Radiant Bonds: The Light of F...

By hrijit

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In the vibrant world of Fiore, where magic reigns supreme and adventure awaits at every turn, a new hero emer... More

Chapter 1: Clash of Forces
Chapter 2: Echoes of Friendship
Chapter 3: the Light's Return
Chapter 4: Barrier of Resolve
Chapter 5: Unity in Conflict
Chapter 6: Echoes of Loss
Chapter 7: Battles, and Breakthroughs
Chapter 8: the fairies vs the phantom
natsu vs gajeel (an interlude)
Chapter 10: clash of the wizard saints
Chapter 11: the promise
Chapter 12: a summon from the magic council?
Siegrain's Intrigue
Their Reaction
The Other Wizard Saints
Calm Before The Storm
akane Resort
tower of heaven(prelude)
tower of heaven(1)
tower of heaven(2)

Chapter 9: the number 1 guild

76 2 0
By hrijit

In the year X777,

 a young Natsu Dragneel stood in awe beside Makarov, the towering figure of the guild master, in front of the grand entrance to Fairy Tail. His eyes widened with wonder as he took in the sight of the bustling guild building, its walls adorned with countless symbols of magic and camaraderie.

"Wow, this place is huge! So this is where all the wizards come to meet up?" Natsu exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement at the prospect of joining such a renowned guild.Makarov nodded, a proud smile gracing his weathered features as he looked down at the eager young wizard beside him. "Indeed, Natsu. Welcome to Fairy Tail."

"Fairy Tail?" Natsu echoed, his curiosity piqued by the name of the guild.

Makarov's expression softened, his gaze turning introspective as he spoke. "Yes, Fairy Tail. It's a name shrouded in mystery, a symbol of the unknown. Nobody knows if fairies have tails or not, just as nobody can say for certain if fairies ever existed. And that's precisely why Fairy Tail will forever be a mystery, an adventure waiting to unfold. That meaning is infused within the very walls of our guild."

As Natsu stepped into the bustling guild hall, his eyes darted around in wonder at the lively atmosphere. He barely had a moment to take it all in before a voice rang out beside him."Welcome to Fairy Tail," said a stern yet welcoming voice. Natsu turned to see a young woman with fiery red hair and piercing eyes approaching him. "I'm Erza Scarlet," she introduced herself, her tone carrying a hint of authority.

Before Natsu could respond, another voice cut through the air, this one more brash and challenging. "Who do you think you are, barging in here like you own the place?" Gray Fullbuster demanded, his icy glare fixed on Natsu.

Y/N Dreyar, a fellow young mage, intervened, his hand swiftly meeting Gray's head in a resounding smack. "Hey, ease up, Gray," Y/N interjected, shooting a reassuring smile at Natsu. "I'm Y/N Dreyar, by the way," he introduced himself, extending a hand in friendship.

As Natsu exchanged greetings with his new guildmates, Makarov, the guild master, approached them with a warm smile. "So, how do you like the guild, Natsu?" Makarov inquired, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Natsu's face lit up with enthusiasm as he glanced around the bustling guild hall. "I like it," he replied earnestly, a sense of belonging washing over him. "I want to be a member of this place."

Amidst the bustling energy of Fairy Tail, Natsu found himself struggling to find his footing in the vibrant community of Magnolia. The whirlwind of new faces and experiences left him feeling somewhat lost, like a flame flickering uncertainly in the wind. Sensing his unease, Y/N Dreyar and Cana Alberona took it upon themselves to befriend the young Dragon Slayer, offering him the support and guidance he needed to navigate his way through this unfamiliar territory.

While Cana initially hesitated, uncertain of how to approach the situation, Y/N wholeheartedly embraced the role of a mentor and big brother to Natsu. It was a unique experience for Y/N, being the first time someone who was more air headed  than him had joined the guild. Determined to make Natsu feel at home, Y/N took it upon himself to look after the fiery-haired wizard, ensuring he was well-fed, practiced his skills, and even learned the basics of reading with the help of Erza.

