Until one day

By raventown_rhayne

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Until One Day is a story about friendship, romance, and healing, it's about an old pair of friends reuniting... More

Club hunting
A Night to Remember
He's... not so bad
What happened in Crimson Cafe?

Viktor's risky post

4 0 0
By raventown_rhayne

*Kyle's POV*

June 8 2021 5 am, Kyle's neat bedroom

"Hey wake up, let's go for a jog, get up." My roommate says as he tries to wake me up, "Kyle come on, wake up you said we'd go jogging today."

I slowly sat up and grunted "Good morning, hold on just let me stretch first." I said

"That's the spirit, just what the Gardening Club needs!" My new roommate, Alfred said

You might be curious how my club's President became my roommate, it turns out we live in the same building, something happened with his room's electricity and because I was the only other tenant he knew, he asked if he could stay at my place while his lights get fixed. All I could say is Alfred is nothing like how he was when we were in school, he's very irresponsible, and he even leaves his laundry all over the place. It's only been 1 night and he's lost all his manners, the only thing he knows how to do is sleep on my bed next to me and wait for me to cook us food.

*Last night, right after Kyle got home from the cafe Ayesha invited him to*

June 7 2021 8 PM, Kyle's quiet and tidy living room

What a tiring day, What time is it? 8:12 PM, it's already late so I better make dinner, something healthy to cancel out the cake we just ate. I lock my door and grab some vegetables from my fridge, I begin making myself a salad with steamed chicken breast, Ethan isn't the only cook in our circle. I added some salad dressing and then ate my dinner, but before I could wash my dishes I heard someone knock, I wasn't expecting visitors today and it was too late for the delivery man to deliver my parcel. I opened the door slowly and I saw my... CLUB PRESIDENT?!

"Hi Kyle, I was wondering if I could spend the night here... Or a few nights hehe. Something happened to my electric wires and now I can't turn anything on in my apartment, and you were the only other person I knew who lives here." Alfred said with respect, something he lost the next few minutes

 "You live in this building?" I asked curiously

"Yeah, on the 4th floor, room 405. Our rooms are actually on top of each other, well they're one floor apart but you get what I mean. Yours is room 205, on the 2nd floor.' Kyle said

"Interesting, I guess you could stay here tonight, do you want to eat anything sir?" I asked

"Sir? You don't have to call me sir HAHAHA, did you know that I'm actually the youngest club President?" Alfred said as he walked in

"Youngest?" I asked as I helped him with his bags

"Correct, I'm only a freshman, the other club leaders are graduating this year." Alfred informed me

"Hmm, interesting, how'd you become the club's president so early?" I asked

"My older sister chose me to lead her club after she graduated. I was in grade 12 when I became the Club's leader, I wasn't even 18 yet HAHAHA." Kyle said

"I'll make you some chicken soup okay? It's good for you." I told Alfred

"Thanks, do you want to join me tomorrow morning?" He asked

"Join you in what?" I asked back

"I go jogging every morning, around 5 am, I'd like you to join me :>" he insisted I join him

"Alright, I guess a bit of jogging won't hurt. I'll add some veggies to your soup, you better eat them okay?" I said

"Sure, hey where's your bathroom? I need to take a quick shower :>" Alfred asked

"Sure, just make sure you put your laundry in the basket." I answered

After he finished eating I made him wash his dishes, it was my turn to shower so I walked into my bathroom to shower before I went to bed, but all of a sudden I smelled something bad coming from my shower... HE LEFT HIS DIRTY CLOTHES IN THE SHOWER?! Was he raised in a barn? I began picking his wet, dirty clothes off my shower floor and grabbed something that escaped hell's gates... This man left his underwear in my shower as well, I hope that his lights get fixed soon, for the love of God. After my shower, I quickly went to the sofa to confront him, but he was nowhere to be found, then I went to check my bedroom and there he was;

"Alfred, why did you leave your dirty clothes in my shower? Didn't I tell you to put them in the basket?!" I said, but when I looked at him he was... ALREADY ASLEEP?!

I waited for a response only to realize he had already fallen asleep, in the middle of my bed. I walked to the side with more space and tried to push him, be he wouldn't budge. I eventually gave up and just laid down, I was too tired to deal with him... But a few minutes after I laid down I felt Alfred's arm wrap around me, and he began hugging me tightly...

"Alfred, what do you think you're doing? I  can't breathe you're crushing me!" I said while trying to escape his trap

"Shut up, let's go to sleep already." he said barely awake


*Back to the present*

"Haha, that won't work on me anymore," I sarcastically laughed while I rolled my eyes

"Aww but it worked on you last night, didn't it? The soup you made was delicious by the way." he said with a smile

"You're being too nice, okay fine, what do you want for breakfast?" I was interrupted with;

"I knew that'd work, I'd like an omelet please >:)." Alfred said with an evil grin

"Fine." I said while laying my palm out in front of him "Come on, I refuse to cook you food for free." 

