a large frown from the little girl.

"Why did you make it, anyway?" Tsukasa asked the director, lifting the little girl up into his arms.

"Come with me and you'll see," Rui smiled at his husband playfully.

"What about Himawari?" Tsukasa asked.

"Take me with you! I wanna go with Mommy and Daddy!" The girl outstretched her arms to Rui and opened and closed her small hands.

"Himawari, I'm not Mommy," Tsukasa frowned at the child in his arms.

Rui chuckled.

"But Uncle Akito says—" Himawari stuck out her bottom lip.

"But Uncle Akito is evil," Tsukasa finished the girl's sentence, giving her a light boop on her little kid nose. "I'm not Mommy."

"I'll activate it now," Rui said, flipping a switch. "If you're coming, Tsukasa, then get ready."

"Wait, but Himawari—!" Tsukasa was cut off by a flash.

Soon enough, three of them found themselves at PXL, but something was off, though Tsukasa couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"We made it to the past!" Rui flung out his arms grandly. "It worked!"

Tsukasa, wide-eyed, glanced around.

"Woahh!! Daddy's so cool!" Himawari said, her mouth hanging open as she looked at the different spots in the amusement park.

"Why here?" Tsukasa asked.

"I wanted to go back to the day we first met and see how much we've changed," Rui smiled at Tsukasa. "Plus, young Tsukasa was adorable."

"Really?" Tsukasa pursed his lips. "You were getting sentimental, so built an entire time machine just to go decades back in time to the day we met?"

"Yeah," Rui kissed Tsukasa lightly on the lips.

"That's sweet, Rui," Tsukasa blushed. "But why?"

Rui shrugged then turned his head. "Past me should be around here." He said.

"There?" Tsukasa spotted seventeen-year-old Rui, who was a good distance from his future self, his future husband and his future daughter. "Wow, you looked so much younger."

"You did, too," Rui saw Young Tsukasa watching Young Rui tell the story to the children.

"Ooh, that Mister that looks a lot like Daddy is telling a story! Can I go see?" Himawari said, pointing at Past Rui.

Rui and Tsukasa exchanged glances.

She doesn't realize that it's Rui?

"I don't think it's a good idea to interfere with the past," Rui said. "We're only here to observe."

"Aww..." Himawari said, disappointed.

Tsukasa noticed how Rui kept on glancing from Himawari to his past self, but decided not to think much of it.

After a short moment, Past Rui spotted Past Tsukasa. Past Tsukasa looked nervous as he said something to Past Rui after having been caught staring at him. Past Rui looked clueless and said something that made Past Tsukasa mad. Past Tsukasa grabbed Past Rui and dragged the alchemist behind some bushes to yell at him.

Tsukasa frowned and looked at Rui apologetically, who just smiled back at his husband.

Oh, I used to be such a jerk... I'm so sorry, Rui.

"Hey! That mean guy is yelling at Mister!" Himawari slid out from Tsukasa's arms and ran over to past Rui.

"Himawari!" Rui held his daughter's arm to keep her from interfering. "Let it..."

Rui's voice trailed off as he saw Past Tsukasa leave.

Does he know something I don't?

"Tell the Mister that he should join the mean guy's band." Rui's grip loosened. "Tell him that we didn't let you go help him."

Himawari ran over to Past Rui.

Tsukasa gaped at Rui. "Seriously? You're the one that told her that messing with the past wasn't a good idea!"

Rui smiled at his husband. "Without Himawari, I wouldn't have joined Wonderlands x Showtime."

Tsukasa's heart stopped for a second. "She... She's the reason why you joined even though I was such a horrible person?"

Rui laughed. "Exactly. Without her, I wouldn't have married you."

"But then... How did she manage to get into the past...?" Tsukasa

     "I guess a lonelier Rui grew up without you and decided to change things," Rui shrugged. "I'm glad he did. I'm certain that it's a much better life than the one he had before."

     Tsukasa smiled at Rui. "I'm happy he did, too."



Word count: 2613

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