The Illusion Of Us

Oleh KLastella

373K 6.1K 2K

In "The Illusion of Us," Ava and Ethan are the embodiment of a perfect love story. Celebrating six years of s... Lebih Banyak

A Note to Readers
...Let Me Know...
It's Done!


1K 19 0
Oleh KLastella

Fred had been ensnared in back-to-back meetings since the early morning, finding solace only in the late afternoon's quiet. Collapsing into his swivel chair, he finally turned his attention to his phone, which buzzed with missed calls and messages from his New York friends. He assumed they were reminders for the upcoming wedding, a day already etched deeply into his thoughts, haunting him with the specter of what was to come.

With a heavy sigh, he pressed the intercom button. "Tommy, could you please make sure my appointments are rescheduled? I'll be in New York from the thirteenth to the fifteenth for a wedding," he instructed, his voice carrying the weight of his preoccupation.

"Absolutely, Mr. Rushmore. Your schedule for those days is clear," came Tommy's efficient reply. "Is there anything else you need?"

"That's all, thanks," Fred replied, a note of finality in his tone. "You can head out now. See you tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mr. Rushmore."

Fred let several moments pass before braving the messages on his phone, dreading the wave of emotions they might unleash. Instead, he sifted through his emails, responding with deliberate attention to each.

When Fred finally decided to face his phone, the sight of Carlson's name flashing on the screen gripped him with an inexplicable sense of dread. He answered, forcing a cheerfulness he was far from feeling. "Hey man, what's up?"

"You're a tough one to get a hold of, Fred," Carlson's voice came through, tinged with a lightness that didn't quite reach his eyes, had Fred been able to see him. "We've been trying to reach you since last night," he added, the chuckle that followed sounding more forced than genuine.

A frown etched itself deeply on Fred's face as he detected an undercurrent of urgency in Carlson's voice, a stark contrast to his attempted levity. "Something wrong? Are you guys still in Colorado?"

"We're all back. And, Fred... it's a mess," Carlson let out a deep, weary sigh, the kind that spoke volumes of the turmoil he was hesitant to unleash. "I doubt you'll ever guess what went down."

"Carlson, cut the suspense," Fred implored, his patience fraying, feeling an uncharacteristic tightness in his chest. "What happened?"

There was a palpable pause, a moment of silence that seemed to stretch too long before Carlson's voice broke through again, heavy with reluctance. "Ava... she broke up with Ethan." Another pause, filled with unspoken emotions. "The wedding's off."

It was as if time stood still for Fred. A chilling numbness spread through him, his brain refusing to process Carlson's words. "Hey man, you still there?" Carlson's voice sounded distant, as if from another world.

"I—I gotta go. We'll talk later," Fred managed, his voice barely a whisper before he abruptly ended the call. The room seemed to spin as the gravity of the news began to settle in his mind. His first instinct was to reach out to Ava, to ensure she was okay. But attempt after attempt to call her led nowhere, her phone frustratingly out of service. "Oh, Avaline... Where are you?" he murmured to himself, desperation coloring his usually composed voice.

Realization hit him like a freight train. Without another thought, Fred grabbed his coat and made for the door, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. He nearly collided with Tommy at the elevator. "Oh, good, you're still here," he said, more to himself than to Tommy, as he adjusted his coat with shaky hands, his mind racing.

Tommy looked up, surprised. "I thought you had a full evening planned?"

"Change of plans," Fred said, the urgency clear in his voice. "Cancel everything—no, clear my schedule indefinitely. I need to get to New York tonight." Without waiting for a response, he stepped into the elevator, the doors closing on his resolved but haunted expression.

Upon landing at the airport, Fred wasted no time heading straight for Ethan and Ava's Manhattan apartment. The lateness of the hour was of no concern to him; his mind was consumed with the need to understand the situation. Fear for Ava gnawed at him—the fear of how she might be coping in the aftermath of her breakup with Ethan. Knowing the depth of Ava's love for Ethan, Fred could only imagine how difficult it must have been for her to end their relationship, especially just days before they were meant to wed.

As Fred stepped into the dimly lit apartment, he was immediately struck by the somber atmosphere. Ethan's listless greeting barely registered as Fred took in the scene before him: an apartment echoing emptiness and sorrow, littered with empty beer bottles—a testament to Ethan's attempt to drown his sorrows.

