The Illusion Of Us

By KLastella

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In "The Illusion of Us," Ava and Ethan are the embodiment of a perfect love story. Celebrating six years of s... More

A Note to Readers
...Let Me Know...
It's Done!


815 20 0
By KLastella

The arrival at the Breckenridge cabin had been something everyone in the group had looked forward to—a luxurious escape nestled in what seemed like a winter wonderland, perfectly timed for Ava and Ethan's pre-wedding celebration. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as they spilled out of the rented van, eager to begin their vacation. However, the idyllic moment shattered as soon as the cabin's front door swung open, revealing Violet, unexpected and unwelcome.

"Hey, you guys! What took you so long?" Violet's greeting, bright and wide-eyed, hung in the crisp evening air, a stark contrast to the group's collective dismay. Ava's heart sank; the sight of Violet was a jarring intrusion into what was supposed to be a joyous occasion. The other girls couldn't mask their annoyance, their subtle eye rolls speaking volumes of their feelings towards the unexpected guest.

"Oh, hey Vi. You're here..." Tony's voice trailed off, his words more a question than a greeting as he shot a questioning look towards Ethan, the implicit accusation clear.

Violet, seemingly oblivious to the tension, approached with a confidence that suggested she felt entirely at ease, as if the cabin—and by extension, the group's dynamic—revolved around her. 

"Well, you all seemed to forget to mention this little getaway. Lucky for me, Ethan dropped the news the other day. Thought I'd surprise everyone!" she chirped, her joy seemingly unaffected by the frosty welcomes.

The group's collective gaze swiveled to Ethan, their looks laden with questions and accusations. Ava, feeling a sting of betrayal sharper than the cold, strode past the awkward gathering into the sanctuary of the cabin, her silence a loud declaration of her turmoil.

Once inside, Tony couldn't contain his frustration, his whisper sharp and loaded with disappointment. "What the hell, Ethan? This was supposed to be about you and Ava, a pre-wedding celebration. And you bring in your ex, whom, let's not pretend, you've got a complicated history with?"

Ethan, caught in the gravity of his mistake, could only muster a weak defense. "It slipped out. I swear, it wasn't intentional," he murmured, the guilt evident in his hushed tone as they maneuvered through the cabin with their luggage, a heavy silence enveloping the group. The warmth of the cabin did little to thaw the coldness that had settled among them, a reminder of the delicate balance of relationships and the shadows of the past that lingered, uninvited.

The warmth of the stone fireplace radiated through the living room, casting a comforting glow on Carlson and Amy as they settled into the plush cushions of the big couch. "We've already ordered food, and the resort staff should be here any minute with it," Carlson informed, his voice mingling with the crackle of the fire.

"I'm starving," Amy admitted, her words soft as she snuggled closer to her boyfriend, the anticipation of a meal making her lean into his support with a contented sigh. Around them, the living room buzzed with the low murmur of their friends, who one by one, drifted off to find their rooms and unwind after the journey.

Ethan's gaze lingered on Ava, who sat wrapped in a silence that seemed louder than words. "Babe, do you want us to go to our room first while we wait for the food?" he asked, the warmth in his voice barely masking the undercurrent of guilt for the discomfort he had inadvertently caused her on this first night of what should have been a joyous getaway. He was acutely aware of how Ava felt about Violet—her quiet demeanor never did quite conceal the distaste she harbored for his past flame.

Ava's response was simple, a monosyllabic "Sure..." that held volumes. Together, they walked towards their room, her steps measured, his hesitant, both enveloped in a tangible unease. Violet's eyes trailed the couple from a distance, her presence a silent specter that lingered heavily in the air.

The room's air was still, charged with unspoken words as Ava settled on the bed, her fingers aimlessly gliding over her phone's screen in feigned busyness. Ethan, moving quietly, stored their luggage away, the silence between them swelling with each passing moment. Finally, he could bear it no longer, the weight of guilt pulling the words from him as he took a seat across from her.

"I'm sorry I told Violet about this, babe..." His apology hung in the air, earnest and heavy. "She saw Tony's text about the trip and questioned me. I felt cornered... I felt I had no choice but to invite her."

