Story Ideas

By KN-stories

27.7K 828 570

just idea's I have why the Kirby icon... idk I was tired and don't feel like changing it. More

The water dragon betrayal
The star hero!
The blind aura fighter
The water dragon betrayal #2
The star hero #2
The blind fighter #2
The moon swordsman
The red eyed Ghost
The wandering Sun
The warrior's Key
The Warrior's key #2
The Frozen legend
The Blinding One
The Wolf's creed(Remake)
The Blood Soul Reaper: Verison 2
Geno's tale
First Class: Solider
The monarch of Shadow
The mechanical rebirth
The blue hedgehog
The dragon of shadow
The Dragon of light.
The demon fox
Darkrei: DxD/MHA
If you got suggestions leave them here.
The Dreemurr
He Who Calls the Real Name
Ninja of illusion
The Anti-Matter dragon
The hero of Courage
The Anti-Matter Guard
Between both version
The Xenoblade hero
The Princesses's Ninja
The "Gods" flames.
The "Gods" Flame #2
King of Curses #2
Ninja of Illusions #2
The Soublades
The Metamoran Warrior
My pal Pikachu
The dark council
The Tournament
The Tournament teaser
The hero of Courage #2
The Order Must Be Restored
The last guardian of light
I'm Death
The Prince of ice and Snow
The Water judge protector
the god of the sky
The heavenly restoration
Idol's key
My pal pikachu #2
The almighty
Spirit of winter: Blackened soul
Blackend ice #2
The blue blur

King of Curses

606 19 3
By KN-stories

Our teaser begins with a boy who looks to be 6 years old was in a destroyed forest on the brink of breaking then notice a woman. He would then pass out from blood loss.

Once he woke up he would look around but only be able to see out of one eye.

???:... where... am... I...?

??: your awake!

???: huh...

He would look over to see a very tall woman.

???: who... are you...?

??: me? I'm Cathleen Bate or better known as Stars and Stripes!

???: I'm sorry... but... I'm not really sure how you are... I haven't learn a lot about the... outside world...

Bate: how come...?

???: because... of my... quirk...

Bate: hmm!? What!? Why !?

???: it's called... the king of curses....

Bate: king of curses... hmm.. that's sounds like a powerful quirk.

???: your not going to... hurt me...

Bate: huh?! W-why would I!? You have no control over what quirk you get...!

The boy would then begin to cry but she would notice that he was crying blood. She would call for the doctor and they would come in and see this and see if everything was okay.

They would notice everything was fine with the boy and couldn't understand why he was crying blood.

Doctor: let use know if we can do anything for you.

The boy would nod his head and bate would be wondering something.

Bate:... I forgot ask something... what is your name?

???:... Izuku... Yagi...

Bate:. *shocked* (he's all might son!?... but... why hasn't he come to find him...?... he couldn't...)

Bate:... how's... home life izuku...?

Izuku:... I'm... neglected and abused...

Bate:...(... all might...) izuku... how would you feel if you lived with me?

Izuku: you would take in a freak-

Bate: you're not a freak! Your family doesn't see how valuable you are! You're a person that deserves to live!

Izuku would feel happy. And he would accept the offer to live with her. So once was fully treats he would leave Japan and go to America and train is quirk.

And over the next 10 years he would have mastered his quirk and would have gained the title as the strongest. But he wouldn't take the title as the number one hero in America.

He would be making his way to a party after working out. Once he got there he would see a pervert trying to touch someone.

???: tch.

He would have swiped his fingers to the left slashing the guys chest. Everyone would be shocked by that.

And they would look in the direction of who did it.

???: what...

Everyone would be shocked to see who it was that attack that man.


He would then walk towards the man and slam his foot onto the man's injury.

???: there are people that I hate in this world... and perverts are one of them... *look at the girl* you okay... uhhh...

??: m-Momo! Momo Yaoyorozu.

???: hmm... Momo.. my name is sukuna...Sukuna Ryomen...

Momo: I've.. heard of you before... the strongest hero in the new generation...

Sukuna: hmm... you're welled informed...

He would get closer to her making her blush.

Sukuna: what's up? Not used to having someone this close to you?