Despite Cana's reservations, Y/N's nurturing instinct kicked in, and he made it his mission to provide Natsu with the care and guidance he needed to thrive in his new environment. And as they spent more time together, their bond grew stronger, cementing Y/N's role as a trusted friend and mentor in Natsu's eyes.

Y/N: "Hey, Natsu! Need a hand with anything?"

Natsu looked up, relief flooding his features as he saw Y/N and Cana approaching.

Natsu: "Yeah, I'm trying to set up a home, but it's proving to be more of a challenge than I anticipated."

Cana grinned mischievously, twirling a hammer in her hand.

Cana: "Leave it to us, Natsu! We'll have your place feeling like home in no time."

With Y/N's expertise in visualisation  and Cana's knack for design, the trio set to work. They gathered sturdy logs, measured and cut them with precision, and assembled them into a cozy log cabin. Along the way, they shared jokes, swapped stories, and forged a bond that would last a lifetime.

As the final touches were made to the log cabin, Natsu couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude towards Y/N and Cana. They had gone above and beyond to help him settle into his new home, and their unwavering support meant more to him than words could express.

With a heartfelt smile, Natsu turned to his newfound friends, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Natsu: "You guys are the best. I don't know what I would've done without you."Y/N chuckled warmly, clapping Natsu on the back.

Y/N: "Hey, that's what friends are for, right?"

Cana nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with pride.Cana: "Absolutely! We're always here for you, Natsu."

As they stood together, admiring their handiwork, Natsu felt a surge of emotion welling up inside him. These weren't just friends – they were family, bound by a bond stronger than steel.And in that moment, as he looked at Y/N and Cana, Natsu knew that he had found his place in Fairy Tail. With a sense of reverence and admiration, he turned to Y/N, his voice tinged with respect.

Natsu: "Thanks, Aniki."

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, a warm smile spreading across his face at the unexpected gesture.

Y/N: "Anytime, Natsu. Anytime."

From that day forward, Natsu referred to Y/N as "Aniki," a term of endearment that signified the deep bond they shared. And as they embarked on countless adventures together, facing challenges and triumphs side by side, their brotherly bond only grew stronger, a testament to the unbreakable bonds forged within the walls of Fairy Tail.

 In the present,

 all the Fairy Tail members are crying, grief in their heart for losing their adored building, which is being destroyed right before their eyes. Natsu, after having these memories, is barely able to stand up and is unable to defend himself against .

 states that Natsu has used too much of his Magic battling fiercely against and the , and that if only he could eat some fire, Natsu wouldn't lose to anyone.

 Hearing this, says that there has been a misunderstanding. He states that he cannot materialize fire per se, but he can create it. He shoots his arrows into a machine, causing an explosion and subsequently producing flames, which Natsu voraciously eats. 

Giving Gajeel a threatening stare, Natsu, remembering all his friends' grief and injuries, punches his enemy, who retaliates with a ; however, Natsu reflects it with his bare hands. Natsu states that picking a fight with Fairy Tail was the wrong thing to do. Natsu hits Gajeel to pay him back for everyone he harmed and for destroying his guild. Gajeel is beaten to a pulp and is thus defeated, heavy damage also caused to the building because of Natsu's destructive attacks. Natsu's victory inspires everyone, but Natsu, exhausted, loses consciousness.

back with y/n and erza

Erza gritted her teeth as she held her ground against the onslaught of Jose's dark magic, her eyes blazing with fierce determination. Beside her, Y/N stood firm, his own magic swirling around them like a protective barrier.

"We won't back down, Jose!" Erza declared, her voice ringing out with unwavering resolve. "We'll fight until the very end to protect our guild and our friends!"

Y/N's expression hardened as he focused his magic, channeling every ounce of his strength into their defense. "You won't defeat us, not today!" he added, his voice echoing with defiance.As the clash of magic intensified, Erza and Y/N pushed forward, their combined strength pushing back against the darkness that threatened to engulf them. With each passing moment, their determination grew stronger, fueled by the bonds of friendship and camaraderie that bound them together.

