Where Do We Go Now?

بواسطة LarrySTaylorsVersion

527 51 1.2K

If Louis was being perfectly honest, he did not expect to ever see that face again. That perfect, god like fa... المزيد

Extra: Past.

Extra: Present.

30 2 20
بواسطة LarrySTaylorsVersion


Takes place roughly a year and a half or so after epilogue.

Also smut warning cos ya'll know me by now fr



"I'm nervous." Louis says, pacing back and forth in front of Harry, his shirt is grass stained and sweaty, his face scrunched in anxiety. Harry loves him all the same.

"It's okay," Harry sooths, trying to calm his boyfriend the fuck down. It's the last game of the season. His baby made it to the finals. And now he has to shoot the last penalty goal.

"It's fucking not. I'm going to fail, I'm going to let everyone down... I can't do it babe. I can't." Harry huffs and grabs the smaller man, pulling him into his arms. Louis reluctantly accepts it, letting Harry run his fingers through his hair.

"No matter what happens I'll love you, okay? You can't let me down, never. I'm so proud you made it this far and I always knew you could." He kisses Louis' forehead. "You're going to kill it out there. I believe in you, yeah?" Louis scrunches up his nose and Harry knows he's trying not to cry.

"Thanks love." Louis sighs, "No matter what?" Louis whispers and tucks Harry's hair behind his ear, the crowd fades away when Louis looks at him like that.

"I'll never not love you sweetheart, 'kay?" Louis blushes pink and nods.

"Same. I love you."

"I love you baby." Harry leans in and kisses him quickly, "Now go. Kick ass." Louis smiles at him fondly and turns, jogging over to the rest of his team. Harry watches them line Louis up.

It's 2 - 1 after the other team scored their penalty and Jesus Harry has never felt more nervous in his life. Louis' going to be so heartbroken if he doesn't get this. He will. Harry thinks. That's the love of my life out there, of course he will.

The crowd grows louder and Harry wants to tell them to shut the fuck up. Let Louis concentrate. He sees Louis close his eyes and inhale heavily, stepping back and finally, finally, kicking the ball.

Time stops for a moment. The ball frozen mid air. Louis catches Harry's eye, looking shit scared under that brave face he's putting on. The goalie jumps to catch it, and Harry swears his fingers brush it...

Oh fuck. He thinks. Shit shit shit shit shit.


It goes in. Time starts once more. Cheering erupts so loud Harry almost goes deaf. Louis turns to him and his smile is so wide Harry worries Louis will break his face. Harry bursts out in a laugh. Louis' team jumps on top of him, cheering and grabbing Louis. Who, by the way, hasn't taken his eyes off Harry. He shrugs them all off and runs towards Harry, who does the same.

They meet in the middle and Harry throws his arms around Louis' neck, Louis picking him up and wrapping Harry's legs around his waist, spinning him around. Harry holds his face and kisses him roughly. He pulls back and holds Louis' face him his hands, his eyes blurring from tears.

"Oh my God," He swallows a sob, "Honey, baby, I'm so proud of you." He buries his face in Louis' shoulder, kissing his sweaty neck, "I'm so so so proud of you." He whispers. Louis kisses his shoulder and holds him, looking stunned.

"I did it." He says, his voice raspy. "Holy fuck." He mutters, "I did it." He squeezes Harry close and kisses him, open mouthed and full of tongue, he moans, "Holy shit, princess..." He puts Harry down and holds him close, "I can't wait to get you home."

"Hm," Harry holds Louis' chin kissing him slowly, "I have a surprise." He leans in to Louis' ear, "Daddy." Louis almost shivers.

"Shit. Naughty boy..." He glances around, "I have to talk to the press now honey, go wait in the back rooms, yeah?" Harry smiles and blushes, nodding and giving Louis a quick peck before leaving.

He watches on his phone as Louis talks to the press, smirking when Louis says he's going to have a quiet night at home and blushing when he calls Harry the love of his life.

About an hour later Louis emerges from the changing rooms with his bag and a smile. He takes Harry's hand and holds him to his side.