Momo: w-well*blushing* (I've admired him for so long! And now he's in front of me!)

Bate: IZUKU!

Sukuna:... *sigh*... auntie...

Bate: what have i told you about doing this!?

Sukuna: not my fault the idiot was a pervert...

Bate: *sigh* I understand that! But you need to not use your slash on people who can't take them!


Bate: don't tch me! And heal him!

Sukuna: what?! Why the hell do I need to heal him!?

Bate: well! For one! I need him alive to arrest him!

Sukuna:.. tch! Fine!

He would then walk over to the man and used his reversed curse technique to heal the man injury. Once he did he would have tossed him towards bate.

Sakuna: happy...

Bate: thank you... you can continue with your conversation now.

Sukuna would watch her leave. He would just sigh and turn his attention back to Momo who looked shocked.

Sukuna: you alright...?

Momo: you... called the number one hero in America your aunt...

Sukuna: well... she did adopt me... so it's only natural to do so... anyways. What's a beautiful girl like you doing in America... I can tell you're not from here.

Momo: (beautiful!?) w-well.. I'm here on a business with my family.... They wanted me to meet other people who were in the same position as me...

Sukuna: well... I guess you did... because I wasn't really interested in coming to this party... but I guess I'm glad I did. *smirks at momo*

She would blush by this. They would continue to talk though out of the party and sukuna would give his number to her. And she would give her number to him.

Once the party was over sukuna would head home and take a shower then head to sleep. Once he woke up he would have to go meet someone with his aunt.

Sukuna: where are we going...?

Bate: we're going to go meet the world's greatest support item creator!

Sukuna: hmm? How come...?

Bate: well! I need a new support item made and I can't leave you alone without causing problems...

Sukuna:... fair... you're right about that...

Once they got to the island they would head to David's lab. Once they got there they would see David and a girl.

Bate: hello David!

David: oh! Hey bate. How can I help you?

Bate: well! I'm in need of a new support item.

David: well I don't mind helping you out. *notice sukuna* oh! You must be the rumored strongest in the new generation.

Sukuna: I am...

???: your the strongest in the new generation...?!

Sukuna: hmm?

David: let me introduce you to my daughter. Melissa.

(Since there isn't a lot of Melissa fan art I'm going to improvise with this.)

Melissa: I've heard that he was older.

Sukuna: I'm 16... you only look to be a year older than me...

Melissa: that's because I am.

Sukuna: well... aren't you an interesting girl... what...? Jealous that I'm considered the strongest-

Before he could finish his sentence She would have fired off a light beam at him.

But he would block it with his bare hand.

David: Melissa! I'm-

Sukuna: it's fine... *smirks* I'll admit... you have an interesting quirk... light manipulation... and you have a good grasp on it too.... And it's mostly my fault... I made her fire her attack at me.

(I was considering between leaving her quirkless or give her one... so I gave her a light based quirk because of all the gifs I can used with it XD)

Melissa: damn right it is!

Sukuna: *chuckles* well aren't you a feisty one... *smirks*

Melissa would blush after hearing that.

Bate: izuku... why don't you go explore the area for a bit... while I'll I talk with David...

Sukuna: I'm okay with that... what about you blondie? Want to join me?

Melissa: huh?! I have a name!

Sukuna: hmm... I find calling you blondie more fun. *smirks*

He would then leave the room. Melissa would then chase after him after putting her coat away.

Bate: I'm sorry about him...

Daivd: it's okay. I'm glad to see Melissa interacting with people around her age. I'm sure he'll have Melissa open up more.

Bate: I'm sure he well... he has a way of making people speak out there thoughts...

While walking towards the exit Melissa would tell him to wait for her to get changed really quick. He would roll his eyes and just wait for her to come back.

After a few minutes he would see her running over to him.

Sukuna: took you long enough...

Melissa: *pout*

Sukuna: hmm? What?

Melissa: aren't you at least going to compliment me!

Sukuna would examine her outfit.

Sukuna: well...

He would then get closer to Melissa and get in front of her face and lift her chin a little.

Melissa: *blushing* huh!?

Sukuna: you are in deed beautiful~

Melissa would then punch him in the chest which would make him chuckle. They would leave the building and wander around the island.