 "Ethan?" Fred's voice was laced with concern. 

"Hey, Fred," Ethan's greeting was flat, void of any spark as he motioned for Fred to sit. "So, you've heard the news, huh?" he asked, dropping wearily onto the sofa, a table laden with empty beer bottles before him.

Fred stayed standing, taking in the stark contrast of the lifeless apartment to its once vibrant state. "Yeah, Carlson filled me in. Told me you and Ava have have broken up," he said, gathering the scattered empty bottles from the floor to clear some space. "Is drowning in booze really helping? Have you tried reaching out to Ava?"

Ethan let out a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of his world. "I've been trying since yesterday. Her phone's off, and... I even went to her parents, hoping she'd be there. They told me she's gone and not to follow her." The words seemed to weigh heavily on him, each one a struggle.

Fred noticed the bruises marking Ethan's face, evidence of the turmoil he was in. "Ethan, what on Earth happened?" he pressed, hoping for clarity amidst the confusion.

Ethan met Fred's gaze, a mixture of surprise and resignation in his eyes. "I guess you haven't been filled in yet. I really screwed up, man. I...I said things about never really loving Ava, thinking no one else was listening. And Ava...she heard everything." His voice broke, a testament to his regret. Fred clenched his fists, struggling to keep his emotions in check.

Ethan took a deep, shuddering breath, the weight of his next words pressing down on him. "Then Violet came back, and with her, all the old feelings resurfaced. She wanted us to pick up where we left off, to be together again," he confessed, the turmoil clear in his voice. "And I... I found myself wanting the same, drawn back to her in a way I couldn't resist."

He paused, the silence heavy between them. "So, I continued to meet her, secretly, behind Ava's back. We met up several times, and every time, I felt more like a traitor. We never went as far as sleeping together—I couldn't bring myself to cross that final line while I was still engaged to Ava. But that doesn't make it any less of a betrayal, does it?" Ethan's voice broke with the admission, the reality of his actions laying bare the depth of his betrayal.

In the heavy silence that followed, Fred found his voice again, this time with a chilling clarity that cut through the despair hanging in the air. "You know, Ethan," he began, his gaze fixed on something far beyond the walls of the apartment, "right now, you're drowning in regret for hurting someone as pure as Avaline. But the truth is, you haven't even begun to comprehend the magnitude of what you've lost. That kind of regret," he paused, his voice heavy, "it's going to consume you, making you wish for an end to the relentless agony. But it never ends... because I'm still living through that torment." His words, steeped in a profound sorrow, left an ominous echo, a forewarning of the desolation yet to fully unfold in Ethan's heart.

Without another word, Fred stood up and walked out of the apartment, leaving Ethan to ponder the cryptic yet haunting truth in his parting message.

As the days melded into weeks, and the weeks stretched into months, Fred found himself ensnared in a silence that Ava had left in her wake. The thought of hiring private investigators to find her crossed his mind more times than he cared to admit, yet each time, her parents reassured him she was alright, and preferred to be left alone. This didn't stop Fred; he found himself traveling back to New York every weekend, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ava at her parents' place. This routine was tough and painful, but it was the only thing keeping him sane through all the chaos.

Fred managed to balance his work with these trips. His dad seemed to understand why he needed to do this, even if it meant seeing Ava might never happen. Fred made sure his work and his father's business didn't suffer because of his personal issues.

However, Fred's social life in New York took a hit. He only met up with his friends once after everything happened and did his best to avoid any gatherings if Ethan was going to be there. What Ethan did was unforgivable in Fred's eyes, and he couldn't bear the thought of facing him without the anger bubbling up again.

Fred, accompanied by his colleagues Tommy and Kate, was headed to Girdwood, Alaska, for an essential site visit. Their firm had been entrusted with a significant renovation project for the ski resort owned by a close friend of his father's. The project, now dubbed "Aurora Peaks Retreat," was set to rejuvenate and transform the resort into a modern haven of luxury while preserving its wild Alaskan charm, making it a premier destination for ski enthusiasts worldwide.

Tommy had taken the initiative to book their accommodations, choosing the Snowdrift Cabin Inn, a recommendation that came highly praised by a coworker fresh from a Girdwood vacation. Described as spacious, cozy, and home to a patisserie shop renowned for its pastries, the cabin sounded like the perfect base for their stay.

