Rewrite The Stars

By SlugWolf0506

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It is a story of how the divorced couple, Michelle and Anntonia, navigate life as ex-wives co-parenting their... More



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By SlugWolf0506

basis, n.

There has to be a moment at the beginning when you wonder whether you're in love with the person or in love with the feeling of love itself.
If the moment doesn't pass, that's it - you're done.
And if the moment does pass, it never goes that far. It stands in the distance, ready for whenever you want it back. Sometimes it's even there when you thought you were searching for something else, like an escape route, or your lover's face.


I am one of those people who has found the person meant to be with me. She was my dream girl—the only woman who helped me fulfil the dream I've always wanted since childhood.

Relationships have to be tested for the bond to become stronger. Anntonia and I have been there many times. Even before we get married, we have our highs and lows. But we know that, in the end, we always find our way to each other.

I know so, because she is here with me. It still feels surreal, but she's stayed and chosen us. And yet, it scares me that one day she'll get tired of loving me once again—enough reason for her to walk away. If she leaves, I'm not sure if I'll survive it this time. Not because I depend on her, but because of the love I have for her. Something that I cannot give to anyone else but her.

"She's leaving me again, isn't she?" I asked my cousin, whose eyes were watching for my daughter.

My eyes are looking at the cerulean body of water in front of us, not wanting her to see my apprehension. "Is she tired of loving me once again?"

Max's gaze turns to me after I voice out my concerns. Her eyes are wide, like saucers, in disbelief that I am questioning Anntonia's love for me. And her lack of answers is making me feel more anxious.

"Michelle, no. God, your wife loves you. She's not leaving you—well, for a week—because she needs to be in New York, but you already know that."

Trying to look indifferent with all my might, "then what?"

"Oh my God, you thought she was leaving you."

"You said I had to talk to her. Maybe she's just waiting for this holiday to be over."

Max drags me away far enough from my daughter and Rhian to hear, "God, no! I'm sorry for making you overthink. She's not. I promise, it's not about her leaving you. But,"

I close my eyes just when I'm about to breathe a sigh of relief. "Just go straight to the point, Max."

"Fine. Ann hasn't told you this because she wants you to enjoy your birthday and the holiday she has prepared for your family. But she and your business partner, or whatever role she has in your company, had an encounter."

Now, I'm looking more lost than earlier, after she told me Ann and I needed to talk.

My cousin groaned at my confused look. "Heather Hastings."

Oh. Oh!

"I think it's better if you ask her about it, Michelle. We all know you and your wife just restarted your relationship. And you guys are still on the stage where you two could easily question each other's actions because you're still building your trust."

"I ‌trust her. There is no doubt about that. Perhaps I'm just scared that one day she'll walk away and I won't know what to do."

There's a light pat on my shoulder. "You would know. There was a time in your life when she wasn't there, and you thrived really hard to survive. You can live; you can survive without her. Just that you don't want to."

"Do you think she feels the same way?" I asked sheepishly.

Max raises one perfectly shaped eyebrow, and a knowing smirk appears on her lips.

"She came back to you, didn't she? Left what's already been in front of her just so she could look back and see you. It's perfectly fine to be frightened. It means you feel so strongly about her, and that's love. If you're not scared of losing someone, then you don't love them that much at all."

I chuckled, proud that Max had become wiser. "Since when have you become this clever?"

She hit me on the arm with a playful glare. "I don't know. I reckon it's because I'm now married, just like you guys."

A recurring thought comes to mind, and a stupid grin replaces my sad expression. Soon, when the time is right and everything falls into place, I'd be the happiest person to ask for her hand in marriage one last time.

"Not married yet." I said, feeling the chilling breeze coming from the vast body of water in front of us.

"Then maybe you could do something about that, my dear cousin."

"Why does it have to be me to always do the proposing?"

Max narrows her eyes in my direction before she huffs. "Because you're the more impatient one. She followed you to be with Dani in Makati just a few months ago, and you didn't let the woman enjoy her time with the kid. You've rather enjoyed her company more than she should with your daughter."

