Eclipse of Heart

By Silver_Scribblesss

4.2K 506 95

Samaira Lakshmi Deshpande is caught between two worlds, two masks. Amidst the hunt for her missing twin and t... More

1 | Serendipity
2 | Game of Deception
3 | Identity Crisis
4 | Warm & Cold
5 | Matchmaking
6 | Midnight Plans
7 | Stars Aligned
8 | Rewind
9 | Predestination
10 | Pinky Promise
11 | Aira
12 | Date
13 | Selfish
14 | Close but yet so far
15 | Engagement
17 | Worlds Collide
18 | Connecting Dots
19 | Protective
20 | One Step at a Time
21 | Progress
22 | Vulnerable
23 | Singhanias Mystery

16 | Friends to Lovers?

113 14 0
By Silver_Scribblesss

Bangalore, India

Samaira's POV

"So?" Aryan raises an eyebrow, prompting me to speak up. I clear my throat nervously, feeling a knot of uncertainty forming in my stomach. "Hmm, can we sit?" I suggest, and he nods, lowering himself onto my low bed. I notice the tension in his posture, his pants tightening around his legs, and I can't help but feel a pang of unease.

"Are you comfortable?" I ask, trying to ease the awkwardness, but he brushes it off with a casual reply. "It's fine. Just for a few minutes, right?" he says, and I nod, taking a seat at the opposite end of the bed.

We sit in silence, the air heavy with unspoken words. I steal a glance at Aryan, who seems lost in thought, his gaze wandering around my room. Summoning up my courage, I decide to address the elephant in the room.

"You seem upset with me since before the ring exchange," I say, nervously picking at the end of my saree. Aryan turns to look at me, his expression serious.

"Yeah, I am," he admits, his hands casually resting on his knees as he meets my gaze. My heart sinks at his confession, and I can't help but pull my knees closer to my chest, waiting for him to explain.

"Why are you?" I inquire, my voice barely above a whisper as I search his eyes for answers. He hesitates for a moment as if carefully choosing his words.

"I didn't like what you said earlier. I thought... you will..." His voice trails off, leaving me puzzled. "Iru iru," I interject in Tamil, realizing too late that he may not understand. "I mean... stop. I don't understand what you're talking about. What did I say?" I ask, feeling a knot of confusion forming in my stomach.

"You said we were drunk. Let's forget it. It will not happen again," he quotes my earlier words, and I furrow my brows in confusion. "Huh," I mutter, struggling to understand what could have upset him about my words.

"Aira," Aryan mutters exasperatedly, leaving me even more bewildered. "I don't understand what made-" I begin to explain, but Aryan chuckles in disbelief, cutting me off.

I look at Aryan, bewildered by his reaction. His chuckle only adds to my confusion, and I can't help but feel frustrated by his cryptic behaviour. "What's so funny?" I ask, my tone tinged with irritation.

Aryan shakes his head, his smile fading as he meets my gaze. "You really don't get it, do you?" he says, his voice softening with a hint of sadness. I shake my head in response, feeling increasingly lost in the conversation.

He takes a deep breath as if gathering his thoughts. "Aira, when you said that... it made me realize something," he begins, his words measured and careful. "I thought we shared something meaningful, something real. But now... I'm not so sure."

His words hit me like a punch to the gut, and I felt a wave of panic rising within me. "What do you mean you are not sure?" I whisper, my voice barely audible as I struggle to comprehend his words.

Aryan looks away, his gaze focused on a spot on the floor. "I thought there was something between us, something special. But maybe I was wrong," he says, his voice filled with uncertainty.

My heart sinks at his words, and I feel a lump forming in my throat. "Aryan, I don't understand. What are you trying to say?" I plead, desperate for clarity.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I don't know. I just... I need some time to figure things out," he admits, his voice heavy with emotion.

I feel a sense of dread wash over me, realizing that Aryan's doubts may have shattered the fragile connection between us. "So, what now?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper as I brace myself for his response.

I don't wait for his response, my frustration bubbling up inside me. "Weren't you the one who said you'd be happy just being with me, even if I don't fall in love with you?" I remind him, my voice tinged with disappointment. His gaze shifts away from mine, his eyes fixed on the sky outside my window.

