Blaidd x Male Reader

By Incineroarwithagun

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OWNFOANEO Okay I got this idea bc of an assignment I'm doing in my English class so I was like ykw lemme just... More

A Tall Wolf Warrior
The Tarnished and The Shadow
The Fruits of your Labor
Day 2: Hangover and Darrwil
Off to Liurnia!
A Detour to The Roundtable Hold
Off to Liurnia!.. Again...
To the Future Elden Lord!
Liurnia of the Lakes
Guidance from the Two Fingers
(SMUT) A Tryst Underneath The Stars (SMUT)
Nokron, The Eternal City
To The Capital!
What's Your Problem?
Claiming The Throne, Together
Stand Before The Elden Ring, Become The Elden Lord
Burn The Erdtree To The Ground...
The Crumbling City Of Farum Azula
The Rune Of Death Is Unbound
A Man Cannot Kill A God...
The Fallen Leaves Tell A Story...
Of How A Tarnished And Shadow Became Elden Lord...
(EPILOGUE) The Age Of The Lovers
Thank You!!!


202 4 2
By Incineroarwithagun

After a long night of sneaking out past your curfew, you finally wake up. Your eyes slowly open up and you are quickly met with the grasp of Blaidd.

"Urrghh..." You groan out as you remember what happened last night.

You try your best to escape his tight grasp but the more you move, the tighter his grasp gets. You manage to turn around and face Blaidd, he is still sleeping. While you are overheating, sweaty, and dehydrated, Blaidd is still shirtless and still sleeping soundly like a baby in it's crib. You don't know what to do.

"U-Uhm... Blaidd..." You whisper gently into his ear as you continue to try to pull away.

Blaidd's ear twitches as your warm breath hits the inside of his ear, his eyes begin to open up finally. The both of you lock eyes with one another as he let's off a small smile.

"Hey there..." He chuckles lightly as he pulls you on top of him into a hug.

The hug is admittedly soft, you could almost get lost in it... But you have a job to do!

"Blaidd!" You raise a hand and smack one of his manly boobs, he groans in pain with a slight laugh.

"Okay! Okay! Marika forbid I have a little fun with you..." Blaidd pushes you off of him and sits up with a yawn.

He looks around for his shirt before putting it on and turning to you, "We oughta find the entrance to Nokron today, I've heard rumors that General Radahn has something to do with holding the stars back or something. They're holding a festival for his send off in Caelid."

"Send off?" You turn around after putting on your chest plate of armor, "Like, killing him or?.."

"Precisely, poor guy has been rotting away because of Malenia's temper tantrum mid battle, now the entirety of Caelid is a Scarlet Rot infested hellscape. It's best to put the General down, don't want him suffering anymore."

The two of you finish getting ready and step out of the tent together. You tear down camp and get ready for the journey ahead.

"So, where is Caelid?" You summon Torrent and get atop him, "Can't be that far, right?"

"It's on the other side of The Lands Between, Y/N..."

You stare at Blaidd before letting out a heavy sigh, it's gonna be another long journey.

"Don't worry, Kalé told me of a transporter to Caelid, should get us there in no time, it is in Limgrave however." Blaidd says as he begins to walk off.

"H-Hey!" You yell out for him as Torrent begins to follow.

The two of you follow the trail from Liurnia back to Limgrave, surprisingly enough, there are no more damsels in distress to stop you and Blaidd. No forts to take over and no petty thefts to solve, the two of you make it to Limgrave much faster now that everything appears calm.

Blaidd leads you over behind a Church of Marika, the wind begins to slowly howl as you approach a glowing figure behind a couple bushes, it beckons you closer. A swirling vortex contained in a small pillar welcomes you to enter, but what exactly is on the other side?

"Blaidd, I don't know if I trust that..." You dismount Torrent and look into the portal.

"Oh nonsense! You felled Godrick, you can handle a bit of mystery!" Blaidd says happily as he crosses his arms, "Hey, do you want to see a cool trick?"

You look back at him, "Hm?"

As you look back, Blaidd gives your butt a hard smack that echoes through the bushes. The force of the smack pushes you through the portal. Your surroundings immediately change into a much more windy and stormy area as you faceplant onto hard concrete with a grunt. Blaidd soon follows behind you.

You quickly turn around and yell at him while you lay on your back, "BLAIDD YOU BASTARD!"

Blaidd looks down at you and laughs, he extends his hand towards you, "If you can sign us up for mercenary work, then I can touch your ass." He pulls you up with a grunt, "Besides, if we're gonna sleep together then I'm sure it's not the last time I'll feel it."

You reluctantly accept the hand and get pulled up, "it's not about my ass! It's..." Your eyebrows furrow together as it clicks in your mind what Blaidd is insinuating, "Wh... You... Okay... I'd rather we make it through this whole Elden Lord business before we start breeding like rabbits."