I couldn't help but flush at her statement as I recalled the day she arrived. Not even a week has passed since something happened between us.

Throwing her head back in laughter, Max shakes her head. "Goodness me, you're hopeless."

I lifted my shoulders in a shrug. "So what if I am?" I asked proudly.

She rolled her eyes, but a bright smile appeared on her lips. "And you are so whipped for her, too. You'd do anything for that woman, and don't even get me started with Dani."

My cousin is right; my girls had me in the palm of their hands, and I have nothing to complain about it.

"You'd do the same once you have a child. You're going to whine about it, but you can't do anything about it."

She sniggered. "Oh, tell me about it."

"So everything is great, right? I don't have to brood about it."

"No, Jon Snow. There's no need for you to brood. But ask her about what I've told you, yes?"

I look at her menacingly and say, "Shut up, and I will. I don't want her to be away for a week, especially if there's something on her mind that's going to bother her."

"And how do you feel about her leaving you and Dani for the entire week?"

"Sad. I told her I could go with her, but she didn't want me to come with her. She said I had to be at work, but I'm the boss."

"Now, now, don't be so flippant about it. What a glorious life you're living."

Before Max could tease her cousin further, Anntonia came back with a towel in her hand, making the two women pause their conversation.

"Dani, honey, please watch out for your arm." The child looks up as she's preoccupied, covering her aunt Riri with sand and using her able hand with the supervision of Max's husband.

Max eyed her cousin before mouthing "later", meaning she wanted Michelle to talk to her girlfriend when it's just the two of them.

The short-haired woman breathed a sigh of relief that Max cleared everything up before she'd have to overthink what was going on with her girlfriend. She turned to look at her, just admiring. She's now wearing a sundress that's almost touching her ankle.

"And you two, what are you doing here, not having fun on the beach?" The artist asked while laying the other beach towel on the sand.

"Oh, I'm just asking your wife if she's going to be fine while you are gone. You know, we don't want her to throw tantrums more than Dani." Max chaffed.

Anntonia tried to suppress a giggle. "Stop teasing her, Max."

Shaking her head, Max left the two of them to join in the fun with her goddaughter.

"Is it just me, or has she gotten taller?" Anntonia inquired as they watched their daughter play nearby.

"She's growing up so fast. Next thing we know, we have a high schooler."

A frown was etched on the artist's face. "Don't say that. She's still in preschool, and I don't want her to grow up yet. She will always be my little baby."

An assuring kiss on her cheek and the frown easily wiped from her face converted into a bashful smile.

"No matter how old she gets, she'll remain our baby."

"Mummy look! We found a shell!" Dani yelled with a tiny seashell in her palm. "Can I keep it, mummy?"

The mothers gave each other knowing looks. They knew none of them could say no to her, so they both nodded their heads and said yes.

"Are you having the best time, baby?"

"I think this is the best birthday I've ever had so far. Are you having the best time?" She returned the question.

For Ann, this has been a memorable one because the planning of this escapade was fun, especially with the help of Dani. Though her baby girl had caused a minor commotion among her grandparents, Ann still considered this surprise a success.

"With you, always." The artist said it simply, observing as a tinge of pink covered her girlfriend's cheeks.

Michelle offered her hand for Anntonia to take, and they stood there for a moment, hand in hand. They are going back here, she promised herself. Who knows, maybe by that time it would not only be the three of them; maybe there's going to be an addition to their family. A little bundle of joy.

Dani was having fun by the shore and in the water until her parents had to take her out to go back to their villa. She is so tired and hungry that it caused a huge meltdown.

But nothing a delicious French fry and a scoop of ice cream cannot do. It took Michelle a lot of convincing from her girlfriend for Ann to allow both snacks for Dani to have since it's nearing dinner time soon.

"Are you happy that mum let you have ice cream instead of your fruit snackies?"

She was freshly showered and already clad in her favourite pyjamas. Dani nodded her head.

"Are we going back to the beach, mama?"

The mother sadly sighs, "Sorry, honey, but we have to go home tomorrow. Mum needs to pack because she's going to New York."

"In our house?" Dani asked, taking another fry.

