Smiling Critters: A Turn To T...

By ANewCozyWriter

1.6K 51 17

During The Hour Of Joy, DogDay finds himself trapped in a real nightmare; being imprisoned by CatNap and tort... More

Thanks To The Angels.
The Runaways.
Looking For Them.
Returning home!
Finally together!
Home Sweet Home.
The Danger of the Truth.
The Plan.
Interpreting Dreams.
At My Lowest Point.
The Hostage.
A Negotiation.
The Trap.
The Destiny of an Adept.
Showing Him The Truth.
Three New Threats...
...A Savior...
...And A Warning?
A Peculiar Bunch.
The Message.
High Treason.
And A Farewell...?

Three Heretics, Three Ways.

54 3 0
By ANewCozyWriter

The weak light flooded Bobby's senses, lodging a pain in her eyes that illuminated everything with vibrant colors, an eternal ringing settled in her ears, the pain in her joints crushed her bones and a strong pressure numbed her wrists.
She lowered her head and tried to breathe, but she was having a hard time doing it. She became extremely thirsty and wanted to ask for water, but if she did, not only would they not pay any attention to her, but she would feel humiliated. It was the last thing she wanted.
She raised her head and turned it to her side. To her left, she saw a blurry silhouette of a sky blue hue. She squinted her eyes to adjust her vision, and finally she saw the profile of Bubba Bubbaphant, who was unconscious, without his white coat, his shirt soaked with blood, yet with no visible injuries or scars.

Realizing this, Bobby nudged the elephant lightly.

Bobby Bearhug: Bubba...? Bubba, wake up...!

Bubba seemed to regain consciousness, as he tilted his head slightly, and opened his eyes a little. He soon closed them tighter and winced at the pain in his eyes and at the weakness of the recent drowsiness.

Bubba Bubbaphant: wrists are bound up...?!

Bobby Bearhug: Wait...damn, mines are too! Bubba, have we been kidnapped?!

Suddenly, they heard a loud gasp of air, followed by a copious cough and violent retching. On the other side, Bobby found PickyPiggy, who was with her shirt almost unbuttoned, with her braids disheveled, her hands also tied behind her back, and her face pale.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Picky! Picky, are you okay?!

PickyPiggy: No...!

Bobby Bearhug: Are you sick?

PickyPiggy: Not sick, I'm DEAD. They have inoculated me with a poison or some shit that has rotted my organs, and my body wants to expel them through my stomach.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Let's see, calm down! What do you notice in your health?

PickyPiggy: Dizziness, chills, sweating, stomach pain, throat pain, cough...*gag* ...nausea...and my hands have gone numb! They tied me up very tightly!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Don't worry, let's stay calm and think of a plan.

Bobby Bearhug: What plan?

Bubba Bubbaphant: First of all, we have to think of a way to get untied. I can touch something similar to a buckle, so it must be belts.

PickyPiggy: What if they catch us untied?

Bubba Bubbaphant: Uh...well, um...!

PickyPiggy: Lemme guess; no plans for that?

Bubba Bubbaphant: I'll come up with something! ...Eventually.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps. They tried to look for where they were coming from, but it was not within their field of vision.
From a door, someone completely new to them appeared; a golden Critter with bull horns, tiny ears that hid perfectly in a huge, golden tangle of hair, a silver ring across his snout, and fingerless gloves with studs on the knuckles. His pendant was a closed fist and he had an intense smell of pine tree.
He crossed his arms and smiled with a perverse grin, his eyes shining like two flashlights among the dim light of the room.

???: Rise and shine, Critter Crew!!!
...Oh! You're awake. What a "Critterrific" day, 'aight?

His voice was deep, but had a pretty sarcastic and sly touch.
None of the three understood the unjustified joy of this new Smiling Critter. But Bobby had a sudden idea.
She thought they could take him as an ally and help them get out. But it would be a difficult task; he had the same eyes as CatNap, and not as the rest of the Smiling Critters.
Somehow, that Critter was evil. She felt it.
But she had to try.

