mohabbat kuch anokhi si

By Pinkkitkatobsession1

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What happens when two childhood enemies, while in the act to pretend they like eachother find out they're act... More

😠1) bara aya hero...😠
πŸ™„2) "hot" cousin...πŸ™„
🀨3) maafi?!?!?🀨
πŸ˜†4) deketi pakri gaiπŸ˜†
πŸ˜’5) konsi khushfehmi?πŸ˜’
πŸ€ͺ6) achanak ki entryπŸ€ͺ
πŸ€”7) zyada hi lift...!πŸ€”
πŸ˜‘8) naya azaab...πŸ˜‘
😏9) jealous ho?😏
πŸ™„10) bas drama...!πŸ™„
😳11) "meeru"?!?!😳
πŸ˜‹12) drama ya kuch aur hi?πŸ˜‹
πŸ˜‰13) doubt na karna...!πŸ˜‰
🀭14) "BIWI"?!?!🀭
😊15) hairaan...😊
😢16) haalat kharab...!😢
😳17) itna sharmana...?😳
😏19) kuch horaha hai...?😏
😚20) pakri tou jao gi!😚
πŸ˜‹21) samja bhi dungaπŸ˜‹
😳22) itni qareeb...😳
🫠23) aihsaas...!🫠
🀭24) m-m-murtasimmm🀭
🫣25) kya dill chata hai?🫣
πŸ˜‰26) uralo hosh!πŸ˜‰

πŸ˜‰18) impressed...!πŸ˜‰

336 28 47
By Pinkkitkatobsession1

As the bright, vibrant and cheerful event of the grand mehndi lit and brought the gardens to chirp and chime from a mix of wedding songs along with endless laughter and chatter from the joyous kids...

It was as meerub, once rushing back with shakey legs from the scene which had taken place with murtasim at the back of the gardens and had left the girls heart jumping a rushed beat, had taken her seat back on the plush of the cushions adorning the grand stage, when admist the cheerful clapping and chirping chatter which went on between the kids, meerubs mental state frantically raced while her heart refused to calm from that drumming beat...

The girls stomach flipping and twisted to knots while the gentle blush which coated her cheeks felt impossible to brush away or conceal. Her chest heaving with soft yet harsh breaths from the frantic run, while a sort of embarrassment from her own flustered reaction to him brought the girls face and neck to burn a gentle warmth as her heart jumped...

Uff!!! Aik tou iskey samney dimagh kiu band ho jata hai?!?

Thought the girl with a huff, pulling her lips to a line at the scene replaying in her rushed mind as it seemed all thoughts had gone dark for the girl after his cheeky act which had meerubs cheeks burning in a flaming heat...

Yet despite the frazzled state of the girls mind with the scene endlessly repeating, meerubs lips curled to a gentle smile in attempts to conceal that growing blush while her doe eyes, now wide and flooded with a sort of nervousness, darted around rapidly...

As the clapping along to the songs went on, the mehndi adorning her palm, tracing gentle yet full designs over the creamy surface, had now been dried crisp as meerub had wiped it off in the midst of her frantic thoughts once taking her seat to reveal a bright, crimson red now painting her palm gorgeously...

While the chiming of her bangles were accompanied by the gentle petas of the gajra caressing her skin which he had slipped on just moments ago, the bright orange of the sweet scented gajra complementing her attire gorgeously as it rested gently over her creamy wrist, sliding up and down with each soft clap along with the drumming of the dholak and songs bringing the girls breath to hitch when the gentle feel of his act came rushing to her mind despite meerubs desperate attempts to brush it away...

The warmth of his hands, his slow moves and the mere effect of his gaze when sliding on the gajra coming racing back and bringing meerub to gulp hard from the way her throat dried at the idea while the put on smile which played on meerubs lips dared to grow wide with the bright crimson of her blush deepening...

Her gaze shooting over the vibrant shades coating the grand of the stage while the giggles and chirping of songs seemed to be a blur, as meerubs lips now twitched to a wide curve of both embarrassment along with the flustered state which flooded her mind, a heat rushed through the girls form at the way the scene replayed through her rushed thoughts...

When admist the chirping of songs taking over the gardens with meerub desperately attempting to brush her embarrassment and thoughts away, it wasn't long later when murtasim, with his hands held behind his back, strolled into the joyous and chiming situation of the gardens, the music and drumming in contrast to the silence of the shaded area which the scene had played out in as murtasim seemed to have trouble when doing his best to calm the drumming of his own heart...

A gentle curve adorning his lips as his eyes, dark and hooded, seemed to dart over and trace the vibrant shades taking over the area before shooting and fixating to the girl, as murtasims gaze locked to meerub once spotting her, the curve playing over his lips seemed to grow in delight when catching the sight which had the memory of his own cheeky act flooding back...

His heart giving jumps from the thought while his frozen steps grew slow and mind rushed as it wasn't long before murtasim, with a thumping heart and coiling stomach, made his way up the stage to take his previous spot...

His heart flooded from a sort of glee as murtasims gaze stayed locked to the girl, while his moves were swift when taking the few steps up the vibrant of the steps. As murtasim, with gentle steps and a ringing mind had soon reached the grand stage where chiming of songs continued, the kids didnt take long before hurriedly gesturing for him to take his seat upon his arrival...

When as murtasim, with a soft smile strolled to his seat, meerubs daze seemed to snap upon the mention of his name ringing around from one of the kids as it wasn't long before the girls alert gaze went darting up, yet just for meerubs coiled up stomach to give another twist when her wide eyes landed on the surprising sight...

Murtasims eyes flooded with a sense of mischief when his gaze glued to her, a gentle smile of sheer tease refusing to leave his lips as his brows gently furrowed, clearly hinting to the mischief which rushed through the state of his frantic mind, yet as meerubs smile dared to fade at the sight with her heart giving a jump, murtasims smile only grew as his chest heaved with a deep breath when swiftly and slowly taking his seat on the stage with gazes still locked in a cheeky exchange...