After saying this the smug look on his face started to fade away as a sad, concerned expression started to appear, he looked like he had realized something. He slowly sat beside me on my bed and with a concerned voice he said;

"Hey, don't be like that. I'll pay for the eggs and everything else you'll put in it, I'll get us some coffee too if you want." Alfred started to sound like what he's like in school 

"I can't tell if you're actually being nice of it you're just hungry, and I don't drink coffee." I said in a cold tone

"Well, I can tell you're upset, I was tired and stressed. I didn't mean to leave my laundry in the shower, I'm sorry about last night, I'll be better I promise." He said in a genuine-sounding voice

I had my doubts, but I didn't want to have bad blood between me and my new roommate.

"Okay, I forgive you, now help me get groceries." He better be serious about being better

"I'll get your shoes, let's go!!" Alfred said

We bought ingredients for his omelet, and he even helped me prepare and clean when we got back. However, when we were in the store he said he's an awful cook, but he's really good at flipping the eggs.

"Woah, this looks amazing, why didn't you join the cooking club? Samantha desperately needs new members." Viktor said while giggling

"I thought about that but, cooking is only a skill for me, I don't necessarily love cooking the way I love gardening. You know personally, I believe that you should always choose what makes you happy." I explained

"Very well said, tho are you always like this?" Alfred suddenly asked

"Like what?" I asked back

"You're uhm... Kind of strict." He suddenly went silent

"It's okay, I understand if you think I'm like that..." The room went silent

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked. I just want to get to know you better..." Alfred suddenly said

I looked at him with an unamused face for a few seconds, I let out a deep sigh and said;

"It's fine, you were just asking, I'll admit I am strict about a lot of things but that's only cause I value cleanliness a lot. But you'll see past it once you get to know me." I said with a reassuring smile on my face

"We don't have to go jogging anymore if you don't want to Kyle." He said while smiling

"Great, you're correct, I don't want to go jogging." I told him

"Do you have any plans today? There aren't any classes today

"Well my teacher announced that we didn't have classes today, so I guess I'll stay home with you..." I suddenly went silent

"With me?" Kyle asked confusedly

"No, come look, the shorter one is my friend, he's with that transferee from ThornHill high." I explained

"THORNHILL?" Alfred yelled

"Shh keep your voice down, I'm right beside you." I said

"Oh right, sorry but, I didn't think a Thornhill graduate would ever consider Ravenford. We haven't had any Thornhill transferees since 2018, who was he again?" Alfred impatiently asked

"He's my friend, Ethan Ryder, and before you ask no I won't tell you why he transferred out of Thornhill." I said

"Alright, but hey, what's the big deal about a photo of your friend with some rich guy?" Alfred asked

"There's nothing wrong with him hanging around the new kid, it's not that, look at what page it's posted."

"The Cute boys page, 2021-2022? There's a new Boy's page already?" Alfred asked

"Seems to be so, holy crap this can't be good. I'm sorry Alfred but you're gonna be alone for today, I need to get the others and tell Ethan about it." I rushed out of my dorm, grabbing my phone.

"Bye-, oh he already left... Well I guess I should clean our plates for him." the last words I heard from Alfred before I left

I called Ayesha and Rachel and told them to meet me in front of Ethan's dormitory around 11 am. I explained the situation to them and they seemed to be as concerned as I was, we sat in the lobby of Ethan's dormitory, and while sitting we discussed how we'd handle the situation. it may not seem like a big deal, and yeah it's not, but Rachel, Ayesha and I understand how uncomfortable Ethan would be when he finds out.

"Look, more girls commented on the post." Ayesha said

"WHAT! There's already a couple in school?!" a girl commented

"They look so cute together, tho the short one kinda looks confused.' another girl commented, "I know right, the tall one is so handsome!" someone replied

"Who are they?? And are you guys even sure they're a couple?" a dude commented

"Finally a rational person commented." I said

"Look someone's typing a reply." Rachel said

"We're not sure but they were spotted walking together after school, the tall one was bandaging the short one's hand!! (*μ_μ)" A girl replied

"What do you think Kyle?" Rachel asked

"I think, the young man has a lot of explaining to do." I said

"Calm down, they're probably just friends, besides remember how much Ethan hated the Thornhill kid?" Ayesha said

"Well, he doesn't seem to hate him now." I replied

"Speaking of the Thornhill kid, guys look over there." Rachel pointed at the dormitory's back door, where the parking lot is

"What's he doing here?" Ayesha asked

"Let's ask Ethan, let's get going." We made our way to Ethan's dorm

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