Rewrite The Stars

By SlugWolf0506

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It is a story of how the divorced couple, Michelle and Anntonia, navigate life as ex-wives co-parenting their... More



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By SlugWolf0506

exacerbate, n. 

I believe your exact words were: "You're getting too emotional."

There is a bounce at the heel of her feet as she follows her family outside on their way to the room. She couldn't erase the grin etched on her face as she listens to the two of them sing while they walk. This is one of the best birthdays she ever had and she wouldn't have it the other way. She's loved her birthday since her girlfriend and Dani had made her breakfast in bed this morning.

Michelle couldn't wait to tell Ann about what she just found out earlier, though. But she couldn't stop the happiness overflowing her entire being. They have been talking about it and maybe they could try for another baby sooner than she thinks. Maybe when they go back to New York. But she won't pressure Ann about it.

"Did you have fun with granny, ducky?" She hears Anntonia ask as she settles Dani on top of their bed.

Michelle scans their villa and the view outside. Ann has rented the one where they can perfectly see the beach in their bedroom. How great would it be to live in this place and enjoy being near the beach? She for sure would like to retire in a place like this with the woman she loves while their children would be busy enjoying life.

"Uh-huh.. We ate my cookies, mummy." Their daughter pouts, watching her mother on her knees taking the child's shoe off.

"It's okay, hun. We're going to bake more when we get back, hm?" Ann kisses Dani's forehead, "wanna see mama and mum's room? We have a pool inside and a jacuzzi just like we have at home and then you can see the beach."

Dani's eyes grow animatedly wide listening to her mother, she excitedly nods her head before she hops off the bed and follows her mum to check out their room. Michelle lay down on the white-sheet-covered bed, suddenly feeling exhausted from the office and the flight on their way here. Her mind was running, thinking about extending their family soon, and she couldn't wait for it to happen.

"Mum, I sleep in your bed? In the middle?"

The couple's brown orbs meet at the question, Anntonia raises an eyebrow at Michelle as if asking her what would she answer their daughter. The young CEO knows her partner will cave in and will let Dani sleep with them. Not that she didn't want Dani with them, it's just, she remembers her girlfriend promising her that the day's not over for the two of them yet and she wants to have her way with her this time on the bed.

Ann can almost see the cogwheels working on her lover's brain and she shakes her head when Michelle huffs.

Alright.. Alright...

"Tomorrow, baby, you sleep here with mama and I. Because granny is going to sleep in her room alone and she's going to be sad on the beach. See, grandma and grandpa will share a room, auntie Max is with her husband and auntie Riri and then granny will be alone in her room." Ann bites her lower lip, not comfortable about lying to Dani, and it feels like she's sending their daughter away.

Dani is quiet for a few moments and her parents are waiting for her response. Her mummy almost took what she had said back and let Dani stay with them, but their daughter beat her to it.

"I want to stay wif granny, mummy. She's going to be sad, I'll stay here tomorrow, okay? Don't be sad, mum." She reassures her mother, a tiny, warm palm caresses her cheek.

"Yes, that's my little baby! You are so kind, buddy. Granny will not be sad anymore." Michelle cheered from the bed and Ann had to bite down her tongue to stop herself from laughing at her daughter and girlfriend's antics.

Their daughter turns around and glances at her mama, lying down on the bed. She runs towards her and Michelle carefully picks her up on top of the bed before lying back down, this time with Dani. All Ann could do is to watch the two of them, her heart fluttering at the view in front of her. It's an overwhelming yet the greatest feeling to see the two most important people in her life are just within her arm's reach.

Hearing their laughter echoing inside the room, Anntonia thinks that she really made the right decision to give them another chance. The right choice instead of choosing to be with someone else when the one she wants and what's meant for her is already in front of her. Even after a major setback in their relationship, the two of them are back the way they were before, this time a lot more mature but very much in love, it's overflowing.

She stands there watching them, imagining what if there's an addition to their family? She couldn't wait to watch Michelle play, not just with Dani, but soon, with another little bundle of joy. A sudden memory comes rushing back to her head.