"Hey baby," He kisses Harry's ear, "Let's get home, yeah?" Harry nods.

"You know, if you want to go to an afterparty you can, we don't have to-" Louis kisses him to shut him up. It works quite effectively.

"I want to go home with you." Louis whispers, walking towards the door with Harry under his arm, "Plus, I want to know what this surprise is you're talking about cos the last time you said that you wore that sexy dress." He winks and opens the door to his car, a sea of paparazzi surrounds them. Harry lowers his head and stays close to Louis as they all try and get photos of the two of them. As if they don't have enough from the game itself.

They get the the car and Louis closes the door, the windows tinted. They drive away and Harry watches Louis from the passenger seat with endearment. His baby won the final. He won.

Louis glances at him and chuckles, "What?"

Harry smiles softly, "I'm so in love with you." He whispers and Louis reaches over, taking Harry's hand and kissing it before putting their intertwined fingers on the center console. His eyes flick to Harry and they turn onto their street. Louis squeezes his hand.

"I love you too honey," Louis pulls up to their apartment and turns of the car. "Thank you for being there today." Harry frowns.

"I wouldn't dare to not show up you look incredibly hot when you-" Louis leans over and kisses Harry. He pulls back and smirks.

"You know what else I look hot doing?"

"Cocky bastard." Harry whispers, "Let's get inside, yeah?"

"Could be in you."

"Oh, you will be." Harry smiled smugly and opened the door, getting out of the car with Louis in toe. Louis chases him up the stairs and hugs him from behind when he catches him at their apartment door, kissing his neck gently. 

Harry fumbles with his key and finally opens the door, Louis pushing him in and pinning him to the wall, sucking on his neck. Harry moaned, "Fuck. Now. Wait-" He pulled back and Louis frowned. Harry smiles and rubs his thumbs over Louis' jawline. "I have that surprise. Wait in the bedroom." Louis smirks and backs away, walking towards their room, taking off his shirt as he goes. Harry laughs and jogs to the bathroom, opening the sink and taking out his surprise.


"You ready?" He calls from outside their bedroom door.

"I'm dying in here princess..." Harry opens the door and Louis looks at him from where he's sat on their bed. His jaw goes slack. "Oh my fuck... I mean... we used to joke but... fuck." Harry blushed and spins.

"Do you like it?" He whispers, Louis' gaze making him self conscious. Louis' eyes turn soft, he stands and walks over to his boyfriend.

"Baby," He puts his hands on Harry's hips, feeling the waist band of the cheerleader skirt under his fingers. "You look..." He swallows, eyes trailing up and down Harry's body, "Jesus Christ. How long have you had this?"

"Around a month," Harry says softly, "I was waiting for the right time and I wasn't sure if you'd like it." Louis looks at him, his eyes wide.

"Princess... you look gorgeous." Louis twirls him around, the skirt flying out. Louis groans, "Nothing under it too? God, you're going to be the death of me." Harry smirks and hums, curling the hair around Louis' neck.

"Well I guess you'll have to murder me first then." Louis smiles and switches them around, so Harry's back is to the bed. He backs Harry up to the bed and the back of Harry's knees hit the bed frame, making him fall onto the soft mattress, Louis' lips colliding with his.

Their bodies tangle together, Louis' tongue searches his mouth and Harry moans, Louis' hands dragging up his exposed stomach. "You look so good in this H," Louis kisses down his jaw, Harry squirms and holds Louis' head as he kisses down Harry's chest, over the red material.

"Do you..." Harry gasps and his fingers hold onto Louis' hair tightly, "Do you want me to take it off?"

Louis shakes his head, "No, sweetheart, keep it on." He grips Harry's waist and looks up at him. "Tell me what you want me to do." He kisses Harry's stomach and Harry exhales.

"I want to make you feel good." Louis smirks.

"You've already done that with this outfit baby... but did you want to ride me? Is that what you want?" Harry almost chokes at the idea and nods rapidly. Louis sits up on his knees, "Yeah?"