They arrived at the cabin around three in the afternoon, a time when the winter sun in Alaska hovers low, casting a golden hue that made the snow sparkle. Despite the season, the soft sunlight of the late Alaskan afternoon in March bathed the cabin in a serene glow. The log structure stood majestically against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains, its rustic charm perfectly complementing the surrounding nature. The cabin, enveloped in a blanket of fresh snow, seemed to glow under this soft winter sunlight, inviting them into its warm embrace.

They were greeted by the cabin staff, a middle-aged couple with friendly smiles that conveyed genuine hospitality. "Welcome to Snowdrift Cabin Inn," the woman said, her voice as warm as the ambiance. "We hope you'll find everything to your liking."

Fred couldn't help but admire the setting. "It's beautiful here," he remarked, taking in the picturesque scene. "Exactly what we needed."

Tommy nodded in agreement. "Heard the pastries here are second to none. Can't wait to try them."

Kate, always focused on the details, added, "It's wonderful how it blends with the environment. A perfect inspiration for our project."

As they stepped inside, the cozy atmosphere of the cabin enveloped them. To their right, the patisserie shop beckoned with the enticing aroma of freshly baked goods. "The owner takes pride in baking those herself," the man staff explained, gesturing towards the kitchen visible through the shop. "She's in there now, working on today's batch."

Guided to the living room, they were immediately drawn to the large, rock-made fireplace that radiated warmth, a stark contrast to the chill outside. The space was inviting, with comfortable seating arranged around the hearth, encouraging relaxation and conversation.

"This is exactly the vibe we're aiming for with Aurora Peaks," Kate mused aloud, already drawing parallels between the cabin's ambiance and their project's potential.

Fred agreed, feeling a surge of inspiration. "Let's hope we can capture this warmth and authenticity in our design."

The couple assured them they'd be well taken care of during their stay. "You'll be happy to know you're our only guests for the next few days," the woman shared as she confirmed their arrival from the guest book, her pen gliding smoothly over their names. "So, the cabin is all yours to enjoy. Feel free to explore and indulge in the pastries. We've scheduled dinner in the dining area for later this evening," she continued, her smile as warm and inviting as the cabin itself.

With that, they were each escorted to their respective rooms, the staff pointing out amenities and the layout of the cabin along the way. The promise of exclusivity added an extra layer of tranquility to their stay, making the Snowdrift Cabin Inn not just a place to rest, but a serene retreat from their busy lives.

After a brief rest, Fred felt compelled to explore the cabin. As he wandered, absorbing the meticulously chosen decor, he sensed a distinct, thoughtful touch in every detail. It wasn't that the place felt overtly feminine, but rather, it exuded a warmth and care in its arrangement, suggesting a woman's attentive hand – from the elegant placement of art to the soft, inviting throws draped over couches, each piece seemed chosen with love and intention.

Drawn by the desire to capture Girdwood's enchanting landscape, Fred stepped out onto the patio, his camera in hand. Amidst his photography, he noticed Francheska, the middle-aged cabin staff, removing empty furniture boxes.

Up and exploring already, Mr. Rushmore?" she remarked, her tone friendly yet carrying a note of surprise.

"Yeah, couldn't help myself," Fred replied, his gaze still lingering on the snow-dusted trees. "How long have you been here?"

"About two years" Francheska said, leaning against the doorway. "This used to be just a vacation spot till the new owner flipped it into this inn."

"Smart move, it's perfect for an inn, especially being so close to the ski action," Fred commented, impressed.

Francheska grinned, "Oh, and by the way, we've set up some snacks in the living room. Don't miss out; they're really delicious." A hint of pride in her voice.

With his curiosity piqued and stomach rumbling, Fred made his way back inside. The living room table was adorned with an array of pastries that seemed to belong in a Parisian bakery window—chocolate croissants, blueberry muffins, slices of carrot cake, and red velvet cupcakes, accompanied by coffee and fresh orange juice. The aroma was irresistible, and Fred couldn't help but reach for a chocolate croissant. 

Fred stood motionless, the half-eaten croissant in his hand forgotten as the taste washed over him. It was unmistakably Ava's recipe, a flavor he thought he'd never experience again. The similarity was uncanny, stirring a whirlwind of emotions inside him. Doubt crept in, mingled with a flicker of hope—could it really be Ava who had baked these? The very thought seemed like a cruel trick of fate, too serendipitous to trust.

