Danger Zone • Top Gun: Maveri...

By taylaxauffray

13.8K 275 40

Emerson Blackwood and Skye Kazansky had dreamed of becoming pilots for as long as they could remember. Throug... More

• Prologue •
• Cast •
• Chapter One •
• Chapter Two •
• Chapter Three •
• Chapter Four •
• Chapter Five •
• Chapter Six •
• Chapter Seven •
• Chapter Eight •
• Chapter Nine •
• Chapter Ten •
• Chapter Eleven •
• Chapter Twelve •
• Chapter Thirteen •
• Chapter Fourteen •
• Chapter Fifteen •
• Chapter Sixteen •
• Chapter Seventeen •
• Chapter Eighteen •
• Chapter Nineteen •
• Chapter Twenty •
• Chapter Twenty-One •
• Chapter Twenty-Two •
• Chapter Twenty-Three •
• Chapter Twenty-Four •
• Chapter Twenty-Five •
• Chapter Twenty-Seven •
• Epilogue •

• Chapter Twenty-Six •

273 4 0
By taylaxauffray

"Okay, Bradley, get us in touch with the boat." Emerson instructed as she flew side-by-side with Skye on her left wing.

"Working on it." Bradley responded as he flipped a few switches on his instrument panel. "Radio's out, no radar.. Everything is dead back here." He said. "What do I do? Talk me through it."

"Okay, first the radio." Skye started as she attempted to guide her cousin over comms. "Throw the UHF-2 circuit breaker."

The tall pilot glanced at the breakers behind him. "There's three hundred breakers back here. Anything more specific?" He asked.

"Wasn't this your Dad's department?" Emerson quizzed lightly.

"I'll figure it out." Bradley responded and turned to his right to look through at the breakers when his eyes caught sight of something. "Em, tally two, five o'clock low." He warned.

The brunette glanced in the direction only to stiffen slightly as she saw two bandits flying below them.

"Oh, this is perfect!" Skye voiced with sarcasm.

"What do we do?" Bradley asked.

"Just be cool." Emerson replied. "If they knew who we were, we'd be dead already."

"Well, here they come." The tall pilot responded as he watched the bandits rise in altitude to fly at level with them. "What's the plan?"

"Put your mask on." The brunette answered and clipped her mask on. "Remember, we're on the same team. Just smile and wave."

As the bandit leveled out beside them, the trio simply waved at the pilot, who made a hand gesture with his thumb tucked in.

"What's that signal?" Bradley quizzed, keeping his eyes focused on the pilot. "What's he saying?"

"No idea." Emerson mumbled. "I have no idea what he's saying."

"What about that one? Any ideas?" Bradley asked as the pilot made another gesture.

"Nope, none." The brunette replied.

The pilot from the enemy bandit slowly moved towards the right, and Skye's eyes seemed to have widened at the move.

"Shit, guys.." She warned. "The wingman is moving into a weapon's envelope."

"Em, can we outrun these guys?" Bradley questioned as he watched the enemy wingman move in behind their aircraft.

Emerson scoffed softly in response. "Not their missiles and guns." She answered as she glanced over at Skye's F-14.

"Then it's a dogfight." The young man stated.

"In an F-14?" Skye quizzed, craning her neck from side-to-side. "Against fifth gen fighters?"

"Remember, little cuz, it's not the plane.." Bradley started.

"It's the pilot.." Emerson finished and fell silent, deep in thought as she weighed out their options.

"Come on, Em.." The tall pilot encouraged his girlfriend. "I trust you."

The brunette remained silent for a mere moment before she suddenly jerked the joystick, pulling the F-14 towards the right and fired rounds of bullets at one of the bandits' enemy jet as Skye pulled up in a tight diametered loop to get herself behind the second bandit - that soon went after her cousin and best friend.

"Tell me when you see smoke in the air." Emerson instructed.

Bradley glanced out of the canopy towards the tailing bandit, who had just fired a missile at them. "Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air!" He exclaimed.

"Hang on!" Emerson said and dove down, leading the missile towards the burning bandit which had ultimately got taken out.

"Yeah, Em! Splash One, Splash One!" Bradley exclaimed as he glanced out of the canopy just in time to see that his cousin had taken out the second bandit with ease. "Splash Two!"

"Let's not celebrate yet." The brunette pilot mumbled as she caught sight of a third bandit that had flown through the black smoke.

The tall pilot looked behind him to find that the third bandit had fired a missile at them. "Here comes another one!" He warned.

Clenching her jaw, Emerson pulled the jet up and briefly glanced behind her to see the missile tailing them. "Bradley, flares, now!" She instructed.

Bradley, holding tightly onto his instrument panel, quickly deployed the flares as they continued to climb in altitude, which had effectively thrown off the missile.

"Splitting the throttles." Emerson announced as she hit the throttle and brought the F-14 around in a sharp turn. "Coming around."

Their F-14 fell behind the enemy bandit, and the brunette's eyes darted between the aircraft in front of her and her HUD as she tried to get him in missile-lock.

"Come on, give me tone. Give me tone." She mumbled before a constant beeping echoed in the cockpit.

"You got him, Em!" Bradley said. "You got him."

"Taking the shot! Firing!" Emerson announced and fired a missile, turning the F-14 onto its side as it was released.