While meerubs heart now began to full on thump from the way his brow arched at the girl once taking his position, the tease glimmering in his dark eyes bringing the thought to come flooding back as the memory of her frazzled reaction once more came rushing in the form of a warmth coating the girl once coursing through her form...

A shiver rushing up meerubs spine as the girl felt her stomach knot, while her cheeks now once more coated and burned in the warmth which rushed through her from his mere gaze. Yet now with meerubs eyes shot wide and smile fully fadded as attention was fixted to her warming cheeks, the girls rushed mind soon rang with realization of just how frazzled and embarrassing her reaction was now...

The realization of the reason his smile grew rushing through her mind as the red painting her cheeks seemed more then obvious, while the way her wide eyes locked with his dark and narrowing ones brought meerubs heart to jump. And so it wasn't long after realization came rushing in the form of a heat, when the girl found her parting lips pursing to a tight line in slight annoyance...

Uff Allah meerub!!! Wakai thori acting seekh hi leni chaiyey thi...

The thought went rushing through the frantic state of her mind as a soft huff escaped meerubs lips from just how terribly she attempted to contain composure, the pink of her cheeks deepening when meerub didnt take long before narrowing her wide eyes which locked with his, doing her level best to put on a casual demeanor despite the jumping of her heart as the girl furrowed her brows and let out a soft breath before frantically and somewhat casually averting her gaze in attempts to contain composer...

Yet just for murtasim, who watched the sight with an amusing smile, to find his heart fluttering at the reaction which brought his smile to grow. Her casual yet obviously fake demeanor bringing murtasims lips to curve and heart to jump as the sheer nervousness and slight embarrassment still lingering in the doe of her eyes which had darted away had murtasims brows shooting up...

A sense of delight flooding his senses when murtasim slowly leaned back on his seat while keeping his gaze locked to the girl. Yet meerub, when feeling the intensity of his gaze despite hers flickered away, soon found a soft smile daring to grace her lips as the girl went on to clap away to the songs, her heart drumming and chest heaving as meerubs mind rushed from a sort of glee when putting on a smile for the grinning and giggling kids who gazed to her from time to time...

Yet admist the jumping of her heart, unbearable twists her stomach gave and the way meerubs gaze threatened to flicker back to murtasim who kept his eyes locked to her, it wasn't long after the cheerful drumming and clapping when suddanly, cheerful, loud wedding songs began to play and flood the gardens in a sense of delight...

The chiming of the songs catching guests and the kids off guard as all gazes darted to the center of the grand gardens where a stage vibrantly gleamed from the brightest of shades, the gold of the bright sun glittering down over the grand area and coating it gorgeously as the chiming of music and drums was the cue of the well awaited and practiced performances to begin...

As the kids, when freezing in their places upon hearing the chime of songs, soon found grins of pure delight creeping up and plastering to faces, meerubs mind had failed to register the meaning of the sudden songs and chiming, cheerful giggles which began to ring around as it seemed admist the rush of frantic thoughts and acts which had been playing out since the event began, meerubs frantically rushing mind had blurred out the thought of the grand dance which the kids practiced for...

And so as the girls doe eyes, wide and flooded with surprise, fixted to the dance floor while giggles and chatter rung in her ears, meerubs brows soon gently furrowed while her eyes began to narrow, the pinks of her lips parting in growing confusion which had her mind racing when suddanly, as the grinning and giggling girls rose from their seats in growing excitement, it wasn't long after when meerubs eyes shot wide as the kids had grabbed to the girl and tugged her up...

Meerub: yeh kya-
She began blurting out in utter confusion, the act the kids had swiftly pulled by tugging meerub up from her seat and off the floor bringing her jaw to drop and mind to rush as the girl came to stand in sheer surprise, gazing around to the grinning and chatting kids with her narrow eyes shooting before haya, grinning with excitement glittering in her wide eyes playfully clicked her tongue...

Haya: yaar meerub, performance!!!
The girl spluttered out and reminded in a rushed, frantic tone, a grin playing over her lips when grabbing to and tugging on the dumbstruck meerubs arm when suddanly, the thought and realization ringing through her rushed mind from hayas words had meerubs brows shooting up and eyes growing wide as the girl let out a dramatic gasp, her heart now giving a jump in sheer surprise along with a boost of excitement when the realization took over the girls rushed mind as giggles of delight soon broke out within the cheerfully grinning crowd...

While murtasim, with his brows knitted and face painted with confusion, seemed to watch the rush of the girls as the ringing of songs along with chirping and delighted chatter had flooded his senses. As murtasims narrow eyes, flooded with confusion, fixted to the overwhelming brightness of the stage, the crowd of vibrantly dressed girls had soon made their way over down towards the stage to begin with the well awaited performance which had the guests at the function cheering from sheer delight...

The chiming of the wedding songs went on to ring around while getting louder by the second, rushed chatter flooding the area accompanied by the sweet chiming of jewellery which adorned the vibrantly dressed and overly excited girls as grins now plastered to faces, when as meerubs heart thudded hard and lips now also curved to a grin of sheer glee from the thought, it wasn't long later when the kids went rushing to the dance floor, sprinting and giggling away as cheers of delight from the joyous crowd who watched the scene broke out just to chime around the area...

The chiming of upbeat wedding songs went booming through the lively gardens, eliciting cheers of delight from the crowd which clapped along with watching in sheer glee, as the girls, adorned in the brightest of shades had now taken their places on center stage...

With the cheerful music growing loud, murtasims brows which had knotted from the sheer confusion and amusement of the dance he himself had completely forgotten about, soon shot up as his rushed mind rung with the realization which had his face dropping. Murtasims heart giving a thump from the boost of delight upon catching the realization as he sucked back a harsh breath when gazing to the dance which had begun center stage...

