The Romance Adventure

By laft100

155 5 10

I came to this writing conference to write, not meet men, but when I see Zak, a journalist from Marrakesh, th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 28

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By laft100

Reni paced around her small riad room after a restless night, heart pounding in her chest. Today was supposed to be a happy day, filled with excitement and anticipation, the trip coming to an end. Her big decision to move an exciting announcement to share with everyone. Instead, a cloud of unease hung heavy over her, fueled by the knowledge of the inevitable confrontation with Zak about her changed opinion about living there. She couldn't help it; Reni was having second thoughts about moving to Marrakesh.

Her mind raced back to the events of the prior day. The amazing moments under the stars, her decision, and then the loss of her bracelet. This trip had been intense, a kaleidoscope of highs and lows. Reni couldn't make any quick decisions, not in her current state of mind, and the move was one of the biggest she'd ever considered.

A knock on the door brought her back to the present. She opened it expecting Zak but was surprised to see the owner of the riad.

"A package arrived for you yesterday, but since you were out, I waited to bring it to you."

"Thank you." She accepted the bundle, a frown on her lips. She hadn't asked her parents to send anything she'd forgotten or been expecting a package from a local store. She was sure Zak would bring a gift with him if he'd bought it. An envelope graced the top, her name elegantly written. It was from Zak's mother. While they'd never truly connected on the trip, maybe Bisma sent the gift to make amends. Reni wondered if there was hope. Zak could have spoken with her, and this was her olive branch.

Opening the box, she discovered an abaya. Reni's heart sank as she examined the gift. The icy blue color pierced her soul. What message was his mother trying to send with this present? Unsettled, she cradled the fabric in her hands, her mind racing with questions. Reni rooted through the box. The abaya, a satiny maxi dress, would engulf her. Even the bell sleeves were large and shapeless.

Why would Zak's mother give her this? What was the intent behind it? Did she want to make it obvious she'd never accept her the way she was? Did Bisma expect Reni to change, accept everything about Zak's culture and religion, and give up all of her own?

Reni ran her hand over the abaya. The satin fabric was lovely. Sitting in the bed, dress in her lap, she considered her overreaction to the gift. The older woman could have sent the abaya to show Reni that she'd find something that would look good on her. Shaking her head, she threw the dress down beside her. The positive motive to send such a gift was highly unlikely for Bisma.

Tossing the box of clothing on the bed, Reni realized she'd never totally adapt to a new culture. She'd grown up in America and wanted to retain her independence and traditions. While she wasn't religious, she loved Christmas, Easter, the Fourth of July, and all the holidays. Celebrating with family and friends would always be important to her.

Her thoughts turned to Zak, a man she loved deeply but whose relationship with his mother had always complicated their connection. Bisma had made it clear she never fully approved of the relationship, but after a few more moments of staring at the box, this gift felt like a cruel and deliberate attempt to unsettle her and wreak havoc on Zak and her bond.

With a determined sigh, Reni decided she couldn't let it go unchallenged.

Zak was due at the riad soon. As the clock ticked closer to his expected arrival, Reni fought to calm her racing thoughts. She planned what she wanted to say in her head, trying to find the right words to express her hurt and confusion. But no amount of preparation could have quelled the nervous knot that formed in the pit of her stomach.

Finally, she heard the familiar sound of Zak's footsteps approaching her door. Taking a deep breath, she opened it to greet him, her eyes anxious.

Zak's face lit up with a warm smile when he approached, but it faded as he took in her expression.

"What's wrong?" Concern dotted his handsome features.

Without a word, Reni gestured for him to step inside and led him to the bed, where the open box lay, the clothing displayed. Zak's eyes widened as he caught sight of it.

"Where did that come from?" he asked, voice laced with confusion.

"It's from your mother."

Zak's face contorted with a mix of anger and disbelief. "Why would she send you something like that?"

"It feels like a deliberate attempt to upset me. What does it mean? What's she trying to say?"

Zak's expression softened as he reached out to hold Reni's trembling hands. "I honestly don't understand. My mother has always been difficult, but I had no idea about this. I would never let her intentionally hurt you."

Reni's gaze flickered between Zak's sincere expression and the bed. While she believed he hadn't been involved in this unsettling gift, that didn't solve the problem. Bisma disapproved of her, and it was getting worse, not better.

"I can't help but feel like there's something more to all of this." Reni's words were strained. "Something I don't understand."

Zak pulled her into a tight embrace, arms providing a comforting anchor. "It's been difficult. Let's try and figure this out. We'll confront my mother if we need to and demand answers. This isn't how our life together should begin."

Reni clung to Zak, letting her anxiety leak away against his shoulder. At that moment, she realized that no matter their struggles, she loved him enough to fight for their future together. But where would that future be? This made it seem even more important that Zak be willing to come to the United States.

As she stood there holding on to Zak, Reni knew that the confrontation with Bisma would be difficult but needed. She had a lot of practice confronting parents whose children could do no wrong. She could challenge the parents of the children who plagiarized or worse, whose parents wrote the entire paper for them. She'd never backed down when there was concern for one of her students. She'd do no less for herself and still clung to a flicker of hope that they could overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

This gift wouldn't destroy the love she and Zak shared if that was even what Bisma meant to do by sending it to her. Together, they'd figure out a solution when they talked to the older woman. Reni was determined to build a life together with Zak, but she didn't think it could be in Morocco, at least not at the moment.

While Reni had a plan in mind, the situation still felt overwhelming. There was so much to decide and obstacles to handle. She hoped she was strong enough.

The rest of the morning was infiltrated with heat and angst. After Zak checked that no one found a bracelet at the tour company offering the camel rides, Reni resigned herself to its disappearance. He stayed on his phone, calling Bisma next, and had a quick but tense conversation with his mother before setting up a dinner reservation for the three of them.

"Let's enjoy our day." Zak guided her to the road and onto one of the main streets, already bustling with people, motorbikes, and open stores.

"I promise to try." Reni fanned herself, the heat from outside stifling, but the loss of the bracelet more uncomfortable. It felt like a talisman, and she couldn't stop obsessing about it. 

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