Chapter 2

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Backstory of New Characters

A beautiful blonde haired green eyed young women, who looked to be in her mid twenties, her aura screamed elegance, posture so good that a ballet dancer would be jealous, beauty that made her stand out from the crowd, hair as golden as the sun and finally her eyes, in her opinion her best trait. Now don't get her wrong she was aware that she was beautiful, how could she not, she had a constant reminder anytime she walked out of the house, and though she took it as a compliment she knew that they were not, their was no sincerity behind their words they were backhanded, filled with envy jealous words come from people she believe were her friends. These words from her "friends" eventually lead to them manipulating her into being insecure, they continued to manipulate and manipulate her, controlling her wardrobe, and what she got to wear each day. that was of course until she met her future husband (though she did not know that at the time.) After meeting her future husband she was able to see the manipulation of her friends and was able to peel herself away from the toxic environment and after what seemed like a lifetime she was away from the so called "friends." this women was Katerina Isabella- Rose Fawley.

Tom Marvolo Riddle, or as most people know him by Lord Voldemort, or He Who Must Not Be Named, yes he was the great Dark Lord but even he would admit that he went to far, he completely went off track of what he intended to do and their was only one person (beside himself) that he could blame for that and that person was no other than Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Yes the Headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Tom Riddle never meant to support prejudice pureblood ways, but in a moment of weakness or what he suspects to be manipulation he made the worst mistake of his life. He created a horcrux. He had killed a girl, well his ancestor Salazar Slytherin's basilisk did, he didn't know what came over him, but he did, and he was absolutely devastated and drenched with guilt, well that was after he woke up from what seemed like a haze, a dream or a nightmare.

Riddle dealt with this guilt on his own for years in fact his guilt kept on building, especially when he went to visit his newfound family only to return to the right state of mind after they were all dead. His appearance had now slightly changed, his jaw was sharper his cheekbones more defined but none the less he was still one of the most handsome men you would ever meet; but now more than ever he had never felt more disgusting, and he just couldn't understand why he kept on having memory hazes and then waking up with new horcruxes.

Deciding that he had enough he went to one place where he knew he could trust. Gringotts. Some people may call him crazy going to a bank rather than go to a hospital but he knew that he would find answers in Gringotts so that is where he was going, and let me tell you he was glad he went there.

Tom did not only find answers in Gringotts but also met his future wife on his way towards the bank. He had bumped into the most gorgeous woman he had ever met, he of course knew who she was as she was a year younger than him in school and he couldn't help but have a small crush on her yet he never had the courage (though he would never admit that) to talk to her. Every time he would even think about going to talk to her he would find an excuse not to. Bumping into the girl was not the best way to introduce himself but he couldn't help it he saw the opportunity and he would have been stupid not to take it. He had experienced the manipulation of her friends first hand at that moment and he knew that she was uncomfortable so he asked her to join him, and he couldn't help but notice the fury burning in her friends eyes when he did, he knew that she didn't need his help but he was not going to let her go through this alone anymore.

Katerina would admit she was hesitant to go with the boy anyone would but the one thing that made her take him up on the opportunity was the general concern that was filled in his eyes and the fury in her "friends" eyes. Grabbing on to his outstretched hand, she felt herself grow increasingly more comfortable with the man as he led them both away.

Walking away from her friends was the best thing that she had done, she was finally free.

Continuing the way to Gringotts neither of them dared to talk they both felt that this was too good to be true. Opening the large fire to the building Katerina finally spoke up to ask what they were doing here and Tom answered "I just need to sort out a problem and get an inheritance test, that by the way I would encourage you to get." So that is what they did they both got inheritance test done and were shocked by the results, Tom found multiple block and curses placed on him by Dumbledore and Katerina found that she had a larger inheritance than she first believed.

When Tom had the blocks removed and Katerina had sorted out her inheritance they both went to the Leaky Cauldron to enjoy some food which is where Tom explained in a hushed voice on why he wanted to go to Gringotts in the first place, he wasn't quite sure on why he shared this with her but he felt as though he needed to explain himself to her, he wanted to be honest with the woman, he was prepared for her to be revolted with him but she wasn't, and he couldn't be more glad.

Neither of the two expected their day to go like this, neither had they expected to fall in love with each other and get married years later but now 10 years later and expecting their first child they couldn't help but think back to that day and laugh. For they both felt the need to go to Diagon Alley that day, and they thank fate that they did because it they hadn't life may not have turned out this way, it may have been completely different.


I am so sorry that I haven't updated this book in ages and I will try to update more regularly. Thank you all so much.

I have also made Tom Riddle only six years older than the marauders and Katerina will be five years older, so the marauders will not be in school for the death of Myrtle but it will happen the year before they arrive.

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