The Potion of Life

By driesmeesseman

501 60 205

In the realm of shadows, the enigmatic drows have endured for over ten millennia, their existence shrouded in... More



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By driesmeesseman

Vilijn looks at the parchment scroll that Goudain Eduix hands him. "What am I supposed to do with this letter, Goudain? Can't you or one of my advisors handle this?"

"Baron Savos, this scroll is sealed with the emblem of House Filony. You are the only one entitled to read the contents of this letter." People and all their political rules. It's amazing they don't get dizzy themselves, king, duke, marquis, baron. Vilijn already gets a headache just thinking about all these titles. These titles are just a way to make people believe they have power.

"I grant you permission, Goudain, to read this letter. By the way, you don't need to bother me anymore when it comes to these letters. We both know well enough that House Filony is probably asking for help again. You know my opinion on this matter, Kamu will not send aid." Vilijn sees in Goudain's expression that he disagrees. However, he nods and says he will send a letter back with Nubé's response.

When Goudain has left the room, Vilijn is finally alone again. He hadn't considered this. After years of living a double life as the old Drago Alvaro, he now spends his days as Baron Nubé Savos. He just wanted to be Vilijn Dahvar again. In principle, that day could be near. If Randar completes his task, he can finally return to the shadow world. He would then be able to see Merel. He hasn't heard from Randar in several months. Should he pay him a visit? However, Randar was busy with his assignment. The gemstone was no longer present in the city of Morala. Within a few months, the three objects will likely have disappeared, and his mission will be complete. Borgon would thus plunge into complete chaos, but he doesn't care. People should solve their own problems.

He must ensure that no one suspects that Baron Nubé Savos is involved in these thefts. He doesn't want any loose ends. There must be absolutely no link. Ideally, the objects would end up in Kongorn without his intervention. An efficient distribution network, that's what he needs.His father was right after all these years. The old Vilijn would have stormed into the three capitals long ago and stolen the objects himself. However, he would never have been able to keep the objects that way. The way he's doing it now takes longer but his plan will work perfectly. However, how will he get these objects from Borgon to Kongorn? There is an ocean between the continent Midbad and Kongorn.

Who can he trust to bring them there without his intervention? How will this person travel? Transporting the objects by boat can be dangerous. There are always too many people on a boat. However, the objects could be transported underground. It's even fortunate that he has a dwarf who listens to him. Yes, this is the way to make the objects disappear from Borgon unnoticed. Gandogar listens to him; that dwarf would do anything to gain more power. Vilijn can no longer suppress the smile that forms on his face.

He walks to his fireplace and mutters a spell in Elvish. This causes the fireplace to slowly disappear and a staircase appears. He walks down, and for a while, it is pitch dark. Then he hears the bubbling of cauldrons, and light gradually appears again. The stairs lead to a large cellar. In this room hang several torches, and it is warm. Because this room is located beneath the fireplace, there is a natural circulation of warmth. There are several tables filled with various books and alchemical equipment. Above one of the cauldrons hangs Gandogar, eagerly watching the brew he is making.

"It's almost finished, master. I've followed every step, and I believe it's perfect." Perfect, Vilijn can't believe Gandogar thinks what he's brewing now is perfect. Making a forgetfulness potion requires much more experience. 

"When this potion is ready, sir, am I ready to learn my first spell?" His first spell, that's all he ever asks for. Gandogar has no patience; he will never become a seasoned mage like this. On the other hand, maybe it's time to teach him some spells. Gandogar is a pawn whose best use Vilijn hasn't yet figured out. However, teaching him some spells wouldn't hurt. It might come in handy later. However, before teaching spells to Gandogar, the issue of transporting the objects must be resolved.

"I have a new important task for you, Gandogar. If you carry it out, you will be ready for practice. After this task, you will learn your first black spells. From then on, your training will be taken to a new level." Vilijn sees Gandogar's eyes begin to sparkle. Gandogar's desire for this magic is admirable. "Have you ever heard of the continent Kongorn, Gandogar?"

"Of course, master, Kongorn is the continent where the elves live. Let them stay there with their arrogance, or else they will meet Gandogar, and they won't like that."He should know that he is now talking to an elf. Dwarves and elves have never been able to get along. It's crucial for his plan that Gandogar doesn't discover he's a drow. 

"I want you to create a tunnel, starting from Borgon to Kongorn. I plan to use this tunnel later to transport the grail, gemstone, and medallion. To facilitate transportation, I also expect you to provide rails in this tunnel. Minecarts should be placed on these rails so that the people using the tunnel can move quickly."

