Whispers Of Regret | Hyunlix

By Cookie_buttereu

8.5K 591 2.9K

In the hushed corridors of a grand mansion, the echo of heavy sobs pierces the stillness. A desperate plea ha... More

Cœur brisé - Broken heart
Chéri(e) - Sweetheart
Je t'aime - I love you
Éternité - Eternity
Fleur - Flower
Doux rêve - Sweet dream
Charmant(e) - Charming
Douceur - Sweetness
Cœur - Heart
Abîme - Abyss
Courroux - Wrath
Chaos - le chaos
Éclatant(e) - Dazzling
Sombre - Dark
Lumière - Light
Grâce - Grace
Ténébreux - Sinister
Désespoir - Despair
Larmes - Tears
Souffrance - Suffering
Amertume - Bitterness
Amour déchu - Fallen love
Brutalité - Brutality
Peine - Suffering
Brume - Mist
Lueur - Glow
Désir - Desire
Enivrant - Intoxicating
Tentant - Tempting
Étincelle - Spark
Agonie - Agony
Espoir - Hope
Séduction - Seduction
Fleurir - To Bloom
Souffle - Breath
Flamme - Flame
Effeuillage - Petals falling
Apaisant - Soothing
Confiance - Trust
Crépuscule - Twilight
Lien - Bond
Pulsion - Urge

Douleur - Pain

143 10 106
By Cookie_buttereu

L'amour fait mal. C'est la raison pour laquelle il y a autant de chansons d'amour

Translation: "Love hurts. That's why there are so many love songs."


"Attention, students," the intercom crackled to life, its voice carrying a sense of gravity. "Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin, Lim Harin, Kim Bora, and Na Hyeji, your presence is urgently requested at the principal's office."

With intrigued gazes and soft murmurs stirring the air, the mentioned names hung in anticipation, like secrets waiting to be unveiled.

"I repeat," the voice continued, steady and unwavering, "Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin, Lim Harin, Kim Bora, and Na Hyeji, please proceed to the principal's office without delay."

In the bustling classroom, a sudden gasp erupted, causing heads to turn and eyes to widen. Collectively, their attention shifted to the four friends.

Nervously, Jeongin shook Seungmin, who was peacefully dozing off on the table."Hyung," he whispered, giving him a gentle poke. But Seungmin, lost in dreamland, didn't stir. Unfazed, Jeongin persisted, giving him a slightly harder shake, only to receive a grumpy mumble as Seungmin turned away, seeking more sleep.

Across the table, Jisung was completely absorbed in his game, oblivious to the world around him with his headphones on. Sensing it would be pointless to disturb him, Jeongin turned to Felix, seated beside the brunette, and sighed, "Hyung, I don't wanna risk disturbing Jisung hyung's gaming session and facing his wrath. He always listens to you more anyway. I'll try to wake up Seungmin Hyung instead."

With a nod from Felix, Jeongin refocused on Seungmin, determined to rouse him from his slumber.

The blue-haired lifted the headphones from Jisung's head, only to be met with a glare from the guy who was disrupted. However, as the brunette realized it was Felix, his expression softened.

"Lixiee," Jisung protested, "I don't wanna disturb the class with the noise."

Shaking his head, Felix confiscated the brunette's phone and turned it off. "You need to go to the principal's office. They're looking for you and Seungmin."

With a puzzled expression and widened eyes, the brunette asked, "What? Principal's office? What did I do?"

With a shake of his head and a concerned expression, the younger one spoke up, "It's not just you; Harin, Seungmin, Bora, and Hyeji are also being called. If my guess is right, it must be something related to yesterday's incident."

As the words sunk in, a puzzled expression gradually transformed into a stone-cold glare on the brunette's face. "Fuck that bitch," he muttered under his breath, rising from his chair with determination. With a decisive step forward, he kicked Seungmin's chair, successfully jolting him awake—a task the maknae had failed to accomplish.

"Yah, what was that for?" The puppy-faced guy scrunched up his face, shooting Jisung a glare.

With a nonchalant shrug and a roll of his eyes, the brunette replied, "That bitch probably ratted us out to the principal. Now they're after us. Get up now, let's go."