Meerub standing admist the vibrant crowd, with her rosey lips twisted to a grin of sheer delight, felt her heart race and pound from the boost of adrenaline at the booming of music and chirping giggles when the kids rushed to their positions, her cheeks tinged a bright pink while her mind was now racing too fast as the previous racing nervousness and embarrassment had now faded within a moment from the glee which had overshadowed it...

When as the dance begun, murtasim, watching with his lips parted and eyes wide, found a soft breath leaving him when gazing to the amusing and energized sight, his face dropping and eyes shooting wide as despite the crowd of girls who jumped and rushed around in a vibrant display, murtasims gaze seemed to solely fix to meerub, the scene bringing his eyes to go dark while glittering with awe as his heart now began rushing and drumming a harsh beat...

Gentle giggles of sheer delight spilling from her pink lips as meerubs hair swayed and bounced with every swift step, the chiming of her heavy jewellery mixing with the cheers of the crowd as it rung around the stage, while the gentle swaying of her form, the twirling and the bouncing which the girl did with grace had murtasim, who watched with a foggy mind and thumping heart to simply lose breath...

The gentle yet swift steps to the energized songs which rung around had meerub twirling as giggles went on to escape her, her moves swift yet graceful as every turn, soft jump and swerve of her form had murtasims heart giving harsh jumps. His gaze solely locked the vibrantly dressed girl letting out giggles of sheer delight when gracefully yet swiftly moving to the upbeat rythm as his mind seemed to go blank, all senses and focus on the beauty, lit from the gold of sunlight, twirling and laughing out sweetly just ahead of him bringing breathing to go forgotten for a while...

As meerub swayed in a synchronized dance with the rest of the giggling and overjoyed girls, the sheer delight etched to her features with soft, chiming giggles escaping the girl had murtasims stomach flipping, his own lips twitching and threatening to pull to a curve of glee which shot through his form when gazing to and admiring the amusing yet energized sight...

As the joyful, synchronized dance went on, the awestruck murtasims gaze refused to shoot away from her form twirling and swaying to the music, the golds of sunlight lighting up the girl as her gentle yet swift jumps, turns and claps to the graceful choreography had murtasims heart jumping unbearably...

The sweet expression of sheer delight playing over her face bringing murtasims lips to plaster to a smile of amusement as the fantasizing sight had his mind shutting off. As meerub would usually be the one to dance at weddings, murtasim would find himself teasing the girl in the past at her antics, yet now when finding the moment to enjoy the performance, the awestruck murtasim found himself falling to a trance from just how gracefully she swayed, the excitement glittering in her doe eyes and the cheerful giggles leaving her lips bringing his heart to jump from growing delight...

When finally, after staying lost in a daze which had the music simply echoing through the area while the vibrant colors surrounding the girl had faded with solely meerub being the center of his attention, it was after the well practiced, in synch and energized dance when the overjoyed crowd burst to cheers and playful claps at the performance bringing grins of delight to play and plaster to the faces of the girls...

As it wasn't long after the cheerful performance which had adrenaline pumping when the kids, with harsh breaths yet hearts flooded with glee made their way back to the stage where the crowd sat gazing to them in sheer glee...
Haya: Han ji! Tou batao bhai? Kaisi di performance???
Chirped the girl followed by a soft laugh, wagging her brows while attempting to catch her harsh breaths as all girls now came to sit around the stage while the bride along with kids sat grinning ear to ear...

Yet just for saba, seated with a grin of amusement as her eyes lit from sheer delight, to laugh out while shaking her head at the performance which left her heart flooded with glee...
Saba: Wah yaar! Mela hi loot lia tum logo ne! Bohat achi thi!
Said saba with a grin, nodding and darting her gaze between the lively kids bringing grins to spread over faces in delight...

Yet admist the laughter and cheerful exchange, arsal, leaning back on his seat with a sly smirk and eyes glittering from a sense of mischief, soon found a playful sigh leaving him before he began...
Arsal: Han ji... ab choreograph kar ke sab ko puri raat practice bhi kisney karwai...!
The teasing words left him followed by the wag of his brows, arsal now sitting up on his seat and gazing between the kids bringing cheeky smiles to soon creep up faces as hums of tease erupted from the crowd...

Mariam: Hmm... choreographer sahab, adhey aapkey banaye hue steps tou humney badley they!
The girl teased back swiftly, arching her brow and narrowing her eyes when gazing to arsal as the girls had changed and improved the steps quite a bit the night before. Yet only for arsals face to drop while a soft huff left him, a pout playing over his lips bringing the girls to burst to chiming laughter which rung around before arsal knotted his brows with the playful click of his tongue...

Arsal: Practice tou mainey hi karwai na!!!
Shot the pouting arsal jokingly, knotting his brows with a gentle huff bringing grins of delight to plaster to all faces before saba, with a cheeky smirk found her eyes narrowing from a thought as the girl tipped her face to the side...

Saba: Wesey aapney nahi deni performance?
Teased the smirking saba with the wag of her brows, leaning forward on her spot and gazing to arsal as he had also practiced a performance along with rohail, yet just for arsals lips to twitch up once more as a cheeky thought rung past his mind bringing arsal to lean back in his seat with a sigh...

Arsal: Humari zara next level hi hai... uski abhi tyaaria horahi hain!
He shot the cheeky words followed by the wag of his brows as the songs were being prepared for the next performance, his words soon bringing chiming giggles of delight to flood the vibrant area before saba hummed out softly when turning to the rest of the girls...

Saba: Wesey dhamakey tou kiey bhai!
Said the girl with the shake of her head, pouting her lips with eyes lit from mischief bringing meerub, who had plopped her form on the brightly coloured cushion just below, to pout her lips while the girl narrowed her eyes at a ringing, cheeky thought...

Meerub: Kaha tha na, tum aisey hi easy le rahi thi!
Teased the girl cheekily, meerubs chest still heaving from gentle breaths as her heart thumped a harsh beat from the energized personality, a curve of mischief dancing over her lips as the girl shook her head with eyes playfully narrowed to slits bringing saba to grin wide...

