Best Friend For Life

Av hre_huderh

493 95 76

[UNEDITED] Discover the heart warming tale of friendship which transitioned into deep hatred between Baila an... Mer

Author's Note
Chapter One: Ruined Birthday
Chapter Two: Antisocial girl with troubled family
Chapter Three: Her; Leely
Chapter Four: Snakes
Chapter Five: My story
Chapter Six: The credit alert
Chapter Eight: Nosy
Chapter Nine: This is Score Pub
Chapter Ten: Best friend for life
Chapter Eleven: Quest for my mother
Chapter Twelve: Daughter of a governor's wife
Chapter Thirteen: All of this is a façade
Chapter Fourteen: A psychopath
Chapter Fifteen: Lost to drugs
Chapter Sixteen: That married man
Chapter Seventeen: Our father, Bilal and Hanan
Chapter Eighteen: That Baila girl

Chapter Seven: I've got my eyes on you

17 3 2
Av hre_huderh

A/n: Ramadan Mubarak guys, how's the fasting going? May Allah accept from us. Here's the second update of the day. Don't forget to vote and comment!

Love and light, H💕

Leely's POV

I was in the restroom crying my eyes out that day. Usually I'm not the one who looses her cool, but I was just feeling so helpless that particular day. I had just reached out to IB once more and he had told me he can't do anything to help. My devastation was aggravated by the fact that I have not taken the syrup in a while. I cried, cried and cried in that restroom. I cried to my heart's content as if it'd take away my misery. And lucky for me, no one came around the restroom. Of course with my reputation I wouldn't want anyone to step in on me crying wretchedly like that.

One girl did come around though. She was my classmate, Baila'u Nasir who was famous for being the most antisocial person in school.

That girl baffles me really. I don't know how one can live so fine without having friends. She doesn't talk with anybody, nobody wants to talk to her and the funniest part of it is that she doesn't even care! I can beat my chest in this school that I talk with 80% of the students, especially those we're in thesame class with and the only person I don't talk to is her. I don't know why. She just gives me all of the creeps. I mean how can you not talk to anybody when you're not mute and still be okay? Well unless if they have some serious mental disorder that makes them hate the whole world and not want anything to do with them. I convinced myself that people like Baila'u Nasir are the ones who become psychotic murderers.

But who'd imagine that this girl whom I'm so wary of would end up being my helper? Who would've imagined that this girl whom we think is so heartless would actually have a heart? A heart to hug me, a heart to give me a shoulder to cry on, a heart to encourage me to be myself?

I went on with my crying fit even after she had stepped into the restroom because I was sure she wouldn't as much as look at me. I knew she'd just do her things normal and leave whilst acting as if I didn't exist. But Baila did the unimaginable. She held me, asked me what's up, hugged me, comforted me. She was patient with me throughout my crying episode and only left my side when she saw that I was finally okay. She was that kind.

She was that kind.

For that gesture alone, I concluded that I'll never forget her in my life. I found myself admitting to her that I'm a helpless orphan. I found myself being original to a person for the first time in my life and to the least expected person.

That's why they always say that life is unpredictable, and the irony of it is that, the one you despise would end up being your savior and the one you actually love will end up stabbing you in the back.

I didn't necessarily told Baila my situation. I could not just tell her right away. It was the first time we were talking and I was still awed by how different a person she was, not the way everyone perceived her. And at that moment, nothing gave me the hint that she could actually help me. Even if she seemed nice, what if she couldn't render that much of a help to me? What if she has beef with me for talking to everyone and casting her aside?. Sure she looks like some rich champ, but some of them rich daughters and sons are actually very selfish and petty. The point here is, it didn't make sense to tell her everything right away. All I did was tell her my reality in a very coded manner and left immediately.

Not because I was embarrassed, not for fear that she'd mock me or publish my story. I can tell that Baila was a girl of integrity.

Since then, I had tried my best to wave or smile at her to make her feel acknowledged. She didn't deserve to be shunned further more by me, not after she comforted me on that day. And I could tell how happy she was that I didn't shut her out anymore. Perhaps she was just as troubled too. Perhaps all she needed was someone to reach out to her and I did.

