Watching his Life

By foreveremerald

15.2K 311 38

When Harry Potter finds out the truth of who is mother really is, or when the marauders watch the lives of th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Authors Note

Chapter 3

1.5K 36 4
By foreveremerald

Aurora Selene Riddle's Arrival

Aurora Selene Riddle, that was the name of the precious daughter of Katherine and Tom Riddles only the book child, and like her parent she was beautiful. Now 11 years old she was one of the only British magical child that would not get a Hogwarts letter. Not that she wanted one anyway. Aurora knew that she would not be welcomed at the school after all her father was the Dark Lord (or that's the title he seamed to obtain from Dumbledore) and well her mother supported him. So why should she go to a school where she would not be appreciated.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has an acceptance book that puts down your name as soon as you show a sign of magic, it doesn't matter what your background is as long as you show a sign of magic your name is down in the book. Well that was until Headmaster Dumbledore. Know no other headmaster or headmistress has ever had access to the magical book before, it was always the deputy head that was assigned to addressing all the letters and sending them at the correct dates. This was because the headmaster or mistress would have too much on their plate to deal with all of this, but that was until Headmaster Dumbledore. The Headmaster believed that he should be able to choose who goes to "his school" so he started controlling who gets to have an education at "his school." He would then send the names that he wanted in the school to the deputy head, who would not know about any of his interferences, and then they would send the letters out.

Katherine Riddle knew about the fact that her daughter would not get appreciated or accepted in Hogwarts and she had a suspicion that her daughter would not even be considered to attend Hogwarts, especially with the current headmaster. That is why she decided to write to the headmistress of Beauxbatons to consider her daughter for a place in her school. And that is the story of how Aurora was accepted into, in her opinion the best Wizarding school, Beauxbatons.

Now 15 Aurora was planning on being the youngest student to ever graduate a Wizarding school. You could say she follows her parents, she is smart beautiful and cunning. She was some sort of genius, you could ask any of her classmates, even if they didn't know the girl directly, they would say that she was a genius. Well as rumours fly she couldn't help but add to them, if you were to ask Aurora if she was a genius she would just laugh in your face, yes she was over the normal level of intelligence but that was all to do with her photographic memory.

Yes Aurora had a photographic memory and that is why she was set to sit her Newts two years before she was supposed to, so yes you could call her a genius but that doesn't mean she would agree with you. She doesn't have to try extremely hard like others and to those she will always show compassion to, but that doesn't mean she would be willing to change for them. She doesn't need to study, she doesn't need practice, all she needs  to do is to listen well and read the books she is supposed to. Even though it is undoubtedly clear that there is no chance that she would fail any exam that is thrown her way she still likes to revise with her friends even if it is only to help them.

Kindness, one trait that she had inherited from her mother, though people would stop and say that the mother daughter duo were very similar looks and personality one trait that shone through the both more than anything was how kind the pair were. They would always stop and help people in need they also knew when they were getting taken advantage of and would know exactly when to cut ties with that person.

Aurora was currently sat in the massive, luxury school library the white walls and the white pillars that were covered in golden accents that seemed to climb up to the top live vines on a tree. The expensive looking room was separated from the rest of the school the library claimed its own building. Books with lavish covers sat on golden bookcases that stood tall almost reaching the high ceilings. The seating area was no different from the rest of the library luxurious couches and arm chairs sat around the stained white tables that similar to the pillars had golden vine like accents covering the legs of the tables and an expensive looking reading lamp was placed directly in the middle of said tables. The library itself had a cool moonlit setting and the lights that filled the ceiling were letting off little light yet still just powerful enough to light up the entirety of the room.

As she sat reading zoned out to what I happening in her surroundings, well that was before there was a bang that came from the empty corner of the library. Deciding that it was safe to investigate what the source of the noise was, after all she was a very curious person.

As she reached the corner the noise, that she was searching for that she expected to be a fallen book, was not there. The area was empty no people no fallen books, nothing. More curious than before she continued to look for the source of the noise, but after experiencing no luck she turned around and started her journey back to her seat.

Walking back to her seat she felt someone tug her back turning around with an angry look set on her face wondering who was messing with her, ready to see the person responsible for both of the events. But the person never appeared, actually there was no one around at all. Her curiosity just kept building and her anger slightly subdued now and bemusement took over her face, after all who dared mess with the daughter of the "dark lord" even if they didn't believe her father to be evil they were still scared of the stories that followed their family.

Still a bit suspicious that there was something messing with her she turned back around and again started to walking towards her seat only to experience another tug on her shoulder turning around once more to inspect the situation yet again but this time as she looked the previous tug on her shoulder making her loose her balance and she fell to the floor, waiting for the impact of the ground she braced herself as she fell closer to the ground, yet it never came. She just continued to fall and fall and fall until finally she hit the ground, but it was not where she had expected to be.

After all she was supposed to be in the library of Beauxbatons School, not in the Great hall of Hogwarts School of Which-craft and Wizardry, and she was definitely not supposed to be in a different decade.


So sorry I haven't updated this story in a long time I lost motivation that I have only recently gained back, I am also set to sit exams from May to June so my updates will not be frequent until after I did them all.

Thank you all for your support, if you find any mistakes feel free to put a comment on them and I will change them.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry that it is quite short. Thank you all again so much.

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