Seungmin's eyes widened in alarm as he swiftly rose from his chair, nearly causing it to topple over. Hastily, he scurried to catch up with Jisung, who was already striding ahead with determined steps.

As they approached the door, the brunette paused and turned to face the blue-haired, his expression filled with warmth and reassurance. "Baby" he said softly, "don't worry about us, alright? It's nothing to fret over. I'll be back in no time." With a gentle smile, he offered a comforting nod before the two disappeared into the seemingly endless corridors of the school.


As they made their way down the hall towards the principal's office, the two friends stumbled upon the three girls anxiously pacing back and forth.

"Yah, why are you all just standing here? Shouldn't you be going inside?" Jisung's voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

Startled by the sudden interruption, Harin spoke up nervously, "Oppa, I'm so glad you both are here. I just saw our parents heading to the conference room with the dean and the principal. I've been waiting for you guys. What should we do?"

A sense of urgency filled the air as they exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation awaiting them inside the principal's office.

Before the brunette could reply, the pink-haired girl chimed in with curiosity, "How did this manage to reach our parents? The board of directors only intervenes for serious issues."

Shaking her head in disbelief, Hyeji muttered, "Don't tell me some commoner complained and summoned all our busy parents over here."

Jisung and Seungmin exchanged a puzzled glance, their brows furrowing in confusion as they tried to make sense of the situation. Breaking the silence, Seungmin voiced his suspicions, "This seems fishy. Complaints usually go through the feedback box, and this kind of issue falls under the dean's responsibility, not the principal's. The dean oversees student organizations."

Nodding in agreement, Jisung added, "Exactly. The principal wouldn't typically call our parents to the school like this. He'd handle it internally, maybe with an apology, warning, or even suspension. He wouldn't call a meeting with the directors."

As the realization sank in that something wasn't right, the group exchanged worried glances, feeling like they were missing crucial pieces of the puzzle. After a futile attempt to find answers, they decided to proceed into the conference room, where the meeting was currently in progress, hoping to uncover the truth.


With their hearts pounding, the five students exchanged nervous glances before taking a collective shaky breath. Hesitantly, they approached the door and timidly knocked.

The door creaked open, revealing the principal's secretary, who greeted them with a gentle smile. With a welcoming gesture, she ushered them inside. "Good morning, come on in," she said warmly, holding the door ajar.

As the students entered the room, they couldn't shake off the sense of unease that lingered in the air. Just as the secretary stepped out, she offered a respectful bow to the directors seated inside, a silent acknowledgment of their authority.

With their heads held low, the five students stepped into the fancy conference room and lined up in front of the long table. The room had a modern vibe, with cool touch-screen panels on the walls for controlling stuff like slides and lights.

Large, high-definition screens adorned the walls, displaying detailed graphs and charts, and the room was lit up by fancy LED lights, giving everything a nice glow.

Suddenly, a clearing of throat shattered the silence, and a warm "Welcome, children" echoed through the room.

Startled, the students hesitantly looked up to see the principal seated at the head of the table, his presence commanding yet reassuring. Beside him sat Chairman Lee, and all the board members, including Mr. Hwang, whose stern expression hinted at the seriousness of the situation.

Harin's eyes widened in surprise as her gaze fell upon her mother seated beside her father. "E-Eomma, what are you doing here?" she stammered, her voice tinged with confusion.

Her mother, exuding an air of elegance, tightened her lips and shook her head slightly. "We received a notification and were asked to come here," she explained, her tone somber.

Before Harin could inquire further, the dean interjected, "We've received a complaint about recent bullying, and the five of your names are mentioned. Can you confirm if what I heard is true?"

As the dean addressed them, the expressions on the faces of the five students hardened, and they turned in unison to face him, replying firmly, "Yes, sir."

Surprise rippled through the faces around the table, and the lady's concerned gaze was fixed on Harin. With a gasp, she asked, her voice filled with worry, "Harin-ah, eottokke? Why did you all do that?"

Looking down, Harin bowed her head. "She deserves it," she murmured softly.

Before anyone could respond, a smooth yet firm voice chimed in from the side. "Deserves it? Even if she does, do you all have the right to bully her?"