New York

It's supposed to be their anniversary. They should be out on a date right now or stay in either of their apartments to celebrate. But, Alas! They were fighting. Not just a small fight, but a very huge one. The two of them have been busy since they're graduating, added by the tension of Michelle planning on taking an MBA program and other issues in their relationship.

They haven't seen each other for a week. She was so busy studying for her finals and preparing her portfolio before she graduates. But Ann has always made sure that she makes time for her relationship with her girlfriend to where she had to run to Michelle's department so they could study together.

Until Anntonia brought one of her classmates with her and introduced the said friend to her girlfriend. It has been making Michelle uncomfortable since she couldn't stop raving about her newly found friend. Unaware that her girlfriend would get very jealous.

Michelle was very excited to see her, there's no doubt about that, it's just when one would see how close this friend was to her girlfriend, Michelle blew up after Anntonia's friend left and went home.

She turned oddly quiet after seeing them hug a little longer than she would like, and she hates herself for it. Ann had never complained or got mad every time she saw Michelle's exes or every time they gave her the judging look. Because she understood. They were there before her, they had history with her girlfriend before they met in the cafe, so she didn't mind that there were ex girlfriends that were hating on her around the campus somewhere.

Michelle was a different story, though. It was only with Anntonia that she realised how jealous and possessive she could get. Well aware that Ann has had relationships before her, but she didn't exactly want to know about all of them. Sometimes they bump into them whenever they go out, she tries to keep her jealousy under control.

This new friend of hers was a little too touchy towards her girlfriend though, and she's fighting the urge to be so territorial over Ann because, what the hell, that's her girlfriend, hers. And no one's allowed to hold her a little longer like that but her, or... she was just overreacting. She calmed down when the said friend bid her goodbye to the two of them.

"So-" she started.

"So, what do you think of Madison, baby? Isn't she cool? Oh, I was working on this side project and Madison was the one who gave me the idea of what to do."

Michelle remained silent, slowly getting irked by Anntonia, who kept on talking about her friend. Her eyes were trained on her notes trying to study, but it looked like her girlfriend won't stop talking about Madison anytime soon. Her jaw clenched, and she snapped. Slamming her laptop shut, and glared at her girlfriend.

"She and I are going to-"

"Can you just... Please, stop talking about Madison?!" Michelle exclaimed. "I thought you wanted to study with me?"

The artist stared at her aghast, not sure why Michelle was yelling at her suddenly. She remained calm, taking her girlfriend's hand to calm her down.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to tell you about what we did."

Michelle scoffed, having been stressed out for days and a fuelled jealousy was getting the best of her.

"Yeah, I know! For days, Ann. you've been talking about her whenever we see each other! Even when we talk on the phone! Hell, your messages are always with Madison! Madison! Everything about damn Madison! I know lately I haven't been a good girlfriend to you because I was so busy studying and preparing for my exams and I couldn't spend time with you, but you didn't need to rub it in my face that someone is spending more time with you more than your actual girlfriend." She mumbled the last part, and Ann could see the frustration on Michelle's face.

It hurts, being the one who's at the receiving end of Michelle's tirade. Sure, they had arguments before. But not like this one. Where Michelle was actually fuming and she was the reason for it.

"I'm not trying to rub it in, I was just telling you about my friend. I know we're both stressed about all the things we have to do, but do not imply something that's really not happening."

"Well, it's good that you have Madison around. Because obviously she's more present now than I am."

"So, what are you trying to say?"

"That I can't add this to the things that I've been stressing about. So, I'm just going to leave. I might not answer your call, just call Madison if you need someone to talk to." Michelle gritted out while she gathered all of her things and stormed out, leaving a hurt Anntonia alone in her seat.

It has been a week since and she still hasn't got a hold of Michelle. All of her calls have been forwarded to her voicemail and every time, it puts a dagger to the artist's heart. She tried to recall everything she said and Michelle was right; she had been talking nonstop about her friend, realising that if it had been Michelle who would keep on talking about someone else, then she might get the same reaction as hers.