When as murtasim, with his dark eyes hooded fell to a daze, it seemed the cheerful, chirping conversation going on between the kids fadded from his mind as his gaze fixted solely to the girl, a gentle curve of delight playing and plastered to his lips when gazing to the grinning girl with a fluttering heart. Yet it didnt take long for murtasims growing trance to shatter as mariams cheerful gaze soon shot to him upon a ringing question...

Mariam: Aap bataye murtasim bhai... kaisi lagi performance?
Asked the girl playfully, wagging her brows when noticing murtasims silence during the conversation as it wasn't long before his heart gave a jump upon the words his foggy mind manged to catch, murtasims gaze still fixted to the girl as mischief shone in his dark, hooded eyes when rushing by his mind bringing murtasims lips to tug to a soft yet playful pout...

When as meerub, with a her stomach giving a twist upon the question, shot her gaze to murtasim for his answer, the girl felt her heart give a thump of surprise to find his dark gaze already locked to her as murtasims eyes gleamed from growing mischief...

Murtasim: Kamaal...
The murmur unknowingly spilled from his lips accompanied by the shake of his head, a gentle breath leaving murtasim when keeping his gaze locked to the girl bringing meerub, who's stomach knotted upon the words to gulp hard as a heat threatened to rush through her form once more...

Arsal: Hogaye na impress?!
The grinning and overjoyed arsal laughed out the words playfully, wagging his brows when gazing to murtasim who's lips twitched at the words which had his heart drumming a harsh beat...
Murtasim: Bohat...
The mumble escaped his lips softly once more, murtasims brows furrowing and chest heaving with a heavy breath he manged to take while meerub, with his dark, intense gaze burning the girl to the core, soon found her heart flutter from his words...

The girls cheeks heating up and hinting to a gentle blush as her pink painted lips threatened to tug to that smile she barley manged to bite back. When with his gaze still locked to hers, as the corners of murtasims lips twitched to a gentle, cheeky smirk, the fluttered girl soon found her mind rushing from that smile which dared to dance upon her lips as it wasn't long before meerub playfully and swiftly rolled her eyes, averting her gaze while huffing out...

Yet just for murtasims heart to drum in delight from the act, his smile growing wide and eyes lighting up as with a sigh, murtasim soon leaned back on his seat, keeping his burning gaze locked to the now smiling meerub when chirping chatter and giggles of sheer delight went on to chime across the vibrant, cheerful and lively situation of the grand event...


Saba: Yaar kasam se! Aaj tou maza hi aagaya!
The giggle of tease escaped her lips as saba sighed out. As the event of the mehndi followed by the long and eventful day had fled by at the havaili, a silent and much more relaxed night had now fallen and graced the havaili in a relaxed situation as meerub, now dressed for the night lay on her stomach over the plush mattress over her bed...

The phone on which she chatted to the giggling and overjoyed saba pinned to her ear as a curve of delight soon graced meerubs lips at the words bringing her to hum in agreement...
Saba: Purey event mein tumharey hero ka fan club tum dono ko hi ghoor raha tha!
The giggling saba went on with tease now lacing to her tone and heavy from her words, recalling just how many looks of amusement the pair had been getting throughout the mehndi as meerubs brows knitted upon hearing the words...

The girls eyes narrowing and lips tugging to a pout despite the smile which dared to dance upon them as meerub let out a gentle huff when nearly seeing the smirk and cheeky expression for sure etched to the giggling sabas face as she went on...
Saba: Upar se us kinza ka bhi bura hi haal tha!
The words left saba followed by a soft laugh as kinza had also been the one to throw glares to the two while burning in growing annoyance the whole trip...

Yet just for meerub, who found the thoughts she had been doing her best to brush away come rushing back and bringing the girls heart to thump to purse her lips to a line, A gentle heat daring to play over her cheeks as meerub simply hummed out softly while now burying her chin in the softness of a pillow placed right under it from her position...

Tho just for the grinning sabas mind to rush with further tease, a soft sigh leaving her from a thought as saba went on...
Saba: Ab... jori hi itni achi thi...
The mumble of tease left saba softly, the words spilling from her lips in a low tone yet loud enough for meerubs alert ears to catch as the girl found her brows knotting and lips parting when catching the murmur...

Meerub: Kya matlab?!
Meerub hurriedly blurted out, her eyes narrowed to slits as the girls mind rushed, yet just for a giggle to leave saba and echo over the phone as she clicked her tongue...
Saba: Kuch nahi!
Said saba with a sigh, swiftly bluffing and covering up her murmur bringing meerub, with her lips twitching to a gentle smile to playfully roll her eyes as the girl huffed out...

Yet admist the cheerful conversation, it wasn't long later before a thought struck sabas mind bringing it to ring from curiosity, her lips tugging to a grin as saba swiftly brought up the fact in a hurried tone...
Saba: Tum batao na! Aaj tou poochney ka mouka hi nahi milla...
Started the girl excitedly, curiosity along with a load of anticipation laced in her rushed tone bringing meerubs brows to furrow, her head tipping to the side as the confused meerub listened in close when saba went on...

Saba: Wo jab tum un dono ke peechey gai thi... tab konsey dhamakey hue???
The question left saba followed by a laugh of tease, impatience lingering in her tone as it seemed sabas excitement was clear even through the phone. Yet just for meerub, who listened in carefully with narrow eyes, to find herself sucking in a soft breath from the words...

The mention of the scene bringing meerubs narrow eyes to shoot wider while her face dropped, the girls heart giving a soft jump from the words which had butterflys start their fluttering within her stomach as his words, his act and the embarrassment of her own reaction had meerubs lips parting. Yet refusing to drop composure this time, the girl simply huffed out, knotting her brows and pouting her lips before starting as casually as possible...

Meerub: Kuch khaas nahi...!
Bluffed the pouting meerub, shaking her head and sighing out casually in attempts to conceal her clear lie as her mind rushed...
Meerub: Bas bahana bana ke ussey bhej dia...
The girl went on softly, yet just for the line to go silent as it seemed saba was expecting something more...
Saba: Aur phir...???
She finally spoke the question after a second of silence, yet just for meerub to knot her brows before clicking her tongue playfully...