"Yes, ducky. So just you and me at home, but don't worry; Mummy is going back after seven days. She's going to miss you too much if she stays longer." Michelle explained, with a kiss on the child's sun-kissed cheek.

While this was a fun conversation with her daughter, the young CEO was dreading being alone in the room with her girlfriend for their much-awaited talk. Etched in her head is one that's been bothersome for her since her talk with Max. What if it's worse than she has feared? What if Ann's problem would be a lot harder to solve and they wouldn't make it?

Michelle schooled herself. Then she's going to do everything she can to make sure that nobody leaves their relationship. She's determined to fight until everything is okay. The short-haired woman's inner musings were cut short when Dani rested her head on her mama's arm. Her eyes are already droopy as she fights her sleepiness.

She chuckled with amusement at how adorable her daughter is; she's still holding a fry in her mouth, but her eyes were almost closed. "Just like her mama." She heard Ann's comment from behind. Her girlfriend must have witnessed what Dani was doing.

"I'm not like that. I don't remember falling asleep with food in my mouth or in my hand, because that is kind of gross. Before I go to bed, I always clean up." She said it haughtily.

"Not last night, you didn't." Anntonia countered cheekily, with one of her eyebrows raised, challenging her partner.

Then the memory of their coupling last night rushed back in, along with the note Anntonia had left for her this morning. She opened her mouth to say anything, but embarrassingly enough, she fell asleep after they made love the entire night. They often cuddle, having moments to feel post-coital bliss by holding each other.

But last night, it knocked her down. "It's okay, baby. You don't need to feel guilty about it. It happens to everyone. I know you're tired. And besides, I'd very much prefer that you fall asleep after than during..." She trailed, winking at her frowning lover, almost as if she's about to sulk.

"Seriously, honey, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. Last night—no, actually, the whole day was amazing. Because I got to spend it with you."

Michelle carefully picked Dani up in her arms and walked over to the room to lay her down on the bed, tucking her in. She then grabbed her phone to call her mother, saying that the three of them would just ask for room service since they couldn't leave Dani alone in the room.

She smiled at Ann, whose brown orbs were following her every move. Michelle wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her closer. "Can we talk?"

The smile on the artist's lips vanished, but with a reassuring grip on her hips, Michelle shook her head. She gently entwined her hand with her girlfriend's and walked them by the balcony, and the artist quietly followed.

"Is everything okay, baby? What do you want to talk about?" Anntonia asked, acting nonchalant even though she had a feeling she already knew what they were going to talk about.

"Max talked to me." And with that statement, Anntonia closed her eyes, exhaling a heavy sigh. "What happened between you and Heather at the office?"

There's no way Michelle would let her get out of this conversation, and they had talked about being open when something bothered them, so she told her all the events that happened in the elevator with Heather.

"Though I feel triumphant for shutting her off like that, there's this feeling inside me ‌that this isn't over yet. My words still didn't get through to her."

By now, Michelle had furrowed her eyebrows, her jaws clenched, and her eyes were ablaze.

"I'm confident about you not cheating on me, baby, because what I said to her is true. And we trust each other. I don't trust her, to be honest."

Michelle's features softened. "I'm confident that you love me, Michelle. I believe and feel it. Maybe I'm just scared that one day I'll disappoint you and you'll lose how you feel about me."

Her chin trembled, fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall. "But most of all, I fear myself. What if I hurt you again and then," she swallowed, "and then I'll lose myself in the process that it would make you want to leave me?"

Michelle's tight embrace suddenly engulfed her. All of her pent-up frustrations about herself suddenly resurfaced, so she cried. Sobbing at Michelle's chest until her throat feels dry, until all of her worries subsided.

"I love you. I'm so afraid to lose you and Dani again, honey." She bit her lower lip so hard that it drew blood. "We're just restarting our lives together, and it makes me anxious that one day I'll slip up and ruin everything we have."

Soft and warm hands wiped away the tears that had been falling nonstop over the minute. "You know, when Max told me ‌you and I needed to talk, the first thing that registered in my mind was that you're going to leave me again."