So I didn't tell her I needed money. The question is, how did she know? How did she know and how did she know the very exact amount?

Oh my God I'm freaking out! I need to find out ASAP.

I sharply dialed our class rep's number. I didn't know which name she used in the group as I doubted she'd use her real name so I couldn't tell which number was hers. The class rep didn't waste a minute sending me her number. I knew he'd come in handy. The reps usually have all of the students contacts.

"Hi Baila it's Leely. Can we meet?" I said the second she picked the call.


She chose this sitting area in front of the VIP hostel. I'm guessing that it's where she stays. Is she from here, is she not from here, I'm curious as hell. But I will know with time. 'Cause after this, I'm going to do everything to ensure that I make her my friend. I don't need anyone to tell me she's rich though. She uses one sleek fancy Samsung that I've never seen in my life. It's undoubtedly expensive. Her gadgets; her watch, earpods, shoes, laptop, everything is og. Not withstanding, she resides in the VIP hall.

"Hi" she awkwardly stood after I arrived. I don't know why she stood but she did. And I don't know why she behaves stiffly around me. Is she nervous?

"Hi Baila" I said, taking a seat. She sat too, but leaving a considerable amount of gap between us.

There was a short silence as I thought hard about how to start interrogating her. I didn't even know how to begin.

"Huff" I sighed, flashing my phone screen at her.

"What's this?" She asked

"Just take a look" I impatiently said. "What does it look like?" I was trying to show her the alert sms and make her tell me what its about.

"Oh this,. Well.." she handed my phone back to me and didn't say anything again.

"What about it?" She asked.

Why is she feigning ignorance!!!

"What did you do?, How did you know?"I asked the second question whilst lowering my voice. There's usually no one around the VIP hall but I still felt like the whole world can hear me.

"I have my ways" she smirked. My heart was threatening to fall out of my ribcage at this point. The gesture was cool, but what exactly is funny? Anyways, I must still play hard girl. Can't leave myself prone to being humiliated because of this in the future. Don't get me wrong, I really want to believe that Baila is a nice girl. But I still don't know her. I've been through enough in this life to know to always keep my guard up.

"Thank you for this. But I'm going to pay you back insha Allah" I firmly said, standing up

She stood up too, hurt flashing across her face. "C'mon Leely, don't embarrass me"

"I know you can pay me back. But I don't want you to pay me back. Can you just turn a blind eye to this?" She raised her eyebrows at my phone.

"I'm speechless, Baila" I sighed. I'm having a rummage of emotions right now. This is too good to be true. Doesn't feel real at all. So it's a slap on the face to her if I stay adamant on paying her back... I didn't know rich girls were this cool. From what I know they're very petty. I've lived with Godiya long enough to tell.

"But why though..." I softly inquired, staring at my feet. I don't deserve this from her. If anything she should hate me for shutting her out...yet....

"I sent you something on TikTok. Do well to check it. Also, I got free space in my room. If you're interested you can come live with me." With that, she turned away and left me there, like I did her the last time.

As she disappeared into her hostel, I opened the app quickly, with high curiosity on seeing what she actually sent. My account is a public account, so anyone can view my profile or follow me. I'm trying to have as much followers as possible because TikTok use to pay you if you have more than 10k followers and 10k likes. I already have a cumulative of 99k likes from my videos. All I need is the followers. The content I usually post is about my business or if I dress up or go somewhere nice or just use capcut templates for some of my snaps, some cute TikTok challenges etc. The usual content that most people in the north like. I really can't wait to start earning money off TikTok.

It was a lyric video of a song I don't recognize. It was an American song and I'm more of a Nigerian songs person. It went.

"If you dance I'll dance
But if you don't I'll dance anyways.
Give peace a chance.
Let the fear you have go away.
I've got my eyes on you."

I would've said I don't understand, but the last three sentences got me thinking. Baila was trying to send me a message through those three lines.