"Well, I thought maybe you would try to make our relationship stronger, even if it didn't start off that way," Aryan says, his words trailing off as if he's run out of explanations. He meets my gaze again, a resigned look in his eyes, and swallows hard.

There's a heavy silence between us, stretching on with each passing moment.

"You didn't even try texting me these past 10 days when I didn't," he murmurs almost inaudibly. "I thought you would," I confess gulping inaudibly, feeling a pang of guilt. "Of course you did," he responds, his tone edged with bitterness.

I sigh, feeling a knot forming in my stomach as I struggle to find the right words "It's not like I don't want to try, Aryan. It's just that..." I trail off, unable to find the right words. I look down at my lap, twisting my saree nervously. Why am I expecting so much from him when I'm the one constantly lying about myself?

I sense movement from the corner of my eye and glance up to see Aryan moving closer to me. I freeze, my hands stilling on my saree, as his hand comes to rest on top of mine. "Please talk to me," he murmurs, his voice filled with a sense of helplessness that tugs at my heartstrings. The hint of vulnerability, melting away some of the barriers between us

"I didn't mean to say those words earlier," I begin, my voice trembling slightly. "I... I was anxious earlier. I didn't expect to get engaged to someone, or even marry someone," I explain, shaking my head as if to clear my thoughts. Aryan remains silent, his hand providing a comforting anchor for mine.

A sudden wave of emotion washes over me, and I feel my eyes sting with tears. I blink furiously, willing the tears to retreat. "It's not like I don't like you, Aryan. It's just that..." I trail off, unsure of how to articulate my feelings.

Taking a deep breath, I continue, choosing my words carefully. "These past two months have been difficult for me. First, my dad's health worsened, even though I knew his condition when we were in Chennai. We moved here hoping for better treatment, but his health isn't improving. And then there's my twin... I kind of miss her," I admit, feeling a pang of guilt for not being entirely honest.

"And you... you were being too good to be true, Aryan," I confess, meeting his gaze. His lips curve into a small smile, encouraging me to go on. "I didn't expect to find a good man because I've always had bad luck in life," I chuckle humorlessly. "You almost felt like fictional-kind, caring, sweet, understanding. It felt unreal, you know?" I confess, feeling vulnerable. His thumb brushes over my knuckles, a silent reassurance.

"It's not that I don't want to try, Aryan. I really do," I explain, gesturing between us with my free hand. "But right now, I just need some time to figure things out," I admit, hoping he'll understand. "And I am really so sor-"

"It's okay. I understand now." Aryan says, cutting off my apology with a wave of his hand. Relief floods through me, and for the first time since morning, I smile-a genuine smile.

"It's only fair to expect reciprocity in a relationship. I completely understand that. And I will try not to disappoint you or upset you anymore," I promise earnestly. "You're not the only one who wants this to work, Aryan. Because I genuinely want this to work too" I confess, feeling a sense of sincerity in my words as I meet his gaze.

I see Aryan's face light up with a smile, and I can't help but feel hopeful. "Because I haven't felt anything real like this before," I add softly, my heart swelling with emotion.

Aryan's smile widens, and I feel a warmth spreading through me, dispelling the lingering doubts and fears. "I'm glad you're being honest with me, Aira," he says, his voice soft yet filled with sincerity.

I nod, a sense of relief flooding over me as I realize the weight that's been lifted off my shoulders. "Thank you for understanding," I say, my voice wavering slightly with emotion.

Aryan reaches out, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, and a blush creeps up my cheeks at his gesture.

"I have been dying to say this to you since morning," he begins, and I wait for him, anticipation building in my chest. His eyes sweep over my attire, and I almost know what's coming next. "You look breathtaking in this green saree. I never knew green could look this good on someone," he compliments, and my blush deepens at his words.

His unexpected compliment catches me off guard. "Woah. Thanks, Aryan," I say, hardly believing his words, smiling up at him. My eyes run over his white shirt and black pants. His chest peeks out from the first button which he has chosen to leave open. "You look..." I trail off, trying to match his words, and he chuckles, understanding my struggle.

Beautiful? No. Gorgeous. No. Are you stupid, Sam? Hot? Not the right time, Sam. Handsome? Too normal.