As Jose's dark magic surged forward with renewed ferocity, threatening to engulf them once more, his voice boomed with arrogant superiority."Who do you uppity brats think you are!" he bellowed, his tone dripping with disdain. "I am Jose Porla, one of the Ten Wizard Saints, and the master of Phantom Lord!"

Erza and Y/N exchanged a determined glance, their resolve mirrored in each other's eyes."We are Fairy Tail," they declared in unison, their voices blending with unwavering resolve. "And we will not be defeated by the likes of you!"

With a defiant roar, Erza and Y/N pressed forward, their determination unyielding in the face of Jose's overwhelming power. Together, they stood as beacons of hope, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest to protect their guild and their friends.

The clash intensified as Erza and Y/N fought side by side against the formidable Jose. Despite their exhaustion, they remained steadfast, their determination driving them forward.Erza, her voice strained with effort, called out to Y/N amidst the chaos. "Y/N, cover me! I'll draw his attention!"

Y/N nodded in understanding, his eyes flashing with determination. "Got it, Erza! I'll amplify your attacks with my light magic!"

With a swift nod, Erza charged forward, her sword gleaming in the dim light as she launched a barrage of strikes against their opponent. Y/N followed closely behind, his magic crackling with energy as he unleashed beams of brilliant light to enhance Erza's assaults.Jose, taken aback by their coordinated assault, struggled to keep pace as Erza and Y/N pressed their advantage. "You brats think you stand a chance against me?" he snarled, his voice laced with contempt.

Erza gritted her teeth, her resolve unyielding. "We may not have the advantage, but we'll fight to the end!"

Y/N's expression mirrored Erza's determination as he reinforced her attacks with his magic. "We may be down, but we're not out yet! Let's show him what Fairy Tail is made of!"

For a brief moment, it seemed as though victory might be within their grasp. Jose faltered, his defenses weakening against the relentless onslaught of Erza and Y/N's combined assault.But as their reserves dwindled and exhaustion took its toll, Jose seized the opportunity to turn the tide of battle in his favor. With a vicious counterattack, he sent Erza and Y/N crashing to the ground, their bodies battered and bruised from the fierce struggle.

After Natsu's decisive victory over Gajeel, the atmosphere in the room shifted as Jose turned his attention to Erza. With a sly grin, he remarked on Natsu's prowess, acknowledging that the Dragon Slayer had proven to be a formidable opponent.

"Seems the Dragon likes to rampage," Jose mused, his tone tinged with amusement. Erza met his gaze head-on, her expression calm and composed as she countered his observation."Natsu was underestimated," she stated firmly. "His power is on par with mine, if not stronger."Jose's smirk widened at Erza's assertion, acknowledging her strength with a hint of admiration. "Modesty doesn't suit you, Erza," he remarked. "Your power is truly magnificent. You're the first Mage to hold out against me for so long."

His gaze then shifted to Y/N, his eyes narrowing with recognition. "And you," he addressed Y/N directly, his tone betraying a hint of respect. "It's clear you're Makarov's grandson. In a few years, you'll reach your full potential."

Erza bristled at Jose's words, her defenses rising instinctively as she prepared to face his next move. But before she could react, Jose's demeanor shifted, his expression darkening with resentment.

"If you hadn't fought Aria," he began, his voice dripping with disdain, "we could have had quite the battle." With a swift motion, he unleashed a beam of dark magic aimed directly at Erza, the force of it sending her hurtling towards the wall.

Y/N, his energy waning but his determination unwavering, stepped forward to defend his comrade. "What's your problem with Gramps anyways?" he demanded, his voice strained with exhaustion as he conjured a wall of light to deflect Jose's attack.

Amidst the chaos of their battle, Jose's words cut through the tension like a knife, his voice dripping with malice as he addressed Erza.

"Do you know why I didn't kill Makarov?" he questioned, his tone laced with sinister intent. Before Erza could respond, he answered his own question with a chilling revelation.

