Angel In Devil's Clothing

By SaltyPaint

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After getting a side job as a button man for Rose(Rosie), Allen(Alastor's human name) summons Lucifer to make... More

Shadow magic, Smile
the offer
Lilith, Carnival
Apple, Flu
blood of an angel
Apple Pancakes
On Air
Cult, Key
curiousities and hormones
Wedding day
Char and Char
Safe, Joy
Mother, Dan
Mafia, Grief
Mourn, Worry
John, Desire
Birthday [one year old]
Crocosmia, Razzle
Deer, Grave
Welcome to hell
Safe Place
Care for him
A fucking divorce


376 20 1
By SaltyPaint

Chapter 12

[Three months later]

Elleanor and Lucifer were cleaning up the house when they hear a sudden knock on the door. "Just one moment." Elleanor says as she puts the duster down then dusts off her dress before she opens the door.

The brunette looked at the long haired blonde woman wearing a purple dress as she stood at her porch looking around her home before taking notice of her. "Hello, you must be Elleanor. It's nice to finally meet you... I'm Lilith." She held a hand out which the shorter woman took shaking it with a smile.

"Oh! You're Luc's sister! Come in come in, make yourself at home!" She moves to the side, letting the blonde walk in who immediately looked around the home.

"Luc! You're sister's here!" There was a sound of something crashing in the kitchen before Luc showed up standing awkwardly on the doorframe "h-hey, Sis...!" Lilith looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Luc.... I'd like to talk to you about something." As she said that Elleanor ushered Lucifer and Lilith into the living room.

"You two should catch up, would you like some coffee or tea Lilith dear?" The long haired blonde looked at her smiling politely, "I wouldn't mind having some tea, thank you." Elleanor nodded before going to the kitchen.

Lilith and Lucifer sat at the couches right across from each other, the longer haired blonde staring at the shorter who was trying to avoid her gaze. "Well? Did it work on you or did it not get along with your system?" Lilith asked as she remembered when she had eaten the other half of the forbidden fruit she immediately felt an ache in her stomach forcing her to puke it out.

"Honestly? I don't know-"

"You 'don't know'? What do you mean you don't know?!"

It was such a simple question to her, she sighs in frustration before taking a calming breath. "did the fruit stay in your stomach or did it not? Cause if it didn't then that means that it didn't take root, but if it did then it definitely worked." She crossed her arms waiting for him to answer.

"I-it did... but the fruit was cooked?" He fumbled with his hands when he saw her glare hardened at him when he said that. "You- haa..... This is SERIOUSLY why you should've come with me to attend those meetings with the exorcists." She grits out the last part as she takes another calming breath.

"'brother' dear, times have changed. They literally make pastries like muffins out of 'the forbidden fruit' because of how tasty it is, so 'angels' will have no problem if they don't like the taste of it, either way, it WORKS even when it gets COOKED!" She explains, her frustration with him evident for neglecting most of his duties including after extermination meetings. He flushes in embarrassment as he avoids her glare, she glances towards Elleanor who walked into the room and was looking at them curiously as she bought them some orange juice and jambalaya and tea.

"Here you are Luc, I bought you some orange juice and more jambalaya, since you wanted.... Three more bowls earlier." She hesitantly said trying to remember how many bowls her future 'daughter' in law had eaten as she handed the blonde his orange juice and a large bowl of Jambalaya while she gave Lilith some tea.

"Oh! Thank you mother." He puts the orange juice down on the table and ate his jambalaya happily while Lilith looked at him in exasperation as she accepted her tea. "Thank you miss, I really appreciate your hospitality... But if you don't mind I'd like to speak to my sister about something.... Important." She says as she takes a sip of her tea.

"Oh it's no problem dear, I'll go on ahead and cook some lunch for the three of us, I'm assuming you'll be staying till then?" She asks waiting for the long haired blonde to reply as she contemplates. "It... would be nice, to have lunch with my sister after so long..." She said her eyes becoming unfocused knowing it has been a few years since they last had a meal in each other's company. "Well... I'll leave you two be for now, I'll call you when lunch is ready!" She says walking back to the kitchen to prepare their meal.

Once Elleanor was out of earshot Lilith sighed heavily putting her tea down, before smacking her hand to her forehead, "you.... Are really dense, you know that brother?" The shorter blonde looked at her in confusion as he continues to eat his food.

"You're... Obviously pregnant, your appetite has increased ten fold and You look.... More feminine than usual, when was the last time you shifted to your original form?" The shorter blonde thought about it, "uh... Eight months?" He replied anxiously, not knowing what this could mean for him.

"Well, why don't you try to shift right now? You don't need to shift your whole body just, part of it." She says as she watches him try to do exactly that.

He stretched his arm, trying to turn it into his usual black tainted one but failed. He tries to do it again but when it didn't work he started to panick. "I- my powers?! Wha?!" Lilith sighs shaking her head at his reaction.

"Calm yourself, it's what angels experience when their pregnant. Your angelic power is focused on your offspring, and would continue to do so until the birth." He sighs in relief when he hears that, slumping in his seat as he touched his abdomen.

"Then... It worked?"

"Of course it worked, now tell me, what form did you take downside?" She motions her head to his bottom half making him flush at her question. "Um, it's still my original male form, I didn't bother to change it since no one checks down there anyway." He explains hurriedly when he saw the look Lilith gave him.

"You- then does your partner even know?" He nods as he moves his hand to play with his hair. "H-he does, he said it was alright if it stays that way since it didn't matter as long as I'm comfortable with it..." He remembers that Allen hadn't minded his bottom half still being male when he curiously asked him about it, he was honestly much more comfortable not experiencing periods every month.

