My Possessor

By theRealLover95

1.1K 5 0

*Warning explicit sexual content and vulgar language. Reader discretion is advised, 18+* **Disclaimer: This i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 18

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By theRealLover95

The next morning I awoke in an unfamiliar place, not in my bed, not in my room. It took me a second before I remembered where I was, slowly I rolled over and saw Lincoln propped up against his headboard with a laptop on his lap, sipping a cup of coffee. He looked over and smiled at me as I turned to him.

"Morning gorgeous, breakfast is on the table if you want it," his attention went back to his laptop as he typed away. I looked around, feeling incredibly awkward. When I tell you this wasn't like me at all, it's because it WASN'T LIKE ME AT ALL. He seemed fine, enjoying his coffee and getting his work day started, but then again he did these types of things all the time. I was staring out the window, all these thoughts racing through my mind, when I felt his body press against mine and turned to see him smiling.

My stomach dropped as I dreaded what I was sure would come next, I told you so! All of his sly comments that I knew he must be thinking and feeling, how he finally conquered me and I gave in, just like he said I would.

"You are intoxicating."

I was ready to argue and opened my mouth to counter at the dig he had just given me, before I realized it was a compliment.


"And now there's a problem."

I was so confused, "If you're talking about last night I-"

He interjected, "the problem is I have to go to work today, but I'd rather stay right here... With you."

Speechless would be the best way to describe how I was feeling. It was in that moment I realized he was just as satisfied with the feeling between us as I had felt before my brain started freaking out. I think he knew what was going on in my head because he smirked before he leaned in for a kiss, waiting for me to close the gap. I hesitated, staring at him a few moments longer before reaching my head up and finding his lips with my own. I couldn't help but smile.

"Mmm, you taste good." I licked my lips and he grinned.

"There's more where that came from." He leaned in for another kiss but I turned away just before he could kiss me.

"Breakfast is on the table right?" I winked, obviously teasing him as I got up to see what I could eat.

He groaned dramatically and flopped on his back, "that was mean."

"Well," I plopped a grape in my mouth, "after last night I need to regain some energy." He sent me a wicked smile. "I will say I was surprised you wanted me to stay."

He rolled over and lay on his side, staring at me with a smirk on his face, "well I just couldn't STAND the thought of being away from you for another second!"

The blood drained from my face. That's what I said to him the night he was drunk in his room.

"Wh- what?"

He propped himself up on his arm, smiling "you told me that, a couple weeks ago."

"Yeah I know! Bu-but you were drunk! Shit faced drunk!"

He shrugged his shoulders, then I started to get mad as I pieced things together.

"Was that just another one of your ploys?" He looked confused, "to get girls in bed. You just act drunk while they really are drunk?"

He scratched his head, "well..."

"Well what? I can't believe you... That means you acted drunk so I would what... Kiss you? Oh my god" I put my face in my hands.

He laughed, "no that was a total surprise. But I liked it," he had his classic mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Truth is... You're right I wasn't drunk. When I heard the noise I knew it could only be you, no one else would ever go in my room," he shot me a look. "I had NO idea you were going to come on to me."

I rolled my eyes, "well I had no idea you were going to act drunk to sleep with a girl and pretend like you thought I was her either!"

"I wasn't acting drunk to sleep with her, she was drunk, I just put on a show to see what YOU would do. Honestly, if you had kept up the act, I would have done you right then and there in that closet and had no regrets" He bit his lip and I felt myself blush, "you know I've wanted you since that first night at the party. That kiss in the closet was pure torture. So much so that... Well I couldn't even sleep with that other chick."

"Seriously?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You're all I could think about, even just looking at her... She couldn't compare to you. She started passing out so I had my driver take her home. I'm sure she didn't remember anything."

My jaw dropped.

"Last night was..." He trailed off, I half expected him to say a mistake or something along those lines. "A perfect redemption. I couldn't have scripted it any better" He finished.

There it was again, that annoying feeling of being putty in this guys hands. He was charming when he needed to be, especially when it ended up with him getting what he wanted.