Harry sits on his elbows, "Would you..." He smiles shyly, "Would you like that daddy?" Louis' eyes darken and he holds Harry's arms, flipping them over. He slips off his shorts and kisses Harry slowly. Harry whines and palms Louis through his boxers. Louis groans and his head falls back onto the pillow.

"Yeah. That's it love, such a good boy." He runs his hand through Harry's hair and watches him, eyes soft even though his voice is harsh. Harry tugs down his boyfriends boxers, wetting his lips and wrapping his hand around him.

"Is this good?" He whispers, leaning down to kiss Louis, who nods and kisses Harry back.

"Do you want me to open you up baby?" Louis whispers against his lips.

"No, daddy, want you to watch." Harry mumbles and reaches for the lube, Louis nods slowly, eyes following Harry as he wets his fingers and reaches behind him, pushing a finger in. He gasps and grips the bedsheet, Louis' eyes widening.

"You okay?" He reaches out but Harry nods and his hand freezes mid air.

"Yeah, it's just," He moans, "Cold." Louis chews on his bottom lip, it already red from kissing. He reaches for his cock but Harry takes his hand and intertwines their fingers, "No... I want to do everything. Please." He chokes on a gasp and Louis knows he's put in another finger.

"Okay." Louis trails his tongue over his lip, "Baby, this is so hot." He whispers, resting their foreheads together, Harry moans softly, curling his fingers and entering a third.

"Daddy, I'm ready, please." Louis smiles and lays back down.

"Always so ready princess, aren't you?" Harry moans and wipes his fingers on the bedsheet, breathing heavily as he straddles Louis' waist, grabbing a condom and rolling it on Louis. Louis holds his hips firmly and watches Harry line himself up. He sinks down slowly, his mouth opening into a gasp.

"Fuck." He puts his hands on Louis' chest, lowering himself. Louis moans and lays his head back.

"So tight love," His fingers tightening around Harry's skin, watching the skirt flair out on his stomach. Harry's cheeks flush, his hair line sweaty. "Such a good boy for me." Harry nods, closing his eyes as he sits all the way down.

"For you." Harry opens his eyes, Louis already looking into them. "All for you." He mutters and rises until Louis is almost fully out before sitting back down and moaning loudly. "Oh my God.. Lou..." He exhales, "So full."

"Yeah?" Louis breathes quickly as Harry speeds up, making small noises every time, "Look so pretty babe." Harry swivels his hips and Louis groans. "So pretty for me."

"I try." Harry smiles smugly, "I'm happy you like the outfit."

Louis hums, "Wish your wore this all the time. So gorgeous on you." He groans when Harry changes his angle and Harry whines. "Found it?"

"Found it." Harry breathes and speeds up, his thighs burning. "Am I doing well daddy?" He arches his back and Louis thrusts up into him.

"So well honey, love this. Love you." He sits up and connects their lips.

"Love you too daddy." Harry moans and Louis smiles.

"How about you get on your hands and knees princess, let daddy finish you." Harry nods, his legs tired. Harry whimpers at the emptiness and rolls over, Louis' hands finding their place on Harry's hips, "Ready baby?" He whispers and Harry whispers a yes. Louis thrusts in deeply and Harry's body jolts forward.

"Oh my God," He mutters, "Louis..." He moans when Louis finds his prostate. "Louis you're so good at this."

"Shhh," Louis spreads Harry apart further and thrusts in, speeding up, "I praise you princess, that's how this works." Harry nods and his breathing quickens.

"Daddy, I'm going to cum." He gasps when Louis' hand finds it's way to his neck, closing around it, the other holding his waist steady.

"Want you to cum hard for me princess, yeah? Show me how much of a good boy you are for daddy." Harry chokes out a moan.

"Yes." He breathes and Louis tightens his fingers.

"Yes what?"

"Yes daddy." Harry moans and Louis releases his boys neck, grasping his hair instead.

"Good boy," Louis praises and pulls his hair back, "Come on baby, cum for me. Go on. Want to show off for daddy?" Harry moans and Louis speeds his thrusts. 

