Whispers Of Regret | Hyunlix

Av Cookie_buttereu

8.6K 591 2.9K

In the hushed corridors of a grand mansion, the echo of heavy sobs pierces the stillness. A desperate plea ha... Mer

Cœur brisé - Broken heart
Chéri(e) - Sweetheart
Je t'aime - I love you
Éternité - Eternity
Fleur - Flower
Doux rêve - Sweet dream
Charmant(e) - Charming
Douceur - Sweetness
Cœur - Heart
Abîme - Abyss
Courroux - Wrath
Chaos - le chaos
Éclatant(e) - Dazzling
Sombre - Dark
Lumière - Light
Grâce - Grace
Ténébreux - Sinister
Désespoir - Despair
Douleur - Pain
Souffrance - Suffering
Amertume - Bitterness
Amour déchu - Fallen love
Brutalité - Brutality
Peine - Suffering
Brume - Mist
Lueur - Glow
Désir - Desire
Enivrant - Intoxicating
Tentant - Tempting
Étincelle - Spark
Agonie - Agony
Espoir - Hope
Séduction - Seduction
Fleurir - To Bloom
Souffle - Breath
Flamme - Flame
Effeuillage - Petals falling
Apaisant - Soothing
Confiance - Trust
Crépuscule - Twilight
Lien - Bond
Pulsion - Urge

Larmes - Tears

149 8 88
Av Cookie_buttereu

Les larmes sont la façon dont le cœur parle quand les lèvres ne peuvent exprimer la douleur ressentie.

Translation: "Tears are how the heart speaks when the lips cannot express the pain felt"


Caution: This content includes portrayals of bullying and physical abuse that may be upsetting to some readers. If you feel uncomfortable, please feel free to skip over those sections.

In the luxurious living room of their sprawling mansion, an air thick with tension hung heavy, accentuated only by the steady ticking of the grandfather clock in the corner. The brown haired girl, her usually confident demeanor replaced by evident unease, stood near the fireplace, her hands nervously clasped together.

On the plush couch opposite her, Mr. Lim sat with furrowed brows, lost in deep thought. His wife, positioned between them, shifted anxiously in her seat, her gaze darting back and forth between her husband and their daughter.

With a heavy sigh, the man turned to face the younger, his expression grave. "Harin, the election is looming closer with each passing day. Do you realize the magnitude of what could happen if this issue gets out? And on top of that, you're an athlete, with the Olympics just around the corner. Have you considered the impact on your reputation if this were to come to light?"

As Harin drew in a deep breath, she lifted her gaze to meet her father's stern expression. "Appa," she began, her voice steady, "she deserves far worse. I don't regret a single thing."

Mr. Lim's reaction was immediate. He leapt from his seat, his face flushed with anger, teetering on the edge of explosion. But before he could unleash his fury, Harin's mother stepped in, her voice trembling with fear as she reached out to restrain him.

"Yeobo, please," she urged, her eyes pleading with her husband. "Calm down. She's still young, and kids her age can be impulsive. Let's approach this calmly. Please, let's not start anything we'll regret."

With a deep breath and tightly pursed lips, the middle-aged man struggled to keep his anger in check. "Harin, it's not about whether she deserves it or not. And it's not just about her potentially damaging your reputation. You're forgetting who's backing her— Hwang Hyunjin. Do you honestly think she won't exploit this? Hajun might not support her, but if Hyunjin is willing to go to extreme lengths to drag us all into this, do you really believe any of you are safe?"

Looking up at her father with unwavering determination, the brown-haired girl spoke resolutely. "Appa, even if she shouts to the whole world what we've done to her, it still wouldn't even come close to what she's put innocent students through."

With a frustrated sigh, the middle-aged man couldn't contain his concern any longer. "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is? I don't want my only child getting tangled up with that Kim Ki Jung's family and risking losing my daughter."

Harin's head snapped towards her father, her brows knit in shock. "Appa, you know her dad?" There was no response from her father, only a look of surprise with widened eyes, as if he had accidentally revealed something he shouldn't have. Sensing there was more to his words, Harin pressed on. "What do you mean by 'lose your daughter'? You obviously know something, appa."