Ann gazed up to meet such honest eyes, so loving, and yet there was fear inside that she's trying to hide. "Baby, it's not just you who are afraid of losing someone important to you. I'm terrified of losing you and going on with my life without you in it one more time."

"Then that makes the two of us. I guess I'm just the same as you, baby. Get jealous and overly possessive when people try to get your attention or when people try to claim you."

Scowling when remembering Heather's words. "And just so we're clear, Ms. Dee," she husked, ghosting her lips against her lover's.

"Hm?" Michelle swallowed thickly, wanting nothing more than to close the gap between them and kiss her red lips fervently, but all she could do was a hum that almost sounded like a moan.

Fingers playing with the lapel of Michelle's PJs, "and, for the record, I will not apologise about calling Heather out on her bullshit. I'm just protecting what is already" Michelle feels the warmth of her girlfriend's breath. "Mine." She finishes, and that does it.

Their lips crashed in a kiss, biting and nipping urgently. They were not sure who moaned loudly when their tongues met, clashing and tasting each other. Nobody wanted to pull away to breathe. Instead, their kiss went deeper.

They once again succumbed to their own world, where each of their worries and fears didn't exist—only love, lust, and passion. Michelle was the one to pull away for air, her eyes fluttering open as she focused on looking at Anntonia.

"I'm going to talk to Miss Hastings and dad about this, honey."

The artist gave her a confused look. "Dad, too?"

"Yeah, he remembers our deal before he asked me to take charge of his HQ. Dani and I aren't supposed to stay here for long. He said I could go back to New York when everything's settled. And it almost is—not that I don't like it here; it's just that's where our daughter grew up," she chuckles, shaking her head. "Her little friends are there."

A slight smile formed on Anntonia's lips. "Is that the only reason? Baby, if this is about what happened between Heather and me, you don't have to worry about me. It's your job, and dad is happy now that you're here."

"I know that old man loves that I'm doing all the work for him. He said it's my payback for everything he spent on my studies in New York." Michelle said, rolling her eyes. "But I know he's having the best time because his only grandchild is here."

"Then why are you rushing to go back home?"

She smiled and said, "Because of that. Home. Also, to get away from Heather, I may look sexy in front of you, and it's making you hot and bothered, but—"

Ann pinched her sides, annoyingly, for being so cocky. "Michelle Dee!"

The short-haired woman threw her head back as she laughed, then it vanished after a few seconds.

"But inside, I'm furious. It upset me about what happened. It's not okay that she said those things to you and talked to you that way, like she was there when we were going through a rough patch in our marriage. She has no say in it, only us. And I will allow no one to talk to you that way."

The artist looked down, suddenly feeling guilty because this may affect Michelle and Heather's partnership in the company. It's only a few months left before their return to New York. She can bear it. As long as the woman won't ‌ruin their relationship, she will have to let them work together.

Michelle noticed her partner had become oddly silent. It's obvious that she's trying to contemplate something, and so the young CEO waited patiently for her to say what's on her mind.

"Baby, you're not thinking of giving this project up, are you?" Ann asked, worried.

Michelle had been thinking about it ever since Dani had an accident. When she and Anntonia had a fight because of Heather, maybe it's time to decide before everything gets out of hand.

"Do you think we should go back early? Go home to New York? You, Dani, and I? I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Because then you won't have to think about Heather and me; you won't have to worry."

Indeed, this is a testament to how faithful and loyal she was to her partner. Ann admired how much she would be willing to ‌sacrifice for their family and relationship. But Ann knew her father-in-law entrusted the company to Michelle, and she wasn't even on the plan when all this happened. Back then, the couple did not know that they were going to get back together, and now Michelle was planning on leaving because she wanted to give her peace of mind.

"Honey, I'm grateful that you are thinking about us, and I love you so much for it. I want to go back; of course, there is nothing that would make me happier more than to go home with you in our house, but I don't want you to disappoint dad."

The young CEO opened her mouth to say something in protest, but she shut it back. Anntonia smiled at her, one hand caressing her cheek.

"But what about you? I'm just thinking about how my partnership with Heather makes you uneasy, and I don't want that."

