Apple Pancakes

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Chapter 10

Elleanor wakes up the next day earlier than she usually does, yawning as she blinks at the ceiling. She sits up from her bed feeling more energetic than ever while looking around her room then moves to the side of the bed, she looks to see her son and his partner snuggling each other in their make shift bed on the floor.

She smiles at the sight, happy that her prayers were answered. She didn't expect it to happen so quickly though since her son was only turning twenty in a few months.

Elleanor sighs as she recalls that she had only married her husband when she was eighteen because of her being pregnant with Allen at that time. Even if her life wasn't ideal after the marriage, she's still grateful for being blessed with such a loving and caring son.

Slowly she tip toes her way out of her room, leaving the couple to sleep in peace as she comes down to the kitchen. Since it's still quite early, she decided that she'll be the one to make them all breakfast.

Opening her fridge to see what ingredients she can use to cook, a bowl of apples caught her eye. She hums in excitement as she thought of making pancakes with apples.

Taking the bowl out she counted six apples with a half sliced one that has Luc's name written on a small piece of paper attached to its stem. She looked at the apple curiously, for some reason it looks redder than the other apples.

She shrugs, deciding to just make this apple especially for one of Luc's pancakes since it's hers, it would be such a waste if she forgets it in the fridge and rots before she could finish it. She takes out all the things and ingredients needed, placing them on the kitchen counter before starting to make her pancake mix.

Cutting the apples up into tiny pieces except for Luc's deciding to cook hers for last knowing she would eat five pancakes which was more than hers and Allen's. She then pours the tiny apple slices into her pancake mix then cooks hers and Allen's first.


Lucifer groans softly as he opens his eyes to see Allen still asleep with his arms wrapped around the blonde. He hums deciding not to wake the brunette yet since it's a Sunday as he carefully untangles himself from him, sitting up he looks towards Elleanor's bed which was already made but she was nowhere in sight.

He stretches his back before standing up, then moving towards the door to look for Elleanor. As he opens it he inhales the faint scent of his favorite, pancakes.

It's been a while since Elleanor had cooked pancakes for them for breakfast, so he feels quite giddy that he would get a load of her pancakes again.

But for some reason his pancakes doesn't taste as good as hers does, he thinks that maybe it's because it was made with motherly love.

He walks into the kitchen while Elleanor is humming a tune as she finishes cooking the last batch of pancakes. She turns around to place the last plate of pancakes on the table when she noticed Luc staring at it practically drooling at the sight.

"Good morning Luc dear! Come and sit down~ did you sleep well?" She gives Lucifer a fork before taking some syrup to pour it on top of her pancakes as she sat on her seat.

He sits across from her as he observes how lively her movements have become in just a few hours of consuming angel's blood despite his fallen status has proven to still be effective.

"Morning! I slept pretty good actually, what about you Mother?" He asked, curious if his blood could also affect how well she sleeps.

"It was the best sleep I've ever had in a long time actually..." She frowns as she tries to remember when was the last time she had slept so comfortably without any form of aches on her body when she woke.

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