"Ah.... Then this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought." She took another sip of her tea, "what? What do you mean by 'harder'?" He asked making her shrug her shoulders as she puts the tea down again.

"Technically, when you give birth, the offspring will come out of your female bits if you had shifted as an actual woman before you ate the fruit to look like a natural birth." Lucifer grew pale at her words as he tries to figure out what will happen if he DIDN'T have that part.

"But, since you didn't and you currently can't shift with most of your powers on your offspring, then the child will have to come out the way food is also supposed to come out." She said with a look of indifference as she picks up and sips her tea again.

"But, why can't you just do what you usually do to angels who went into labour? Like- just open a portal and pull them out?" Lilith rolled her eyes at him. "Have you forgotten that my powers are literally sealed brother? I would do so if it was possible but since it's not then it will have to be the natural process."

"Y-yeah.... But why there?"

"Haa.... It's because you ate the fruit, so at this moment your child is attached to a part of your stomach, since you don't have a womb then it WILL come out the NATURAL way." She grits out, she's happy for her brother that he had gotten pregnant before her but she still can't help but feel jealous that she won't be experiencing the same thing with Rose any time soon.

"Lunch is ready dears!" They both looked at each other before standing up and collecting their empty dishes as they walked to the dining room.

After putting the dishes onto the sink they sat down and pretended to pray with Elleanor before eating. "So, Lilith how has your work been at the hospital? I hope it doesn't stress you out dear." Elleanor looked concerned at her having seen some nurses at church looking like death had run them over.

Lilith smiled back at her, she doesn't know what Elleanor was talking about but she's sure that it's what her brother made up as an excuse for her not meeting the older woman sooner.

"It's been quite hectic but I make do with my time when I get my break. Sometimes it does get quite stressful when a lot of patients get admitted but it's all in a day's work honestly." She said before she accepted a small bowl of Jambalaya from Elleanor, recognizing the delicious dish Lucifer had given to her a few months ago.

"Mmm... This is delicious miss-"

"Elleanor, please call me Elleanor dear or Elly will do." The brunette chimed in as she watched Lilith nod at her request.

"Alright.... Elleanor, Thank you for making me lunch. Your food is quite delicious." She says as she continues to eat her food while Lucifer went for seconds.

"Slow down there Luc, I don't want you to get sick like the last time you tried to eat ten bowls of jambalaya all at once...." Elleanor said gently, shivering as she remembered how her and Allen had tried to calm 'her' down that time because the blonde thought that they were calling her fat for eating too much.

For these past three months her son has become very distraught and wary of his partner, always being cautious of his actions and words, not wanting Luc to have another breakdown thinking that Allen doesn't love her.

If she were being honest, she already has an inkling suspicion that her future 'daughter' in law is pregnant. How could she not notice when the blonde has the same signs she had experienced when she was pregnant with Allen?

When she saw that the blonde's eyes were starting to tear up she quickly tried to think of something to calm Luc down.

"Y-you know when I first got pregnant with Allen... I would eat very quickly because of how hungry I felt, but after I got sick after eating too fast I decided not to eat at that pace for the sake of my baby..." Lucifer wiped his tears away before smiling at her.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted mother, I don't know what came over me." She waves off his apology. "Don't worry dear, it's only natural for you to act like that when you're pregnant." Both siblings looked at her with wide eyes, "h-how did you-?"

"Oh, isn't it obvious? She's been showing signs of pregnancy three months ago when she kept going back and forth to the toilet and basically puking her head off into the bowl." She would know, she was the one who had held Luc's hair back and patted her whenever she had another puking session.

"Besides, I'm not angry that you're pregnant before you and Allen got married, I could care less about that.... Although I'm a bit upset that you never bothered to tell me about it...." She was sure that the couple would eventually tell her, but after three months of them keeping quiet she could only assume that they didn't want her to know.

"I'm sorry mother... It's just we were-" Lilith held Lucifer's shoulder as she spoke up, "that's where I come in actually, my 'sister' wasn't sure if she was actually pregnant so she called me to check her over to confirm it before telling you about the news. Apparently, they didn't want to disappoint you if it was a false pregnancy." Elleanor looks at Luc who nods at her making her gaze soften as the shorter blonde bit his lip anxiously.

Elleanor stood up from her seat, moving towards Luc as she gives him a hug. "I'm sorry for misunderstanding your intentions on keeping your pregnancy a secret from me, but now that I know why you and Allen did it... I'm happy that you're the one who's carrying my grandchild Luc, I couldn't be any prouder." Luc had tears in his eyes as he hugs her back sobbing uncontrollably while Lilith watches them nonchalantly continuing to eat her lunch knowing she has a meeting to attend to in a few minutes.

"As much as I would like to stay... My break is almost over so I would need to get on going... Thank you for welcoming me Elleanor, it was a pleasant lunch." She stood up and made her way to the door, "Sis! Wait!" Lucifer called out to her when she had opened the door. "I want to give you this..." He held out a purple sweater with a duck that has a pentagram on it.

"I know it looks a bit messy, Al has been trying to teach me how to do it neatly but I'm still getting the hang of it. Just wanted to let you know that.... Even when I start my own family... You'll forever be the first family I have in my heart... and I still love you to bits sis." Lilith cursed herself when a tear had escaped from her eyes, despite her not wanting to be sentimental she still doesn't want to ruin this moment.

"I... I love you too big brother." She hugged him tightly before her expression turned serious. "I better go now, take care of yourself..." She said as she let him go wiping the tears that continued to flow down her face. "You too sis... You too." He said waving at her as he watched her walk away from him before disappearing behind a lamppost.

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