The old man regained his composure, his face becoming stoic, before calmly stating, "Yoona, please take her back to her room." The mother appeared ready to interject, but a stern glare from her husband silenced her, signaling no room for further questions.

With a resigned sigh, the woman grasped the younger girl's wrist and began leading her towards her room. The air was heavy with unspoken tension as they retreated, leaving the old man to ponder the weight of his words.


As she lay on her queen-sized bed, clad in pajamas, the brown-haired girl found her gaze drawn to the lavender ceiling above, illuminated by a pale green chandelier at its center. Thoughts of the recent argument with her father consumed her mind, compelling her to seek answers. There was an undeniable urgency urging her to delve deeper, a nagging sense that something crucial remained undiscovered.

Her father's evident reluctance to involve himself with Mr. Kim's family only heightened her suspicions. It was clear he wouldn't be of assistance in her quest for the truth. With this realization, she knew she had but one option: Mr. Kwon.

With determination etched into her features, she resolved to pursue this lead, whatever the cost.

Deciding to reach out, Harin sat on her bed, clutching her phone tightly as she dialed her uncle's number. As the call connected, she felt a mixture of anticipation and anxiety swirling within her. "Hello, Uncle. Good evening," she greeted warmly, her voice betraying a longing for the familiar comfort of his presence.

"Ah, Harin-ah, it's been too long," her uncle's voice crackled through the line, carrying a hint of regret. "I wanted to visit the mansion yesterday after returning, but I got caught up with some work. I apologize for not being able to come."

Harin couldn't help but pout at his words. "Uncle, I miss you terribly. Appa scolded me today, and if you were here, he wouldn't have done it," she confessed, her voice tinged with sadness.

A soft chuckle echoed from the other end of the line, evoking memories of happier times. "Oh, is my little girl feeling neglected? Don't worry, I'll have a word with your dad tomorrow. No one should upset my child," her uncle reassured her, his voice filled with affection.

Grateful for his words, Harin smiled softly. "Thank you, Uncle. I'll be eagerly waiting for your scolding," she replied playfully, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her.

But as the conversation continued, Harin's tone grew serious. "Uncle, I need your help. It's about something important, and I can't turn to anyone else. Please, promise me you'll keep it between us," she pleaded, her voice trembling slightly.

Concern flickered in her uncle's response. "Of course, Harin-ah. You know you can trust me. What's troubling you, child?" he asked, his tone gentle yet filled with worry.

Summoning her courage, the younger confided in her uncle about the recent events involving Mr. Kim's family and the suspicions gnawing at her. "I need you to gather information about Kim Ki Jung's family, especially his daughter, Kim Aera. Please, Uncle, it's crucial," she pleaded, her voice filled with urgency.

There was a brief pause on the line, and Harin could sense her uncle's hesitation. When he finally spoke, his voice was heavy with sadness. "Harin-ah, I understand, but I'm afraid I can't do as you ask. It's not because I don't want to help, but because I fear for your safety," he admitted, his words hanging heavily in the air.

Confusion and desperation mingled in the brown haired girl's voice as she pleaded, "But why, Uncle? I'm counting on you. Please don't leave me alone in this."

"I'm sorry, my dear. It's not a risk I'm willing to take. I don't want to lose you as well," her uncle replied softly, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision, knowing he couldn't bear to see his beloved child in harm's way.

Harin's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and disbelief as she listened to the deafening silence on the other end of the line. "U-Uncle, what do you mean?" she stammered, her voice trembling with raw emotion.

The absence of a response only intensified her panic, and a wave of memories crashed over her, drowning her in grief. "D-Don't tell me, h-he's the o-one b-behind Areum eonnie's death," she whispered, her words barely audible through her tears.

With a heavy heart, the younger collapsed onto her bed, her body racked with sobs. "Uncle, please say something," she pleaded, her voice a desperate cry into the void.

But there was no comfort to be found in the silence that followed, only the suffocating weight of her own anguish. With each passing moment, her despair grew, fueling a simmering anger that threatened to consume her.

"Why are you all trying to protect me when you can't even bring justice to my eonnie?" she cried out, her voice raw with pain. "If you can't run a background check on them, how many more innocent children are going to lose their lives?"