Oh, how she loves this woman standing in front of her. Thinking about her feelings before anyone and everything. Ann will do just the same. If a situation calls for it, Anntonia will always put her family first. There's no doubt about it. Because she believes in what love is when you're willing to set aside some things for the people who are important to you.

She leaned in closer to meet Michelle's lips for a kiss, savouring it like she always does. "I'm fine, baby. I can handle a few months of you working with her, as long as she won't do something."

Michelle raised an eyebrow. Her signature smirk appeared as she looked down before shaking her head. Feeling bashful and giddy because of the woman in front of her. She feels her cheeks getting warmer.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Anntonia asked, noticing her lover getting flustered.

Her girlfriend chuckled. "There's nothing wrong, baby. I'm just happy. You're great at this loving me thing." Then a giggle comes out of her throat, something that only Ann can do to her.

It's Ann's turn to flush. "Gosh, we're too old for this. It feels as if we're back to being teenagers or in college when we first started dating. You're great at this loving me thing, baby."

Her partner stared at her, slightly aghast. "Too old? Excuse me, but we're not that old to be like this to each other, and I'm being this way because I can see that we have the same effect on each other. Even if I get jealous and possessive all the time, you think of what's better for our family, all of it."

"You think I don't get jealous?" She inquired, tickling Michelle's side.

Her short-haired beauty squirmed at her hold until she laughed louder than she intended to.

"No. Because you're cooler than I am," she said in between laughter.

"Of course, I get jealous. Why do you think I shut Heather down? And those mums at Dani's school—they're ogling like they want to pin you on the wall and have their way with you. And that woman you kissed in the club?" she grimaced. Remembering Max's story. Though they weren't together, it still stung.

Michelle snorted at her girlfriend's comment. "Like I would give them my time of day. Besides, everyone knows my wife is the hottest artist on earth."

She wiggles her eyebrows at the woman who's glowering at her. "And that woman in the club—I don't even remember who she was or what she looked like, baby. Just the thought of you clouded my mind. Just you, and I'm sorry it happened, but it was because I was so sad."

"I'm sorry too, honey. If it weren't because of me, you wouldn't be so heartbroken and lonely. But that won't happen again, hmm? So, are we okay now? Are you still scared, thinking that I'll leave you?"

"Yes, but in a good way. I'll hold on to what you say. I won't let you leave. Now, Mrs. Dee, how about you pin me on the wall and have your way with me?" She husked with a sultry look on her beautiful face.

"You—God, you're having a blast on this holiday, aren't you? And as much as I want to have my way with you, darling, your daughter is sleeping in our bed. So, you would have to wait until we go back home."

She kissed Anntonia's neck. "Then we will have to see if the indoor pool works properly."


"Please, it'll be quick."

Ann snorted. "Ha! You don't mean that, baby." They both know it won't be quick since they always take time to savour making love to each other.

Ghosting her lips to the crook of her neck while pressing herself closer to her lover.

"You're right, it's not going to be quick, but please? It's our last night here, baby. I want to have you."

"You have me."

"Naked. I want you naked."

Michelle turned her around and pressed her front into Anntonia's ass, causing the artist to whimper. "Jesus, fuck." She sighed and rested her head on Michelle's shoulder as the other woman inserted her hand inside her panties and massaged her clit.

Michelle knew she had already got her. "Please, baby," she whispered in one of her spots behind her ear, fingers still working on her already drenched heat.

Anntonia parted her legs with a whimper, wanting Michelle to insert her fingers inside and fuck her. She's got a hold of the railing and grips it firmly. She inserted one finger, and the artist was almost on the verge of coming.

It was an awkward position, but it's too late to stop now, as Michelle is on a mission to make her girlfriend cum on her fingers. She inserted another finger, filling her up as she thrust in and out, hitting just the right spot while her thumb was doing wonders on her very sensitive nub.

"Oh, God," she moaned a little louder, hooking her arm behind Michelle's neck. She could feel her perky nipples from behind, pressing her ass firmly to her front with every thrust. "Please, baby.."

"Baby, you have to be quiet," she whispered into her ear when she saw Dani stirred in her sleep.

