Not Like Others

By CiannaHenry5

25.2K 752 138

You died and went to where the sinners and hellborne reside. But you...aren't like any sinner down there. (Y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
The Commercial
New Extermination Time
Radio killed the Video Star
Scrambled Eggs
Night Before Masquerade
Morning Masquerade
One Hell of an Entrance
Scared of Growing
Idk guys
Dad Beat Dad

Chapter 9

1K 34 8
By CiannaHenry5

At the Vees Tower:

"Kitty. Another one." Val ordered, taking a whiff of his cigarette. He wanted another drink.
The Vees were sitting at their table, waiting for their drinks and food.

Vox was looking at a picture on his phone, resting his chin against his hand.

Velvette spoke up," You two have heard about the human-like sinner down here, right?"
She had still had her mind on you.

Valentino looked at her, surprised. "Wait, that was a real person? Someone told me it was an AI generated picture." He said, gluing some diamonds on his guns.

Vox looked up from the screen, hiding a smile. So his colleagues knew about her, but have never met her.

"Wow.. I wonder where she's hiding~" Val smirked.
"She's my next model, Val, don't even." Velvette growled. Val rolled his eyes, " You have plenty of models." He argued.
"You have plenty of stars." She responded.

An unintentional chuckle escaped Vox, causing the other two to look at him.
"What are you laughing at, ya tech prick." Velvette hissed.

Vox looked at the picture on his phone before setting his phone down and pushing it before the two. He then laid back into his chair, smugly sipping his drink.

The two looked at the picture.
It was a picture of him and the human-like sinner. He had his arm around her, holding his card to her. He had a picture of the interaction with her from this morning.

Surprised, their mouths fell open.
"She works for a catering company. I have the name." He said, messing with fingers.
"Give it." Velvette said, seeming more lively.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I need a new model." She responded.
"What makes you think she'll work for you?" Valentino asked.
"Because maybe she wouldn't wanna be a p**n star." Velvette responded.
Valentino scoffed at her reaction.
"Who wouldn't want to work with me?" He asked.

You wouldn't.

"I doubt any of you will rope her in." Vox  said, rolling his eyes.
"Why?" Velvette asked.
"Because when I explained to her about dealmaking, she seemed completely uninterested in it." Vox explained,"Just the mention of having her soul owned made her twitch."

"Well, I could get her to work~" Valentino cooed.
The other two glared at him.
They wouldn't allow him to treat her how he treats Angel.
That would be a no-no.

As you head home, you chose on a new street route. As you drove home(as you are allowed to take the company car home), you saw a group of people, male sinners, surrounding this drunk person.

The drunk person was tall with 4 arms. They seemed to be a spider of some sort. They had white fur and pink highlights on some parts. They wore a white and pink striped shirt with a black short skirt. The leg parts seemed to look like high heels, but you could see that they were actually the person's feet.

You could sense something bad about to happen.. so you stepped in.

"Whats the matter, feelin alright?~" One of the sinners asked the drunk person.
"Leave me be a**hole. I'm not doing anything tonight."

Oh. It was a male. You stared at him. Why did he look like a girl? Never mind, it didn't matter. You rush over and grab the person's arm. Well, one of their arms.

"Hey, hey! Been lookin for ya." You say, hoping he'll catch the hint.
The spider appeared super confused till you whispered,"Play along."

He was gonna refuse, but he was too drunk and lazy to argue.
"Ah, yeah. Sorry toots." He said, following you as you began to lead him to your car.
"Sorry, gentlemen, I need to get him home. But I hope your nights are good..and fulfilling?" You didn't know how to respond to this situation.
They all stared at you, you looked so..perf-

"Bye-bye!" You yell, driving off immediately.

The spider person stretched in the passenger seat. He was too drunk to make a complete recognition of your face.
"You okay?" You ask.
"I'm good, toots. I've handled worse." He groans, rubbing his head.
"If you don't mind, you can stay over at my house till morning." You say.

He was gonna argue, but then realized..
Free food, free rent, didn't have to use his services to do anything yet. And you appeared to be a spawn in.
( Normally, spawn ins are a little hesitant in assimilating in the beginning. Slightly hesitant, but they have the tiniest amount. But man, he didn't know.)

Also, if the house was good, he could steal and sell.

"Yeah, sure, no problems here." He said.


As you arrived home, you helped him walk to your apartment room.

He practically passed out as soon as he hit the guest bed.  You, exhausted from carrying him, laid in your bed.. after you changed clothes.  He had discarded most of his clothes to sleep, so you grabbed them and put them to wash. Good.. they reeked off alcohol.

After the clothes had been washed and dried, you fold them and place them next to him.

Angel slightly came to, feeling sick.
You noticed he left to the bathroom, and you went to go get some water and an aleve(a painkiller).

You placed it on the nightstand. He came in and crashed on the bed, curling up in the covers.

"Hope you sleep well... uh, " You trail off.
"Angel Dust." He interrupted.
"Angel d-.. as in the drug?" You ask.
"As in the p**n star." He corrected, face in the pillow.
"You're a p**n star?" You ask," Hm.. I wasn't thinking that."
"You judging me?" He asked, looking up at you.
"Wha-no." You quickly respond." Who am I to judge? We're in the same place after all. So I can't necessarily pass judgment."
A look of confusion appeared on his face.
No judgment..


He smushed his face back into the pillow, and you left.

Morning came, and Angel suffered a major hangover. He noticed the glass of water and the pill, and he immediately took it.
You were cooking breakfast for the two of you. Eggs, bacon, and toast.
Quite iconic.

Angel Dust staggered out the room with his clean clothes on.
You look at him, giving a smile." Good morning." You say.

Angel looked at you. You were the human person from the picture? How did you get down here?
In the little light that shone from the window, your skin gleamed a little. It was a cute and pretty sight for him.

"No, I'm not a human. I died." You added. You knew that was what he was thinking.
You place a plate of food on the table for him." Here."

He stared at the food before grabbing it.

"You can eat and watch t.v. ." You say. He immediately sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. .
You sat down next to him.

"Am I gonna have to pay you back for this?"He asks.
He usually didn't offer his services to ladies, but you seemed to be an exception.
You look at him, confused." How would you pay me back?" You ask.

He slightly leaned on you, placing a hand on your thigh."There are.. ways." He said, leaning more.

You blush and quickly set your plate down." No, no, no. I don't.. you don't... I can't do that.. i-its- it's free. It's free. Im doing this to be nice!" You sputtered.

Wow. You had to be a virgin. That reaction was priceless.

He leaned back and ate more of his food.
"Haha, you're funny." He chuckled.

You place your hands to cover your mouth and your cheeks as your fingers are spread out to avoid touching your eyes.
"Why did you offer yourself like that?" You ask.
"Because it's what I do, toots. I'm a p**nstar." He said.
"Well, don't do that stuff with me. I don't charge anything to help people, nor do I want anything in return." You say.

Angel Dust laughed. You had to be pulling his leg.
"Haha, you're joking." He laughed.
You stare at him.
He kept laughing until he saw your face.

Huh? You really weren't kidding?
Nah, you had to be. You must have a really good lying face. How long are gonna keep up this charade?

How long was it gonna take till he realized you were truly genuine?

Angel set out, but before he did, he spoke." Can't wait to see how long of this charade you can keep up." He smirked.
You look at him, confused.

What did he mean?

What charade?

Oh... whatever. Down here, not many people will believe you, and that's fine.
At least no one can say you were cruel to them.
That's a good thing.

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