Bobby Bearhug: *Ahem* Hi, there, bud!

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Whisper* What in the...fuck are you doing?

Bobby Bearhug: *Whisper* Let's try to become friends. Maybe he helps us!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Highly unlikely, that...but hey, try it. With a stroke of luck...

???: Hm? Hi!

Bobby Bearhug: May I ask your name?

BullyBull: Name's BullyBull! I'm the leader of the Smiling Critters!

The three of them looked at each other, a bit confused by that. Bubba was the one that looked at the bull and asked a question.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Umm...I beg your pardon?

PickyPiggy: Sorry to disappoint you, but the leader is DogDay.

The Critter turned his head toward Picky. He didn't seem happy with the comment. He approached her and looked at her. He then reached down and buttoned Picky's shirt.

BullyBull: DogDay is just the substitute. I was going to be the leader of your gang... until the bastards of this place took me away to put your bastard leader in my place. I even used to have my own crew! But well...they aren't here anymore.

PickyPiggy: Excuse me?! DogDay's no bastard, you delusional bull!

This pissed him off. With his hoof, he grabbed Picky by the hair and slammed her head against the ground, since they had no wall to lean on.

BullyBull: Do I look like I care what you say?! Here you do not have your "leader"; Until CatNap returns, I'm in charge here. If I say I am the true leader, I AM THE TRUE LEADER! And if I say you swallow an unpeeled pineapple, you swallow it! IS IT CLEAR TO YOU?!

Bobby Bearhug: Stop it! Stop it! Please, leave her...she's sick...

BullyBull looked at Bobby, who had closed her eyes and was already crying. He grabbed Picky by the collar of her shirt and lifted her up. And now, he approached Bobby and lightly grabbed her face, wiping away her tears.

BullyBull: You surprise me. She makes a mistake, and yet you still beg for mercy on her behalf, just by the fact that she's sick? You know, if I didn't exist and your useless leader didn't exist either, maybe the leader could be you!
Now, dear, don't cry, it is a compliment...! You would be a good follower if you stopped being so emotional...

Bubba Bubbaphant: A...good follower?

BullyBull: ...Oh! Of course, I almost forgot. Surely you want an explanation that justifies what are you doing here.
Well, I'll give it to you!
For some time now I have felt a strong resentment towards that "leader" of yours. I hate that dog with all my might. But since CatNap already tortured him, my anger has deflated a lot and I'm calmer in that regard. But I'm left wanting revenge...
On the other hand, CatNap seeks followers for his God, who I neither know nor care about. I just allied with him for, you know, to save myself. And he chose you three for this deed.
So until he comes back to ask you the big question, I'll take care of you! What do you think?

There was silence.

Bobby Bearhug: So, if you want revenge, what are you going to do? ...Are you going to kill us?

BullyBull: I don't lack the desire, darling, but I can't! If I kill you, CatNap runs out of potential followers for his God, y'know! And I'll be pretty fucked up, ya know?

Bubba Bubbaphant: ...Makes sense. So what are you going to do to us?

BullyBull: ...Well, that depends. Are you gonna do any shit that deserves torture?

Bubba Bubbaphant: Torture?! Are you crazy, dude?!

BullyBull: That's exactly what I meant! Congratulations, you are going to be the first to try this wonderful invention I recently found!

And without warning, BullyBull pulled out a stun gun -who knows how he got it!- and electrocuted Bubba. He groaned at the electric shocks coursing through his body, and soon fell to the ground, still conscious, but defeated.
BullyBull was surprised, yet pleased to see Bubba was still awake. That meant more torture time!

BullyBull: My, my, you're stronger than I thought!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Ugh...fuck you...

PickyPiggy: Bubba, don't anger him more!

BullyBull: Don't worry, it's not a bother! This is just the beginning!