But a week without talking to each other is already too long, it makes her overthink things whether they're still together or if Michelle didn't want to be with her anymore. She cried, after Michelle left her, she cried more when her girlfriend didn't reach out. They rarely let their fights last longer than a whole day, but this made Ann scared.

She could go to her place to apologise and talk or meet her at school, but she remembered Michelle's words. She's been in distress and she didn't want to be a burden to her girlfriend. But she needed to talk to her though, as much as she wanted to give Michelle her space to get all her stuff together, but Anntonia was missing her.

She was overthinking things, what if Michelle really breaks up with her? And right now all she could do was to give her space, Anntonia thought about their past conversations. They had a talk about their future before, things that they wanted to have and things that they wanted to achieve in the future.

They've talked about having babies in passing and it was a brief conversation before they've moved on to a different topic. It honestly made her happy that the two of them were exactly on the same page. Having a baby is definitely not in the picture yet, but in the future. She didn't want to lose her. So, it terrified her because this might cause a rift between them, and she'll lose her girlfriend completely. She called Max to meet with her, hoping that she could help her reach out with Michelle.

"Hmmm.. where have I seen this face before?" says the younger girl, pretending to recall something she forgot, using her index finger as she tapped on her chin. "Right, my cousin. You have the same look. You both look like shit."

Ann cleared her throat, slightly feeling better that she's not the only one who's feeling this way. Max plopped down beside her, eyes studying her cousin's girlfriend. "What is it this time? What did that punk do?"

Biting the inside of her cheek before answering, "It's my fault this time, I think." Max bobbed her head up and down, waiting for her friend to continue. "She got mad when I introduced Madison to her, she told me I couldn't stop talking about her. I guess it's my fault, you know? It's not actually appropriate to talk about someone else excessively, especially to your girlfriend. It must have looked like I was gushing about Madison when, in fact, I was just happy that I have a friend like her, but I swear there's nothing going on between me and her." Her chin quivered, "I can't and I won't cheat on her. I love her too much to hurt her like that."

Max sighed beside her, "So that's who Madison was? She had been ranting about Madison this and Madison that and every time I'll ask who the fuck Madison was, all I get was a daggering look and then she goes back to her room. Rude right? Did she break up with you?"

Shrugging her shoulders, "I honestly don't know. She said she couldn't add my friendship with Madison to the things that stress her. It was the first time that she really snapped at me, you know? Her face was so red and if looks could kill... I've never seen her that angry."

Her friend drew her hand behind Anntonia's back, up and down, trying to comfort her. "I was at her place this whole week, her dad is here. It's almost her birthday and uncle arrived earlier to visit her. You know how she gets when her birthday is near. And she probably got jealous of this Madison girl, she's gonna cave in soon, don't worry. Also, she's probably scared to talk to you after getting angry and walking away from you. Maybe she thinks you don't want to be with her anymore. Self-pity and all."

She wiped the tears that kept on falling. "Hey, you're gonna be fine. She loves you so much, and she's so crazy about you. As if she would want to break-up with you." Max paused for a few moments. "You know what, let's go to her place. So you could talk."

"You just said her dad is there, I don't want to intrude, and she probably doesn't want to talk to me."

Max was the one who gathered her purse and waited for her to stand up. It made Ann nervous because seeking for her to talk was one thing, but meeting her dad would be another story. She had met Michelle's mother many times since she stayed in Manhattan, and Ann liked her. Her mum has been so welcoming towards her, the lady even invited her whenever there's a special occasion or it would be just a simple lunch or dinner with Michelle.

Her girlfriend has been very open to her about her relationship with her parents, especially after the divorce. That's why she's getting nervous at the moment and Max can see it through her.

"Hey, you're gonna be fine. Uncle isn't staying at her place and if he's there, I think he would love it very much to meet you. He and auntie are not like those traditional parents so don't be scared, hmm? You and Grumpy have to talk."

She didn't have the courage to tell Max about what's making her scared, thinking that she should let her girlfriend know first before anyone else. It didn't take long for them to reach Michelle's apartment and Ann can already feel her heart beating faster. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves down, here goes nothing.

