BBB Beyond Belief Bond

By 999twinkletwinkle

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BBB Beyond Belief Bond _ twinkletwinkle Copyright ยฉ 2023 twinkletwinkle All rights reserved DEDICATE To all... More

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part - 4

113 86 41
By 999twinkletwinkle

Skowi sees as much as hkoni and hkoni sees as much as skowi sees. Skowi become more energetic and become more aware. She is doing every work with concentration. Work says thank you to skowi because she did that work. Her energy become so pure after meeting hkoni on internet, she was grateful for having internet in her life. Hkoni is her inspiration, she is not only one whose inspiration he is but all others are attracted to him because of his look but skowi is not from him. Sometimes she questions herself why other don’t see other things in him which are important than his look, through which they can learn new things and he’s good at everything, it means there is no issue to what learn from him.
  Hkoni and skowi put a seed in both of him when they first meet. In future, time will come when tree will grow and become beautiful, two trees two hkoni’s but root is one and root is in each other.
  Right now skowi and hkoni are happy whatever happening with him but who know how long this happiness stays. Storms comes without any previous notice and storm might get jealous of him, who knows … or it will be a happy ending.
  East pole did his everyday work of showing sun but skowi and hkoni not able to see because they are still sleeping.
  Sleep is different for everyone, some sleep because they never take a step to wake up early, some sleep because sleeping for long time becomes their habit and they are in relationship with this habit, and some beautiful and handsome, skowi and hkoni respectively, sleep because before sleeping they got a sweet talk with sweet hkoni… by waking up they don’t want to erase their sweet memorable movements.
  “Romantic” No!
  Sweet sleeping turned skowi to late comer in study point for the first time. It was some days passed she joined a study point to study. She does study by going their regularly, she believed in herself because hkoni was the only one who always show her path. Before, it was hard but now she can ask him any dough she have regarding her life and complications.
  Still! She worries.
  Her mother give skowi advice as a mother give to small child. Mother thinks skowi is a little child and she is not paying attention on her studies as a result she not getting marks to pass the exams.
  Skowi is tired of studying because she has a dream. She not born in rich family but rich dreams came within her as she started growing up. Where every poor not able to think about big dreams because their eyes see every day how difficult is to live without money and earning money to live life become their life purpose. Skowi’s mother also think same but skowi want to break this chain. She dared to imagine a big dream but afraid to tell her mother about it.
  “Telling mother about my dream is not a good notion right now because she not going to believe in my dream,” only I believe in my dream no-one else.
  “It hurts me a lot, when I’m trying to create my own world without anyone’s help, why situation go against me” and my close one say me hey, “skowi nothing in private job you do a government job you will live a better life.” Who tell him, “I don’t want to do private not even government job. I can’t imagine my future around human who know that they are not happy still doing that job by becoming a slave of their own life, how can I be happy working with such humans. I have a dream,” Skowi’s sad voice.
  Skowi gave a nickname to hkoni, she calls him “home.” As everyone feels protected and comforted in their own home, skowi feel same with hkoni.
  There is no ruler, hkoni himself is ruler. Nobody dared to wake up him not he did. Here’s a different view compared to skowi. of course” he is rich handsome. It’s not new, a special bond ‘hkoni and his bed’ shared from childhood.
  If bed had a voice bed will say to hkoni’s future wife, “before you, hkoni sleep at day, night, morning, midnight with countless milliseconds with me” he loves me more than you” hehehe.
It would be wonder if bed starts talking.
  His life is not less than a prince because he has his own palace even though he never shows off. There is no brand which he cannot splash out on. Not only in his country but worldwide his voice catches heart of many. He is not only an owner of rolls Royce but also Mahindra, bmw and much more.
  How can he sleep like an idiot when he finds out a human which is partner in something which he didn’t know yet? At least just to find out who she is” he need to wake up.
  “There is something which is connected with skowi otherwise why would I talk with a girl whom I never seen not even she is super famous celebrity like me, I need to find out what’s happening with me,” Hkoni suspected something.
  He decided to take a break from his work and be alone for some time to find out what’s happening with him. Decision made by him same as normal humans. Plan is to go on holidays.
“jet is ready sir,” his servant said.
Hkoni smiled looking at servant.
  Special private jet is ready. He is not much excited to go. Paris is his favorite place” he lands there with new swag. He thought nobody will recognize him but he doesn’t his fans are everywhere. In morning he came out for view and he saw his fans, specially girls. He ran after seeing those girls and those girls ran after him” he ran so fast and hide himself in tree. This incident is being funny” he covered him in tree and called his bodyguards to rescue him and send a location. Within seconds bodyguards came and he took a breath.