Just then, as though the universe itself had conspired to answer his silent query, a voice broke the stillness behind him. "Oh, hello there. I'm glad I have the chance to welcome you. I'm so sorry, I was busy baking...It's nice to meet you. My name is..." The voice, sweet and familiar, carried a melody that resonated deep within his soul, a melody he hadn't heard in over three years yet recognized instantly.

With a heart heavy with anticipation and hands trembling slightly, Fred turned around. The world seemed to pause, every second stretching into eternity as he faced her. "Avaline..." he breathed out, his voice a whisper laden with years of longing and unspoken words.

There she stood, Ava, as if no time had passed, yet everything had changed. The surprise in her eyes mirrored his own, a moment suspended between reality and dreams. "F...Frederick?" she uttered, her voice a mix of surprise and something deeper.

Without hesitation, Fred bridged the gap between them, pulling Ava into an embrace that sought to meld past and present, an embrace that spoke of missed moments and silent promises. "I've missed you so much," he whispered, holding her close, afraid that to let go would be to lose her all over again. "Avaline, to see you again is everything..."

In that embrace, wrapped in the warmth of a long-lost connection, Fred found a piece of himself he thought was lost forever. The cabin around them faded into the background, leaving only the palpable, overwhelming sense of a new beginning yet to unfold.

Seated on the sofa, Fred still marveled at Ava's presence. "How have you been, Avaline?" he ventured, hoping to ease the sudden silence between them. "Moving out of the city... for over three years," he added, sparking a shared chuckle over her known preference for city life.

Ava's laughter, light and genuine, filled the space between them. "I know, right? Who would've thought? Me, finding solace among forests and glaciers. It''s become home," she admitted, her voice wavering slightly as memories briefly shadowed her expression. "Guess I'm not much of a city girl anymore," she joked, lightening the mood.

Fred nodded, his eyes not leaving hers. "It's easy to see why you fell for it. It's... beautiful," he said, his voice soft, eyes not leaving hers, hinting at a deeper meaning. Ava's cheeks flushed with a gentle pink, a silent admission that she caught his implication.

"Do your parents know you're here?" Fred inquired, genuinely interested.

"Yes, they do. They were here last month. Mom was ready to set up camp, but you know how committed they are to their work at the hospital." she chuckled, the sound soft and melodic. "But you, Frederick, how have you been? To think you'd end up here, of all places. Talk about a coincidence." Ava said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

A smile played on Fred's lips. "Better now," he admitted, his gaze holding hers in a moment of raw honesty. "We're here to work on the renovations for Aurora Peaks Resort. I don't think coincidence brought me here. I think it's fate," his voice carrying a warmth that seemed to draw them closer.

Their eyes met, a silent conversation passing between them. Ava shifted slightly, overwhelmed by Fred's directness, a trait she wasn't used to but found endearingly sincere. "I've missed you, Avaline," Fred continued, the admission hanging in the air, charged with years of unsaid words and unshared moments.

Ava, caught in the intensity of Fred's gaze, found herself momentarily lost for words. "Fred...I—" She paused, the familiarity of this connection, this bond, overwhelming her. The Fred she remembered, always so guarded, now sat before her, his heart openly on his sleeve.

Fred and his team had dedicated the morning to a comprehensive site visit at Aurora Peaks Resort. They meticulously reviewed architectural plans against the existing structures, assessed areas in need of major renovation, and discussed potential enhancements to elevate the resort's appeal. Their discussions revolved around optimizing guest experiences while preserving the natural allure of the Alaskan wilderness. By noon, however, Fred's thoughts had drifted back to Ava, eager to return to the cabin for another chance to talk with her. Even though they stayed up late talking last night, he felt an impatient longing to see her again.

Arriving at the cabin, Fred's attention was immediately captured by Ava, who was unloading groceries from her car. "Avaline, let me help you with that," he offered eagerly, stepping out of the van. 

As they were unloading groceries, Fred couldn't help but tease Ava a little, "Did you buy out the entire market?" His eyes danced with amusement as he took in the multitude of bags.