Michelle had been a jealous asshole. What's worse is she stormed out, leaving her girlfriend alone after berating her about something so irrational. So, there she was moping at her place. All she did was to force herself to study even if her mind always drifted to Ann's pained look and she groaned all the time and so she brood.

She could be blunt sometimes, hell, she could be a bitch and a jerk to some people, but doing this to the person she loves? It really felt bad. Everything piled up, her dad, her birthday, finals, graduation and her stupid jealousy over Anntonia's friend, was the last straw for her to blow up like that. It didn't even take her ten minutes to realise how jerk she had been towards her, hell, she wouldn't be surprised if Ann would want to leave her too.

Scared that she might get a call or a text from Anntonia to tell her she's breaking up with her, Michelle turned off her cell. It infuriated her because it was actually her who started and implied that they should give each other space. Oh, how stupid she was.

But she still had the right to be jealous of anyone getting close to her girlfriend, right? She seethed inwardly, great, she just pushed the only girl who puts up with her moody personality and she might have let Anntonia spend more time with Madison inadvertently. Max visited her, and whenever her doorbell rang, she always expected it to be her girlfriend.

'Why would she be the one to chase after you, you idiot? You're the one who dramatically walked away and now you're hiding from her, because she might leave your possessively crazy and moody ass.' She chided to herself.

Anntonia must have been so sad right now, she must have been trying to reach her or worse case scenario, Madison was there cheering her up. There it was again, she needed to keep her jealousy at bay or she would lose her girl completely.

"I don't know how many days it has been, but are you going to be like this? We're supposed to be having fun, kid." Her dad complained, one day in her apartment.

She said nothing, but instead, she plopped down on the couch and covered her face with one of the throw pillows.

"It's about a girl, isn't it? What was her name again? Kate? Chloe?"

The younger Dee rolled her eyes at her father. "It's a sign that you've missed a lot about me, dad. Those were years ago."

"Then what is her name and why haven't you introduced her to me yet?"

A pillow still covering her face, "because you're not here and I'm not sure if she would like to meet you."

The old man huffed, "Why wouldn't she want to meet me? I'm a nice parent. Has she met your mum?" His daughter peeked an eye on him, "She did, didn't she? I call all the time. I may not live here, but you can introduce her to me, Michelle. Are you not sure if you're going to last?"

Something inside her twisted, if there's one thing she's sure of, it's that she wanted to be with her for a long time.

"I'm sure about her, I love her, I'm in love with her and I think she's the one..." she mumbled the last part defensively but her dad has heard her loud and clear. That made the man smile, his little daughter has really grown and is now thinking about her future with someone.

"Then what's eating your heart out? Why are you sulking inside these four walls of your apartment? I've been here every day since I landed and every time you have a long face. I get it, dear, a part of you is still mad at me and mum. But only this time I think it isn't just the reason alone. So, what did you do?"

As expected, Michelle glared at her dad. "Why do you think it's my fault?"

A Signature smirk appeared from her father's lips, "well, for one, if it wasn't your fault you wouldn't be hiding here and you wouldn't have turned your phone off. Oh, I know, you would be so proud to boast that it wasn't you. I might not be here with you all the time, but I know you. Now, can you please stop sulking and tell me what you have done to your girlfriend?"

Her dad listened to her daughter intently as she recollected what took place between her and Anntonia.

"You turned off your phone, avoided her so she won't officially break up with you?" the man confirmed.

And now that Michelle had to think about coming from someone else's point of view, it really sounded stupid. Judging by the amused look on her father's face, yes, it was outright ridiculous.

"Don't laugh at me, dad. I'm serious."

Mr. Dee sniggered lightly, not wanting to annoy his daughter any further, "I'm not laughing, I just think it's-"

"Stupid. I know."

This time, the man cackled. "Not the word I'd use, but something synonymous with that."

It's adorable to see his only child being like this, so smitten to someone. "Now, look, it won't get fixed if you're gonna continue this attitude. Now maybe the first step is to turn your phone back on and call her. Just say sorry, dear. I'm not saying that you're the only one at fault, maybe she was trying to reach out to apologise to you as well. Do it before it's too late." Something switched at the man's visage. There was still a slight amusement, only this time there's something else. Like a little sadness in his eyes.

