A Person with No Curse Energy...

By JoshMorningstar7

682 41 15

Hello, This is my first Story that I'm making, I hope you all like it, i tried editing but i was still bad at... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 3

68 7 0
By JoshMorningstar7

If there was anywhere Saitama needed to go for food, it was in the city. Gojo had already provided him with yen for a meal and even given him some new clothes to wear when not in his jumpsuit-stylish Jacket and a short design of a beach.

Currently, Gojo and Saitama strolled through a park in Sendai City. There wasn't much activity, just a few families scattered around, but Gojo believed it was the perfect place to begin Saitama's exploration. Then Saitama ask a question to gojo

Saitama: "Is there good hot pot here?" Saitama asked. His stomach was audibly protesting.

Gojo : "You'll love it. I assume they have Japanese food in your world too?"  Gojo smiled with grinned and assured him.

Saitama: "I mean... I guess," Saitama replied.

Gojo, wrapped his arm around Saitama. Then told Saitama something

Gojo: "Yuji went to the hospital to check on his friends. That gives you and me about an hour. Do you want a tour, or give you a map, tell you what places can be seen.....may-" Gojo was interrupted by Saitama

Saitama: "Nah... I'm fine," Saitama replied.

Gojo could tell that Saitama was unsure of what he was going to do.

Gojo(thoughts): How could someone be so nonchalant in an unfamiliar world?

Gojo: "Hey, remember what I said about cursed energy or did you forget it?" Gojo reminded.

Saitama scratched his bald head, and Gojo surmised he had a reputation for forgetfulness.

Saitama: "Nope and Yeah I Forgot it." Saitama said it in nonchalant way

Gojo: "Well let me expalin again, having cursed energy means you'll have a higher chance of seeing cursed spirits. The higher the population, the more likely you'll spot one nearby. I doubt you can see any, but if you do, let me know," Gojo explained.

Saitama shrugged.

Saitama: "Alright. Can I go now?  I'm kinda getting hungry here" Saitama asked.

Gojo: "Sure, but just in case you get lost, here's a map, oh don't forget were meeting up with Yuji and Megumi later" Gojo replied, presenting a detailed map of Sendai City. Its intricacy was such that only a fool could managed to lose their way with it and also reminded him meeting up with Yuji and Megumi later on. Saitama frowned.

Saitama: "Do you guys have cell phones in this world?" Saitama asked.

Gojo: "Oh, please. We're not that underdeveloped. Compared to other countries like USA,ENGLAND,IRELAND AND ARABIA, I would say we're definitely above average."

Saitama: "Countries, what are countries and where is the places that you mentioned?" Saitama asked.

Gojo scratched his head and sigh in confusion of Saitama lack of knowledge.

Gojo: "You seriously don't know what a country is? And you don't even know the places that I mentioned are countries"

Saitama: "We have cities, but I've never heard of what you call a country. Nevermind, maybe it's just me. Genos would probably know more about that." Gojo got curios on the mentioned named.

Gojo: "Who's Genos?" Gojo ask

Saitama: "My disciple... sort of," Saitama replied. Gojo smiled.

Gojo: "So I guess we really are similar! Interesting. Let me ask you a question are you the strongest in your world?" Gojo asked. Saitama didn't reply; he just sighed stayed quiet and started walking.

Gojo: "Did I say something?" Gojo ask with a confusion

Saitama: "I don't want to talk about it."

Gojo: "That's cool. It's just that I haven't had someone to talk to who was in a similar position I am in," Gojo replied.

Saitama still didn't say anything; now, he seemed like he was ignoring Gojo.

Gojo: "So, you're all set?" Gojo asked.

Saitama: "Sure."

Gojo: "Alright. I'll see you in an hour. Also Again don't forget We're meeting back at this park with Yuji, and possibly Megumi," Gojo said. Saitama nodded. He started walking down the path in the direction Gojo was headed. Gojo turned around and slapped his forehead.

Gojo: "You're going the wrong way..." Gojo shouted.

Saitama: "Oh," Saitama said.

(TimeSkip B0rought you by Chibi Saitama Walking around Sendai city and looking around for resturant)

Sendai City felt like the not-so-fancy cousin of City A-a bit less crowded, but still trying to figure itself out. The place was packed with folks, like squeezing too many jellybeans into a jar.For Saitama, he felt like he'd walked into a real-life game of Where's Waldo, just with more head-scratching.
The delicious smells of food hung in the air, making even Saitama's face twitch with interest.The streets were buzzing with activity, different from the chill vibes of his city. Well, not as chill as one would think.

In the middle of this busy scene, Saitama accidentally bumped into a man. After the obligatory "my bad" shuffle, the man, dressed like he was late for a science experiment, bowed and dashed off like he was in a marathon of apologies.

Saitama: "These people are weird and looks strange" , scratching his bald head, mumbled,

Just when the thought bubble of city quirks hung over his head, the universe threw him a bone-or, more like a steaming pot of luck. His eyes caught a hot pot joint across the street, and Saitama's face lit up like a kid finding an extra cookie in the jar.

Saitama(mind): YES!!! Saitama shouted in his mind

With a large grinned, Saitama decided to cross the street in a jiffy, Jumping and  through the chaos like a ninja who accidentally stepped into a parade. The tempting amazing smell of aroma of the hot pot called to him, and without a second thought, he nudged the door open, ready to dive into a tasty adventure in the middle of this city buzz.

Sasaki: "It's on me. I told him to show up that night because I needed him here with me. This shouldn't have happened," Sasaki uttered through tears. Yuji winced.

