Radiant Bonds: The Light of F...

By hrijit

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In the vibrant world of Fiore, where magic reigns supreme and adventure awaits at every turn, a new hero emer... More

Chapter 1: Clash of Forces
Chapter 2: Echoes of Friendship
Chapter 3: the Light's Return
Chapter 5: Unity in Conflict
Chapter 6: Echoes of Loss
Chapter 7: Battles, and Breakthroughs
Chapter 8: the fairies vs the phantom
natsu vs gajeel (an interlude)
Chapter 9: the number 1 guild
Chapter 10: clash of the wizard saints
Chapter 11: the promise
Chapter 12: a summon from the magic council?
Siegrain's Intrigue
Their Reaction
The Other Wizard Saints
Calm Before The Storm
akane Resort
tower of heaven(prelude)
tower of heaven(1)
tower of heaven(2)

Chapter 4: Barrier of Resolve

104 5 0
By hrijit

year x776(erza's first day at fairy tail)

As Erza finally reached the towering gates of Fairy Tail, her eyes widened with awe at the bustling activity within the guildhall. Mages of all kinds bustled about, their laughter and camaraderie filling the air with warmth. Yet, despite the lively atmosphere, Erza couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her heart.

Erza (thoughts): This is it... Fairy Tail. But can I really belong here?

Just as Erza hesitated at the threshold, a voice broke through her uncertainty, drawing her attention to a young boy with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Y/N: "Hey there! You must be new. Welcome to Fairy Tail!"

Erza turned to see the boy, barely older than herself, smiling brightly at her. His enthusiasm was infectious, and Erza found herself unable to resist the warmth in his gaze.

Erza: "Thank you. My name is Erza. I'm... I'm here to join the guild."

Y/N: "Erza, huh? That's a pretty name. Well, you're in luck! Fairy Tail is always looking for new members. I'm Y/N Dreyar, by the way."

Despite Y/N's friendly demeanor, Erza couldn't shake the walls she had built around her heart. Her past traumas weighed heavily on her mind, causing her to keep her distance from her new guildmates, including Y/N.

Erza (thoughts): I can't let myself get too close. Not after what happened to Jellal.

Meanwhile, across the guildhall, Cana watched the exchange between Erza and Y/N with a pout, her jealousy bubbling beneath the surface. She had grown fond of Y/N's attention and didn't appreciate the newcomer stealing his focus.

Cana (grumbling): "Who does she think she is, waltzing in here and stealing all of Y/N's attention?"

Despite Cana's sulking, Erza and Y/N found themselves drawn into an unexpected rivalry, their interactions fueled by their competitive spirits. Whether it was in training exercises or friendly sparring matches, the two constantly pushed each other to greater heights, their rivalry driving them to excel in their magical abilities.

As Erza and Y/N's rivalry began to take shape, their interactions often teetered on the edge of tension and amusement. One particular incident cemented their rivalry on rather shaky ground, all because of a simple strawberry cake.

It was a typical afternoon in the Fairy Tail guildhall, the air buzzing with the lively chatter of mages going about their daily routines. Erza had just returned from a mission, her muscles aching from the exertion, when she caught sight of a delectable strawberry cake sitting atop one of the tables. With her stomach growling in hunger, Erza couldn't resist the temptation and reached out to grab a slice.

Just as Erza's hand hovered over the cake, Y/N swooped in out of nowhere, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the dessert. With lightning-fast reflexes, he snatched the slice of cake right out from under Erza's nose, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Y/N: "Sorry, Erza! Looks like this slice is mine."

Erza's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as she watched Y/N take a bite of the cake, her stomach growling in protest. She felt a surge of indignation at being denied her well-deserved treat, her competitive spirit igniting like a flame.

Erza: "That was my slice, Y/N! You can't just take it without asking."

Y/N: "Come on, Erza, it's just a piece of cake. Besides, you should have been quicker if you wanted it."

Erza's grip tightened on her sword as she fought to control her rising temper. She couldn't understand why Y/N's casual disregard for her feelings grated on her nerves so much, but she refused to back down in the face of his provocation.

Erza: "Fine, if that's how you want to play it, then let's settle this like mages. A duel, here and now."