Michelle slowly nodded her head until her face looked determined. She's going to apologise to her girlfriend, even if it means begging for her forgiveness. "I'm gonna get her back, dad. I'm going to look for her and say I'm really sorry and that I love her."

"Now that's what I'm talking about. It makes me proud to see you like this, kid. Your mother had raised you well, though you had your moments-" Michelle rolled her eyes, making her dad laugh. "But I'm glad that you were with her instead of being with me while you were growing up."

"Yeah, I know I didn't make it so easy for the both of you, but I'm glad you're here, dad. Maybe it also helped that I have Anntonia, you know? She makes me a better person and I'm not that stupid enough to let her go," Michelle confessed.

A tap on her shoulder, "am I going to meet her at least before I go back to Manila?"

"If we're still together after I call her, then yes. I'd be happy to let you meet my girlfriend."

Turns out she didn't need to chase after Anntonia at school or in her apartment because she showed up at hers with Max. And trust the old man who would make it awkward. Mr. Dee was the one who let them in while she was in the kitchen. She didn't bother to open the door, thinking it's only Max or her mum, she asked her dad to unlock the door.

"-my future daughter-in-law.." she heard her father say, followed by an awkward silence which made her pause on her way back to the living room.

"It's nice to meet you, sir." The short-haired girl gasped when she heard Ann's voice in her living room. Turning to her side where she can see a reflection in the glass window, Michelle grimaced because she looked like a mess and her girlfriend was there. Running back to the kitchen, she put the two glasses on the counter and ran towards the washroom to make herself at least look presentable.

"I'm in my last year of Fine Arts, sir. In Columbia."

"Oh, you and my daughter go to the same university."

Michelle saw her eyes looking swollen from crying, but she still looked gorgeous.

"Yes, sir. But we go to separate campuses." Ann answered timidly. It was Max who saw her first, and her cousin raised an eyebrow at her.

"I see, so Ms. Anntonia, what are your intentions with my daughter?" Their eyes bugged out, especially Ann, who must have been so caught off guard.

"Out." Michelle appeared in the living room. "Now. Out."

The three people in her lounge weren't sure who she was talking to, but it's obvious that she's distraught.

Thinking that it wasn't meant for him, her dad chastised, "Michelle, don't be so rude."

Pursing her lips, she narrowed her eyes at her father. "Max, can you step out with my dad, please? Can you drive with him to Daniel's? We'll meet you guys there."

Her father stared at her, outraged at being kicked out on his own daughter's pad.

"Now, dad. Let's go. Come on."

The man bid his farewell to Anntonia before following Max outside.

There was an eerie silence between the two of them, and Ann's face turned red, surely caused by Michelle's father.

"Hi. How are you?" The artist started, meeting Michelle's eyes.

"Not okay," She opened her mouth to say something but Michelle shook her head. "Hear me out first."

"I'm so sorry. I've been such a bitch towards you, I'm a jerk. Sorry for leaving just like that. I just- I didn't mean to raise my voice on you, it was so rude of me and," she sighed, having a hard time explaining herself. "I wasn't thinking rationally, I jumped into conclusions. I was jealous."

Ann took her hand and entwined it with hers. Michelle relaxed when she felt Anntonia's thumb rubbing the side of her hand, like the weight had been lifted and maybe her girlfriend won't leave her.

"I'm sorry too, it was so insensitive of me. But I wasn't, I'm not gonna cheat on you, Michelle. I wanted you to meet Madison because she's one of my closest friends. You've already introduced me to your cousins and to some of your friends, and I thought I should do the same. But if you're uncomfortable meeting them, or if you don't want to meet them at all, I would totally understand. If it's going to make us fight, then I'd rather not do it."

Michelle kneeled in front of her, kissing her hand. "No, I'd like to meet the people in your life, baby. I do. It made me mad because you kept on talking about her, and I was insecure. I thought she was a threat because I wasn't spending as much time with you as we used to, and then I snapped. I'm so sorry."