"Handsome," I say, resigning to the simplest term, and Aryan throws back his head, laughing out loud. So loud that I panicked, worried that people downstairs might hear. "Shush!" I whisper-yell at him, tapping his leg vigorously, but he just doubles over, not seeming to stop anytime soon. "Aryan!" I scold him, looking at my door when I hear footsteps approaching.

Desperate, I cover his mouth with my palm, wide-eyed, urging him to quiet down. Finally, his laughter turns muffled before completely stopping.

His hand clasps around my wrist and he plucks it away from his mouth, "Thanks for the compliment," he responds teasingly, and I playfully hit his chest. "I didn't know what else to say," I mumble embarrassingly, and Aryan chuckles in response.

"It's okay. People tend to forget their words when they see me. So it's understandable," he says with a teasing smile, and I roll my eyes at his playful remark.

I glance back at him to see his eyes roaming my face in a thoughtful gaze. "If I confess something, will it change the dynamic of our relationship?" Aryan's unexpected question catches me off guard. "It depends on what you say," I reply cautiously, curiosity piqued as I look at him.

His grip on my hand tightens as he pulls me closer, causing my breath to hitch. His gaze intensifies as he stares into my brown eyes. "I wanted to kiss you so badly that night," he admits, his words surprising me.

I remember the intensity of his gaze that night, the unspoken desire palpable between us. But I wasn't sure if I was ready for that step. "I know," I whisper, my eyes flickering between his.

His eyes widen slightly, and I see a quick glance at my lips, mirroring my own glance at his. His upper lip, partially covered by his mustache, before he focuses back on my eyes.

Then, as if something snapped in him, he leans forward suddenly, shocking me. Instinctively, I lean back, my eyes shutting tightly, feeling his warm hand covering my lips. I hear a sound unfamiliar yet familiar.

Opening my eyes, I see Aryan leaning back, a mischievous smile on his face, his hand still on my mouth. It takes me a moment to realize what he's done.

Aryan had just kissed his hand while covering my mouth.



Wait, that doesn't count as a kiss, right?

With a mix of relief and disappointment, I let out a nervous laugh, relieved that Aryan hadn't actually kissed me but also amused by his playful antics. "Seriously?" I ask in a muffled voice, shaking my head as I try to compose myself.

Aryan's grin widens as he removes his hand from my mouth, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I couldn't resist teasing you a little," he confesses, his tone light and playful.

I swat at his arm, still feeling a rush of adrenaline from the surprise. "You're impossible," I say, unable to suppress a smile.

Deep down, though, I'm grateful it wasn't a real kiss. Not yet, at least.

Aryan chuckles softly, his gaze softening as he looks at me.

"So since you said you need little time to figure things out. Why not we restart our relationship with a friendship."Aryan proposes the idea.

I can't help but find his suggestion both sensible and endearing. But before I agree, I decide to tease him a little, because why not? "So, we just kissed, and now you want to be friends?" I say innocently, fluttering my eyelashes at him.

Aryan protests immediately, his hands flailing in exaggerated motions. "That wasn't a kiss," he insists firmly, his tone indignant. I can't help but laugh at his reaction, finding his defensiveness amusing.

"Well, alright then, Mr. Aryan," I tease, extending my hand towards him with a grin. "Let's restart with friendship."

But our lighthearted moment is interrupted when I hear the familiar sound of anklets approaching. Nithya is coming, and I know we need to act quickly. "Nithya is coming. Hurry, get out," I say, pulling Aryan up with me. While I mumble under my breath in Tamil how Nithya is going to tease me about this when she sees us in one room.

Aryan seems amused by my urgency, "Why should I? I am your fiance now," he says smugly, and I falter, unsure of how to respond. But before I can protest further, he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I gasp at his sudden closeness, feeling a rush of warmth spread through me. "What are you doing?" I whisper, my heart racing as I keep my palm on his chest as I try to maintain some distance between us.

Aryan grins mischievously, winking at me as he leans in as if he's about to kiss me again. "Aryan!" I warn in a hushed voice, but before anything else can happen, the door opens.

"Ammu-" Nithya begins, but the door slams shut again. Aryan bursts into laughter, moving away from me. "What's wrong with you? She's going to start assuming things now," I scold him in a hushed voice, shooting him a glare.