Y/N's eyes sparkled with excitement at the challenge, his competitive spirit matching Erza's blow for blow. With the guild's attention now fixed on them, the two mages squared off, their magical auras crackling with intensity.

Their duel was fierce and exhilarating, each refusing to give an inch as they clashed with all the strength and skill they possessed. It was a battle of wills as much as it was a test of magical prowess, and by the time they had finished, both Erza and Y/N were left breathless and exhausted.

Yet, despite their intense rivalry, there was an underlying respect between them, a recognition of each other's strength and determination. As they exchanged weary smiles amidst the cheers of their guildmates, Erza couldn't help but acknowledge the spark of camaraderie that flickered between them, even if it had been born from the most unlikely of circumstances.

back to the present 

As the guild braces itself for the impending clash with Phantom Lord, a tense moment unfolds between Erza and Y/N. Their eyes lock, conveying a silent agreement born from years of camaraderie and shared purpose. Beneath the facade of rivalry, a deep-seated commitment to protecting their guild and its members binds them together.

Meanwhile, Jose's frustration boils over at the sight of the newly arrived figure. The blonde man's nonchalant demeanor and dismissive attitude toward Phantom Lord only serve to stoke Jose's ire further. Grinding his teeth in irritation, Jose bristles at the audacity of this upstart, questioning his authority and daring to label Phantom Lord as "weird."

Jose's gaze narrows as he observes the newcomer, his features contorted with a mixture of irritation and curiosity. There's something about the blonde man's presence that sends a shiver down Jose's spine, reminiscent of the commanding aura exuded by Fairy Tail's esteemed master, Makarov Dreyar.

Despite his best efforts to maintain his composure, Jose can't shake the uncanny resemblance between the newcomer and the legendary figure of Makarov. The way the blonde man carries himself with confidence and authority, coupled with the subtle hints of familiarity in his demeanor, strikes a chord within Jose.

As he watches the exchange between the guild members and the newcomer, Jose's irritation gives way to a begrudging respect. Although he refuses to admit it openly, there's a part of him that recognizes the echoes of Makarov's indomitable spirit in the blonde man before him.

Y/N's voice cuts through the tension, his tone laced with concern and frustration as he addresses Cana. His eyes dart around the chaotic scene, searching for answers amidst the swirling chaos.

Y/N: "Cana, you didn't tell me what happened to Gramps or why Phantom Lord is attacking us. Where is the old man anyways? He'd be at the top of this thing right now, wringing Jose's neck."

His words hang in the air, punctuated by the urgency of the situation. Cana hesitates, her gaze shifting uneasily as she grapples with the weight of the truth.

Cana: "Y/N, it's... it's complicated. the master... he's not in any condition to fight. And as for why Phantom Lord is attacking... let's just say it's got something to do with a grudge they've been holding onto for far too long."

Her voice falters slightly, a flicker of sadness crossing her features as she recalls the events that led to this moment. Y/N's jaw tightens, his fists clenching at his sides as he processes the gravity of Cana's words.

Y/N: "I see... Well, then it's up to us to pick up the slack. Let's show these Phantom idiots what happens when they mess with Fairy Tail."With a determined nod, Y/N squares his shoulders, steeling himself for the battle that lies ahead. Cana's eyes soften, a ghost of a smile tugging at her lips as she watches her childhood friend rally his resolve.

Cana: "That's the spirit, Y/N. Let's give them hell."

Jose's voice booms with arrogance and contempt, his words dripping with disdain as he addresses the Fairy Tail guild members.

Jose: "You idiots! You get one measly blonde wizard back and think you can win? Your master is down! I have the Element 4 and a Dragon Slayer, not to mention I myself am a Wizard Saint! Hand over Lucy Heartfilia or face the consequences!"As Jose's tirade echoes through the guildhall, Y/N's brow furrows in confusion, his expression one of genuine bewilderment.

Y/N: "Um, Lucy who?"His response elicits a mixture of amusement and exasperation from his fellow guildmates, who exchange knowing glances at Y/N's innocent obliviousness to the situation. Cana stifles a laugh, shooting Y/N an amused grin as she shakes her head in disbelief.

Cana: "Looks like you've been away longer than we thought, Y/N."But amidst the lighthearted banter, a tense silence descends upon the guildhall as they brace themselves for the inevitable confrontation with Phantom Lord and their formidable leader, Jose Porla.