The coldness in Ava's gaze pierced through Ethan as she looked up from her phone, her eyes a mirror to the chill that had crept into her heart. "It's alright," she said with a brittle smile that failed to mask the hurt beneath. "She's our friend, isn't she? Back after all this time... it's only right she joins our engagement celebration."

Ethan's response was a nod, a fragile smile, but Ava's lukewarm acceptance offered him no solace. As he rose to escape into the bathroom, a soft call stopped him.


He paused at the doorway, turning to face her. "Yeah, babe?"

The vulnerability in her voice was a stark contrast to her earlier detachment. "Do you still love me?" The question lingered between them, a pale shadow of the real doubts that plagued her mind.

Ethan was jolted, her direct gaze holding him in place. "Of course. I love you, babe." The hesitation in his voice was almost imperceptible, but it was there, a faint tremor that betrayed his inner conflict before he retreated into the bathroom.

Left alone with her thoughts, Ava felt the familiar sting of tears. The 'I love yous' Ethan had so freely given in the past, once her source of happiness, had become her greatest sorrow. 

The morning light crept through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room where Ava and Ethan slept. Ava stirred first, the events of the previous evening lingering like a shadow. But today, she was resolute; she wouldn't allow Violet or the chill from the night before to taint the rest of their vacation. She remembered Ethan's love for skiing, the way his face lit up at the mere mention of the slopes, and made up her mind.

"Nudge, nudge," Ava whispered, pushing gently against Ethan's shoulder. "Hey, early bird gets the fresh powder. Let's hit the slopes before anyone else does."

Ethan blinked the sleep from his eyes, surprised but pleased by her initiative. "Just us?" he asked, a hopeful note in his voice.

Ava nodded with a determined smile. "Just us. A little 'us' time on the mountains. What do you say?"

His response came quickly, a grin spreading across his face. "I say, let's do it."

Out on the slopes, with only the sound of skis slicing through the snow, they found their rhythm. Ethan led the way, his form confident and free, with Ava carving the snow in his wake. She reveled in the crisp mountain air and the clear blue sky overhead.

"This is amazing, Ava," Ethan called back to her, his voice tinged with exhilaration. "I'd almost forgotten how perfect the mornings are here."

Ava pushed herself to catch up, laughing as she pulled alongside him. "Well, let's make sure we do this more often," she suggested, the warmth in her words reaching out to him.

Their eyes met, and for a moment, the complexities of their life together melted away, replaced by the simple joy of the present. The mountain was their escape, their playground, where the only thing that mattered was the snow beneath their skis and the sky above.

As they paused to catch their breath, Ava caught sight of Ethan's face—alive with the thrill of the sport he loved. In that instant, she was reminded of all the reasons she fell in love with him. The six years they had shared unfolded in her mind like the landscape before them—vast, filled with highs and lows, and overwhelmingly beautiful.

Ethan reached out, brushing a snowflake from her hair. "Thank you for this, babe," he said, sincerity lacing his words. "I needed it more than I realized."

Ava's heart swelled, a bittersweet mix of emotions cascading through her. "Me too," she whispered, hoping that these moments would be enough to bridge the gaps that had formed between them, at least for now.

Energized by their shared exhilaration, Ava and Ethan continued to ski, carving arcs in the snow as they descended the slopes time and again. Each run brought a renewed sense of closeness, a momentary return to a time when things were simpler between them.

Eventually, as their breath formed clouds in the chilly air and their legs began to feel the satisfying burn of a morning well-spent, they knew it was time to head back.

"That last run was perfect," Ethan said, his voice carrying a sense of contentment as they removed their skis. "Race you back to the cabin for some breakfast?"

Ava chuckled, the cold air making her cheeks flush. "You're on, but I warn you, I've got quite the appetite after all this activity."

Their laughter mingled with the sound of their boots crunching the snow as they made their way back. The cabin came into view, smoke curling from the chimney, signaling the warmth waiting inside.

Upon entering, they were greeted by the comforting aroma of coffee and fresh waffles, and the sounds of their friends' lively conversations. The group looked up, faces breaking into smiles of genuine happiness at the sight of them.

"Look who's back! The ski champions themselves," Amy called out, her smile as warm as the room.

Violet's gaze, however, was like a cold draft in the warm room, sharp and fixed on Ava and Ethan. But Ava, still riding the high from their morning adventure, chose to ignore the chill, focusing instead on the positive energy from the rest of the group.