She was encouraging me to do things that'll make me feel peaceful within my soul, as I'm clearly struggling to maintain the fake face I had created for myself. She noticed that I might be doing that because I feel insecure and I crave acceptance which is all true, so she's endeavoring me to have less fear and be true to myself.

What I don't quite grasp is the last line.

I've got my eyes on you...

Is she trying to tell me that she's watching me closely? Is it because she closely kept her attention on me that she was able to get the sensitive info about my tuition fees? Is it because she's that curious about me that she's trying to take note of every detail about my life?


is that line signifying some sort of invitation?

Is she actually inviting me to be her friend?

Baila's POV

"Maurice overheard Gina and Venessa talking bad of me behind my back. So she's a well meaning person to me, she didn't waste time informing me. I just didn't see any significance going around with snakes who smile at me in my presence and insult me in my absence. So me and Maurice bailed out of the group"

"Mtsewwww" I hissed loudly, shutting my laptop. I'm done watching this shit. I'll continue when my temper is lowered as it's high right now. I got off the bed and began walking towards the kitchen.

Class ended today at four and as usual, I'd hurry back to the hostel. I got comfy in a baggy t-shirt and shorts and immediately got into bed. My back was feeling stiff from sitting on the lab stool for so long so I craved to lay down ASAP. While I laid, I decided to watch an episode of this reality show I was watching. There are a bunch of girls and the show is just like filming their extravagant life. So whenever they pull up, they use to look like they all love each other until this Maurice and one Keisha who was the speaker above stopped appearing. The girls had mentioned in the show that Maurice and Keisha suddenly wanted out and they didn't know why. Keisha would after a long hiatus reveal how evil and hypocritical some of the girls in the show are like the aforementioned Gina and Venessa.

I really really hate hypocrites. They're just a huge turn off for me. Like of all things in this world you don't know what to become except a snake and be stabbing people in the back. I mean, real people don't lurk around the back. They come face to face with you. That's why hypocritical behavior is just so disgusting. It just shows how lowly, petty and insecure one can be.

It's just like with Leely. Her case is no different to this that just occured in the reality show. She's literally surrounded by snakes and it hurts to see her hang out with them again and again every single day. I mean, can't she tell? Of course she can't tell. That's what they do. They'll never be real with you and admit it to your face that they hate you. They'd rather you stay delusional, thinking they like you when it's otherwise, having the twisted satisfaction of knowing that you're a fool who can't even tell that there are snakes around you. Even if you have a bad habit, they'll never tell you. They'd rather you keep doing it and make it a topic of discussion for themselves. So by being around them, you'd never be able to change. You'll keep doing what you're doing, thinking it's right. How toxic is this kind of medium?

Anyways I had swore to prove Godiya wrong and I have taken it upon myself to protect Leely from them no matter what. Leely didn't ask me to protect her; since she obviously is unaware of Godiya's true colors and I don't know if Leely really wants my protection since I'm not planning on telling her about them to validate my protection. I'm just going to do it anyways.

I confirmed that I've taken a keen interest into Leely and I genuinely care for her. Therefore, if I can, I'll try my best to make sure that no harm is befalling my subject of interest especially since she's so innocent and naive.

I promised I'd find a way to give her that money and I actually did. I literally did the craziest thing on earth. Didn't think I could go that far for somebody to be honest. Here's what I did.

Usually I have her TikTok account and I know she sells some really cool thrift apparels. I used Filibus to achieve my goal. He's the one who mentioned that he's always a call away in case I'm in need of anything anyways. I made the poor guy download TikTok and follow her account, then I asked him to order one of her products. Be it a jean, a t-shirt, anything. He did get in contact with her, but she mentioned something about the shipment of clothes not arriving, that it'll still take like three weeks before arriving Lagos, talkless of Sokoto. I told Filibus to tell her to send her account number anyways, that he can wait until the goods arrive. I sent him the money to pay her as I genuinely wanted to reward him a t-shirt or jean for his hardwork and I also paid her the 140k I wanted.

I don't know how she got my number, I guess from our class group since everyone in our class is added to the group. To be honest I didn't think she'd sought out to me that fast. She literally met me the the minute she recieved the alert.