Jose shakes his head in frustration, his patience wearing thin as he watches the Fairy Tail guild members exchange casual banter amidst the looming threat of his Jupiter Cannon.

Jose: "Very well, if you won't comply willingly, then perhaps a demonstration is in order."With a decisive nod, he turns his attention to the control panel of the Jupiter Cannon, his expression hardening with resolve. Without hesitation, he initiates the firing sequence, the ominous hum of magical energy filling the air as the cannon charges to unleash its devastating power.

As the guild members watch in horror, realization dawns upon them that Jose is not one to be trifled with. The ground trembles beneath their feet as the Jupiter Cannon takes aim, its targeting sights locked onto Fairy Tail's guildhall.In that moment, the gravity of the situation becomes all too real, and the Fairy Tail members brace themselves for the impending impact, their resolve steeling as they prepare to face the full force of Phantom Lord's onslaught.

As the ominous hum of Phantom Lord's Jupiter Cannon fills the air, Y/N steps forward, determination etched upon his features. With a swift motion of his hands, he channels his magic, conjuring forth a shimmering barrier of light that envelops the Fairy Tail guildhall.

Y/N: "Radiant Aegis, shield us from harm!"The barrier radiates with a brilliant glow, its ethereal energy pulsating with protective power. Waves of light ripple across its surface, forming intricate patterns that dance with mystical energy.

As the Jupiter Cannon's blast hurtles towards them, the barrier shimmers and ripples, absorbing the destructive force with a dazzling display of resilience. The air crackles with magical energy as the barrier holds strong against the onslaught, shielding the guild from certain devastation.Yet, as the barrier strains against the sheer force of the attack, Y/N feels a drain upon his own magical reserves. Beads of sweat form upon his brow as he maintains the spell, his focus unwavering despite the strain upon his body and spirit.With a final surge of determination, Y/N strengthens the barrier, fortifying its defenses to withstand the full brunt of the Jupiter Cannon's assault. The guild members watch in awe and gratitude as the barrier holds firm, their hearts filled with renewed hope and determination to stand against their enemies.

Though the spell may tax him, Y/N knows that in this moment, his sacrifice is worth it to protect his guild and his family. And as long as Fairy Tail stands united, no force in Fiore can hope to crush their indomitable spirit.

Jose's eyes widen in disbelief as he watches the radiant barrier repel the destructive force of the Jupiter Cannon. His mouth falls agape, his mind struggling to comprehend how a mere Fairy Tail mage could summon such formidable magic.But as he looks closer, his shock turns to realization, and then to fury. His gaze narrows as he recognizes the blond-haired mage standing before him, his features mirroring those of the esteemed Makarov Dreyar.

Jose: "Y/N Dreyar... Makarov's grandson..."

The name escapes his lips in a growl, laced with contempt and resentment. In that moment, everything clicks into place – the barrier, the unwavering determination, the resemblance to Fairy Tail's legendary master.A surge of anger courses through Jose's veins as he comprehends the gravity of the situation. This wasn't just any Fairy Tail mage standing in his way – it was the heir to the guild's legacy, a symbol of their strength and resilience.But even as fury boils within him, Jose knows that defeating Y/N won't be easy. With Makarov's blood flowing through his veins, Y/N possesses a power and determination that Jose cannot afford to underestimate.With a snarl of frustration, Jose clenches his fists, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. Fairy Tail may have thwarted his initial attack, but he would not rest until he had crushed them beneath his heel and claimed victory for Phantom Lord.

Y/N and Erza's eyes meet in a moment of unspoken understanding, their shared determination evident in the depths of their gaze. With a nod of mutual agreement, they stand side by side, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead."Fairy Tail, it's time we pay Phantom Lord back!" they shout in unison, their voices ringing out with unwavering resolve.

Their declaration ignites a spark of courage within the hearts of their guildmates, rallying them together in solidarity. With renewed determination, they stand united, prepared to confront the looming threat of Phantom Lord head-on.As the guild members brace themselves for battle, a sense of camaraderie and determination fills the air. With Y/N and Erza leading the charge, Fairy Tail stands ready to defend their guild, their family, and their home against all odds.

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