At the sound of the familiar voice, the five students turned their heads curiously, only to be taken aback. Standing there with an air of elegance was Hwang Hyunjin, dressed impeccably in a Versace sweater layered over his uniform. His hair was styled half up and half down, secured with a ribbon, adding to his flawless appearance. While the girls would typically have complimented him, their attention was now drawn to the trembling girl beside him, who held onto his arm, casting fearful glances at them.

Noticing the nervousness in the black-haired girl, Hyunjin instinctively draped his arm over her hand, which was firmly holding his own.

"Hyunjin? You're back?" Seungmin's curious voice echoed in the room. The blonde turned towards the familiar voice and nodded, confirming, "Yeah, just got back yesterday."

A scoff reverberated from the sidelines, catching the taller's attention. He glanced over to see the brunette shooting him a glare. "And let me guess, we're only finding out now? Forget it. Did you even tell Lix? Do you realize how worried he was about you all this time?"

With a heavy heart and a lump in his throat, Hyunjin felt the weight of his best friend's words sinking in. He wanted to explain, but the words caught in his throat, suffocated by the burden of his silence. Unable to bear the weight of his emotions, he clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white with the effort to hold back. With a deep breath, he composed himself and turned his gaze back to the front of the room, masking his inner turmoil behind a stoic expression.

Receiving no response, the brunette rolled his eyes. When Harin spoke up, "Oppa, why are you with that bitch?"

Hyunjin shot Harin a warning glance, his lips pressed tightly together as he muttered, "Harin, watch your language."

The brown haired girl glanced at Aera, noticing the slight smirk directed at her. The tension in the room was evident.

Noticing this, Hyeji decided to speak up. "Oppa, we don't regret what we've done," she stated firmly.

Hyunjin's jaw clenched as he turned his attention to the principal. "Sir," he began, his voice tight with emotion, "I don't want anyone laying a hand on Aera. If they do, please ensure they face appropriate consequences."

The weight of his words hung heavy in the room, echoing in the stillness.

Mr. Hwang's voice carried a hint of disappointment as he interjected, directing his words to Hyunjin. "Hyunjin, those are your friends," he began, his tone imploring. "Wouldn't you like to at least hear them out, ask what's the reason behind their actions? We all know they're not usually like this. Let's afford them the opportunity to explain."

With a slight chuckle, Seungmin responded, "Uncle, it's no use trying to convince him. He's completely wrapped around her finger. As for the reason, we'd like to tell you, but we're still gathering evidence. Once we have everything together, we'll bring it to you. Can you promise us that if there's a valid reason for our actions against her, you'll expel her?"

As Seungmin spoke, the room fell into a hushed silence, each person hanging on his every word, their expressions a mix of concern and worry. Mr. Hwang, his tone tinged with regret, broke the silence, admitting, "It's my fault for not conducting a thorough background check."

His gaze shifted towards Aera, who seemed to shrink under his scrutiny and immediately averted her eyes. "If there's a valid reason for her expulsion, I'll take swift and decisive action."

Hyunjin attempted to interject, "Appa, she's not-" but Mr. Hwang raised his hand, signaling him to stop. Hyunjin fell silent, his eyes downcast, grappling with the weight of the situation.

The room filled with the sound of a chair scraping against the marble floor, accompanied by the elegant clinking of designer heels. Adorned in an emerald necklace and diamond rings, the graceful woman approached Aera.

"Hello," she greeted warmly, her eyes fixed on Aera. Aera nervously returned the greeting with a smile, saying, "Hello, Mrs. Lim."

The woman nodded in acknowledgment, smiling softly. "Oh, there's no need for introductions. You seem familiar with who I am." Aera shook her head slightly, replying, "Yes, who doesn't recognize one of the famous actresses in this country?" before bowing respectfully.

Accepting her response, the woman continued, "Mhm! Anyways, I just want to say that we trust our children more than strangers. If they acted that way towards you, there must be a reason, and....." She cast a meaningful glance at Hyunjin, raising an eyebrow. "I hope you know what you're doing, Hyunjin."