On my way to meet her, I thought of possible other ways I could severe or even minimize her relationship with Godiya. An idea came to me and I didn't waste time voicing it out to her. I offered for her to come live with me. I know I might've sounded like a creep there cause everything was occuring too fast... I mean anyone else would wonder why this much in such a little amount of time. Anyone else would give me a "what are you after" look, like she did when I offered for her to come join me at the VIP hall.

Sincerely speaking, I like to have my space. I like to know that yes, this is my space. I like to have the contentment that I got no intruder. But I think I can make such a sacrifice for Leely. I feel like her relationship with the others would greatly reduce due to that as they all live in the general hall and I'll have more access to her as she'll be more in my range of vision than she is when we're living separately.

I don't know how I developed this uncontrollable urge to keep a close eye on her. Someone would actually say that it's creepy and obsessive behavior, but I like to tell myself it's not and that I'm actually doing a good thing by trying to protect her.

I just hope everything goes my way and I don't regret it in the end cause human beings can disappoint you at any given time. And by giving Leely access to me, I'm literally putting myself in danger; In danger of being betrayed by her if she doesn't turn up to be what I expect her to be.

I gave her the offer yesterday and today morning, the hostel clearance had taken place. As usual, I'd clear the two spaces in my hostel apartment since they're both mine.

I really do hope she joins me though. I've lived all my life alone and in the same boring fashion. I'm really curious about how it'd feel like to live with someone, especially someone you genuinely care about. I'm really desperate for a change. I hope to get a friend, and experience a relationship I've never experienced before. I want my heart which has been anaesthetised by depression and sadness to feel alive again.

I looked around the kitchen, thinking about what to make. I was starving. I didn't eat anything in the morning and the only thing I ate in the afternoon was my usual parfait. I have rice, I have spaghetti, macaroni, cereals, bread, everything. But I'm just lazy. Sometimes a semester will even end without me eating even half of my provision. I don't even know how I use to survive. People who don't know me would say I don't know how to cook. It's just laziness. I don't see any significance cooking for myself or anybody else that's not my father. I'll definitely cook for my husband too, but with the way I am, will anybody marry me? No one seems to have any interest in me, no one seems to notice me, talkless of caring about me.

A guy has to notice me and take a liking in me for anything to proceed. But with the way everyone lives as if I don't exist, I doubt if anyone would take a liking into me, talkless of the opposite gender. Perhaps my grandma might have to matchmake me with someone when I graduate from this school. I'd prefer that my man takes a liking into me naturally though and not because I was recommended to him, you feel me?

Anyways now I'm just going to use the frozen pepper I have in the fridge and some eggs to make indomie noodles and fried eggs. I started by putting the pot on the cooker and dicing some onions. I grated the pepper and added it into the water too. I opened two sachets of mini indomie and put it in the now boiling water. I cracked two eggs and added to it curry, seasoning, diced carrots and spring onions. As I was about to start whisking it with a fork, my phone started ringing. I was surprised because no one usually calls me. My phone can go weeks without anyone calling me. Out of the few people in my life, it's only my grandma I can say she always tries to call me. My dad, never. Even if I call him he won't pick. Whatever it is I want to tell him he prefers that I send it through texts as he does check his texts well. I told y'all I have really bad communication with my dad.

I saw that it was Leely who was calling me. I had saved her number yesterday when she called.

"Room three first floor right?" Was the first thing she said after I picked.

"Huh?! Oh, yes yes!" I replied when I understood what she meant. Should I jump out of joy? I think Leely is really coming to live with me. How did she even know the room number? She must've asked the guard woman who always sits at the hostel entrance.

I sharply abandoned my cooking indomie, silently hoping that it doesn't burn as I made for the door. I opened the door and there I saw her with her luggage and a beaming smile on her face.

I can't believe it!

She accepted to live with me.

I didn't imagine she would, talkless of this fast! I mean, we only talked about it yesterday!

This might actually be the beginning of something new for me.

"Let the fear you have go away. I've got my eyes on you" she said. She also checked the TikTok I had sent her!

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