She was so close, as talented fingers hit just the right spots inside of her. With one more nip at the skin of her neck and a few more thrusts, Anntonia came undone, her legs shaking from a blissful orgasm.

She was chasing after her breath, slender fingers still inside her, feeling another wave of orgasm coming as Michelle continued massaging her clit. "One more, baby," and that she did.

Michelle wanted nothing more than to make love to her in bed. But her girlfriend had a different idea. Still shaking after two powerful orgasms, Ann turned to face her lover, fusing their lips with a hurried kiss. Hands wandered, unbuttoning Michelle's top.

They can see Dani is still sleeping inside the room as they try not to make too much noise. Ann latched onto one of Michelle's already hardened peaks, sucking and licking while her fingers were playing with the other. The woman, in pleasure, grunted. Until Anntonia's kisses reached down to her navel, and she was kneeling in front of her.

Eyes dark from lust and arousal were looking at each other. She knew where this was going, and she could not wait. The artist pulled her pants and underwear down to her calves. She gasped when the cool breeze of the wind hit her glistening core.

Ann was eyeing her cunt hungrily, her mouth watering as she saw how wet she was. Michelle hissed when warm hands touched her, drawing circles on her clit. One hand gripped her ass, and she couldn't stop the guttural moan when Anntonia's mouth enclosed her sensitive bundle of nerves, swiping her juices using her tongue.

"Yeah!" she breathed, trying not to close her eyes. Because she wanted to watch her wife as her head bobbed up and down, sucking her clit. Michelle released another guttural moan when Ann pulled away, and it changed the sound she was making into a very pleased groan when Ann licked her from top to bottom, down to her entrance. While her fingers were moving nonstop.

Their eyes met while Ann inserted her tongue inside of her. God, she wouldn't tire of being at her mercy. There's nothing hotter and more arousing than watching her lover do wonders with her pussy against her warm mouth. She wanted to thrust her hips so badly that she did it slowly, combing her long locks back up, curtaining her ministrations.

"So good, baby. Just like that. I'm so close."

Anntonia didn't stop her movements, sucking and licking while her hand massaged Michelle's clit until she felt her clit twitching inside her mouth and tasted spurts of cum from her girlfriend, swallowing everything she could give her, lapping at her, and milking her dry.

Her lover grunted when she pulled away from her throbbing and sensitive centre, and Michelle couldn't see anyone more beautiful than Ann, with sweat dripping down her forehead and her pink lips swollen from their kiss earlier and wet from her juices after what she just did for her.

"Wow. That was—thank you," she said, grinning stupidly like a horny teenager who had just got their way for the first time.

Her lover chuckled at her reaction. "You don't need to thank me every time I give you a head, baby. I aim to please."

With her face tinged pink, Michelle helped her stand up and kissed her with fervour, tasting herself in Anntonia's mouth. Feeling the tiredness from what just occurred between them, with another peck on the lips, she walked her inside their room.

"Let's clean up before going to bed, baby."


"I'm so sorry, baby. Mum and Mama are so sorry."

Dani's chin quivers as a pout forms on her lips. Fat tears fell from the child's eyes. They just got home from their trip, and she's excited to get home to see her pet fish.


Her parents were busy putting their things away from Balesin when Dani ran in their direction, looking like she was about to cry. Her mother noticed her first. The smile vanished upon seeing their daughter's expression.

"What's wrong, ducky? Are you hurt? Does your arm hurt, baby?"

With a sniffle, followed by a sob, Dani threw herself into her mother. Her two mothers kneeled before her in concern.

"Mummy, my fish died." She wailed.

The two women gave each other knowing looks. Three of them went to see the fish, and it's true, they found it floating on top of the water in its bowl. Their daughter was crying, and it's heartbreaking to see how sad Dani was.

"Granny will get angwy at me, mama. It's her present for me."

Michelle drew her hand up and down on Dani's back to console her. "Of course not, buddy. Granny will never be mad at you. I promise, maybe just sad but not angry, okay?"

Another set of tears fell from her eyes. "I don't have a fwiend anymore."