He was haunted by the image of Iguchi falling victim to a cursed spirit, especially when he had saved them first-hand. Had things been that grim for him even before he arrived?

Yuji(mind): "Damn. Maybe if I'd just made it there a bit sooner, I could've done more"

Taking a seat beside Sasaki, Yuji gently patted her back. The sterile wall- of the ICU room seemed like a cruel backdrop for their sorrow.

Yuji: "It's okay. He'll pull through. There's someone coming tomorrow who might be able to help him," Yuji reassured.

Sasaki sniffled.

Sasaki: "You believe me, right? I don't sound crazy? It was a monster. I swear it was."

Yuji: "Yes, I believe you. It wasn't a monster; it was a cursed spirit," Yuji admitted, regret immediately clouding his words. Why did he say that?

Sasaki: "Wh-what?". Sasaki's eyes widened

Yuji(mind): "Why did I say that?"

Yuji: "Sasaki, there's... a place... someone's calling me. Please... watch over Iguchi, okay?"
"Okay," Sasaki replied.

Yuji nodded in acknowledgment, bowed, and quietly exited the room.

Timeskip by chibi Saitama waiting for his soup and tea.

The walk to the park was uneventful. Nothing out of the ordinary, and no cursed spirits in sight. Yuji remained irritated that, despite his ability to control Sukuna, the cursed spirit would sporadically emerge.

Sukuna: "What do you think you're doing? Stop walking right now," Sukuna commanded, speaking from Yuji's hand.

Yuji: "ll tell you when I need you. Right now, I don't need you, so go," Yuji replied.

Sukuna: "Are you seriously Damn okay with the way I got beat up? Where's that baldy with a with a weird Face?! When I get my hands on him, first, I'll rip him limb from limb, then I'll Rip he's face apart from skin to bones" Yuji smacked the back of his palm, and Sukuna reappeared on the side of his face.

Sukuna: "Then I'll gouge his eyeballs out!" Sukuna said, smiling. Yuji raised his eyebrows.In the distance, he spotted Gojo and Megumi walking towards him. Yuji smirked and jogged towards them.

Yuji: "You're looking pretty beat up, Megumi," Yuji said, grinning.

Megumi didn't reply; he simply frowned. Gojo took out one of Ryomen Sukuna's fingers.

Gojo: "Are you sure you want to continue with this, Yuji?" Gojo asked. Yuji didn't have to think twice.

Yuji: "Certainly. Is... that what I think it is?" Yuji asked.

Gojo: "Yes-it is," Gojo replied, throwing Yuji the cursed finger, which he caught effortlessly.

Yuji(mind): "I can't believe I actually ate one of those fingers. What was I thinking? Megumi was right; I really was out of my league."

Yuji tossed the finger into his mouth and swallowed it. A burst of power overflowed within him, a sensation felt not only by him but also by Sukuna, who was having a good laugh somewhere in the back of his mind.

Forcing himself to stand upright after consuming something so vile and horrendous for the second time, Yuji, not particularly known for being a picky eater, couldn't fathom the idea of ingesting another one of those cursed fingers.

Gojo: "You good?" Gojo asked.Yuji stuttered but managed to keep a straight face.

Yuji: "I'm okay."

Gojo: "Splendid," Gojo said.Megumi looked around.

Yuji: "I guess Saitama isn't coming back or Mayb-" he asked

Gojo cleared his throat.

Gojo: "He should be here by now. That darn baldy, what's he up to?" Gojo grumbled.

Megumi: "Being lost, that's what," Megumi replied, and Yuji couldn't help but chuckle.

Megumi: "I'm serious. I genuinely believe that he's lost, and I wouldn't be surprised."

Gojo: "It's not that he got lost... it's that he possibly got lost with a map, I gave him?"

Megumi: "Even worse," Megumi concluded.

Yuji: "I guess the next stop is Jujutsu High for me?" Yuji asked.

 Gojo snapped his fingers.

Gojo: "Bingo. That's in the mountains of Tokyo, though. We still have to wait for Saitama."

 Megumi: "There's no way we're waiting for him..." Megumi replied. Gojo turned around.

Gojo: "Chill, I'll do the patronizing, got it?" Gojo said.

Yuji couldn't detect any comedic tone in his voice.

Megumi: "...Fine," Megumi reluctantly replied.

(Timeskip by Chibi kenjaku/Geto,Jogo,Hanami sitting with chibi saitama on a table both)

The hot pot restaurant appeared excellent, its elegant setting makes Saitama feel unwelcome based on his attire. However, he couldn't be bothered. Wherever his nose led him, that's where he ventured as long it's food and more. The rest of the patrons sported more fashionable clothing, possibly all part of some business crowd. Saitama opted to dine in the back area, presumably where more families gathered. This way, the "professional people" wouldn't give him weird looks upon entering the restaurant.

The waitress arrived.

Waitress: "What would you like to drink?" she inquired.

With the most basic facial expression known to mankind.
Saitama: "Tea." Saitama replied.

 The waitress informed him she would be back in a minute, and Saitama nodded.

While waiting, he found himself gradually dozing off, elbow on the table and hand on his face. It was only when he spotted three people about to share his dining table that he jolted awake.

Saitama: "Umm... no offense, but I might have to report you guys if you don't leave," Saitama said.

The man chuckled, while the other two figures stared at him.

Kenjaku/Geto: "No... I think I'll stay..."

Saitama: "Man, and here I am, I thought I was had  bad manners and not polite".



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