The missile headed directly towards the enemy bandit but just before it could hit, the bandit had pulled up into a quarter loop vertically before applying its brakes, which was soon followed by the tails movement - missing the missile completely.

"What the--" Emerson muttered with a furrowed brow as they had passed the bandit, who had rolled his aircraft for the recovery phase.

"Holy shit!" Bradley exclaimed as he glanced at the rolling aircraft behind him. "What the fuck was that?"

"That son of a bitch just pulled the Kvochur's Bell maneuver!" Skye stated, her voice filled with surprise as the maneuver that she had witnessed.

"Hang on!" Emerson warned and pulled the F-14 into a dive. "We gotta get low. The terrain will confuse his targeting system. Skye, stay where you are."

"Here he comes!" The tall pilot exclaimed as the bandit followed after them.

Upon hearing gunfire, Emerson swung the F-14 from left to right to avoid being hit by the bullets.

"Talk to me, Bradley, where is he?" She quizzed as she continued to lead them through the terrain.

Bradley looked out of the canopy and saw that the bandit was right behind them.

"He's still on us!" He responded before another round of bullets were fired at them, hitting them near the the engine. "We took a hit! We took a hit!"

"Ugh, dammit!" The brunette exclaimed in frustration.

More bullets were fired at them as the female pilot continued to swing the aircraft from side-to-side.

"Come on, honey, do some of that pilot shit!" Bradley said.

"Brace yourself!" Emerson warned and hit the brake, pulling the F-14 up which had allowed the bandit to fly right past them.

"Holy shit!" The tall pilot exclaimed, gripping onto the instrument panel for dear life.

As she lowered the F-14 down behind the bandit, the pilots saw that Skye dove into the terrain, tailing the bandit as she opened fire.

"Come on, Skye, you've got this!" Emerson said in encouragement for her best friend as both her and Bradley watched with bated breaths.

Upon its turn, the bandit had been hit in the engine by the assault of bullets which had forced the pilot to eject before the plane had crashed into the side of the mountain.

"Yes, Splash Three!" The brunette exclaimed with a grin. "That's my best friend, everybody!"

"That's a kill for Siren." Skye's voice echoed over comms. "You're welcome."

"God, now you're starting to sound like Hangman." Bradley muttered with a shudder.

Emerson giggled and shook her head fondly. "Alright, let's go home." She said and flew beside Skye as they had reached the open waters.

Still attempting at the various breakers, Bradley pressed one of the buttons which had brought the radio to life.

"Em, I've got the radio on." He stated.

"Great." Emerson said with relief. "Get us in touch with the boat."

"Copy that." He replied.

Suddenly, an alarm blared throughout the cockpit, alerting them of an incoming threat as their eyes began darting around the sky.

"Oh my God.." Skye voiced, her own alarm blaring in her cockpit.

"Where the hell is this guy?" Bradley quizzed as he craned his neck around to spot the incoming threat.

As Emerson set her gaze ahead, her eyes widened slightly. "He's on our noses." She said.

Bradley shifted his gaze ahead, where sure enough, there was a fourth bandit right on their noses.

Gritting her teeth, the brunette checked her ammunition and let out a frustrated growl. "Shit! I'm out of missiles and way too low on ammo." She stated.

"I'm out, too." Skye responded.

Mere seconds later, a missile had been released from the bandit and was headed straight towards them.

"Smoke in the air!" Emerson alerted, and together with Skye, had pulled their F-14's to the side. "Deploy countermeasures!"

Together, Skye and Bradley deployed the flares as the two F-14s spun around the missile and over each other - all while narrowly avoiding the bandit as it had passed them.

"That was close!" Bradley muttered.

"Shit, he's already coming around!" Skye announced.

The tall pilot glanced behind them to see that the bandit had indeed turned around and was now on their tail.

"We're out of flares, Em!" He stated, and soon gunfire was heard. "Shit, this is not good!"

The two F-14s maneuvered from left to right to avoid being hit by the bullets but unfortunately, the pilot of the bandit had foreseen their attempt and maneuvered his own plane too - ultimately hitting one of the planes in the wing.

"Shit, I'm hit!" Skye exclaimed. "I'm hit!"

"No, no, no, no!" Emerson gritted out as she broke off to the right, the bullets hitting the F-14 in the engine once again.

Alerts went off on the instrument panel. "We can't take much more of this!" Bradley exclaimed.

"We can't outrun this guy." The brunette stated. "We need to eject."

"What?" The tall pilot quizzed.

"We need more altitude." Emerson continued. "Pull the ejection handles on my command!"

"Em, no!" Bradley yelled as both F-14s pulled up to climb in altitude; the bandit following close behind them.

"Eject! Eject!" The female pilot exclaimed.

Bradley grabbed the ejection handles at the top of his seat and pulled, but nothing had worked.

"Bradley, pull the handle! Eject!" Emerson instructed.

The tall pilot grunted as he continued to pull the ejection handles but to no avail. "It's not working!" He replied. "Em!.."

Tears welled up in the brunettes eyes as she continued to climb in altitude, her panting now shaky breaths. "I'm sorry.." She whispered as a constant beeping echoed throughout the cockpit, signaling that they were caught in missile-lock. "I'm sorry, Uncle Nick and Uncle Tom.."

"I'm sorry, Dad.."

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