"Sorry, just wanted to have a little fun," Aryan says innocently, and I mimic his sentence, hitting his shoulder. Before we can say anything else, there's a knock on the door. I shoot Aryan a warning look as Nithya asks to come in. "Yes, yes," I reply quickly, and Aryan hastily makes his exit when Nithya enters with a teasing grin. Aryan walks past her, winking at me one last time behind her before disappearing down the hallway.

Nithya then looks back at me with a teasing grin, and I shoot her a warning glance.

"Don't even start," I say, cutting her off before she can tease me. With quick steps I walk past Nithya, I lead the way downstairs, hoping to put the awkward encounter behind us.

When I descend the stairs, I catch sight of Aryan chatting happily with my father, and seeing them both smiling warms my heart. But my moment of peace is short-lived as my brother Adithya swiftly makes his way towards me.

"What were you both doing upstairs?" he questions, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Nothing," I reply with a casual shrug, hoping to brush off his inquiry.

"They were kissing!" Nithya interjects excitedly, her voice barely above a whisper. Adithya's eyes widen in surprise.

"No, we weren't," I retort firmly, pressing my lips together in frustration.

"They were. When I entered her room, they were this close," Nithya insists, gesturing to demonstrate the proximity between Aryan and me, and Adithya's eyes widen even further as he turns to look at me dramatically.

"Your wife is lying," I shoot back, shaking my head in disbelief.

"I am not. Your sister is lying," Nithya counters, her voice equally firm.

Adithya seems torn between our conflicting stories, silently urging us to provide more explanation. With a sigh, I relent. "I told Aryan that Nithya was coming and he needed to leave or she would assume things. So, Aryan thought it would be fun, and he just pulled me closer to him at the same time he heard Nithya opening the door. End of story," I explain, hoping to put an end to the speculation.

Nithya's smug smile fades as the truth sinks in.

"Oh," both Adithya and Nithya say simultaneously.

"Yeah, 'oh,'" I echo, shaking my head in resignation. But before I can dwell on it further, I notice someone waving behind Adithya, trying to catch my attention. Focusing on the figure, I see Aryan's mother gesturing for me to come closer. Putting on a smile, I walk over to her.

"Yes, Aunty?" I address her politely as I approach.

"Don't call me Aunty, beta. Call me ma or mom," she corrects me with a hopeful smile, and I freeze at her unexpected request.

Feeling a surge of anxiety at Aryan's mother's request, I struggle to find the right words. The thought of calling her "ma" feels foreign and unsettling, given our current situation. My mind races with uncertainty as I try to navigate this unexpected twist in the conversation.

Just as I'm about to stammer out a response, Aryan appears beside me, "Mom, give her some time," he says gently, his voice carrying a hint of understanding. "Right, Aira?" he adds, giving me a subtle nod of encouragement.

Relief floods through me at his intervention, grateful for his understanding. I offer him a small nod in response, silently thanking him for coming to my rescue.

His mother's expression softens as she looks between us, sensing the tension in the air. "Of course, beta. Take your time," she says gently cupping my cheek, her tone filled with warmth and understanding. I exhale slowly, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

"Thank you, Aryan," I whisper gratefully, giving him a grateful smile. He returns it with a reassuring squeeze of my hand, silently assuring me that he's got my back.

Aryan gently squeezes my hand, drawing my attention towards him. "Hmm, can we talk for a minute? Somewhere more private," he whispers into my ear, his expression hopeful. Despite his seriousness, I decided to playfully tease him.

"I'm not so sure. Look, your nephew seems to be calling for me," I say, nodding towards his nephew who's waving excitedly from his father's arms. I can't help but grin and wave back at him.

"Aira," Aryan repeats my name with a firm whisper, sensing my playful demeanour. I know I'm teasing him because earlier, when I wanted to talk to him, he was busy with everyone else.

I bite my lip to suppress a smile as I feign reluctance. "Aryan, I think someone's calling me," I say, pretending to hear a call from the kitchen as I look behind me.

Aryan responds with sarcasm, "Yeah right." and I fight back a smile. I turn back to look at him and his hopeful gaze tugs at my heartstrings, though. "Please? Just two minutes?" he asks, almost pouting. I can't resist his puppy-dog eyes. "Alright, alright," I concede. But as soon as the words leave my lips, Aryan pulls me towards the stairs.