They would then hear a loud explosion and hear a robot had been to run rogue.

Melissa: oh no!

Sukuna would watch her run towards the explosion. He would then look towards the direction robot is heading and then run towards to intercept it.

Once he got there he would then see it in the distance. He would then make fire appear on his hand.

Sukuna: going to be honest.... I rarely get to use this ability... *smirks*...

He would then aim the fire arrow at the on coming robot. Once he had a clear shot he would then fire the arrow at the robot destroying it.

Sukuna: *smirks*

Melissa: wow...

Sukuna: hmm? Enjoy the show princess?

Melissa: princess!? *blushing*

Sukuna: I mean. You like one to me so~

Melissa: s-shut up!

Sukuna: *chuckles*

Little did they both know that they were being seen by a helicopter that was recording it.


Momo: he's mine~ but... I don't mind sharing....

Sukuna would have a shiver down his spine.

Sukuna thought: what was that...?

Over the next 2 years sukuna would continue to speak with both Momo and Melissa. And he would notice them both showing signs of them liking him. He would be a bit hesitant to trust his emotions with them.

But once he learned that they can be trust worthy he would accept there feelings and start dating them.

And he would continue his training. And once it would come time for him to join a college he would say.

Sukuna: why do I need to go...? I'm already the strongest... why do I need some stupid license for?

Bate: well... for one to use your quirk legally...

Sukuna:... everyone in America has seen me use my abilities... I don't think they'll care I don't have a license..

Bate: *sigh* I know letting you tag along with me during some jobs was a bad idea... and letting you get an ego was worse...

Sukuna: I'm able to back up my ego... there's a difference... I'm not that damn mutt who's thinks he's hot shit when I can snap my fingers and kill him in a instant...

Bate: as much I would like for you to get your get back.... Don't... and I'm sure Melissa and Momo will be in UA.

Sukuna:... tempting.... Fuck it... why not... I'll go only for them...

Bate: good! I'll give you a recommendation so you don't have to take the exam.

Sukuna: alright. *yawn*

Another few days would past and sukuna would be standing in an observation room watching the exam and would be bored out of his mind.

He would then see a robot going haywire so he would decided to have some fun. So he would blitz to the city and once he got there he would notice someone was stuck under some rubble.

He would notice who it was and get disgusted. He would just lift the rubble with ease and toss it to the side. He would then pick her up by her clothes and tossed her away.

Sukuna: alright now... *smirks* domain expansion...

Sukuna: malevolent shrine...

A sphere would surround sukuna but stop once it got close to the girl he tossed away. And cleaves with begins to slash the robot till it was dust.

He would then stop and look at the damaged he's created.

Sukuna: man... I do enjoy using that one...

Izumi:... I...Izuku...

Sukuna:.. tch! Say that name again... and I will kill you...

He would then walk past her and head to his house that was prepared by his aunt. But once he got to the front gate he would see Melissa and Momo.

He would then get an earful from Melissa for using his domain expansion. Momo would just chuckle at this until.

Katsuki: Deku!

Sukuna:... *groans*... today started off boring... now I have to deal with a pathetic mutt...

Katsuki: what did you call me!? Do you want to die!

Sukuna:... like you're able to hurt me... your no where near my level...none of you are...

Katsumi: what!? Are you calling us weak!

Sukuna:... weak... isn't the word I'll use...I'll say... pathetic joke...

Katsuki would get angry and go to attack sukuna but sukuna would grab him by his neck and place his hand on his chest but Melissa would stop him before he could get his dismantle off.

Sukuna:.... Why should I...?

Melissa: because I know you don't want to waste your time on them... you know I'm right...

Sukuna:... *thinks about it*... hmm... I guess you're right...

Sukuna would then toss Katsuki at them then give them one last warning before leaving.

Sukuna: this is your only warning coming from me... get in my way... touch what's not yours...hurt anyone I view as important.... And I will... kill you and I'll make it the most painful thing you will ever experience...

He would then leave with Melissa and Momo. He would feel them staring at him while was leaving.

Sukuna thought: oh~ don't worry... my revenge will be mine~

End of teaser



Melissa shield.

(As I said before I will be improving with Melissa seeing that there ain't a lot of fanart with her)

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