Ann wiped their daughter's tears. "Sweetheart, that's not true. You still have so many friends."

"But they don't live in my house. Can they live in my house, mummy?"

Michelle was trying so hard to stifle her laughter if it weren't for Anntonia's glare towards her.

"They can't live in our house, baby. Because then their mummies are going to be sad, too."

"I want my fish. Pwease, mummy."

"Sorry, honey. Mummy can't do anything."

Dani continued to have a meltdown until she got tired and fell asleep on her mother's chest.

"I guess we have to hold a funeral for a fish."

"Michelle, please," warned her girlfriend, gritting her teeth.

The short-haired woman giggled. "I'm sorry, baby. I'll call mum."

And there they were—three adults plus Dani—in their washroom. Giving the fish a fake funeral ceremony.

"Sorry, Mr Fishy. The sewers aren't the best place to go. Please forgive us."

It's Michelle's mum's turn to look daggers at her for being so callous about the cause of their daughter's sadness, while Ann rolls her eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" mouthed her girlfriend, and Michelle cleared her throat, behaving herself. "Dani, do you want to say goodbye to your fish?"

She's about to cry again, and Michelle was quick to reassure her that her pet was going to be okay wherever it went. Dani watched as her mama fetched the fish using a net and carefully dropped it in the toilet bowl. Her mother and Ann winced behind her because they felt bad for Dani and the fish.

Then the fish disappeared as she flushed the toilet. Her grandmother went home with a promise to bake her a lot of cookies to make Dani not sad anymore. Michelle sat her down on the ottoman by their bed while Ann helped walk her in-law out.

"Dani, I know it's sad that Mr fishy is not with us anymore. Mama was sad too when my dog died when I was young, like you."

"You had a dog, mama?"

"Mhm. But it died because the dog was very sick. I cried too, you know? Very sad because it was my best friend."

"I'm sowwy, mama." Dani said, holding her mother's hand.

"But you know what? When I grew up, Mama found another best friend, and it made me not so sad anymore. Do you know who's the best friend I found?"

Dani stared at her mama, shaking her head. "Auntie Riri and Auntie Max?" The pair didn't notice Ann's footsteps towards their room. She halted, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

"Well, yeah, but I found a much better one. It's your mummy. I've always been sad, and I didn't have many friends. But when your mum came into my life, that's when I found my best friend forever."

Dani frowned. "But mummy is your love, mama."

Her parents smiled at her. "Yeah, she's my love forever too, but you can have a best friend and love with the same person. Your mum is my best friend and my love. She helped me not to feel sad anymore, and then you came, and now you're my best friend too."

The child giggled. "You're so silly. I'm your baby."

"Oh, that you are. Harper, you can have as many friends as you want, hm? At school, your friends in New York, Ms Audrey's niece, and one day, mummy and I will give you the best friend you will ever have. I promise you that."

There's a flutter inside Ann's chest hearing about their conversation, touched by her lover's words.

"Mummy and I will try to give you a brother or a sister, hm? But we have to wait because it takes time for the storks to make one of those, and the storks have to bring it into the house, okay?"

Dani's eyes light up, remembering her mum's words just like this before. "But mum has a baby inside her tummy."

Michelle sighed as she almost forgot to talk to her daughter about it. "No, baby. Mum doesn't have a baby inside her tummy yet. So, please don't tell granny and old man yet, deal? If you tell them, the baby will be too shy to come home, and you won't have a best friend. Yes?"

Anntonia grinned. The look of confusion and excitement on their daughter's face is something she can already imagine. She realised there's no need for her to talk to her therapist about having another child because she wants it. She's ready to carry another one and expand their family. She was hoping that her body would still be healthy enough to give Dani a sibling that she wanted to have.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone our plan, or the storks won't give us your baby brother or sister."

Smart kid offered her tiny pinky, and her mama happily hooked hers into it to seal their promise.

"Pinky pwomise. Can I tell mummy?"

Of course, she doesn't want her mother to feel left out of their secret.

Michelle leaned in closer to whisper something in her ear. "I think she already heard us, buddy. Right, mummy?" She called out, finally noticing Ann's presence.