Harry moans his name and cums when Louis tugs his hair back, thrusting in deeply. Louis breathing quickens and he groans, finishing inside Harry. He falls onto Harry's back, both of them trying to slow their breaths. Harry whines when Louis pulls out and lets Louis get a cloth from the bathroom, wiping Harry's stomach until all the cum's gone. He takes off the outfit and lays beside Louis.

They gaze at each other for a moment and Harry thinks he might be falling for him even more. If that's possible.

"I wanted to ask you something." Louis says, taking Harry's hands in his. Harry smiles at him, "Um, it's kind of scary to ask. I don't know why though, because, well I know you love me and I know you want this so I'm not really worried you'll say no but there's just so much hype around it and I know you've been waiting for ages and even your sister asked me to hurry the fuck up and-"

"Baby." Harry whispered, his heart racing. Fuck. "You're getting off point."

Louis laughs  anxiously, "See? I've fucked it up already it was supposed to be a surprise."

"I don't care." Harry whispers, staring at Louis in endearment, "Keep going." His eyes glistened with tears and Louis looked into them, exhaling.

"Harry Styles." He calms himself, "I love you, and you're perfect and amazing and everything I ever want and I can't believe you're mine because I thought I fucked it up so many time and so many years ago and I'm so fucking lucky you gave me another chance because I don't know where I'd be." He squeezes Harry's hand.

"I know we've already talked about this a million times when we were drunk but I thought I should ask you in a way you deserve because you're too good for some shitty proposal on our couch when we've had too much wine. You're the love of my life. You're beautiful, and kind, and and you love Taylor Swift an embarrassing amount and you're really fucking good at sex." Harry laughs and Louis smiles, "And we're both going to be crying in a moment if you don't stop but that's okay because we made a promise, sad together, right?" Harry nods, his lip quivering and he tries to hold Louis' gaze.

"Harry, baby, princess, my love, honey," Louis inhales, "Will you marry me?"

"Oh my fucking God Louis!" Harry cries and wraps his arms around Louis, holding him tightly, "Yes, babe, of course I will. I'd be insane not to." He squeezes him. "I love you."

"I love you." Louis whispers and holds the back of Harry's head, "Don't cry honey, happy tears yeah? Not like oh fuck I'm stuck with him forever tears?"

Harry breaths out a laugh, "Shut up Louis, of course I'm happy." He pulls back and kisses Louis firmly, letting his tongue slide into his mouth. Harry moans and Louis' hands slide down his sides. "You're my fiancé." Harry giggles and Louis smiles. Then he blinks and reaches over to their bedside table, opening a drawer and pulling out a small box, opening it and showing a ring. It was silver, thin, and small diamonds were encrusted into it. Harry almost cried all over again.

"Lou, it's fucking gorgeous." He swallows his tears. Louis blushes.

"Sorry, I didn't have enough for anything flashy-" Harry kisses him.

"It's perfect." Louis sighs in relief and slips it on his finger, admiring how dainty it looks. How right. Harry rolls beside him and holds out his hand. They both stare at it, before looking at each other and smiling. Louis leans in and kisses him.

"I love you." Harry repeats it and Louis pulls him on top of him, Harry straddling his hips. They keep their lips attached as Louis grabs a condom out of the bedside table, before flipping them and wrapping Harry's legs around his waist, lining himself up and pushing in slowly, breathing against Harry's lips.

"Lou," Harry breaths and Louis holds his hair out of his face, "Faster." Harry whispers, clutching the bedsheets. Louis speeds up, thrusting deep. "Lou!" Harry moans louder. Louis kisses his neck.

"I know babydoll, I know." He gets into a rhythm of hitting Harry's spot and Harry lets out little "uhs" every time. Louis kisses his neck and reaches down, tugging Harry's cock a few times. Harry comes with a soft cry of his name and Louis cums a moment after. He dips his fingers into the mixed pool on Harry's stomach and holds it up to Harry's lips, Harry sucking his fingers into his mouth and moaning softly. Louis almost cums again. He watches Harry before Harry's sucked his fingers dry and he removes then, both of them too tired to bother cleaning.

They fall asleep beside each other, wrapped up and tangled in each others limbs.


Anxiety fills Harry's veins, his suit suddenly feels itchy. Niall's hand sooths his shoulder.

