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De Exo3693

62.5K 1.7K 770

ใ€Œ"๐‘Šโ„Ž๐‘ฆ ๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘›'๐‘ก ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข ๐‘—๐‘ข๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘ข๐‘  ๐‘คโ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘ก โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘๐‘’๐‘›๐‘’๐‘‘?"ใ€ You are twenty-one years old in th... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 34

755 26 28
De Exo3693

"... Something happened last night, and Kenjaku had gotten mad at me. No matter how much he gets mad, I always try my best to make him feel better. In a way, I feel.. broken? Lost? Uncertain? I'm not too sure, but I never tell him. And every time I feel down, I would never speak my feelings to Kenjaku. I'd just lay next to him and bury my face in his chest or his back then hold him close. When he would question me, I'd answer with 'I just want to hold you, that's all'. He already does so much, I don't want to burden him with my silly little problems compared to what he goes through. Sometimes, I wonder how would my life be like if-"

"What are you reading?" Utahime asked as she pulled the book out of Kenjaku's hands and skimmed through the pages that it was opened to. He immediately snatched it out of her hands, sighing in annoyance from her actions.

"Don't touch things that aren't yours!" He said as he closed the book and put it back in his drawer and slamming it shut.

Utahime sat down at his table, getting herself comfortable. She couldn't help but feel irritated at the fact that Kenjaku always tried to act as if there was nothing bothering him or like he wasn't doing anything wrong. Yet, in a way, she felt a strong bond with him, and not the kind of bond she has with Suguru. Kenjaku, being Utahime's boyfriend for almost a year, never understood how exactly she managed to make it this long with him when she was fully aware of who he actually wanted.

"Don't tell me it's her book. A diary perhaps? Because only a freak would write about themselves in such a-"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You said that they were going to bring her. What happened? It's been almost three days!" Kenjaku raised his voice as an attempt to scare her.

Utahime only rolled her eyes and shrugged. She wasn't scared of him. Though, she had always wondered what could he have possibly done for you to keep the relationship between you and him a secret from everyone. 'Her loss, I guess.' She sighed, waving her hand like it wasn't a big deal as she answered him. "Pulled over, maybe? Didn't you go to her house?"

The door opened as Utahime and Kenjaku looked in the direction of the front door, both already knowing who it was. A scoff left the man's lips once his eyes landed on Utahime sitting at the table of Kenjaku's home. Kenjaku glared, waiting for an explanation as to why he did such a thing.

"Your little toy fucked up." Toji smirked while walking inside the apartment. Kenjaku shot another glare at Utahime, wondering what Toji was talking about. He crossed his arms over his chest, expecting her to answer.

Utahime got defensive and stood from her seat, her face showing how offended she was from Toji's words. "D-did not! I MADE her get into the car!! Satoru's car!!!"

"Yeah, and she's back at her place."

Rage spread across Kenjaku's face. He couldn't believe how stupid he felt, thinking he could entrust her with a task that Toji probably could've done easily, but even so, Toji rejected the setup. He claimed he didn't want to be anywhere near Gojo or Geto. Which was the only reason why he chose Utahime. It's not liked he talked to anyone else. Kenjaku did have the occasional drunken meetups with Yuki, but that ended almost around the same time him and Utahime got together.

Kenjaku clenched his fists. He took a deep breath to calm himself before facing Utahime with a bored expression. "You're staying in the living room tonight."

Utahime fell silent and sat back down in the chair with her arms crossed, muttering under breath. Kenjaku only ignored her and motioned Toji to follow him into the bed room so Utahime wouldn't be apart of the conversation or hear any of the details. While walking to the room, Toji couldn't help but notice a small closet that was slightly open. Of all the times he's been over at this very apartment, that single closet had always remained closed. The only reason why Toji felt curious was something had caught his eye. Even if it wasn't much to see, it was very easy to make out as to what it is.

A painting. The little part showing was very obvious that it was Kenjaku in the painting, matching his devious looks with his signature tattoo of stitches on his forehead. He was smiling up at someone who was also in the painting. The assumption that there was another person came from the arms that seemed to wrapped around him, but the rest of everything was blocked by the darkness surrounding it.

Toji was no idiot. He didn't need to see the whole canvas to know who it was in the painting with Kenjaku. 'Is that what that closet is being used for? Just containing the remains of her belongings that she didn't take with her when she left? Everything she owned while living with him? Did he really take all of her stuff in his new apartment?'

Kenjaku had closed the door and locking it behind after the two had entered the room. "Well?" He asked.

"What would you like to know first?" Toji asked, leaning against the wall.

"What happened?" Kenjaku demanded.

Toji sighed, not even wanting to explain the whole story but since Kenjaku had called him and he was already there, he might as well. "They found his car and her in separate places. Apparently, she fought off the two guys you hired." He said in an amusing tone. He couldn't help but picture it, your small and delicate figure fighting off two grown men who were 'supposedly' the best in their part of the city.

"And where is she now?"

Toji glanced around the room, taking in the appearance of it. He huffed, noticing how nothing in there left a single trace of you, making him wonder if Utahime even knows about the painting in that closet. "She left with the white-haired guy on one of his business trips."

"Does she have her phone on her?" Kenjaku asked.

Toji shrugged at his question. "She didn't have it the entire time she was with me."

Kenjaku's phone started ringing, making him groan in frustration. No one has bothered him for the past few days, but now that he's in the middle of something that was important to him, people start bothering him. Kenjaku pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen. "Hold on for a minute."