Her lover bobbed her head up and down in understanding.

"Then my phone was off and I was avoiding you..." Ann's eyes were trained on her lap until tears fell freely. It broke Michelle's heart to see her so sad and heartbroken. "Because I thought, after walking away from you like that, you'd call me and break up with me."

"I love you so much, Michelle. I couldn't even think what it would do to me if we broke up. We're both stressed out and I totally understand when you can't be with me, I don't want to be at the centre of your universe because I want you to still do all the things you want to do, focus on your studies and all that. Except for maybe going out on dates with other people because you're mine."

Michelle couldn't stop the giggle that came out of her throat.

"I don't want us to break up. I won't break up with you. You can't break up with me, baby. As selfish as it sounds, I don't think I could handle it if I lost you. It would totally kill me, so please, stay with me because I need you and if you will end things between us, I'm going to crumble. It will totally ruin me, Anntonia, I swear. I'm so in love with you. I love you."

Ann kissed her on the mouth, pouring all she could give in just one kiss. She felt the same, Michelle feels right, everything about her feels right, like she finally found what she has been looking for and what she needed in her life.

"I love you too. Love you very much, baby. I don't want you to leave me as well, I can't imagine you with someone else other than me as I couldn't picture myself loving someone as much as I love you." She sniffed.

"Stop crying, please? We're gonna be okay, baby. I'm so sorry for making you cry."

"I have something to tell you..." she sobbed.

Anntonia looked so scared of what she's about to tell her and it's making Michelle anxious.

"You can tell me anything, are you okay? Did something happen?"

"I really thought you were gonna breakup with me. I was just thinking about the things we talked about, and it scared me it wouldn't happen. I really, really want us to be together."

Michelle furrowed her eyebrows, something tugged inside her chest seeing the helplessness in her girlfriend's face.

"You thought I was going to break up with you?" she asked.

The artist took a deep breath, "Yes. I thought since I couldn't get a hold of you, that you're out with some chick."

Michelle stared blankly at her, then wheels of emotions started to show in her eyes. Shocked. Worried. Shocked again.

"What?" She could never-

"I don't know, I was overthinking. I t-thought you wanted nothing to do with me anymore, and you went out with that Hannah chick." Michelle was quiet, and it made Ann scared.

"A-are you mad? Or y-you did, didn't you? I-it's okay, I get it." She tried to let go of Michelle's hand, but the other girl won't let go of it.

"Stay. I'm not mad, baby. I'm just thinking, I'm sorry. Did you really think just because I got mad, I'm going to look for someone else?"

"I don't. I just- there were so many girls at school who wanted to be with you, especially Hannah, and I couldn't stop thinking about the time you told me she kept on flirting with you in your class."

"Baby, I would never do that to you," She kissed Ann's cheek, "Wait here, okay? I'm just gonna get something in my room. I'll be quick." Another kiss, this time a peck on the lips. "I love you."

When Michelle came back, she was holding a small paper bag. And Anntonia watched as she reached for the object inside the bag. "I got you this gift for our anniversary. I was thinking of taking you out on a nice dinner and then after, I'll give you this."

It was a small black velvet box. Her breath hitched.

Michelle swallowed, opening it. "It's not an engagement ring, a-and I'm not proposing to you yet. But this is a promise ring." She stuttered, studying her girlfriend's expression.

"Because I know we're still not on that stage yet, but I want to promise you that I'm gonna be with you forever. That even if there would be tough times like this, we will fight. But we will figure things out, okay? You and me, baby. We're gonna be fine. I love you."

Ann said nothing and Michelle can feel her heart like it's trying to jump out of her ribcage. She took the diamond encrusted ring band out of the box and slipped it on Anntonia's ring finger. "It's beautiful, baby," she whimpered, crying one more time.

Michelle couldn't stop the tears from falling while the two of them stared at the ring on Anntonia's finger.

"Me too, we still need to do many things together and individually, but I'm in it for the long run, baby. I promise that I'm yours. All yours, and that I'm already picturing us getting engaged and then you'll be my wife. I want that to happen so badly, and it will, I promise it will. I love you too."