"Mate, it's going to be fine. He's waiting for you." Harry nods. It's not that he's scared of Louis not being there, everyone will be watching him for an awkward amount of time.

Harry inhales deeply and turns to Niall. Just get it over and done with and then he and Louis are going to Italy for their honeymoon. Two straight weeks of Louis and only Louis. Harry's heart jumps at the thought.

"Okay. Let's go." Niall smiles and they walk out into the hall. Grace and Michigan are waiting for him, both wearing their light red dresses to match Harry's red floral suit. Niall salutes him and Harry isn't sure why but he grins.

"Of I go, I have to calm down your fiancé now. See you in a minute." He turns and Harry grabs Niall's shoulder.

"Tell Louis I love him, yeah? It'll calm him down." Niall makes a face.

"H, you're sweet but you can tell him that yourself. I'm just gonna tell him you look hot as fuck." Harry rolls his eyes endearingly and Niall smiles at him, walking out to the ceremony.

"Fucking hell." Michigan's jaw drops, "Harry, I'm a lesbian but I'd tap that."

"Shut up. This is reserved for Louis to tap and Louis alone." Grace blocks her ears.


Michigan laughs and hugs her. Harry turns to the door. He glances back at them, "Ready?"

"Are you?"

Yeah. Harry thinks. I have been for a long time.

He nods and Michigan steps in front of him, gesturing for them to start the music. Slowly, she starts walking, Grace follows and soon it's Harry's turn. He feels faint. He steps out and everyone is standing, waiting for him. He doesn't even notice, his eyes trained on Louis.

He knows it's cliché, but aren't all the best things?

It's like tunnel vision, time freezing around them. Louis' smile is so soft, his eyebrows arched slightly, his hands shaking from nerves, his jaw slacks slightly and he mouths a wow. Harry doesn't understand how this man can make him blush still after so many years.

He has to check he's still moving because everything seems to be in slow motion. 

He's been dreaming of this since he was fourteen years old. Now it's finally happening. Finally he reaches the end of the aisle and Louis holds out his hand. Harry's fits into his and they stand, facing each other.

Harry's sure the officiator is saying something but he honestly doesn't hear a word. Louis is looking at him so fondly he doubts he's hearing anything either. He does feel when Louis takes the rings, a thin silver band with two diamonds and looks up at him expectantly. Harry knows his lines.

"I do." He whispers. Louis smiles and slides the ring on. Harry wants to kiss him so badly that the moment the same words leave Louis' lips he doesn't even wait, and Louis doesn't hesitate to grab his waist, tilting him back slightly. Making a proper show of it because of course he did, he's Louis.

His lips are soft and Harry gets lost in it, not noticing the crowd, so caught up in Louis, Louis, Louis.

The vacuum breaks when they break apart, the noise or cheers loud. They smile at everyone, Harry blushes and buries his face into Louis' shoulder and he knows the hair stylist will be pissed but he doesn't really care.

He's just, so, so, happy.

The world feels quiet when they leave, signing papers and the reception Harry barely remembers because he mostly just danced with his husband.


He thinks Niall said something really inappropriate in his speech or something, as his aunties where eyeing him disappointingly. He shrugged it off, too happy to let it affect his mood.

Later, when all the guests are leaving, Harry leaves Louis to finish paying the place and help Niall out into the car. "Louis' a keeper Haz." Niall slurs and the stumble through the cab door. 

"I know Niall." Harry smiles at his friend, "You get home now, okay?" Niall murmurs something and Harry shuts the door. The cab leaves and Harry feels a familiar set of hands slide around his waist. Louis' chin rests on his shoulder.

"I though you'd left me. Pulled a runner." Harry glanced back at him.

"Never." He whispered and held Louis' arms tighter around him.

"Ready to go home?" Louis kissed the back of his neck. Harry smiled softly.

"Yeah." Harry laughed, "Then Italy tomorrow."

"Yeah baby," Louis pulled back and twirled him around, then kissing him gently, his hand on Harry's hip. Harry rested there foreheads together. "Come on, let's go home."










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