"You guys look like you had a blast," Tony added, passing a stack of waffles to them. "We should all hit the slopes after breakfast."

Ethan took the plates, his spirits visibly lifted. "Absolutely. It's a great day for it," he agreed, his glance towards Ava softening as he said, "Thanks to this one for the wakeup call." Ava simply smiled, taking a seat at the crowded table and filling her plate.

As they were settling in, Violet's voice cut through the jovial atmosphere, directing everyone's attention to her. "Ethan, do you remember that time you promised to teach me how to ski? Because, let's face it, I was pretty terrible at it, and you said..." She laughed, a clear note of flirtation in her voice as she tried to evoke a shared memory.

There was a subtle shift in the room, a communal eye-roll hidden behind smiles of politeness. The unspoken irritation was palpable, yet Ava, fortified by the morning's triumphs, decided not to let Violet's words get under her skin.

"You know, Vi," Ava interjected with a confidence that belied her internal struggle, "I could actually teach you how to ski. I'm way better than Ethan." She delivered the challenge with a playful wink in Ethan's direction.

Her remark sparked a genuine smile from Ethan, one that seemed to reach his eyes and fill the space between them with a flicker of their old flame. Ava's heart lifted a little at that smile, a reminder of their connection that Violet couldn't sever.

Violet's laughter faltered, her smile stiffening at the edges as she processed Ava's offer. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless, and Ava savored it, focusing on the warmth of her friends around the table and the joy of the morning still resonating within her.

The Colorado sun streamed through the windows, pulling Ava from her sleep. She glanced at the clock — it was already afternoon. The bed beside her was empty, Ethan's side cool; he must have slipped out while she dozed. The memory of their laughter on the slopes that morning danced in her mind, momentarily lifting her spirits. Perhaps Ethan had joined their friends for more skiing, she thought. With a stretch and a yawn, she decided to channel her energy into something positive — baking snacks for everyone's return.

In the kitchen, Ava found her rhythm, mixing the ingredients for cruffins with practiced ease. The act of baking had always soothed her, and today it served as a welcome distraction. Chocolate, raspberry, honeydew melon — the array of flavors promised a sweet return for her friends. She set the timer and decided to steal a quiet moment with the last of the hot cocoa on the patio, her spirits lifted by the success of the morning's skiing.

But as she approached the door, a sight froze her in place. Ethan was there, standing alone, looking out at the snowy expanse. For a brief, hopeful moment, Ava thought to join him, to relive the laughter they'd shared that morning. Before she could call out his name, Violet slipped into view, her arms sliding around Ethan in a possessive embrace that turned Ava's blood cold.

"Ethan, how long do you want to keep this charade going with Ava?" Violet's voice, a silken whisper, was still audible to Ava's straining ears. "The wedding's so close, and yet here we are. I'm scared you'll really marry her, and what then?"

Ava watched, breath caught in her throat, as Ethan gently tried to peel Violet's hands from his waist. "Vi, not now, not here," he urged in a hushed tone. Ava's heart pounded in her chest, each beat a drum of impending doom.

Violet, undeterred, tightened her grip. "Why? Are you scared Ava will see us? What does it matter if she does?" Her voice was growing sharper, more insistent. "After all, she must know by now. All those late nights when you're not at the hospital... you're with me. It's not like you've been hiding it well."

Ethan's plea for discretion came in a desperate whisper, but Violet's frustration had built into a crescendo. "This morning, seeing you with her, so happy... It's like a knife to me, Ethan. How can you be with her, pretending, when you know what we have? Do you love her?"

The silence that followed was torturous. Ava's heart raced, her hands trembling as the question hung heavy in the chilled air.

"Ethan, please, just tell me the truth. Do you love her?" Violet's voice cracked under the weight of her longing.

"No... I love... you," Ethan finally whispered, the words Ava had feared skulking in the shadows now spoken into existence.

The sound of shattering porcelain pierced the air as Ava's grip failed her; the hot cocoa splashed against her skin, the burn a faint echo of the searing pain tearing through her chest.

"Ava..." Ethan's guilt-laden voice barely reached her over the roaring in her ears as he rushed to her side, his hands fluttering over her with a towel, attempting to undo the damage that paled in comparison to the wreckage of her heart.