Her words hung in the air, heavy with accusation and bitter regret. But still, there was no answer, no reassurance to soothe her shattered soul.

"Uncle, even if I have to die in the process, I'm not going to give up on my eonnie," she vowed, her voice filled with a steely determination born from the depths of her despair. "And there's one more I want to protect now— my oppa! He doesn't deserve to get hurt. He's an angel for this world. I'll kill her if I have to."

With trembling hands and a heart weighed down by grief, Harin ended the call, her soul consumed by a darkness she feared she would never escape. And in the deafening silence that followed, she was left to confront the harsh reality of her shattered heart and the crushing weight of her own helplessness.


"Yah, Lim Harin, you look like you've been pulling all-nighters for days." Hyeji commented with concern as she watched the girl shuffle towards her locker like a zombie.

With a heavy sigh, the brown-haired girl opened her locker and grabbed the required books for the day. She slammed the door shut and walked away without saying a word.

"Yah, what's up with her?" The pink-haired girl appeared out of nowhere and whispered close to Hyeji's ear. Startled, Hyeji jumped, her heart racing. "WTF, Bora, you scared the shit out of me!" she exclaimed, trying to catch her breath.

Rolling her eyes, Bora retorted, "You should've been more aware of your surroundings. Not my fault."

"Yeah, sorry," Hyeji muttered sarcastically, her pulse gradually returning to normal. Regaining her composure, she continued, "I don't know, she looks like she's been dumped by her boyfriend. If we didn't know her, I'd believe it."

With a thoughtful expression, Hyeji crossed her arms and began to walk ahead, leaving Bora to follow suit as they made their way to their next class.


The atmosphere in the classroom was relatively calm, with students engrossed in their studies or quietly chatting amongst themselves. Suddenly, a loud voice shattered the peace. "Harin! Lim Harin, Harin-ah!" The call echoed through the room, drawing everyone's attention.

The brown haired girl, who had been resting with her head propped up on her desk, was startled by the loud shout. With a groan, she sat up straight, rubbing her temples in annoyance. "Ji Ha Yoon, stop yelling. My head is pounding, I'm not dead, for fucks sake," she grumbled, her irritation evident in her voice.

Breathless and slightly disheveled, the girl hurried over to Harin, clutching a securely wrapped file in her hand. *huff* "Harin-ah, Mr. Kwon was just here. He left this for you," she gasped out between pants, extending the file towards her.

Harin's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Mr. Kwon's name, her eyes widening in surprise. Without hesitation, she snatched the file from the girl's hand and shot up from her chair. Ignoring the curious glances of her classmates, she dashed towards a quieter corner of the room, her friends hurrying to keep up with her.


As she reached the secluded spot, Harin's hands trembled slightly as she carefully began to unwrap the file. The contents inside held the potential to change everything, and she couldn't afford to waste a moment in uncovering the truth.

"Whoa! I knew it! I had a feeling she was trouble from the start," Hyeji exclaimed in shock.

Bora's hands flew to cover her mouth in surprise, while Ha Yoon looked at Harin with concern, realizing the gravity of the situation. Holding the file tightly, Harin swiftly pulled out her phone to snap pictures and send them to the group chat with Jisung and Seungmin.

Afterward, she forcefully thrust the file into Ha Yoon's chest, her voice low and resolute. "It's either her or me in this school," she muttered before storming away.


In the empty classroom, tension was evident as Jisung scrolled through the images on his phone, his friends' faces reflecting a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"Wtf, Hyung, why is there a murderer in our school?!" the youngest member exclaimed, his voice echoing off the walls.

Lino's expression twisted with disgust. "I can't believe that fucker is protecting that bitch."

Felix remained silent, looking like a broken soul. "He must have his reasons, Hyung. Hyunjin might have done a background check before us," he suggested, trying to make sense of the situation.

With disappointment, Chan said, "Lix, are you trying to defend him? Even when he's hurting you? If he did run a background check like you said, why would he protect a murderer?" he questioned.

Jisung sensed the turmoil gripping the blue-haired boy. With a subtle gesture, he motioned for the others to keep quiet. Stepping forward, he placed both hands gently on the boy's shoulders, guiding him to turn and meet his gaze.