Ava, chuckling, rolled her eyes playfully. "With the snowstorm coming, I figured it's better to be overprepared. This way, we can avoid any unnecessary adventures in the blizzard."

Once inside and after Tommy had excused himself, Fred, helping Ava with the groceries, couldn't help but ask, "So, do storms hit hard here? Being up in the mountains and all?"

Ava nodded, placing cans on the shelf. "It can get pretty intense with the snow and wind, but don't worry. This cabin is built to withstand it. I even had a generator installed to ensure we're warm and comfortable if the power goes out. Spent a fortune making sure of it," she explained with a light-hearted tone, proud of her foresight.

Fred smiled, placing a bag of pasta in the cupboard. "I remember how much you love the snow. Seems like you found the perfect spot," he remarked, admiring how Ava had adapted to her new life.

"Yeah, there's something magical about watching the snowfall, especially here. It's when I feel the happiest," Ava confessed, closing the fridge door. 

"So, how did the site visit go? Francheska mentioned you guys were out early," Ava asked, her curiosity peeking as she leaned casually against the kitchen counter.

Fred mirrored her position, leaning against the counter with an easy smile. "The resort's definitely showing its age. Frank was right about needing that makeover. But the views, Avaline, from the top of those slopes—it's like looking out over a whole other world. Got my head buzzing with ideas," he shared, the enthusiasm in his voice infectious.

Ava's smile widened at his excitement, something she had always found endearing about him. "Sounds like you're already onto something great, Frederick. So, this snowstorm coming in—guess you'll be here a bit longer?"

He chuckled, the thought clearly appealing to him. "Staying longer? Sounds perfect to me. Means more time to spend with you," he said, the warmth in his words wrapping around her like a cozy blanket.

Ava bit her lip, a slight flush on her cheeks. "You know, you don't have to stick around on my account. I mean, I've got a bunch of prep for the storm... I don't want to keep you from your team or anything. I can handle it," she hurried to say, not wanting to impose on him any further, especially with Francheska and Antonio out until tomorrow.

Fred shook his head, turning to face her fully with a gentle look. "Avaline, we've been through too much to be talking like strangers. Helping out? It's no bother at all," he assured her, his voice firm yet soft. With a playful wink, he added, "Besides, I like feeling useful around here," which earned a bright, genuine laugh from Ava, breaking through her hesitation.

In the quiet that followed their laughter, Ava broached a topic that had lingered unspoken between them. "Do you... visit New York often? How's... everyone?" The question hung in the air, but Fred felt the weight of what she truly meant to ask.

"How's Ethan, you mean?" Fred clarified, his voice gentle yet direct, noticing how her face turned a shade redder. A twinge of jealousy tugged at him, but he couldn't fault her curiosity.

Ava hesitated, her voice trailing off. "Is he...and Vi..." It was clear she'd been holding onto this question since their reunion, the words struggling to find their way out.

Fred wrestled with his instincts. Part of him wanted to sever whatever lingering feelings Ava might harbor for Ethan by suggesting Ethan and Violet had reconciled. But he couldn't bring himself to lie—not to Ava, not after everything. Lies had already cost him too much, including Ava herself once. "Ethan didn't get back together with Violet, if that's what you're wondering about," he finally said, honesty winning over jealousy.

Ava's reaction was one of shock, her eyes searching Fred's for confirmation. She'd left, believing Ethan's future was with Violet, and now faced with a different reality, confusion and old hurts surfaced. "I guess Ethan loves you after all," Fred added, managing a smile though it felt like a blade twisting in his chest.

Turning away, Ava mused softly, "I don't think so. It's probably just guilt for everything that happened." Her smile was weak, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Did you tell him where I am?"

Fred's heart ached at the thought. "Do you want me to tell him? Because I will, Ava. He'd be here in no time," he offered, even as every fiber of his being screamed in protest.

For a long moment, Ava seemed torn, her gaze fixed on Fred as if debating with herself. Meanwhile, Fred's mind was at war, part of him wishing to be the reason for Ava's happiness, even if it meant pushing her back to Ethan, yet another part yearning to be her choice, her happiness.

Finally, Ava exhaled a deep sigh, resolution settling in her voice. "No, don't tell him, Frederick. It's better this way," she decided, returning to the task of organizing the kitchen, leaving Fred wrestling with his feelings even if it meant keeping her hidden away, just for a little while longer.

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