"It was to show him the despair of seeing his Guild completely destroyed," Jose explained, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "And I will make him suffer to the very end."Erza's fists clenched at her sides, her fury simmering beneath the surface as she glared at her adversary. "You disgust me," she spat, her voice filled with contempt for the man standing before her.

But Jose was not finished with his taunts. With a cruel smirk, he revealed the true reason behind their conflict, laying bare the depths of his twisted motivations."Phantom Lord was always the number one Guild in the country," he began, his words dripping with venomous resentment. "But in the last few years, Fairy Tail rose to the top, until the two guilds came to represent the country."

A bitter laugh escaped his lips as he continued, his eyes burning with vindictive fury. "I couldn't stand it," he admitted, his voice tinged with loathing. "Especially since Fairy Tail was once a weak and pathetic Guild."

Erza's eyes narrowed with righteous indignation as she processed Jose's words, her resolve hardening with each passing moment. In a swift motion, she launched a barrage of consecutive attacks against him, her blade flashing with lethal precision."Is all of this war because of some petty little jealousy?" she demanded, her voice ringing with defiance as she pressed her assault.

But Jose's response was chilling in its conviction. "It's not jealousy," he declared, his voice echoing with chilling finality. "It's to make it clear who is the superior Guild."

As Jose's venomous words echoed through the chamber, Y/N's fists clenched at his sides, a surge of anger coursing through him like wildfire. The mention of his grandfather being slandered only fueled his resolve, his determination burning brighter with each passing moment.

"You dare speak ill of my grandfather?" Y/N's voice rang out, his tone dripping with righteous fury. "Makarov has devoted his life to protecting his guild and its members. He's a true leader, unlike you, who preys on the innocent for your own twisted agenda."

His words reverberated off the walls of the chamber, a defiant challenge to Jose's malevolent authority. Beside him, Erza nodded in silent agreement, her own gaze blazing with determination.

But Jose remained unfazed, his smirk widening into a cruel grin as he reveled in their defiance. "Your grandfather's sentimentality is his greatest weakness," he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "And it will be his downfall."

Y/N's jaw clenched, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. He would not allow Jose's words to go unanswered. With a steely gaze, he locked eyes with his adversary, his voice ringing out with unwavering determination.

"Mark my words, Jose," Y/N declared, his voice filled with conviction. "Fairy Tail will never bow to the likes of you. We will stand united against your tyranny, and we will emerge victorious, no matter the cost."

His words hung in the air like a challenge, a defiant declaration of their unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. And as the battle raged on, Erza and Y/N fought side by side, their spirits unbroken as they stood against the darkness threatening to engulf them.

As frustration seethed within him, Jose's eyes narrowed with contempt as he regarded Y/N Dreyar, the grandson of Makarov, the legendary Guild Master of Fairy Tail. Though Y/N was but a shadow of his grandfather's formidable presence, Jose saw him as a potential threat, a spark that could ignite at any time.

With a cold determination in his eyes, Jose decided to bring an end to this confrontation once and for all. With a swift motion, he unleashed his shade entangle magic, ensnaring both Erza and Y/N in his grasp, rendering them powerless against his dark will.

"Fairy Tail has been a thorn in my side for far too long," Jose spat, his voice dripping with disdain as he addressed his captive foes. "But the catalyst for this war was Jude Heartfilia's demand to reclaim his daughter, Lucy."

A cruel smirk twisted Jose's lips as he mocked the situation, questioning how the daughter of one of the wealthiest families in the country could stoop so low as to join Fairy Tail. His tone dripped with sarcasm as he pondered how great Fairy Tail had to become before they were satisfied.

"And now, if Fairy Tail could exploit the Heartfilia family's wealth as they pleased, they would truly become the most powerful Guild," Jose sneered, his eyes flashing with malice. "But I cannot allow such insolence to go unpunished. I will crush Fairy Tail and all who dare to defy me."

With his declaration hanging heavy in the air, Jose prepared to deliver the final blow, his dark magic pulsing with malevolent intent as he sought to eradicate the threat of Fairy Tail once and for all.