"You're right; sorry, Mummy was eavesdropping. But we promise you, honey. Just be patient with mum a little, okay?" Ann hooked her pinky in their joined fingers.

"I pwomise."

It's the day Anntonia has to leave for New York, and she's already feeling sad about it. After telling Dani the night before her flight, the child had a meltdown because she wanted to ride the plane with her mummy, but Anntonia explained she would be back in seven days.

"Count the days for me, honey. After you count seven days, I'm going to be home."

They drove her to the airport, feeling the sadness creeping in as she walked inside to check her luggage in. But not before giving them her tightest embrace and kiss, one with Dani and a deeper one with her girlfriend, hoping it would last for a week of not having to kiss her.

"I love you both so much. Baby, please take care of her. Remember, she has"

"A follow-up checkup for her arm. I need to schedule therapy for her arm. Bring her at least once or twice in the office; go with her in the park because she's going to feel so bored at home; cook her healthy meals; and last but not least, I'm allowed to order a McDonald's meal for her, but just one time." She reiterated Anntonia's to-do list for her.

"Don't worry about us, baby. I got it."

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you. Come home to me as early as you can, hm? Or I'll follow you to New York and bring you back myself."

She kissed her one more time and said, "Yes, ma'am. And when I come back, let's talk about making baby number 3."

Michelle groaned, while Dani was busy waving at everyone who passed them by. "You can't say things like that in a public place like the airport. But I'm taking your word for it."

"Remember our deal, Miss Dee."

The short-haired woman sighed. "I know. I know. Although it's going to be so hard." She winked at the innuendo in her words.

"Stop it. Alright, I have to go. See you soon, babies. I love you both."

The two watched as Ann went inside.

"You miss mummy already?"

Dani bobbed her head up and down.

"Yeah, me too. Right, let's go. Granny is waiting for you."

After dropping Dani off at her mother's house, Michelle went straight to the office. Audrey packed her schedule for the whole day, visiting sites and attending conference meetings, and she needed to have a conversation with Heather.

"Heather, can you call Ms Hasting's secretary if she has time for a meeting with me? Tell her it won't take long." She said it through the intercom.

"Will do, ma'am."

It surprised Heather to hear from her assistant that Michelle wanted to have a meeting with her, but their next one should not be until the end of the month. She had a feeling it was a personal one.

But she's ready for it, and it's her chance to see Michelle after Anntonia took her away for her birthday. God, she never felt more pathetic. Telling herself to just stop is one thing, but doing it is another.

So she tells her secretary that she's available now. Heather felt nervous about this meeting, but she ignored it and walked straight to Michelle's office. Audrey opened the door for her, revealing Michelle sitting on the couch, waiting for her.

"Hey, so you're back. Had a fun holiday?"

The young CEO gives her a small smile, "yeah, it was great. The best one yet."


"My assistant said you asked to meet me; is everything okay? Or have you missed me so much that you're excited to see me as soon as you come back to work?" She said she was flirting with Michelle.

Usually, the woman in front of her would just smile at her advances and move on with a business-related topic. But this time, she looked passive.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about what happened between you and my wife."

Wife. That's another dagger to the heart, but she composed herself.

"Ms Hastings, I have a lot of respect for you and our partnership here in my father's company. But I don't appreciate you talking to Anntonia that way."

"So she already snitched on you. Come on, Michelle, we're both adults. If she couldn't handle what I said, then maybe she's not that strong. All I said was facts." Was her comment, and Michelle tensed her jaw, already feeling the rage inside her simmering.

"That's crossing the line; wouldn't you agree? Who are you in my life for you to say those things to her? We never dated. Sure, you asked me. But I don't remember saying yes to any of your advances."

"Don't tell my wife to not be comfortable having me. Because I will be the one who's going to tell you this, no matter what you do. No matter how much you flirt, I will never feel something for you as I feel towards my wife."

Heather can see the fire burning in Michelle's eyes while she says those words to her, and her heart drops from seeing the person she's infatuated with angry towards her. And with that, for the first time, Heather couldn't utter a single word to Michelle Dee.

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