We attract surprised looks from the others in the room, but I ignore them, focusing on each step. "Two minutes, huh? Hold on, let me set a timer," I quip, knowing full well that I didn't bring my phone. Aryan chuckles at my remark as we ascend the stairs together.

We finally reach the terrace, or so I think, but Aryan stops short at the same spot where we first took photos, where I first confronted him.

"Let's take some pics," he says, pulling out his phone.

"We already did," I quip, earning a glare from Aryan, so I quickly zip my lips.

He angles the phone towards the sunlight streaming through and steps closer to me. I strike my go-to pose, flashing a peace sign at the camera, which earns a laugh from Aryan as he snaps a photo. Then, I rest my hands on his shoulder and smile at the camera for another click.

"Look at me," he instructs, and I meet his gaze, finding him already staring at me. His soft smile mirrors mine as the camera captures the moment. Next, he wraps his arm around my shoulder, and I loop mine around his waist for one more photo.

"That's more than enough, I guess," I say, and he acquiesces, stepping away.

"Just one last one," he insists, pulling me out onto the terrace. He positions me against the backdrop of a towering coconut tree and then moves away.

"Aryan?" I question as I see him adjusting the phone towards me.

"Pose," he says, flashing me a smile. I hold my hands in front of me and smile as the camera clicks.

"One more," he calls out. This time, I gaze away from the camera towards the horizon.

"And one more," he adds, and I raise my hands as if shielding myself from the sun while smiling.

"Now, walk forward and twirl," he instructs, and I can't help but laugh. "Seriously, Aryan?"

"Just do it," he insists, and I comply, twirling as he captures the moment perfectly.

"Now, say sweetly, 'Aryan'," he suggests, and I find it utterly amusing. I say, "Aryaan," which brings a wide smile to my face, all my teeth on display and Aryan smiles at me and then gives me a thumbs up.

"You should consider photography," I tease as I walk closer to him to see the photos. But Aryan pulls the phone to himself, shaking his head.

"Show me," I demand, but he refuses with a playful shake of his head.

"Nope," Aryan insists, moving away from me as he starts swiping through the photos. "But why?" I protest, trying to peer over his shoulder.

"Photos belong to the artist," he explains, and I pout in frustration.

"But I'm the art. I should be able to see," I argue, but he continues to deny me access.

"Fine, at least show me ours," I say, walking up to him. This time, he relents and shows our pictures. As I swipe through them, a smile spreads across my face. We look happy and content together.

"They look good," I remark, but just as I'm about to see one of my solo pictures, Aryan swiftly pulls his phone away.

"Send me our pics at least," I request, and he grins at my persistence.

"Mamu!" we hear a cute shout from the stairs, and we see Aryan's niece, Ishu, coming towards us. Aryan picks him up and plants a kiss on his cheek. "Meet your mami," he introduces, gesturing towards me.

"Hi, Ishuu," I greet him warmly, flashing a wide smile.

"Mami?" Ishu looks confused. "Yeah, she's going to be my wife," Aryan explains, and Ishu innocently asks, "Like mama and papa?"

"Exactly like mama and papa," Aryan confirms, and I nod along, matching his smile.

Ishu claps his hands excitedly, and my smile widens at his adorable reaction.

"Mamu, Dadi called you down," Ishu informs Aryan. "Oh, let's go then," Aryan says, and we head back downstairs.

As we reach the living room, we see everyone preparing to leave. Aryan turns to me. "Take care," he says, tapping my hand with his free hand as we walk side by side. I nod and reply, "You too."

He smiles at me as he heads towards the cars. I stop at the door, watching them leave. Aryan's parents wave at me, and I wave back, smiling.

Aryan gets into the car with his sister and brother-in-law. Just before the car drives off, he looks in my direction, smiling, and I wave at him. The car starts, and they drive away.


Oh the irony when Samaira says Aryan so unreal. Almost fictional.

And also guys I had once typed Aarav's name instead on Aryan and I was horrified when I profreading the chapter. Which says how much I miss Aarav. *ifykyk*

And there will be announcement soon. Look out for it.

This chapter has been a bit up and down for me. I hope you guys liked it.

Do vote *click on the star button in the left corner*. Comment. Share. If u like the story so far.

With love,

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