"So tell me," I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow, "all the other girls you've brought around?"

He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair, not saying anything.

"Well?" I waited.

"Alright, alright! It was to make you jealous okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?" He fell back onto the bed and covered his face with a pillow.

"I KNEW IT! I knew it, I knew it!"

He threw the pillow up at me and rolled over, throwing me down beside him and holding me in place.

"You can take that 'I knew it' and shove it right up your ass!" He laughed.

I couldn't contain the sense of pride I felt in that moment, not only had I been right but he was admitting to it! I started to laugh.

"What are you laughing at!" He tickled my sides, which only made it worse.

"The fact you admitted it and I was right all along!" I managed to get out between spouts of gasping for breath and snorting.

"Yeah well..." He flopped back on his back, "don't get used to it."

"Maybe it's you who should get used to it." I propped myself up on my elbow smirking.

He propped himself right up next to me, "is that a threat?" His eyes were on my lips.

"Guess you'll have to wait and find out." I returned his gaze. It was all it took for our lips to collide, both our hands ravaging the others body. He was seconds away from ripping my shirt off when his phone rang and he stopped, sighing as he rested his forehead on mine.

"That's a business call, I have to take it."

I stuck out my lip and made a pouty face, "reallllyyyy?" I hated myself for doing it.

He smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "sadly yes, really." He kissed my forehead and whipped the sheets off, grabbing his phone and switching to a very professional voice as he answered.

"Yes this is Mr. James-" he walked out on to the balcony and winked at me as he closed the door.

I felt my heart flutter.

"Damn I'm in trouble" I found myself grinning like an idiot as I watched him casually lean on the railing in the morning sun. I plopped back onto the bed as questions started to flood my mind.

Were we a thing? Are we just hooking up? Does he actually like me or am I just another girl to him? But if that was the case why did he want me to stay last night?

I covered my head with a pillow as though that would shut my thoughts up. Spoiler alert - it didn't. I took a deep breath and rolled over, staring at him once more. Maybe for the first time in my life I didn't care about all the answers, maybe I was okay with just being in the now.

That feeling was affirmed when he turned around and caught my gaze, sending a huge smile across his face as he crossed his arm and continued his phone conversation while keeping eye contact. I felt myself blush and hid my face, knowing full well he caught me red-handed.

I looked up again when I heard the door open.

"Yes, sounds good, I'll have my people get in touch with your people. Yes, you too, okay, bye." He hung up and stood there for a moment looking at me.

"What?" I blushed again.

"I just like looking at you" he grinned.

"Don't you have to go to work?" I smiled.

"I do, but not before we grab breakfast together." He smiled.

"Breakfast?" I giggled, "then what was that?" I pointed to the food on the table beside us.

"Oh that's just... Snacks?" he laughed. "No, I want to take you out for breakfast. Go get ready" he nudged.

"Are you sure? If you're busy-" I trailed off.

"I'll never be too busy for what I really want," he looked me up and down, I found myself feeling very turned on.

"Well maybe we just..." I ran my finger down his chest to his lower stomach and played with the strings on his sweats, pulling them down, "stay in bed this morning."

I watched as he swallowed and tried to refrain from devouring me. Finally after catching his breath and biting his bottom lip he got out-

"I would like NOTHING more..." his hands dropped to the bottom of the shirt I was wearing and slid under to my naked body beneath, I pulled him on top of me and we started making out. He was just about to pull off my shirt when he stopped, I looked at him confused.

"If I start this now I will literally not be able to leave this house, and I have a big client coming in at 11:00. I seriously would like nothing more."

I gave a dramatic sigh, "fine, breakfast then, but you bet your ass I'm making your wallet hurt for that tease stunt you just pulled.

A smile spread across his face "it's the least I could do." I returned his grin with an aggressive kiss, biting his bottom lip as I pulled away and got up.

"So where are we going?" I asked as I opened the door and looked back to him.

"I will take you wherever, to do whatever you would like." He flashed his pearly whites as he leaned on his elbow, watching me walk away. I smiled as I shut the door behind me.

Yep, I'm in deep, deep trouble.

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