Meerub: Phir kuch nahi!
Meerub went on with her swift bluff, concealing the stammer daring to show in her confidant tone with her gaze rapidly shooting around her room, yet just for a soft, cheeky hum to erupt from the suspicious saba who caught the swift bluff despite the casual tone...
Saba: Acha ji...? Kuch nahi?
The question left her softly yet with a lilt of tease, the words bringing meerubs brows to simply knot before the girl pouted her lips...

Meerub: Han!
She answered as swiftly as possible, nodding frantically as if saba was seeing it while keeping her tone as stern as possible, yet only to elicit another gentle, cheeky hum from saba before she sighed out...
Saba: tou phir... us chipkali ko bhaganey ke baad gajrey free milley they...?
The words left the suspicious girl laced with growing mischief despite her gentle tone, her cheeky words and tone bringing meerub, who first didnt catch the words, to find her mind rushing when registering the tease as her brows knotted...

Meerub: Hain?!
The girl spluttered out, meerubs eyes narrowing and brows knotted as the girl felt a gentle heat rush through her at the words which had her mind frantically racing...
Saba: Han ji!
Saba answered swiftly, her tone cheerful and flooded with tease bringing meerubs nose to scrunch up as confusion took over the girl bringing her to shake her head...

Meerub: Kya matlab???
Meerub went on with the questioning, furrowing her brows and narrowing her eyes to slits when listening close to the gentle hum of mischief which left saba on the other line...
Saba: Hmm... main bhi bari chalak hu behn!
Teased the girl swiftly, her words bringing a soft huff to leave meerub when she jumped from her position to sit up straight...

Saba: Tumharey entry marthey hi... wo ghabrai hui hasi, aur hath mein pehna hua gajra dekh lia tha...!
The grinning saba confessed swiftly and with a soft laugh, recalling meerubs awkward laughter and the gajra which had caught her eye while meerub, with her cheeks hinting a pink blush, found herself gulping as saba went on...
Saba: Wesey... yeh gajra automatically hi pehn ho gaya tha... ya phir...
The girl spoke as her tone grew hushed, her words heavy from mischief while meerubs eyes simply shot wide when processing the words which had her stomach knotting...

Meerub: Aisa kuch nahi hai!
She spluttered out the words which popped in her rushed mind, shaking her head frantically while huffing out, meerubs lips pulled to a pout as the girl found her cheeks heating up when going on with the explanation...
Meerub: Mere hath pe mehndi lagi thi... tou usney pehna dia...
Said meerub softly, her brows furrowed and eyes wide when shooting around in hopes that the explanation was believable, yet just for a chiming giggle of delight to escape saba...

Saba: Aye hayeee!!!
She cooed cheekily, giggling out and bringing meerub, who listened to the words with her lips pulled to a line while her cheeks coated in a warmth, to simply gulp as the giggles went on...
Saba: Sadkey jou!!! Baat gajrey pehnaney tak ponch gai?!?
The teasing went on from the giggling and cheerfully grinning saba, her words bringing meerubs heart to give a jump before the girl scrunched up her burning face with a huff...

Meerub: K-konsi baat?!
Spluttered out the girl, pouting her lips and shaking her head with knitted brows as her stomach gave a harsh twist...
Meerub: Aisi koi baat nahi hai!
The words which rushed through her mind went on to leave the frazzled meerub to which saba simply hummed out cheekily...
Saba: Han ji! Kar lo cover!
Said the grinning saba, her words bringing a huff to leave the reddening girl as her brows furrowed together...

Saba: Madem... purey event mein nazrey meri aap dono hi pe thi!
The cheeky confession left saba softly as meerubs narrow eyes went on to dart across the room in confusion...
Saba: Upar se us performance ke baad...
She began softly, recalling the event with a growing smile, yet just to trail off as meerubs lips parted when listening close...
Saba: Perfomance di aapney, laikin saansey aapkey hero ko nahi aarahi thi!
Saba went on, throwing one surprise after another when recalling catching murtasims frazzled and amused state after the grand performance...

Yet only for meerubs mind to rush and expressions to paint with growing confusion at the words which left her nose scrunching up...
Meerub: Hain?!
Blurted out meerub, tilting her face to the side from growing confusion along with striking curiosity at the words to which saba hummed along...
Saba: Han ji! Nazrey tou unki aap pe hi fix thi, lagta hai zyada hi impress hogaye!
Said the girl when wagging her brows, once more looking back to the scene which meerub was unaware of as the words had meerubs brows shooting up...

Her gaze shooting around while her heart fluttered at the thought as meerubs lips pouted when daring to twitch to a gentle curve, yet as meerubs mind rushed with her stomach knotting and hearts giving sudden jumps, the mischievously grinning saba simply hummed out before going on...
Saba: Kuch tou hai meeru... aur yeh kuch lagta hai aapko bhi samaj aajaye ga!
Said the girl swiftly followed by a giggle, her words snapping meerub right back in her senses as a heat rushed through the girls form upon catching the tease...

Yet just for meerub, with burning cheeks and a flipping stomach, to knot her brows once more while pulling her lips to a tight line of annoyance...
Meerub: Phone band kar saba!!!
Warned meerub with a huff, pouting her lips in attempts to contain that threatening smile to which saba simply giggled out from further tease at the clearly frazzled reaction which meerub failed to conceal...
Saba: Kar rahi hu band! Bas baat meri na bhulna!
Giggled out the girl, her words tinged with tease as they soon brought meerubs brows to furrow before the girl playfully rolled her eyes...

Not wasting a beat before pulling the phone from her ear as meerub shut the call with a curve daring to play over her lips. When as the room went silent with sabas giggling finally coming to a break, meerub, with her cheeks burning and wide eyes darting around the room, soon found her lips twisting to a gentle smile...

