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The Realisation and the Trip to the Past

Harry stared at the Black family tree dumbfounded, he had just returned to 12 Grimmauld Place after escaping the Dursleys on Kingscross Station after his fifth year, his Godfather had just died and Dumbledore was trying to send him back to his awful relatives, one of the only people that cared for him has died and  the only thing the old man could think about was how Harry needed to go back to the Dursleys, no sympathy, no caring nature. Harry was furious and that had not changed, but as he was staring at the Black family tree something did. His name was connected to a branch that was under Regulus Blacks, his godfather sister. A multitude of questions were surfacing in the 15 year old boys brain. "Why was he on the tree?" "Why was he connected to someone who he had never met?""was he related to her?" The thing that made him question himself even more was the name that was by the side of Regulus's, James Potter, a photo of his deceased father stood right by the side of Regulus. "It was impossible right." Harry asked himself knowing that he could not answer that question without going to Gringotts bank, but how would he get there without being spotted.

Harry finally walked away from the family tree and decided to go to bed, it was around midnight when he was able to take his eyes off the family tree and he had come to the decision that he would visit Gringotts Bank tomorrow morning when not many people are even awake let alone in Diagon Alley, and to make even more precautions he would also travel by floo powder and take his invisibility cloak, in his eyes it was a master plan, but then again his plans don't normally work as Hermione always liked to remind him, but he was going to be optimistic, he knew this plan was going to work.

After minimal sleep Harry rolled out of his bed onto his feet and was scurrying to get ready, it was 5:30am and he wanted to be there by 6:00am. Pulling together his stuff he heard Kreacher outside his room cleaning, in a moment of ingenious he called Kreacher into the room. "Kreacher" called Harry. "Yes master" the house elf replied disgruntled. "Are you able to apperate me into Gringotts" Harry asked curiously not knowing to what extent how powerful house elves were. "Yes I can master, but only to the front desk,but why would the young blood traitor want to go to the wizarding bank." Kreacher spat venom filling his voice. "That is none of your business Kreacher, but I need to get an inheritance test as when I arrived yesterday I came across the discovery of my name being attached to your old mistress Regulus black." Harry said not wanting to disrespect the house elf. Kreacher who was now staring at the 15 year old in surprise hurried into the boys room offering his arm to the boy so he could apperate them both.

A second later the scene around them changed and the two were now standing in front of the desk at Gringotts. Slightly started by the sudden appearance of the two the goblin asked "what are you doing here so early most people don't get here until around nine and not many people know that you can apperate to the front desk." Smirking slightly at the goblin Harry asked if "would I be able to get an inheritance test" noticing who the boy standing in front was "Harry Potter we have been trying to get your attention since you first visited the bank back in your first year we have found some abnormalities in your account that we wanted to run over with you but we could never seem to get hold of you." Confused Harry replied "I haven't received any letters or anything so you think someone has been intercepting them?" "That is a possibility Mr Potter but the question is who, anyway please follow me to the vault where we will be able to do the inheritance test for you." Following the goblin down the corridor Harry and Kreacher locked eyes silently conversing their bewilderment in the situation that had just happened.

Gorlock the goblin the two found out they were following lead them into the room where they were going to do the inheritance test finally broke the silence that seemed to absorb the boy and his house elf "in here please and take a seat on the chair in the far left." As Harry sat down in the chair another goblin walked into the room and towards him "Mr Potter did you finally  get our letters." Said the new goblin "no I'm sorry I originally came for an inheritance test but I will be happy to help you with your inquiries after." Said Harry. "Of course Mr Potter, I am Ragnock I am the goblin leader I will go get the equipment needed for an inheritance test and I will be right back in a minute." Ragnock said leaving the room.

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