As Y/N bit his tongue to suppress the urge to cry out, Erza endured the searing pain inflicted by Jose's dark magic. Yet, amidst her agony, she found a moment of clarity, a flicker of defiance that refused to be extinguished.

With a snicker, Erza dismissed Jose's arrogance, remarking on his pitiful fixation on power dynamics. She scoffed at his boasting about information gathering, her voice laced with disdain as she exposed the flaw in his assumptions.

"Pitiful, indeed," Erza retorted, her eyes ablaze with determination. "You think you know everything, but you know nothing of Lucy Heartfilia. She ran away from her family and doesn't rely on their wealth."

Erza's words cut through the tension like a blade, her voice ringing with conviction as she continued to defy Jose's twisted logic.

"She lives in an apartment she pays for with her own hard-earned jewels. We've fought together, laughed together, cried together," Erza declared, her voice unwavering despite the pain. "She is a mage of Fairy Tail, and you know nothing of her struggles."

Jose responds that he will know soon enough, that he wasn't planning on returning her, that he will keep her until her family has no money left. Jose threatens to show y/n and Erza's struggling form to Fairy Tail, believing that if Fairy Tail sees their light and their  Titania's pitiful image, they will be disheartened in their battle. 

Jose's words cut through the tension like a blade, his voice laced with malice as he singled out Y/N. "You, blonde," he sneers, his gaze filled with disdain. "I'll deal with you first. You're a spitting image of Makarov, appearing out of nowhere and giving these pathetic fairies false hope, just like him!"

Y/N clenches his fists, his jaw set in determination as he focuses his magic, a crimson glow emanating from his right hand. In his mind, he silently invokes the strength of his grandfather, seeking the guidance and power of the first master.

Before either side can make a move, a sudden presence interrupts the standoff. Makarov, the towering figure of Fairy Tail's guild master, bursts into the scene with a commanding presence. With a wave of his hand, he dispels Jose's magic, freeing Y/N and Erza from its grasp.

Makarov's eyes sparkle with pride as he beholds his grandson, taking in the transformation that has occurred over the past two years. Y/N stands taller, his form exuding a newfound strength and determination that echoes Makarov's own indomitable spirit in his youth.

In Y/N, Makarov sees a reflection of his own younger self – a fierce determination to defy the odds, a steadfast belief that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, victory is still within reach. Despite the daunting circumstances, Y/N emanates an aura of hope and resilience, inspiring those around him to rise above adversity.

As Makarov looks upon his grandson, he feels a surge of nostalgia for his own youth, a time when he too faced impossible odds with unwavering resolve. Seeing Y/N embodying that same spirit fills him with a renewed sense of determination and hope for the future of Fairy Tail.With a silent nod of encouragement, Makarov silently conveys his faith in Y/N and his comrades, knowing that with their indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve, they are capable of overcoming any obstacle, no matter how formidable it may seem.

Y/N stood before Makarov, a mix of emotions swirling within him as he faced his grandfather after two long years. Despite the chaos unfolding around them, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and respect for the man who had shaped him into the mage he had become.

Y/N's eyes met Makarov's, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them."Gramps, you're here?" Y/N's voice was a mix of surprise and relief. "It's been too long."

Makarov's expression softened, his gaze steady as he replied, "Indeed, Y/N. But there's no time for sentimentality. We have a guild to protect."

Y/N nodded, his resolve hardening. "You're right, Gramps. Let's show them the strength of Fairy Tail."

With a shared nod, they turned their attention back to the looming threat of Jose, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

Makarov's gaze turns steely, his expression so fierce that it causes Jose to unconsciously take a step back.Makarov: "You've bathed in the blood of many. Children have suffered, children have cried—all because of their incompetent parents. You and I have caused enough harm. It must end."Jose, his face half-covered by a shadow, wears a smirk as he retorts, "You're out to cause a natural disaster?!"Makarov's features remain stern; there's no hint of a smile. Veins bulge on his forehead as he responds, "If it's for the sake of my family, then yes!"

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