A sense of delight rushing through her form from the words which repeated through her rushed mind as the girl gulped. When admist her running thoughts and the burning heat which just went on to spread, meerub soon found her eyes lighting with a thought as the girls face lit up, as with slow moves and pouty lips, meerub soon found her gaze flickering from the plush mattress which it darted on towards her side table...

Yet just to land over the sweet scented, vibrantly orange gajra which she had slipped off along with the rest of the jewellery upon arriving to the havaili, the gajra which rested over her side table while the scent wafted through the room bringing the girl to gulp from a thought, her thoughts rushed and heart drumming a gentle beat as meerub, with her teeth unknowingly digging to the plump of her lip, soon found her moves unable to control as the girl reached to grab at the gajra...

Leaning over the plush of her bed as her fingertips soon brushed with the cool petals of the gajra, the feel bringing meerubs breath to hitch as without missing a beat, she soon gently grabbed to the gajra, pulling it back when sitting up straight, with her gaze locked to the gentle, cool petals held in her hands, it wasn't long later before the memory of the whole scene came flooding back in the form of a soft heat...

Her brows furrowing and eyes widening when gazing to the bright of the orange held in her mehndi clad hand, as with the thought running by her mind, bringing meerubs heart to jump and stomach to flip harshly, her lips soon twitched to that smile which seemed impossible to contain, a heat rushing to and painting the girls cheeks a bright pink as with the squeeze of her face and scrunch of her nose, meerub soon found her lips successfully twisting and plastering to a wide grin as the girl didnt take long before plopping her form on the plush of the bed with a soft sigh from the rush of her thoughts...


As the silent night rushed at the havaili with sleep being no problem to drift into thanks to the rush and hectic situation of the past day which had left the kids exhausted, it was as another cheerful yet much relaxed morning graced the havaili with the gold hues of early sunlight lighting the halls and flooding the havaili in a gorgeous glow...

As the second half of the weekend had arrived in the form of a relaxed morning since the past day had been overly rushed, the dining room as always flooded and chirped with chatter accompanying the grand breakfast in the midst of being served, the clinking of plates along with conversation taking over the lively dining room before admist the gentle chatter, meerubs booming and cheerful tone came bursting through the air as the girl bounced over when dressed for the day...

Meerub: Asalamualaikum!
Chirped the girl sweetly, a grin playing over her lips as meerubs gaze shot between the crowd which seated at the dining table, yet just to elicit smiles from the adults and kids when the girl made her way bouncing to her seat...
Maa begam: Walaikumasalam beta...!
Greeted maa begam sweetly, nodding and gazing to meerub who smiled wide before swiftly slipping into her seat with all gazes now flickering between her and the kids...

Anila: Raat neend khair se aagai?
Asked anila softly, arching a brow when gazing to the delighted girl as meerub didnt miss a beat before reaching to fill her glass with the cool of juice placed in the center of the table...
Meerub: Aisi wesi! Kaal ke function ne tou thaka ke rakh dia!
The girl answered without missing a beat, shaking her head and pouting her pink tinted lips as her words earned meerub hums of agreement from the rest of the exhausted kids...

Wakas: Chalo aaj tou university se chooti hai na... araam karlena!
Wakas soon laughed out the words with a nod, gazing between the kids who smiled wide at the words while sighing out in relief. Yet as gentle conversation regarding the event went on, kinza, seated with a smile, soon found her gaze darting to murtasim who seemed indulged in both breakfast and conversation with a gentle smile playing over his lips...

Kinza: Murtasim...
The girl called out to get his attention, her words ringing through the dining room to reach murtasims ears as his wide shot eyes soon darted to the girl with his smile beginning to fade...
Murtasim: Hm...?!
Murtasim simply answered with a hum, tipping his head to the side and gently furrowing his brows to which kinza smiled. When as the exchange between the two begun, meerub, who began to chug her juice, soon found her own alert ears catching the call of his name as her gaze soom shot to the two in confusion...

Kinza: Wo... tum free ho tou mujhey mall le jao ge?
The question left the girl softly and followed by the tip of her head, kinzas lips still playing that smile when gazing to murtasim who's smile had now completely fadded while his brows knotted, while meerub, who's gaze shot between the two, found her own eyes narrowing at the words while a sort of annoyance already began rushing through her mind...

Murtasim: Mall...?
With confusion laced to his soft tone, murtasim repeated the words with the tilt of his head, gazing to kinza with narrow eyes yet just for her smile to grow...
Kinza: Han, wo mehndi ke liey aik suit lia tha, pasand nahi aya tou socha return kardu!
Explained the girl with a nod, her words bringing murtasim, who found himself stuck in the situation as the adults also watched the scene, to simply nod while flashing the girl a small smile before bringing his attention back to breakfast...

While meerubs eyes just narrowed to slits, annoyance racing through her mind from the exchange which had her cheeks heating for some reason while her lips curled to a pout. When as meerubs mind rushed with both irritation and confusion of her own thoughts, the girl soon found her eyes lighting with a thought as they shot wide before meerub began...

Meerub: actually-
The girl began blurting out the words which popped to her mind, meerub herself not knowing why the thought had rushed through her mind and why she even began to speak from the sudden irritation as gazes soon darted and locked to the girl upon the sudden words...
Meerub: Wo- mainey saba ke ghar jaana tha...!
The bluff escaped her lips without a second thought, meerubs wide eyes flickering around the table before darting and fixating to murtasim who's gaze already glued to her...

His brows furrowing from the sudden words as murtasims mind rushed when burning the girl with his gaze before anila, with knotted brows and a pout chimed in...
Anila: Saba ke ghar? Kiu beta?
She questioned softly, looking to meerub with the wag of her brows to which the girl shot anila a soft smile before going on with the swift excuse...