"Actually, I'm going to head out to my car really quick. I'll be right back." Toji said. Kenjaku nodded and headed into the bathroom and answered the call. It was clear, he didn't want anyone to hear him.

When Toji walked out of the room and instantly noticed Utahime wasn't in the view of where she was sitting. Taking second glances to the room and the chair, he took the opportunity to open the closet a little more than it already was. It was exactly what he thought. All of your belongings were nicely put away, not a single dust to be seen on anything. Even his guess of what was on the painting was right. It was a side pose of you straddled on Kenjaku's lap. Kenjaku was looking at you with a smile and your hands stroking his hair. Without wanting to cause trouble, he stepped away from the closet and continued walking.

As Toji made to the door, he finally saw where Utahime was. She was on her knees, reading a book with one of the drawers opened from the black desk in front of her.

"I knew it! It is her diary!" Utahime muttered, trying to whisper but was failing.

"It's not nice going through people's stuff you know." Toji said, causing her to flinch in fear that she had been caught digging in Kenjaku's desk. "I-it's not even his! This belongs to Y/n.. Why does he even still have this?" She mumbled the last part.

After Utahime said your name, Toji's curiosity got the best of him. "Y/n's? Find anything interesting in there?" He asked with a sly smile on his face, enhancing the scar at the corner of his lip as he knew Utahime would answer him.

Utahime hummed as she flipped through the pages, skimming everything. "Most of it is filled with nothing but Kenjaku. All the times they went out and did stuff together.. and I guess, even when they didn't go anywhere."

"Isn't that the whole point of a diary?" Toji asked her, making her roll her eyes at his question. "I know, I'm not stupid." She replied, annoyed by him.

Toji ignored her response and walked outside to his car. He didn't actually have anything to get. Toji just wanted to get out of the awkwardness of being in Kenjaku's room. He started thinking to himself that maybe he should've just minded his business because he never felt like this when going there, but just something about Kenjaku having all of your belongings felt.. weird, in a way. Toji wasn't sure what Kenjaku's whole deal was with you, but it was obvious that he was obsessed with you.

Now, Toji wasn't one to one to take in sights or views, but while he looked up at the sky while the sun was setting, he felt proud of himself. Being paid to look after someone from rivals was too easy, especially since everyone who is involved were completely unaware.

A few minutes had gone by and Toji figured that Kenjaku was probably done talking on the phone by now, so he started walking back inside. When he had opened the door, he heard a small mewl and shuffling coming from the area of where he last saw Utahime at. Already knowing what was happening, Toji simply closed eyes as he emerged into the apartment, not wanting to see a thing and blocking out the sound while walking back into Kenjaku's bedroom. It took a few seconds for Kenjaku to reappear in the room again.

"So.. what do you want me to do?" Toji asked, watching how Kenjaku was fixing his hair. The guy was too comfortable around other people.

"I want you to try to bring her to me when she comes back from that trip." Kenjaku said.

"And how do you expect me to do that?"

Kenjaku chuckled at the thought of all the ways he'd easily bring you back to him, but knew it was better to keep a safe distance away from you.. for now. "Just do what you normally do when your with her. You've made it this far and even spent a whole day and night with her." He says as he finishes fixing his hair.

"Normally, I never ask what people's intentions are when they want my help or services but I can't help but wonder what it is that you find so fascinating about that girl. She's honestly worth nothing." Toji said shamelessly, only because he knew that he didn't actually mean that last part. He won't say, but he did find you intriguing as well, just not exactly in the way the the others do.. is what he keeps telling himself.

Kenjaku kept a smile on his face as he had opened the drawer and pulled out a small picture frame of the both of you together when you were out on one of your dates. "What can I say? I love her." He said proudly.

Toji narrowed his eyes at Kenjaku, showing that he was bothered by what he said. "I've been married before, and uh... I don't recall ever laying a hand on my wife out of love or ever at all." Toji stated, waiting to see how Kenjaku would respond.

Surprisingly, Kenjaku bursted out laughing at Toji, facing him. "Oh, is that what she told you?" His voice filled with amusement while Toji nodded at his question. Kenjaku huffed, smiling at the picture frame in his hands. "She always did say that seeing me mad turned her on. Y/n is quite the masochist." He said, setting the picture frame down on the dresser.

"And I'm her sadist." A grin spread across Kenjaku's face, almost looking deranged.

"Oh, yeah? And what about that thing you got in there?" Toji asked with an smirk, referring to Utahime.

Kenjaku scoffed at his question. "Do I even have to answer?"

"No, but it'd help clear things up, don't you think?" Toji asked.

"Just.. get her to see me, please. I'll double it if you do." Kenjaku said to Toji, getting annoyed about talking Utahime.

"I can't promise anything. If I don't bring her directly to you, I'll bring her around." Toji said, stuffing his hands in his pockets, already making his way towards the door to leave. He pauses right before leaving.

"Oh! And you.." He says to Utahime before leaving. She looks at him, wondering what he wanted. All he did was smirk at her.
"You two should live together. You make a nice couple."

Kenjaku's smile turned into a frown, while she looked excited. Happy even. And Toji couldn't help but judge her mentally. The entire time, she had played a fake friend to you, jealous of all the attention you get, and her she was, trying to live the life you so desperately don't want to go back to anymore.

'I wonder how my life would be like if I had listened to Kenjaku from the start.'

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