BullyBull grabbed Bubba by the ear and dragged him across the ground. Unable to resist, Bubba stood still until BullyBull knocked him to the ground and punched him in the face. Bubba writhed in pain, but didn't cry out, not even when the studs on his attacker's glove stuck in his face. To add to the suffering, BullyBull tore open the elephant's cheek and then tore off the sharp tacks from the flesh. This time, Bubba let out a cry of pain, coughing a bit of blood in the process.
Blood splattered the metal of the floor and the silver studs of the bull's glove.

BullyBull: Welp, done! Have you learned something new? Or do you want a reinforcement class, to refresh your memory?

Bubba answered with another cough.

Without saying anything, BullyBull helped Bubba up, dragged him less aggressively back to the starting point, and left him back with Bobby and Picky, who had seen everything and were pretty scared.
Bubba was paralyzed, with a bruised ear, blood running down his mouth and trunk, and a scar running from the corner of his mouth to his cheek. He looked down and began to cry silently. He felt dejected, truly defeated.

Meanwhile, BullyBull was smiling, his hands full of blood, in front of both girls. Picky, despite feeling bad, was raging. She wasn't going to tolerate a single comment from their captor.
Bobby just couldn't believe their situation. She was plunged in great shock.

BullyBull: Next one, hm? Bear girl? Or this fat pig?

PickyPiggy: You call me fat pig ever again, and I swear-

She didn't finish the sentence. BullyBull pounced on her and kicked her in the ribs. Picky collapsed, letting out a grunt of pain, which turned into a scream after a second kick, this time aimed at the stomach.
Picky couldn't stand the pain. She managed to turn around in time to vomit on the floor. A third kick went straight to the chest. Picky coughed, and a trickle of blood ran down her chin and neck.
Disgusted, BullyBull was about to slam her head against the mess she had made, but the other's pain calmed him and he dismissed that idea.
He lifted her too, sitting her on the floor again. Picky was dizzy, semi-conscious and wobbling in her position.

BullyBull: Any other bullshit? Have I explained myself enough?

Bobby Bearhug: Yeah! Yeah...

BullyBull: You would be the next one for torturing, but so far you haven't transgressed any rules! I must applaud you; I love it.

Bobby Bearhug: What rules?

BullyBull: ...Let's leave that mystery behind. Uncertainty is more fun...what was your name?

Bobby Bearhug: ...Ollie.

BullyBull: Ollie...? Hm, sounds weird...

Bobby Bearhug: It's a nickname. I don't like my real name.

BullyBull: ...Well, I'm nobody to force you into using a name you hate, Ollie. I'm here to help you.

Bobby Bearhug: To help me? Or to torture us?

BullyBull had no answer for that. He smiled widely and got near her. She closed her eyes, ready yet scared of the pain. But there was no pain.
He, instead, patted her red hair with caresses, but with such a brotherly and mocking gesture, with an ironic smile and gaze that took away everything romantic or cute from the gesture.
Anyway, BullyBull seemed more comfortable in Bobby's presence, for some reason he had taken a liking to the bear.
That's when CatNap came in. BullyBull jumped away from Bobby, slapping her lightly to cover it up.

CatNap: How are you guys? You enjoyed Bully's company, didn't you?

None of them answered.

CatNap: Surely he already explained the proposal to you...and you have already shown your most heretical facets, I can tell by your faces.
You already know the conditions; Either you join Him, or you die. Your lives are in your hands. Choose wisely.

BullyBull: This choice is difficult, CatNap. Let's give 'em a nice couple of minutes alone so they can think about it.

CatNap: I'll allow it. We'll leave you guys some minutes to decide.

They both left the room. Once she heard the door close and footsteps recede, Bobby elbowed Picky to straighten up, and Bubba to look up.

Bobby Bearhug: Guys, we have to choose to die or to join the Prototype. What the heck do we do?!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Honestly and with all due respect, I am going to say that I don't care if they kill me.

Bobby Bearhug: Would you rather die?

Bubba Bubbaphant: Is there anything left out there?

Bobby Bearhug: Us!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Would you rather join the Prototype then?