  Taking a break from everything is a good decision he took to find an answer. He forgets for what he took break. He took a break to find about his connection with her and what he is doing” he realized” he stopped himself while enjoying and he came home when he realized skowi is the one who will be going to help him to find out their connection.
  “I want to know about your life,” hkoni send message.
   Skowi on her way to home.
  “Try to answer it by yourself,” hkoni received message.
  “Hkoni from whom I was expecting to get answer that hkoni also closed doors, now who will help me,” such types of thoughts running in hkoni’s mind. A little voice came out and said “come I have that you are finding.”
  “Who,” Hkoni scared.
  “I’m your inner voice which is ignored by everyone but some listen my voice, skowi listened my voice and you are skowi’s friend I thought I also call you and I called you and you listened too, I’m your inner voice. Whoever listen their inner voice get their all answers,” hkoni got excited to listen more but voice stopped by saying this much.
  “Where are you my inner voice”
  “Why voice not saying any word,” Hkoni said and voice came again. “You worked hard for your career, healed human with your heavenly voice and you didn’t got time to work on yourself, it’s not your lapse. Another chance is coming to you grab it.
  Hkoni did that much that is not possible for everyone, then why inner voice saying he didn’t work on himself … inner voice is talking about inner work.
  “What this inner voice talking,” hkoni puzzled!
  World think hkoni is complete but world don’t know he is incomplete from inside. Incompleteness is inside him but inside him is only singing. Exactly” he took support of singing to make him complete, singing helped him because he worked hard for singing but what about him he is still incomplete.
How is this possible?
  Yes, it is truth” he is incomplete. If he is complete then he not has craved for skowi. when he talks with skowi he feels complete, that’s why it’s possible and when skowi will permanently come in his life he will become complete. 
  Deep down hkoni also know he is incomplete but hkoni don’t know he took his first step to become complete when he first talked with skowi online. He already knows skowi can make him complete but he believed in singing and he thought when he sings he feel complete but singing just helping him to go towards skowi. if singing not helped him” he not able to become famous singer and skowi never able to meet him online. He did overthinking of considering singing his everything.
  A thought is running in both of minds. Hkoni decided to ask, “what was that which you not asked by saying, nothing,” he send message.
  Skowi is just obeying her mother as a result she is at study point. She doesn’t want to disturb anyone by her crazy weird expressions while chatting with hkoni she stood up and read message on the way outside of study point.
  Her expressions changed when she read hkoni’s message.
  Her wait is over.
  She was waiting. When he will ask, without delay she told him what was that. After this she go back to their where she was before reading message.
  It was not like she was afraid to ask but same as hkoni thought, she don’t want to do something weird because of first meeting.
  As a monster’s roar hkoni laughed, his eyes were only on screen’s reply and he like, “when her reply came” and reply came from skowi. He said thank you to internet for connecting him. Thank you for making me hero without being actor, in his own movie named, life.
  “No dough my life was a flick and I was the hero of my life, it was there before also but after skowi’s dashing entry, my life changed. Something was missing and that was comedy, skowi added that to” hehehe.
  It was equal to not possible for skowi but for hkoni it’s his left hand work.
  “She want to come here, because she is missing me so much but she can’t come because she doesn’t have money,” hehehe, hkoni’s laugh was not a laugh, it was not even laugh of monster it was roar of monster.
  Be ready. Hkoni send message. Be ready to come here.
  “I’m waiting, don’t worry about money, I have that much money you can travel whole world, why you worry if you have hkoni in your life, miss skowi,” he sends message with wink emoji.
  He not falls instead he fly and go to there, where skowi lives, by sitting on his couch. For hkoni her country became his favorite country and skowi is reason behind it.
  Not like everyone she wants to be rich or get a job and want to be settle for rest of her life. Her life’s purpose was different from childhood. Where every child used to dream of becoming a doctor, engineer, teacher. She denied this predefined jobs. She always thinks how can she become herself same as hkoni became himself, but as time passes and without hkoni’s support she became lazy.
  It’s skowi’s turn.
Turn! For what?
  “for becoming herself”
  Spending time alone give her more clarity about finding out what her purpose. She spends a lot time with herself and got what exactly she wants.
  When she sings she feel complete in herself. When someone listen music it changes their soul but when someone croon song it changes their soul. Body, mind. They change, their everything. Skowi is already changed, singing going to give shape to her change and make her more unique and beautiful. Art have capacity to make a human unique because every human is unique and art proves it.
  “I get it! This is what I was waiting from a long time” she said.
  Not because she saw a popular singer, not because someone told her to choose this path, not because her friends said her voice is sweet. She wants to walk on this path because, her heart chooses this path, heart knows what can transform a human in unique way.
  She finds out and that was singing who was waiting on door from many years. Skowi’s and hkoni’s experience are same just timing different when it comes to big points of their life.