"Like... What?" Blaidd stares at you dumbfounded as you begin to walk off and explore the surroundings.

The place is littered with local militia, word around says that it's a place called Dragonsbarrow, just adjacent to Caelid. The wind howls and rain pours down, the environment has definitely seen it's impact from Malenia's Scarlet Bloom, trees are slightly rotted with mold growing from stones, but it's not entirely hell.

Everything is going fine until you reach a bridge, it just so happens to have a dragon guarding the bridge. The dragon paces back and forth slowly, looking for people as it's next meal.

You turn to Blaidd and cross your arms, "Do you think smacking my ass will fix this problem?"

He turns down to you with a sheepish grin, "N-No... But I'm not opposed to trying."

You scoff and roll your eyes before walking towards the bridge. Blaidd stares down at your ass as you walk away, the urge to smack it is definitely there, but he suppresses them... For now...

The two of you begin to sneak your way across the slightly rotted bridge, the dragons back is turned towards you and everything seems to be going smoothly, that is, until the dragon turns around. It raises it's head as it spots the both of you, with a huff, it begins to cautiously walk towards you both.

"Shit..." You mumble to yourself as you begin to back up.

Blaidd looks down and smacks your ass, you stumble forward and alert the dragon, it begins to let out a roar as it feels threatened and is ready for a fight.

You turn around and put your fists on your hips as you stare angrily at Blaidd, "BLAIDD!"

Blaidd has a look on his face that resembles a kid who has been caught looking at Christmas presents early, he quickly puts his hands up, "I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY!"

The dragon roars once more as it flies up and begins to sweep the bridge with flames, it narrowly misses the both of you as you begin to run as fast as you can to the other side of the bridge. Thankfully, you manage to escape it while the dragon continues to defend it's territory.

The two of you catch your breath behind a couple trees before making your way down into a fork in the road, one way leads past another dragon, one way leads towards it.

"All of these damned dragons, when are we going to catch a break?" Blaidd brings his hands to his head as he groans.

"Well, a dragon led us on this path, a dragon should lead us on the right path again, right?" You look up at Blaidd as he looks down at you.

"What kind of logic is that?"

"This place is called DRAGONSbarrow."

" I-..." Blaidd sighs and agrees to follow the path of the dragon.

It lays on the ground paralyzed and unable to move, it's not a threat as long as you don't attempt to disturb it. The both of you cautiously walk around the slumbering dragon and into a fort.

"The festival is said to be held at a fort, we're in a fort, where is everyone?" Blaidd speaks up as he navigates the empty fort.

You follow behind and look around the empty place, nothing but old weapons and hay remain, the two of you climb a ladder and spot a chest. Once again, you and Blaidd look at each other with a grin, nobody is here, nobody is going to miss it . You open up the chest with eagerness only to find a small half of a medallion. Something about this seems... Familiar...

"Hey! Wait a second!" You dig through your back and pull out the first half of the medallion and piece the both together, it's a match.

"That's cool, but we're here for General Radahn, not some broken antique."

"I like antiques, Blaidd."

Blaidd says nothing as he looks around the rooftop to scope out the area, the greenery of Limgrave shines softly through The Lands Between, it's a beautiful sight. Right next to it, a hellish red color consumes the sky, Caelid. Blaidd looks deeper and spots people beginning to gather in a fort, the festival is there and we are at the wrong fort...

"God dammit..." Blaidd let's his head hang down with a sigh.

You quickly realize what's going on, "God damnit..."

One rendezvous through hell and rot and you find yourselves finally at the Radahn Festival. You step through the gates and see champions gathered together. A Finger Maiden sees you approaching, she says nothing but gives you a polite bow. A loud voice can be heard yelling from a balcony above.


Apparitions of warriors stand across the room, one catches your eye, a living jar.

You approach the living jar, his arms are crossed and he seems friendly enough.

"Hey there! I am Alexander, also known as the Iron Fist. Ain't this place grand? A dramatic send off for the General himself, To think, I could face a great champion of the Shattering, a demigod in the flesh..." His body jitters lightly as he gets lost in thought.

You and Blaidd begin to walk through the door and take a lift down to the battlefield arena.

Blaidd nudges your arm, "Are you ready?"

You look up at him as you draw your sword and shield, "I have no idea who this Radahn guy is, but he can't be that scary..."

The two of you are slowly met with the red sand of The Wailing Dunes, you walk across the beach until you're met with another teleporter. You angrily look at Blaidd.

"Oh no you don't! You first this time!"

Blaidd shrugs and smiles, "If you insist..."

Blaidd bends over and stops right before entering the portal and mocks you, "Oooh! I'm so scared! I sure hope nobody smacks me!"

You decide to take advantage of this situation and kick him in his butt, the force pushes him through the portal.

"GRAGH! YOU BAS-" Blaidd is cut off as he is sent to the other side of the beach, you soon join him.