Violet's smug expression was the last clear thing Ava saw through her tear-blurred eyes.

"Are you hurt? Ava, talk to me, please," Ethan's voice was frantic with worry, but it was distant to Ava, muffled by the cacophony of betrayal that filled her mind.

A hollow laugh bubbled up from Ava's throat, a sound so forlorn it could have been a sob. "Hurt? Oh, Ethan," she managed to choke out, her laughter dying, "I'm beyond hurt."

Ava's tears continued to flow, her heart breaking anew with each revelation. "Violet was right. I know all about you two. I've known since the night of your birthday," she confessed, the tears streaming down her face as if from an endless well within her eyes.

"I don't know what hurts more," Ava continued, her voice barely above a whisper, "hearing that you've never loved me for the past six years, that waking up next to me was a nightmare, or hearing you confess your love for Violet." A bitter chuckle escaped her, tinged with irony. "But you know what's funny? They actually mean the same thing."

Ethan's face drained of color, his heart lurching as the realization hit him like a physical blow. Ava had overheard him that night, every word a dagger to her heart.

"No, don't," Ava rebuffed him sharply as he made a move to comfort her. She bit her lip, a trembling hand attempting to stem the flow of tears. "I thought I could forget what I'd heard that night, but I couldn't. Even after Violet came back, I wanted to fight for us. But you, Ethan, you never gave me any reason to keep fighting." Her words were a mixture of anguish and resolve. "I didn't want all those six years to be for nothing. But I can't do this anymore."

A deep sigh escaped her as she grappled with the finality of her decision. "I had decided to break up with you after this vacation. I thought it would be the perfect send-off, but I guess that's one more thing I can't have, just like I can't have you," she said through sobs. "Maybe this is for the best; it's certainly easier this way. I was struggling to find the right time to tell you that I wanted to break up... So now, with me out of the picture, you two can be together."

With a heavy heart, Ava turned from the scene, her friends entering just in time to witness the aftermath of her shattered world. "What happened here?" Amy asked, her voice laced with worry.

"Ava, are you okay?" Jasmine's eyes were wide with alarm at the sight of the spilled cocoa on her clothes and the unmistakable pain etched on her face.

Gathering her composure, Ava addressed her friends, her voice firm despite the pain. "Ethan and I... we're over. There's not going to be a wedding," she announced before exiting, leaving behind a stunned silence and the fragments of a love story that ended too soon.

Their friends stood frozen, their faces a canvas of shock and confusion. "Ethan, what the hell happened?" Tony's anger was a rumbling storm, his gaze flicking between Ethan and Violet with fierce accusation.

Without a word, Ethan hurried after Ava, a futile attempt to salvage what had already crumbled, his own heart breaking with each step.

Ethan couldn't prevent Ava from walking out of the cabin, and when he trailed her back to their shared apartment, he was met with an overwhelming silence. As he entered, the emptiness of their once shared space echoed his inner turmoil. Darkness wrapped around him, a perfect mirror to the void swallowing his heart whole. 

The apartment, once alive with the essence of their shared existence, now lay barren. Her clothes, which used to drape over chairs and fill the closet with color, were gone. The personal belongings that Ava had scattered throughout their home—books with corners folded marking her last read page, her favorite mug now absent from the rack, the myriad of small, seemingly insignificant items that infused their space with warmth and personality—had all vanished. 

In their place was a void so profound it seemed to suck the air from Ethan's lungs. The emptiness was not just physical but echoed the vast, unbridgeable distance that now lay between them. Ava's departure was complete, her absence a stark, undeniable reality. She had meant every word about ending things after their trip. The home they built together, piece by piece, memory by memory, was dismantled, leaving Ethan adrift in a sea of palpable loss and irrevocable change.

In a daze, Ethan reached for his phone, dialing Ava's number with a trembling hand, but the cold, impersonal tone informed him that her phone was out of coverage. His heart, already heavy with guilt and regret, now raced with worry. Where could she be? Was she safe?

Collapsing to the floor, the weight of his actions crushing him, he whispered to himself, "What have I done?" The words were a painful acknowledgment of the reality he had created. In his pursuit of what he thought he wanted, he had not only hurt Ava but also torn apart the fabric of his own life.

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