Meerub: Mama shaadi ki tyaario ke liey usney bulaya tha!
Said meerub with a nod, not knowing why exactly she went on to blurt words which popped to her mind while murtasim, who watched the amusing scene unfold, soon found his brows shooting up. Murtasims mind ringing with realization of what the words meant as his heart fluttered while his lips threatened to tug and plaster to a curve of delight...

When as meerub, after earning nods and smiles from the adults, brought her gaze shooting back to lock with his, the girl felt her breath hitch at his dark, hooded eyes cleary shimmering from tease, the gentle curve now playing over his lips bringing meerub to take a soft breath before the girl pouted her lips from another ringing thought which left her stomach churning...

Meerub: Agar tum chordo ge tou...
The girl began softly, suggesting the words which popped in her rushed mind with no second thought when gazing to and pouting her lips at the smirking murtasim. When as his brows shot up at the words, kinzas brows had completely knotted while the girls eyes narrowed to slits when gazing at the sight...
Murtasim: Han... Chor dunga!
Murtasim answered without missing a beat, his words swift and accompanied by the tilt of his head and gentle pout of his lips when keeping gazes locked to meerub who's heart fluttered...

The girls lips daring to twist to that gentle smile which had already begun tugging at the corners while meerubs eyes playfully narrowed when gazing to him, yet just to break the growing daze, maa begams soft tone soon came bursting through the room and bringing meerubs gaze to go shooting over...
Maa begam: Kab jaana hai beta?
Asked maa begam with a smile, gazing to meerub who's mind rushed with a thought once more as the girl sucked in a breath before starting...

Meerub: Wo... abhi! Nashtey ke baad!
Spluttered out meerub when flashing maa begam a soft smile and earning nods from the adults. While murtasim, when watching the scene with a smile of delight and amusement, soon found his thoughts racing as his eyes shot wide when turning to the annoyed kinza with a soft smile...
Murtasim: Uh kinza-
He began brightly, gazing to the girl who's brows furrowed with huffs leaving her when he went on...

Murtasim: Tumney tou araam se jaana hai na...
Said murtasim with a nod, smiling wide with eyes gleaming when gazing to kinza whose brows just further furrowed. When as a thought struck murtasims mind, it wasn't long before his gaze flooded with mischief and shot to rohail who sat casually feasting on breakfast...
Murtasim: Kiu na tum rohail ke sath chalo!
Suggested the smiling murtasim with the wag of his brows, shooting his gaze between the two as kinzas brows knotted while rohails shot up...

Yet with a soft pout and nod, rohail soon nodded along to the words when catching them...
Rohail: Sure! Main le jounga!
He spoke brightly, a smile gracing his lips when gazing to kinza who shot a soft smile and nodded along with a huff while murtasim simply grinned wide...

His mind rushed and heart drumming softly within his chest as murtasims gaze soon shot and locked to the girl who sat facing him, her swift act bringing his mind to rush from tease. While meerub, with a gentle smile and a heat painting her cheeks from the surprise of her own words, soon found her own gaze flickering to meet with his in a cheeky exchange...

The way he arched a brow when gazing to the girl bringing meerubs heart to thump while the girls mind rushed, as it wasn't long after a fleeting glance, when meerub, with burning cheeks and a rushed mind unable to understand the reason for her own annoyance, found her gaze shooting away and back to breakfast...

A smile daring to play over her lips as the girl playfully rolled her eyes when darting them around elsewhere, leaving murtasims smile to just twitch wide while his heart flooded from delight at the scene...


As the gold glow of the morning sun rained down upon the havaili, coating the gardens and driveway with a warm hue, it was after a slightly rushed breakfast consisting of a huffing and thoroughly annoyed kinza, a smiling and amused murtasim and meerub who just couldn't put together the main reason of her sudden bluff along with her annoyance towards the thought of the two as the girl found her mind speeding unbearably the rest of breakfast after her swift act...

When as the sleek black car parked just outside the grand havaili when ready for departure, the front door swung open as murtasim, with a soft pout adorning his lips while his eyes squinted in attempts to shade his sight from the burning sun, made his way bouncing down the few steps before heading towards the car...

While meerub, dressed casually in her regular of jeans and a button up, followed behind with her nose scrunched up, the girls mind still rushed and unable to process her own thoughts while her lips tugged to a gentle frown from the golden of the sun hitting her eyes on the way to the car...

When finally, after a few steps across the area, as the two headed towards the car, murtasims moves were swift when first swinging open the passenger seat door, a gentle smirk playing over his lips when gazing to and gesturing for meerub to take a seat as the girl didnt think again before swiftly sliding in to seek shelter from the golden sunlight, while as murtasim swung the door shut, it didnt take long for him to rush around the car and also take his seat in the drivers seat upon slipping in...

A gentle sigh leaving his pouty lips at the cool of the car in contrast to the situation of the area as he didng miss a beat before pulling the seatbelt over his chest and starting the car. When with a gentle smile, as murtasims gaze shot to his side, his brows simply shot up and heart gave a jump when gazing to meerub who sat unknowingly chewing on her plump lip...

The girls gaze shooting around outside the window while her arms folded over her chest, when as murtasims smile dared to grow upon gazing to the sight, a gentle cough soon left him to get her attention as meerubs gaze soon went shooting over in surprise...
Murtasim: Chaley...?
The words escaped his lips softly and followed by the wag of his brows as murtasim, with a gentle smile leaned close, his elbow propped up on the console separating the two while meerubs lips parted at the words...

Yet with wide eyes and her rushed mind taking in his question, the girl didnt miss a beat before nodding along...
Meerub: Hm...!
Hummed out meerub when pouting her lips, shooting her gaze from the smiling murtasim back to the window while murtasim simply nodded with a sigh before his attention shifted towards starting the car...

Yet as the car now flooded with a comfortable silence with murtasim adjusting the rearview mirror for the drive, the soft buzzing of meerubs phone which the girl held in her hand had her gaze shooting over in surprise, meerubs brows shooting up and moves growing swift when the girl turned her flashing screen just to reveal sabas name...