The red sand fills the arena, a slight foggy atmosphere is seen throughout the beach as the red cloudy sky shines down gently on everyone there. General Radahn stands beyond everyone from afar, he spots you all and begins to fire arrows. Everyone splits up and charges Radahn at their own pace. You and Blaidd stick together of course, arrows quite literally rain down at a couple points until they all stop. Radahn puts his bow away and unsheathes his dual swords, he clicks them together before swinging wildly at everyone.

It's an all out brawl as people cast incantations and slash at Radahn in hopes to be the one to make him fall to his knees. The more you all attack Radahn, the angrier he gets. He charges his swords up and extends his arms. A huge wave of gravity pulls everyone towards him before he slams down causing everyone in front of him to be pushed back by the sudden energy. He suddenly leaps up into the air and disappears, everyone is stunned.

"Uh... Did we do it?" Someone finally speaks up

You look around the sky for any signs of Radahn, a glowing red dot begins to shine brightly in the sky, "Hey guys look!"

You point at the star as it flashes, it begins to grow larger and larger, it grows concerningly large as everyone realizes that's not a star, that's Radahn. Everyone begins to scatter around as Radahn falls from the sky like a burning meteor, he slams into the ground which manages to knock a couple people off guard. The fight is close to it's end as Radahn is now weakened but angry yet he's ready to defend his and his horses life.

Blaidd lunges forward as everyone struggles to keep up with Radahn's sporadic attacks, he speaks to Radahn as they both clash with one another.

"It's a cruel and wicked life... And I know it hurts you deep inside..." The both of them trade hits, everyone tries their best to offer support but Radahn has no interest in them anymore, only Blaidd, "Everything seems to be cold and vicious, you just wanted to make it right..."

The two of them are at a standstill, nobody dares interrupt the duel as everyone watches in anticipation. They watch as Blaidd readies his blade, Radahn does the same.

"This is no fate for a warrior like you..."

Blaidd draws his sword back as they both lunge at each other. Radahn charges up a powerful attack that radiates off of his swords, he let's out a world shattering roar as they both clash swords. A large flash comes from both of their swords causing everyone to look away. Blaidd and General Radahn's backs are turned towards each other, they both pants before one of them finally falls to the ground; General Radahn.

General Radahn collapses to the ground and let's off a small sigh as he begins to slowly morph back into his original smaller form. Everyone cheers out in joy until something unexpected happens, Blaidd also collapses to the ground.

"BLAIDD!" You yell out as you stumble across the red sand beneath your feet. You quickly run to Blaidd and fall to your knees.

"No no no nonononnoooo!" You whisper to yourself in distress as you flip Blaidd over onto his back, he's breathing but very gently.

"Shit!" You begin to think of something to help the situation.

You get on top of Blaidd and put two hands on his chest and begin to perform CPR, it's hard to do so while he's wearing tough armor but you try your best. You lean forward into his mouth and hesitate, he's been teasing you a lot recently, this could all be some prank, then again, he just felled General Radahn. You lean forward and gently press your mouth against Blaidd's, your lips slowly meet as he lays there on the red beach. You feel a twitch beneath you, his arms slowly move to your head as he pulls you in for a more intimate kiss. As your lips meet, so do your tongues. You're angry as hell, you knew he would trick you like this, but God damnit... He tastes good.

After a long and slow tongue filled moment, you slowly pull away from Blaidd as a trail of spit leaves the both of your mouths, his soft eyes open up and meet yours as you sit atop of him, he slowly speaks, "I'll take that as thanks for slaying General Radahn..."

You scoff and roll your eyes, "Whatever man, I'm just glad you're okay..."

You look back at the rest of the party that helped you fell General Radahn, they all quickly look away and pretend nothing happened as you get off of Blaidd. He slowly gets up with a groan before spotting something, a Great Rune! Specifically Radahn's. He leads you over to it and hands it to you, it's warm almost as if it's gently lit aflame. You take the Great Rune in hand and feel it's power radiate in you, you feel stronger.

"Hey... Uh..." Blaidd speaks up softly, "I just..." He seems to be at a struggle of words, you smile and chuckle.

"We'll discuss the next steps later at camp, besides I-..." 

Before you can finish your sentence, a large meteor passes by the sky, then another one, then another, then... Hundreds? Thousands of meteors and stars pass through the sky before one crashes down to The Land's Between and into Limgrave, a large flash of light slowly grows and disappears. Everyone cheers in awe after seeing the star filled spectacle, you and Blaidd turn to one another and both nod as you both realize where your next location will be. To Limgrave once more!


Sorry for the delay y'all, my spring break FINALLY started and I'm tired asf 😭 I got my assignment back in English and my teacher LOVED THE BLAIDD X ME FAN FICTION 😭😭 She just didn't like the ending but whatever, that gave me some motivation to keep this going so I'll see where this heads to.

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