Turning towards Harin, she declared, "You're coming with me." With a quick glance at her husband and friends, she excused herself. Slowly, the rest of the board members began dispersing, the principal shaking everyone's hand for the inconvenience, nodding in understanding as they remarked, "It's what we're supposed to do." With a sense of duty, they exited, leaving only the students, Mr. Hwang, and Mr. Lee behind.

Mr. Lee offered a gentle pat on the blonde's shoulder before quietly departing, leaving Mr. Hwang to fix a stern glare on Hyunjin and Aera.

Approaching the blonde, he questioned, "You called us all here and went to extreme lengths to protect her. I hope there's a good reason behind it. Not only did you fail to ask your friends, but you also disregarded what they had to say." Drawing nearer to Aera, he added, "Please don't make me regret bringing you in."

With that, he turned and walked away, the echoing sound of his expensive leather shoes creating a haunting melody on the marble floor.

The room fell silent, the five individuals processing what Mr. Hwang had just told Hyunjin. Suddenly, everything clicked into place, revealing how the issue had escalated from the principal's office to the board of directors. Only VIPs had the authority to notify the board members; otherwise, matters would be resolved solely within the dean's office. Disappointment was evident on everyone's faces.

In a heavy tone, the brunette muttered to Aera, "Whatever spell you've cast on him, it worked. Look at how shamelessly he's siding with you over his sworn friends," disgust evident in his expression. With a heavy sigh, he turned on his heel and left, leaving behind a tense atmosphere that seemed to thicken with his departure.

Seungmin stepped forward, his voice resolute as he addressed the blonde. "You can do anything to us, but I won't forgive you if you hurt Lix, Hyunjin," he declared firmly, his gaze unwavering.

With those words lingering in the air, the rest of the group silently followed Seungmin out of the office, leaving Hyunjin and Aera alone in the now-empty room.


The blue-haired individual's heart raced with anxiety, a knot of worry tightening in his chest. It had been an agonizing stretch of time since they left, and still, there was no news. Concern etched lines of tension on his face as he made his way down the crowded hallways towards the principal's room.

Break time meant the corridors were bustling with students, their voices creating a cacophony that only added to his unease. Despite the chatter around him, his mind remained fixated on the looming uncertainty ahead.

Approaching the principal's room, he noticed the door standing wide open. The absence of any sound from within only heightened his worry. Steeling himself, he prepared to step inside, only to be halted by the emergence of two figures.

Shock coursed through him as he locked eyes with his boyfriend, standing just a few steps away. Relief and longing flooded his senses at the sight of the familiar face he had missed dearly during their time apart. Yet, the joy of reunion quickly gave way to confusion as he detected a subtle shift in his boyfriend's demeanor.

Gone was the warmth and affection he was accustomed to. Instead, his boyfriend's eyes betrayed a hint of surprise followed by a coldness. It was a stark contrast to the love and tenderness they once shared.

With a trembling breath, the blue-haired individual's gaze shifted to the figure standing beside his boyfriend. Aera, her presence casting a shadow over the moment, her hand tightly clinging to his boyfriend's arm. The sight pierced through him.

The shorter's eyes began to moisten, his efforts to hold back his emotions faltering. With a shaky voice, the blue-haired muttered, "J-Jin." The nickname slipped off his tongue like a distant memory, yet the spark of familiarity still ignited within him, reigniting the electric feeling of seeing the blonde again.

Before the blonde could say anything, Aera butted in, her interruption breaking the tense silence. She looked at Hyunjin and said, "Can we go?"

With a moment of contemplation and a glimmer of something in the blonde's eyes, he stood in silence. The younger one waited with bated breath, hoping for the blonde to reject Aera's request and turn to him instead. He missed Hyunjin deeply, longing to embrace him, cry in his arms, scold him for ignoring him, and shower him with affection. But his hopes were shattered when Hyunjin nodded at Aera and began leading her towards the hallway leading to the exit.

As Hyunjin and Aera disappeared down the hallway, the blue-haired felt a crushing weight settle over him. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes as he watched the love of his life slip away, seemingly choosing someone else over him. His heart ached with longing and sorrow, wishing desperately for Hyunjin to turn back, to see the pain etched on his face, and to realize the depth of his feelings.

But as the minutes passed and the hallway emptied, he knew that Hyunjin was truly gone, leaving him alone with his shattered heart.


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