When as the buzzing went on, with meerubs gaze stuck to the coller ID, the girl found herself gulping hard from her rushing thoughts as meerub hadn't had the chance to explain to saba about her plan, her heart jumping a soft beat while a heat rushed up meerubs spine from the mere thought of saba messing up the bluff as the buzzing went on...

While now with murtasim who went on to casually adjust the mirror, now finding his gaze flickering to the buzzing of the phone, meerubs mind rushed and heart thumped softly as the girl gulped from her awkward and reluctant reaction before with a sigh and while mentally praying that saba understands the situation, the girl didnt miss a beat before picking up and pinning the phone to her ear...

Meerub: Uh... hi Saba...!
Said meerub softly, her tone nervous and low when putting on a gentle smile in hopes that sabas voice would be quiet enough to not be heard from the inches of a distance where murtasim sat, yet just to be proved terribly wrong as sabas tone boomed through the silence of the car, echoing loud and proud and definently enough to reach murtasims ears...

Saba: Hi meerub! Kaisi ho yaar?
Chirped the girl in a yell almost, her tone bringing meerubs heart to thump from further nervousness as her nose scrunched up and face painted a gentle pink with only the hope remaining that saba would be able to play along and not ask too many questions...

Meerub: Main theek hu... bas ab tumharey ghar hi aarahi hu...
Said the girl in a rushed tone, praying that the conversation would end hear with no more explanations needed, yet as meerubs stomach coiled from nervousness and fingers crossed, luck seemed to betray her once more when sabas voice boomed across the silence of the standing car...

Saba: Mere ghar? Kiu bhai?
Questioned the confused saba jokingly and in another loud yell, her words bringing a heat of sheer nervousness along with a load of annoyance to go rushing up meerubs spine as the girls eyes shot wide, while murtasim, who sat slowly and casually adjusting the mirrors and starting the car, found his moves freezing upon catching the clearly said and quite loud words as his brows furrowed...

Meerub: Wo... saba! Tumney kaal bulaya tha na!
Meerub, with a rushed mind and awkward laugh went on in attempts to cover sabas previously said words, her tone laced with slight annoyance and clearly hinting for saba to play along as the girl sheepishly smiled wide...
Meerub: Shaadi ke tyaario ke sinsley mein!
She went on spluttering out the words in a clear and hinting manner, huffing between her words while keeping her demeanor casual as murtasims eyes now narrowed when flickering over to the girl...

Yet just for the dumbstruck saba to fall in further confusion, not at all getting the hint to play along as her voice went booming through the car once more...
Saba: Mainey? Kab yaar?
Questioned the girl in another yell, loud enough to strike murtasims ears as his brows furrowed down, murtasims mind rushing with tease and lips twitching to a cheeky curve as his gaze flooded with mischief and darted around rapidly infront of him when listening close...

While meerubs mind seemed to spin as the girl sucked in a harsh breath, annoyance bubbling within the girl followed by the rush of burning heat which raced to her creamy cheeks, painting them in a gentle pink while the girls eyes shot wide and lips tugged to a tight line...
Meerub: Saba... lagta hai thakawat sar pe char gai hai...!
The utterly irritated, frazzled and awkwardly smiling meerub shot the words once more when praying that this time her hint would be clear to the clueless saba...

Meerub: Yaad karo... kaal bulaya tha...!
The girl went on, sheepishly grinning wide when her gaze darted around in hopes that sabas volume would be lower atleast, while as murtasim, with knotted brows, narrow eyes flooded with mischief, and a gentle smile tugging at the corner of his lips listened close when now swiftly covering his twitching lips with his hand which rested over the console...

Yet just for saba to click her tongue on the line, still dumbfounded and confused before she spoke in a yell once more...
Saba: Yaar meerub main tou khud abhi shopping pe ay hui hu!
The girl confessed, revealing the reason of her yelling tone with a sigh to which meerubs eyes just shot wider, the girls lips parting and mouth dropping at the words and realization of her flopped plan which had a deep red racing to reach and paint her cheeks...

Saba: Mujhey nahi aaraha yaad!
Saba went on with the yelling which was really getting on meerubs nerves now. Meerubs stomach flipping and cheeks shaded a bright red while the girls throat fell dry at the words, while murtasim, with a rushed mind and heart jumping from delight, found his brows shooting up, his lips curling to an unstoppable, cheeky smile while his face lit with sheer mischief...

Saba: Acha tumhari awaz kat rahi hai, main baad mein call karti hu!
The girl splutter out the words in a rushed tone, clicking her tongue from the bad signal as meerubs jaw just dropped while murtasim took a soft, casual yet cheeky breath...
Saba: Bye!
Hurriedly, saba spoke before cutting the call, leaving meerubs eyes wide and face burning in a heat of embarrassment, her mind racing and heart thumping as the girl shot up straight on her seat frantically...

Meerub: Saba! Saba-
The frazzled meerub, with wide shot eyes spluttered out the words, yet a moment too late as saba had already closed the call. When as meerub, with slow moves pulled the phone from ber ear, the girl found herself gulping at the heavy air of the car where he sat just besides her and had heard each and every word of the awkward conversation...

Meerubs mind going blank and heart jumping while her stomach twisted to tight, painful knots, while as the girls face burned, murtasims mental state seemed to be the opposite. The gentle curve of delight mixed with mischief playing and plastered to his lips which he swiftly concealed from his hand, while his eyes glimmered from tease as it raced through his mind...

And so with a fluttering heart, murtasims moves were slow when barley biting back his laugh when his gaze swerved to meet the girl. His dark, cheeky gaze burning meerub to the core as the girl found the heat which coated her cheeks spreading while her heart gave a jump from realization...

Looo ji meerub... ab hogi sahi sharmindagi...


A/N: hello! Hope y'all enjoyed the late yet long update! 😊 would love to know you guy's thoughts, and please do drop a vote if any part of this was interesting as it doesn't cost much but makes a huge difference! Also... what will happen next...? 👀👀👀

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