After Dark

By staceyy97

60.1K 488 51

Old friend. New killer. Are the two connected somehow? Bella Cullen's old friend Brooke Hale, visits her fro... More

After Dark (1)
After Dark (2)
After Dark (3)
After Dark (4)
After Dark (5)
After Dark (6)
After Dark (7)
After Dark (8)
After Dark (9)
After Dark (10)
After Dark (11)
After Dark (12)
After Dark (13)
After Dark (14)
After Dark (15)
After Dark (16)
After Dark (17)
After Dark (18)
After Dark (19)
After Dark (20)
After Dark (21)
After Dark (22)
After Dark (23)
After Dark (24)
After Dark (25)
After Dark (26)
After Dark (27)
After Dark (28)
After Dark (29)
After Dark (30)
After Dark (31)
After Dark (32)
After Dark (33)
After Dark (34)
After Dark (35)
After Dark (36)
After Dark (37)
After Dark (38)
After Dark (39)
After Dark (40)
After Dark (41)
After Dark (42)
After Dark (43)
After Dark (44)
After Dark (45)
After Dark (46)
After Dark (47)
After Dark (48)
After Dark (49)
After Dark (50)
After Dark (51)
Before Moonrise

After Dark (52)

1K 6 0
By staceyy97

--chapter 52--

Bella Cullen

Oh gosh, I hope we'll be in time. Once the Volturi get that information, who knows what they'll do?

"Mum, calm down. We'll get there." Renesmee said. She was the one driving -- and way too fast if I may add -- the red ferrari we borrowed

We raced through the streets leading to Volterra. It reminded me of the last time I came to save Edward.


The minute Renesmee stopped the car, I jumped out and raced through the large doors. Thank God for my new vampire speed and strength.

"Wait! You can't go in there!" The secretary at the front desk called out.

I opened the large wooden intricately designed doors and saw Marcus and Caius sitting at their throne-like chairs, while Aro seemed to have been talking to Brooke and Crystal.

"Bella? This is a surprise..." Aro said.

"Yes, it definately is." Brooke glared at me.

"I can't let you do it." I said.

"Do what?" Brooke acted innocent.

"I won't let you tell them." I moved closer to her.

"Too bad that's not your decision." Brooke stepped closer to me. She was way taller and I was feeling a bit intimidated.

All of a sudden, Aro's loud laugh filled the room. 

"Such fire! I love it! So, what is this that you wanted to tell us Brooke?" Aro asked.

"Well, there's something you should know about Bella..." She started off.


Brooke Hale

Aro looked expectedly at me. I was so glad that he couldn't read my thoughts, since his hand was resting on my shoulder.

"Bella's special power is a shield, as you all know. But what you don't know is that there is a way to--"


Bella Cullen

Those were Brooke's final words as I thrust a gold plated sword into her heart. I found it on the 3-D piece of art, dedicated to when St. Marcus saved Volterra from all vampires.

Brooke's eyes bulged out slightly and she grabbed her neck. Her skin turned an unsightly grey colour. Her hair lost its sheen and became dull brown. She collasped onto her knees and looked down to see the edge of the sword coming out through the other side. Finally, Brooke dropped down onto the floor.

The entire room fell silent. Crystal's choking noise broke it. Her eyes were huge and her mouth had formed an 'O'. If vampires could cry, she would have most probably have done so.

I admit I felt bad, since I had just killed the person who had been with me throughout my high school years in Florida. I had just killed one of my best friends.

I'm not the Bella I used to be. No, not the shy, quiet human girl. Now, I am a life-taking, murderer vampire woman.

And the strange thing is, I like it. I like being the bad one, not the 'damsel in distress'.

Aro looked at me with the fiercest look I have ever seen in my life.

Wow, the next few years of my life just got more interesting.


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