"Lix, don't keep it all inside," Jisung said softly, his voice carrying reassurance. "We're all here for you, love. You're never alone, okay?"

With tears glistening in his eyes, the blue-haired boy nodded slowly, trying to muster a smile despite the weight of his emotions. Equally pained, Jisung wrapped him in a tight embrace, offering silent comfort.

"Let that fucker suffer. I don't give a damn about him anymore. I just want you to be safe, baby. And if that means I have to take action, then so be it," Jisung declared, determination flashing in his eyes.

Before Felix could question further, the brunette broke away from the hug, planting a soft kiss on the younger boy's temple, and stormed off.

Lino let out a deep sigh, his heart heavy with concern for his younger brother. Moving closer, he gently rested a hand on Felix's shoulder, his voice soft and reassuring. "Lix, you know Hyung is here for you, right?"

The blue haired nodded silently, tears welling up in his eyes and trickling down his cheeks like shimmering pearls. The older pulled him into a comforting embrace, pressing a tender kiss to the top of his head as he held him close.

Feeling the weight of his emotions, the maknae couldn't hold back his tears any longer. "Felix Hyung, please don't cry," he whispered between sobs, his voice choked with emotion.

As the rest of the group watched, their own eyes filling with tears, they knew they couldn't stand idly by. They joined the embrace, enveloping their brothers in a warm and comforting hug, united in their love and support for one another.


In the bustling cafeteria, gasps filled the air as the black-haired girl found herself unexpectedly drenched in yogurt. Hyunjin, sitting opposite her, watched in stunned silence, his gaze meeting the furious glare of Jisung.

"Han Jisung, what on earth are you doing?" the blonde murmured, his voice laced with concern. Jisung's glare shifted from the girl to Hyunjin, his expression darkening.

"Fuck off, if you value your life, Hyunjin don't push me," Jisung warned through clenched teeth. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Hyunjin knew better than to argue with an enraged Jisung. With a resigned sigh, he sank back into his seat, silently observing the chaotic scene unfolding before him in the cafeteria.

Jisung shifted his attention to the girl, who was attempting to wipe the yogurt from her eyes. The brunette, his eyes ablaze with fury, directed his venomous words at her.

"You pathetic trash, savor your final meal here. You won't be setting foot in this school tomorrow," he growled, his voice dripping with malice.

Before the girl could muster a response, a sudden onslaught of food waste from the nearby garbage bin rained down upon her, leaving her gasping for breath. With a fierce grip, Harin gripped her hair, forcefully slamming her head onto Hyunjin's meal. The blonde, stunned by the brutality unfolding before him, rose to his feet, a sense of urgency coursing through his veins.

But his attempts to intervene were met with a chilling glare from the brown haired girl. "Stay the hell away from me," she spat, her voice laced with disdain.

Caught off guard by her transformation, Hyunjin could hardly comprehend the scene unfolding before him. The girl standing before him was a completely different person from the Harin he knew, who always respected him. Today, he encountered someone entirely unfamiliar.

Yanking her head from the food, Harin grabbed her hair roughly and flung her aside. The girl went crashing into the floor, sending chairs and tables tumbling in her wake. The shattering of glass and the hurried shuffle of students echoed through the room. Making her way over to the sobbing girl, who winced in agony from the prickling glass, Harin delivered a brutal kick while pressing her leg against her chest.

"You goddamn wench! You filthy murderer! I'll kill you today," she snarled with fury.

In a heart-wrenching moment, she grabbed a chair, her face contorted with pain and rage, as if poised to unleash her anguish upon the girl. But in a swift and desperate move, Felix rushed over and held her back, his voice trembling as he pleaded, "Harin-ah, please, calm down. We're in school."

Struggling against Felix's grasp, the younger girl's voice quivered with sorrow as she pleaded, "Oppa, let me go! I need to kill her. She's the reason my poor eonnie is gone. Her father and brother..... they did terrible things to my sister. They- They raped her brutally. S-She bullied her, broke her, and now my eonnie is no longer here. S-She's the reason for my sister's pain and suffering, o-oppa, she stole my eonnie from me, my e-eonnie," her words filled with tears and heartache.