Bobby Bearhug: No, but we can still try to escape!

Bubba Bubbaphant: How? They will automatically kill us if we escape. I...can volunteer to be killed.

Bobby Bearhug: What?! No way! Have you gone mad?!

Bubba Bubbaphant: So what do you want us to do?!

Bobby Bearhug: I...I'd rather die too. I would rather die with my friends than turn against them.

Bubba Bubbaphant: ...Well. Well nothing, we die. Do you think so, Picky? Although it is very radical, but...

Bobby looked at Picky. She had fainted.

Bobby Bearhug: ...Well, um... We got it?

Bubba Bubbaphant: ...We got it.

Bobby Bearhug: I'm going to miss you, and everyone.

Bubba Bubbaphant: I'm going to miss you too.

Bobby Bearhug: Even Kickin?

Bubba Bubbaphant: Even Kickin.

CatNap and BullyBull entered the room. They stood in front of the three.

BullyBull: Well? Did you make a decision, crew?

Bubba Bubbaphant: Yes, we do.

CatNap: So? Do you join Him?

They paused. That word would not only change their lives, as they say, but they were going to end it completely.
But it was the best thing to do.

Bobby Bearhug and Bubba Bubbaphant: No.

PickyPiggy: ...Yes.

They both looked at Picky, who had her head down, but her eyes open.
CatNap raised an eyebrow.

CatNap: Come again? Would you mind raising your voice?

PickyPiggy: I said yes. I'll join.

Bubba looked at Picky and shook his head.

Bobby Bearhug: What did she just...?

Bubba Bubbaphant: ...She's delirious from illness, she doesn't know what she's saying!

BullyBull approached Picky and raised her head, looking into her pupils and checking her breathing.
He shook his head.

BullyBull: Nope! She's completely concious. But anyway, I think this one is...slightly inept.

CatNap: Bully, anyone can be an enormous authority under His bosom. And she...she is as special as you and me. She will do enormous things for her new God. As long as you're one hundred percent willing, PickyPiggy.

PickyPiggy: I am.

She said it very naturally and without hesitation. CatNap was pretty pleased.

CatNap: ...Great. Remove the restrains.

Bully wasn't convinced, but he resigned himself. He removed the restraints from her wrists and helped her to her feet. Bubba was completely devastated to hear what he had heard.
Bobby was also extremely surprised to hear how PickyPiggy had stabbed them in the back.

PickyPiggy: Can I say goodbye?

CatNap: Go ahead. After all, you won't see them anymore.

PickyPiggy adjusted her hair, loosening the braids. Bobby and Bubba's wrists were also released. Picky smiled with tears, gave one of his hair bands to Bobby and another to Bubba. She then hugged each one. Bobby accepted and returned the hug, but with Bubba, it was horrible.
When she hugged him, he didn't return it. He was tying the hairband to his wrist and completely ignored the gesture. PickyPiggy smiled at him, but he didn't smile back. He couldn't even watch her straight in the eye.

PickyPiggy: Don't hate me too much, Bubba.

He snapped then.

Bubba Bubbaphant: ...I hate you already. Not even KickinChicken failed me that much!

PickyPiggy: But-!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Just shut it!

PickyPiggy: I'm just doing the best for you!

Bubba Bubbaphant: The best for us?!

Bubba wanted to pounce on her, but PickyPiggy backed away just in time, and BullyBull held him back with his strength; He knocked him to the ground, and Bubba was left unconcious.
Bobby bent down to revive him, but with one blow she also ended up on the ground.
She heard one last conversation before fainting.

CatNap: So, what will be of them? I believe you have some idea.

BullyBull: I suggest punishing them. I WANNA SEE THEM SUFFER! They have to suffer a slow, painful, agonizing death!

CatNap: Both of them will be punished the same way, I believe?

BullyBull: No, not at all! I...actually want to stay with this girl. Leave me the opportunity to kill her in a dignified manner. As for the elephant, I have an idea...

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