Michelle smiled at her through tears, "And if in the future you'd still put up with all of my crap, I'd be the happiest to create the most wonderful baby or babies with you. No one else but you. I want you to be the mother of my future children and I just know you will be a great mother, hm? And I would be the luckiest girl in the world to see you carrying my child, something that has a part of you and me. When the right time comes."

Anntonia threw herself and held Michelle firmly as she cried in her chest. "You're gonna be the coolest mum out there, you know? I could only imagine our future children, little versions of you. You and I."

"You and I."


I'm so in love with her.

We were having a nice dinner with the whole family, and I couldn't take my eyes away from her. She looked stunning as always, but something about the way she looked wearing an oversized beach shirt, her face bare with no makeup on, and her smile. The one where her eyes almost disappeared from how hard she was beaming, talking animatedly to our daughter.

They had yet another mother and daughter debate, and our family was watching them. They laughed each time Dani made a point. She's pretending to be sulking when everyone cheered for Dani, and it's adorable. Way too adorable. Michelle was really an excellent mother to Dani, and I can't wait for us to have another one and expand our family.

"How's your birthday so far, Michelle? Were you surprised that Ann pulled these together? From the HQ to here?" Her father asked. There was a faint blush on her cheeks, and I already knew what she was thinking about.

"I really didn't have any idea. I was actually so ready to go home while we're inside the conference room. But this one has a plan with Dani and apparently with everyone." Everyone at the table chuckled. Of course, her birthday should be celebrated, I will always celebrate her life.

I literally have to create a group chat with everyone we know, except for Michelle. "Gosh, it wasn't easy. I was always nervous that one of those days she's going to read everyone's messages."

When Max, Michelle's mum and I were in our house having lunch, they asked me if I had plans for Michelle's birthday and I told them about us going to Balesin with everyone. And now everyone dear to her was celebrating with us. I kept on thinking that I would make her the happiest woman as she turned another year older, and I fully intended to live up to that promise. Because she deserved it. This would be my fourth birthday surprise for her, or third because Michelle pretty much stole the second when we were inside her office.

That moment inside her office was wonderful, and I can feel my chest swelling at the memory of it and God, I can still feel what we just did a few hours ago. It was kinda rough, but it was lovely. Making love to her has always been wonderful, and I knew I would never get enough of it. Of her.

Everyone continued to chat, and Dani was now having a curious chat with her auntie Rhian and her old man. And before we finished the last course, the manager of the restaurant came out wheeling a trolley with a cake with a lighted candle on it. Dani saw the cake, and she gasped, making everyone turn their head to see what's going on.

"Happy birthday to you,"

All of us sang while Rhian helped Dani to stand up on her chair, singing along with everybody. Michelle covered her face when she saw the approaching cake, embarrassed. The birthday cake was placed in front of her before the Happy Birthday song ended. She mouthed an 'I love you' to me, just as she gazed at everyone at the table, thanking them

"Make a wish, mama! I help you blow out the candle?" Dani exclaimed and Michelle laughed at our daughter because, of course, she wanted to help her mama by doing a very simple task.

"Thank you, ducky. Okay, let me make a wish first, alright?" She clasped her hands together to make a wish. I'm really curious about what she's wishing for this year. When her eyes fluttered open after making a wish, her brown eyes automatically found mine and she gave me the biggest grin before she gathered Dani in her arms and they blew out the candle together.

"Thank you everyone, I'll add this to one of my favourite birthday celebrations. Man, I'm so happy and grateful. Thank you, Dani, for helping mummy make breakfast for me this morning. And thank you, baby, for making this year very special." Oh, she was evidently fighting back the tears.

"I wuv you, mama." Everybody cooed at Dani.

"And I love you, baby."

"How much did you pay for everything?"

I shook my head, giving her a poker face. We have just said our goodnight to Dani who's going to sleepover at her granny's villa and we're on our way to our own, hand in hand. When she didn't get the answer, Michelle asked again. "So, how much?"