As her hold on the chair weakened, overwhelmed by the weight of grief and injustice, the chair fell to the ground with a heavy thud, mirroring the shattered pieces of a soul left in agony.

Holding her tightly, Felix rubbed his hand over her back, trying to comfort her. But as he saw the girl sobbing even harder without calming down, the blue-haired gently pulled back, cradling her face in his hands.

"Harin-ah, look at me," he pleaded, his voice soft but urgent. Yet Harin kept her gaze averted, her shoulders trembling with emotion. Determined, Felix reached out and gently patted her cheek.

"Come on, Harin. Look at me," he urged, his tone filled with sadness. With tear-filled eyes and a heart heavy with grief, Harin finally raised her head, her vision clouded by tears.

"Good girl, now listen to me, alright?" Felix spoke gently, waiting for her to acknowledge him. When she nodded, he continued, his voice firm yet compassionate.

"They'll get what's coming to them. You shouldn't resort to violence. You're too young to end up behind bars. You have your whole life ahead of you, hmm?"

Felix waited for her response, but instead of agreement, the younger shook her head, pulling away from him.

"No, no, oppa," she cried out, her voice choked with emotion. "She's causing pain to all of us. She needs to die, so we can return to our old lives. Ever since she entered our school, she's been causing you harm. I've already lost my eonnie, oppa. I can't bear to lose you too," she sobbed, her words emphasized by the weight of her grief as she collapsed onto her knees.

Tears welled up in the eyes of everyone around as they witnessed the typically stubborn girl break down. A heavy sense of sadness enveloped the entire cafeteria, casting a somber mood over the bustling room. Jisung, wiping away his own tears, approached the girl with a mixture of concern and determination.

"Yah, Lim Harin, if you leave, what am I gonna do?" he murmured softly, his voice quivering with emotion. "Do you think I'll go with you to prison? Tsk, I only do that for Lix. Now, come on, get up." With a gentle yet firm pull, he helped her to her feet, his arms comforting as he embraced her shoulders. Together, they faced the black-haired girl on the floor once more, a silent vow lingering in the air.

"This is not over," Jisung muttered under his breath before turning to leave. The unexpected sound of the girl's chuckle surprised everyone, a glimmer of resilience shining through her tears. Turning towards Hyunjin, she called out in a voice filled with amusement , "Hyun, could you help me get up?"

The blue-haired boy's heart clenched with anxiety as he realized— Hyunjin was still in the cafeteria. Turning towards him, he saw his boyfriend staring at Aera with a steely gaze before calmly walking over and scooping her up from the floor in bridal-style.

As tension thickened in the air, a surprised gasp escaped from everyone's lips, their eyes widening in disbelief. The blue-haired boy felt a sharp pang in his chest.

"Oppa, I didn't know you've stooped so low," Harin's voice cut through the silence, her accusation hanging heavily in the air.

Hyunjin remained silent, his expression unreadable as he turned to leave. But before he could take a step, Jisung stopped him, his voice laced with disdain.

"Shouldn't you clarify something to someone?"

With a clenched jaw, Hyunjin turned back to face Jisung, still holding Aera, who clung to him desperately. "Clarify what?" he demanded, his voice edged with frustration.

Jisung's scoff echoed in the room as he shifted his gaze from Aera to Hyunjin. "Your relationship with that slut?"

Slowly, Hyunjin's eyes met Felix's, and in that silent exchange, a multitude of emotions passed between them. The softness in the blonde's gaze spoke volumes, a silent plea for understanding, for forgiveness. Felix felt a tear slip down his cheek, mirroring the ache in his heart.

Unable to bear it, Hyunjin looked away, his own heart heavy with remorse.

His grip loosened on the girl before he walked towards Felix. She clung desperately to his neck, her tear-streaked face buried in his shoulder.

"Hyun, please, take me away from here. They're hurting me," she pleaded, her voice muffled against his shirt.

Coming back to reality, the blonde took a few moments to process the situation. His once gentle expression hardened, his resolve solidifying with each passing second. With determination, he swiftly turned on his heel, leaving his boyfriend and friends behind.

With his heart clenched in pain, the blue-haired boy dashed away from the cafeteria, with Harin and Jisung following closely, concern etched on their faces.


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