"Why do you want to bring those three objects all the way to Kongorn? Don't get me wrong, master, but I'm not capable of making such a tunnel on my own. Kongorn is several days' sail from here. If I have to make that tunnel independently, it will take countless years."

"When you are more advanced, I will tell you why these objects must go to Kongorn. The key to success is patience, Gandogar. Of course, I don't expect you to make this tunnel alone. Indeed, this would take far too long. You will need to enlist the help of other dwarves. You will work in teams so that work continues day and night on this tunnel. You may keep any valuable ore you come across. I'm not interested in that, as long as the tunnel is built. However, if you encounter obsidian, set it aside for me."

"Master, I haven't been to Dhiltodur in almost two years. I can't just go back now and expect dwarves to go with me to make a tunnel towards Kongorn." 

"Of course not, Gandogar, haven't you realized yet that I don't want anyone to know what we're doing here? You've been living in secret chambers in this mansion for two years. No servant, knight, or resident of Kamu and its surroundings knows you're here. So, you shouldn't expect me to let more dwarves come here and explain my plans to them."

"How do you envision it then, master? The tunnel must be made anyway, and I can't do it alone." 

"It's very simple, Gandogar, I'll travel with you to the dwarven kingdom Dhiltodur. Together, we'll abduct a number of dwarves, fifty should suffice? This won't succeed in one go, of course, but systematically, we'll achieve it. Do you remember what potion you've been making all this time?"

"Of course, master, I've been learning how to make a forgetfulness potion for weeks." 

"Then it's clear, Gandogar. By making the dwarves we abduct drink this potion, they will simply forget who they are. Their brains will become very simple; they will become a kind of empty shell of who they used to be. They will carry out any order without further questions."

"We can't make every dwarf in the realm of Dhiltodur drink this potion, master? What do we do with the dwarves who decide to go looking for their brothers? Do we kill them all?"

"That's always an option, Gandogar, but not one I have in mind. There is a spell called Memorabia Falsifir. This spell allows specific memories to be permanently erased from a person. Coincidentally, I am very skilled in this. After we have abducted enough dwarves, I will cast this spell. I will cast it and transform it into a magical arcane barrier. This barrier will encompass Dhiltodur, and the dwarves within it will forever lose the memories of their beloved brothers. The barrier will dissolve after a week, but the damage from this spell is permanent."

"Brilliant, Master Savos, I can't wait to learn the secrets of all this magic."

"All your wishes will be fulfilled, Gandogar, once the tunnel is completed. Until then, you'll have to be patient. Before we depart for Dhiltodur, however, it's crucial that enough forgetfulness potion is made. Unfortunately, this potion does not permanently retain its effect. However, I don't want to cast the Memorabia Falsifir spell on these dwarves because it only makes them forget certain things. The dwarves still wouldn't listen to me. So, it is crucial that a large quantity of forgetfulness potion is made. Once it is ready, we will depart for Dhiltodur."

After speaking these words, Vilijn sees Gandogar immediately get back to work. This dwarf is extremely driven, literally someone who does anything for more power. He doesn't realize what a useful pawn he is for Vilijn. 

"I'll let you get back to work, Gandogar. In a few days, I'll come and see how far you've gotten. Don't disappoint me."

When he returns to his room, he realizes he hasn't eaten anything for hours. It's time once again to be Baron Nubé Savos for all his knights and servants. He opens the door of his room and walks towards the dining room. He passes by some people during this journey. Each of them nods as they see him. Before he reaches the dining room, he encounters Goudain. He looks hurried and relieved to have found Vilijn.

"Baron Savos, I've been looking for you. François Oudenhuysen has just arrived; he's here to discuss some trade matters. He was in the area and decided to drop by. He apologizes for not informing us beforehand. He's currently waiting in the dining room. We've set the table for two people. The servants are preparing a dinner for you both as quickly as possible."

François Oudenhuysen, now that was a name Vilijn hadn't heard in years. What was this man doing in his mansion? Did he know something? "Get a bottle of champagne, Goudain. We will warmly welcome Mr. Oudenhuysen. Also, prepare a room for him. I will go to the dining room now to greet him."

Vilijn didn't know what plan Oudenhuysen had come up with. However, Vilijn knew one thing for sure. Oudenhuysen would regret this decision heavily. Slightly tense, Vilijn opens the door of the dining room. There he sees Oudenhuysen with a big grin on his face. That grin will soon disappear, Vilijn thinks as he walks towards him and shakes his hand.

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