She frowned when I giggled, still not answering her question. I pulled her towards the balcony of our room to see the view outside. The light of the moon illuminated the water as Michelle narrowed her eyes at me. "I will not answer that question. You don't have to worry about that, baby."

My birthday girl eventually sighed and closed her eyes to feel the cool breeze of wind coming from the sea. I wrapped my arms around her midsection, inhaling her scent. She's taller than me and her arms almost completely enveloped me with her own body.

"Happy birthday, my love." I whispered on her lips, before fusing our lips for a kiss. Michelle grumbled in my mouth.

"Stop saying it, baby." She whined, albeit fighting to stop herself from smiling.

Kissing the corner of her mouth, "But why? It is your birthday."

Michelle shied away, "well, yeah, but I'm getting old." My girlfriend whined, sounding so childish.

Rolling my eyes at the absurdity of her statement, she was staring at me with a serious look on her face. Her lips were wet, and a bit swollen and I could not stop to dip in for another kiss, it took a little longer this time as she held me tighter. "Are you?" I asked distractedly, my mouth has gained access to her neck, and she craned it a little to the side to let me nip the skin on her pulse point.

She inhaled sharply, eyes went shut. "Thirty-seven now..." I nipped at the skin of her neck, leaving another mark, and I heard her whimper. "Oh, fuck.. I don't know how you did it, but you've made me feel so special every day. Not just on my birthdays. Even when we weren't together, you always called me to wish me a happy birthday. You are important to me, Ann. I appreciate all the things you do for Dani and I." she mumbled, looking down.

"Well, today's more important, since it's your day. If you haven't been born, then I would've never met you, fall in love with you, go on tons of dates with you, break up with you," Michelle huffed, "get back together with you, have a pregnancy scare with you, move in with you, get engaged with you, get married with you, have Dani and our little angel with you," I paused at the next one, swallowing thickly, "getting separated and getting divorced with you," she averted her eyes, blinking the tears. "Which made me realise that it's still you. I wouldn't have gotten back together with you,but I love you so, so much and now this, we're celebrating it together just like before. So this day is important to me."

"That's beautiful, honey, and I love you so much. But still,"

"Why do you dread your birthday so much?"

"Do not keep reminding me of my age, please." She groaned.

"Tell me why then." I mused.

Her face turned pink, not meeting my gaze and her hands drawing up and down on my lower back. That gesture only evoked my curiosity as to why, I bumped my nose on hers and she rested her forehead against mine. Michelle chuckled shyly, "you're.. Thirty-six." she said barely above a whisper that I almost did not hear her.

I pulled my face away from her a little so I could look at her if she's being serious. As I am genuinely taken aback at her response. I snorted, laughing loudly, and I felt guilty when her face turned brighter pink than earlier, but this is just golden. Michelle tried to let go of her hold on me, but I shook my head. Her indignant pout and her menacing glare just made me laugh harder.

"Okay, good to know my age could make you laugh," she chided sarcastically.

"I'm-, oh God," I paused, calming myself from laughing so hard. "Honey, for four fucking months. You're four months older than me. Christ, the ridiculous things you worry about sometimes, baby. You don't look old, you actually look hotter than when we first started dating."

Michelle rolled her eyes. "Okay, am I allowed to know about your birthday wish?"

Her brows lifted, then she smiled bashfully. "It depends on you."

"On me?"

"I wasn't too hard on you at the office, didn't I? That wasn't too rough?" She apologises, kissing my temple.

"No, baby, if anything, I was the one who's rough." I raised an eyebrow, remembering she had to tell me something, "also, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

She paused and started giggling.

"Our family thinks we're trying to have another baby."

"Wait... go back... what?"

She looked down shyly, but an excited grin appeared on her face.

"They think I should take care of you and your body, since we're trying to have a baby. Let's see if I got it correctly, that person thinks you already have a baby inside your tummy." She laughed before kissing me on the cheek.

My stomach dropped, Michelle's giggling was contagious.

"Where'd you get that from?" I chuckled.

"From a very reliable source." She smirked.

"Oh," I sighed. "Dani." I mumbled.

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