Tangled Truth

By LonelyWriter821

26.8K 1.6K 866

"๐‘ฐ๐’” ๐’•๐’‰๐’Š๐’” ๐’š๐’๐’–๐’“ ๐’‡๐’Š๐’“๐’”๐’• ๐’•๐’Š๐’Ž๐’†?" "๐’€๐’†๐’”" "๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐’•๐’“๐’š ๐’•๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’†๐’๐’•๐’๐’†" __________... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03 ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06 ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 07 ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

896 60 72
By LonelyWriter821

Author's POV

Soon the doctors arrived and treated Porchay's wounds. There were no serious wounds in his bodies.

After treating, the doctors said, "Khun Kim, there is nothing to be worried about. There only some small bruises on him."

Kim nodded. The doctor continued.

"I will prescribe some painkillers for his body pain and please apply these ointments on his bruises."

"Okay", Kim said. "Big, buy these medicines immediately. And also drop the doctor to his clinic."

"Okay Khun", Big said and guided the doctor outside.


Big had returned after buying the medicines.

Right now, he and Pete, one the bodyguards, were in Kim's office for a meeting.

"Both the bodies are gone?", Kim asked.

"Yes Khun", Pete said.

"That's very fast!", Kim said. "I wasn't able to look at their faces!"

"Who could have taken them, Khun?", Big asked.

"I saw someone there.", Kim said. "He or maybe she, fought those guys and killed them. It was like they wanted to save Chay."

"Save Chay?", Big asked to which Kim nodded.

"Any CCTV footages?", Kim asked.

"No Khun. That area doesn't have any CCTV.", Pete said.

"Of course!", Kim scoffed.

"But who could have attacked Porchay, Khun?", Big asked. "Does he have enemies? Like university rivals?"

"I don't think so. University rivals would have not tried to kill him. They would have just tried to scare Chay.", Kim said.

Big nodded.

"I think it's something that we don't know about. I feel it's related to his past or something!", Kim said.

"Why do you think so, Khun?", Pete asked.

"Pichaya.", Kim said. "His surname is Pichaya. I have heard that name before. But I can't remember where!"

Kim then looked at the time, it was going to 12 in the night.

"It's lat3e now. You can go.", Kim said. "And Big dig and collect more information about Chay. Take Arm's help, if needed."

"Khab.", Big said.

"You guys can leave now.", Kim said.

Both Big and Pete bowed at him before leaving.

Kim stayed in his office a bit before going to his room and dozing off to sleep.


Porchay was recovering slowly. Kim used to check on him time-to-time but without his knowledge.

"Are you up, little one?", Big asked as he entered Porchay's room with breakfast.

"Khab Phi", Porchay said as he yawned.

"Have your breakfast", Bog said as he placed the tray near his bed.

"Where is Kim?", Porchay asked. "I haven't seen him in a long time."

"Khun Kim is now dealing his father's business.", Big said. "So, he is busy there."

"When will he be home?", Porchay asked.

"Today, actually.", Big said. "Khun Tankhun is also coming to meet him."

"Oh, okay phi.", Porchay said.

"I leave now. I have some work. Call me if you need anything.", Big said.

"Khab", Porchay replied with a smile.

After Porchay finished his breakfast, he decided to take a stroll. He slowly walked down the stairs and roamed around the garden.

As he wandering the garden, a car pulled up. Porchay got excited as he thought it was Kim but was disappointed when Tankhun got out.

Arm and Pol also got out of the car and followed Tankhun inside the mansion.

Soon, another car pulled up and this it was Kim.

Porchay was very happy to see him.

"Finally! After ages, today I ma gonna get screwed!", Porchay said to himself in excitement.

Kim didn't see Porchay and walked towards the mansion.


"Khun Kim, Khun Tankhun is here.", Big said.

Kim nodded. "Where is Chay?", he asked.

"He is in his room, resting.", Big said to which Kim nodded.

"Hey! 'Not So Handsome As Me Boy', how have you been doing?", Tankhun exclaimed as soon as he saw Kim.

"Hey! The Dumbest One In The Clan', I am fine. What about you?", Kim said.

"Shut up!", Tankhun said. "I am a smartass!"

"Of course!", Kim scoffed. "Why are you here?"

"Where is my 'Other' brother?", Tankhun.

"Kinn?", Kim asked.

"Do we have someone else? No right?!", Tankhun exclaimed.

"He is in Chiang Mai.", Kim answered.

"Why?", Tankhun asked.

"His partner, Porsche died. And Kinn thinks it's' a murder.", Kim explained. "So, he is investigating that."

"Oh. Is he alive?", Tankhun asked.

"Yeah.", Kim said. "I think so. Why?"


"I had a contact with him until last month. Now I don't'." Kim said, nonchalantly.

"Are you not worried?", Tankhun asked curiously.

"No, because it's Kinn that's why.", Kim said.

"Anyway, how is Chay?", Tankhun asked.

"He is fine, now. But his past is still a mystery.", Kim said.

"Ohh!", Tankhun screamed with a grin. "Someone is worried AF!"

"Who is? Me?", Kim asked as he laughed.

"Yeah of course it's you!", Tankhun said.

"He is nothing just a hole to fuck.", Kim said. "Not some boy who deserves to be my boyfriend."

"Oh! Then who deserves to be THE KIM THEERANPANYAKUL's boyfriend?", Tankhun asked.

"Anyone, but not a whore like him.", Kim said with a smirk.

"Right!", Tankhun said as he laughed.

Little did anyone know that Porchay had overheard all the conversation.

Each word that came out of Kim's mouth hit him like a dagger.

Porchay fell on the ground and cried.

"Nobody loves me! Nobody! I am just a toy to be used!", he cried. "Mom, why didn't you take me with you?! WHY?!!"

(To be continued...)


Hey guys! I am sorry. I am feeling tried today so I wrote a short chapter! 

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