  Skowi never attended any singing class from childhood but singing stays in her throat and it never become like hkoni’s throat it become worse, hehehe.
  She is hungry for singing. There is no one who can feed her. she has habit to do everything alone and she is not upset in this case, she is with herself even when there is nobody with her and even when hkoni is with her.
  She is hungry now this time she is hungry for food; she doesn’t want to eat homemade food. Whenever she wants to buy something she go to her shopkeeper’s friend’s shop.
  “Hi, what are doing upside”
  “Hi, I’m keeping this boxes up,” friend said.
  “Let me help you,” Skowi smiled.
  “Thank you for helping, skowi. so, what brings you here,” friend asked.
  “I prepared a song for singing audition, I’m nervous, what I do,” Skowi asked.
  “Amazing! I have an idea” friend said.
  His friend saw first-time skowi came up with” he saw a spark in her eyes. What to do he don’t know but male friends are always there for their female friends, even though they are in trouble. He has no other friend than skowi and he want to do something for her. A concert of skowi arranged by her shopper friend in his shop. Audience is there but non-living things except him.
  “come skowi,” her friend said.
  “why I’m feeling like I’m going upward,” Skowi asked.
  Her friend closed his eyes and taking her on stage.
  Concert starts.
  Her friend is giving bombastic eye side but she not able to see this because she closed her eyes while singing. Concert ended and he didn’t enjoy it! It was the bombastic concert and shopkeeper don’t like bombs that’s why he leaved his army job and running a shop.
  Listening to skowi’s singing her shopkeeper friend said, “skowi you find something else because you don’t have knowledge of singing”
  “You are right” I don’t have a knowledge of singing but it doesn’t mean I can’t learn it,” Skowi said.
  “I know you from a long time, you become stubborn, when you want to do something but you don’t know anything about it and especially when somebody say as I said earlier,” friend said.
   “Do you remember skowi? When you wanted to ride my bike but you didn’t know how to ride it. I stopped you by saying don’t ride if you don’t know” You took that too seriously and learned how to ride bike from YouTube.
  “I want this time also you take my words seriously and sing, your voice is so sweet,” he said.
  “Thank you I know you never misguide me my friend, I’m going, bye,” Skowi smiled.
  Whatever human say, she does what she wants to do because she knows she is not doing anything wrong. Her willpower is extremely high than others, if she decides something she don’t stop until she complete it.
  Days passed.
  After practicing day and night her singing started improving. When she sings, it’s soothing to those ears who listen it. She found out she loves to sing slow and low, loud is not her piece of cake. Her preference is lower register while singing.
  Hkoni’s message popup came on skowi’s smartphone.
  “Are you busy skowi? I’m waiting for your reply”
  Skowi grabbed phone and said, “no I’m not busy, thank you that you are managing my expenses to come there but where should I live, I’m coming there to make my life better”
  “I know your country language and I can sing in your language songs too, is there any opportunity,” skowi asked to hkoni.
  “I have a big palace, stay wherever you want to stay and yes opportunities are waiting for you, when you are coming skowi?” Hkoni asked.
  “I don’t have patience I want to come right now,” Skowi shouted.
  Hkoni smiled “shall I come there to take you skowi”
“Wait for me, I will come again” both said.
  A place in skowi’s country where lot of tourist come to see beauty of temple.
  Hkoni didn’t know how skowi look and without any clue he came to her country to take her with him. He arrived in her country. Mask, cap, glasses helped him to hide his real identity.
  “Wonderful!” excited hkoni said.
  A girl looked at him.
  Hkoni - beautiful
  Girl - what
  Hkoni - sorry?
  Girl - why you called me beautiful
  Hkoni - no!
  Girl - what no
  Hkoni - I didn’t
  Girl - you did
  Hkoni - no girl
  Girl - so you were calling yourself beautiful?
  Hkoni - no
  Girl - then
  Hkoni - why should I tell you
  Girl - goodbye
  Hkoni - goodbye
  Girl don’t know he is hkoni, they both go by saying goodbye while being angry
  Girl - finally, I came home. Let’s eat while watching television
  Hkoni - that silly girl doesn’t know who I am
  Hkoni - I am so popular, but I guess not in here
  Girl- I don’t think nobody know about hkoni than me still let me see more about hkoni                 where is my smartphone
  Girl searched everywhere about hkoni and she fall harder love with his hard work, already she falls but this time she falls harder
  Hkoni - I want to go to see a big temple it’s very famous, let’s go
  Girl live near a big temple
  Hkoni - ohm. Why she again here, is she following me?
  Girl - I think he is following me, why he is again here.
  Hkoni - ignores her.
  Girl - ignores him.
  Hkoni - let’s go to see the beauty of temple from inside
  After some time, they meet again.
  Hkoni in friendly words - hey girl, what you are doing? we met before too.
  Girl - what I’m doing
  Hkoni - I’m asking you
  Girl - why I tell you
  Hkoni - you are so annoying
  Girl - really?
  Hkoni - yes
  Girl - why you think I’m annoying girl
  Hkoni - because in our first meeting you talked me arrogantly and now also
  Girl - I was just asking that why you called me beautiful
  Hkoni- hehehe
  Girl - why you are laughing
  Hkoni - I was calling “temple” beautiful not your girl, hahahaha
  Girl - ohm
  Hkoni - hehehe
  Girl - now don’t laugh that much, okay?
  Hkoni - okay girl
  Girl - what’s your name
  Hkoni - hkoni
  Girl - from where you are
  Hkoni - not from your country

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