Supernatural Love Story

By JH_Studios

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This world is a lot more freaky than we think. There are things watching from every direction possible and co... More

Part 1: The beginning of it all
Part 2: The lady in white
Part 3: Wendigo
Part 4: Dead in the Water
Part 5: Phantom Traveler
Part 6: Bloody Mary
Part 7: Skin
Part 8: Hook Man
Part 9: Bugs
Part 10: Home
Part 11: Asylum
Part 13: Faith
Part 14: Route 666
Part 15: Nightmare
Part 16: The Benders
Part 17: Shadow
Part 18: Hell House
Part 19: Something Wicked this Way Comes
Part 20: Provenance
Part 21: Dead Man's Blood
Part 22: Salvation
Part 23: Devil's Trap

Part 12: Scarecrow

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By JH_Studios

Sam was laying on one of the two beds in the motel room. Dean was sound asleep in the other and y/n was in another room so she can have some privacy. He couldn't really sleep as he was thinking about what the job they just did. The things they saw and learned. The possibility that spirits will help them instead of just trying to hurt/kill them. But the therapy session he had with James Ellicott was also bothering him.

His train of thought was cut off by the sound of a ringing. Sam takes the call and it turns out to be John. He assures Sam they're okay but that they have to trust him though he can't reveal where he is. John reveals he's after the thing that killed their mom, a demon. He tells them to stop looking for him and write down a list of names, warning it's not safe. Sam wants answers but John tells him it isn't safe and he needs to take down the names since he's ordering him. Dean takes the phone and writes the names.

Dean tells Sam to go get you as he gets their stuff ready to leave. Sam scoffs but gets out of bed. He goes to y/n's door and explains to her the situation. She was confused since this was so sudden but Sam said that they were leaving so she needed to get packed. She shrugged as she did as he told her to do.

Sam was driving as Dean was in the passenger seat looking at a map and y/n was in the back.

"Alright so the names Dad gave us--They're all couples," Sam said.

"Three different couples all went missing," Dean informed.

"And they're all from different states and cities," y/n asked.

"That's right. Washington, New York, Colorado," Dean said. "Each couple took a road trip cross-country. None of them arrived at their destination. None of them were ever heard from again."

"Well, it's a big country, Dean. They could have disappeared anywhere," Sam pointed out.

"Yeah, they could have, but each one's route took them through the same part of Indiana...Always on the second week of April, one year after another after another," Dean said.

"This is the second week of April," Sam said.

"Yep," Dean said.

"So Dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes," Sam asked.

"Yahtzee," Dean said. "Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this? The different obits Dad had to go through--The man's a master."

Sam scoffs as he pulls the car over. Y/n could tell by his expression something was about to happen while Dean was confused by Sam's actions.

"What are you doing," Dean asked as Sam turned the car off.

"We're not going to Indiana," Sam stated.

"We're not," y/n asked, confused.

"No, we're going to California," Sam stated. "Dad called from a payphone--Sacramento area code."

"Sam," Dean said.

"Dean, if this demon killed Mom and Jess and Dad's closing in, we got to be there," Sam stated. "We've got to help."

"Dad doesn't want our help," Dean said

"Well I don't care," Sam said, getting annoyed.

"He's given us an order," Dean said, also getting annoyed.

"I don't care," Sam repeated. "We don't always have to do what he says."

"Sam, Dad is asking us to work jobs, to save lives. It's important," Dean said.

"All right, I understand. Believe me, I understand," Sam said. "But I'm talking one week here, man, to get answers. To get revenge."

"All right, look, I know how you feel," Dean said, trying to keep his cool.

"Do you," Sam asked, not really believing his brother. "How old were you when mom died-- 4? Jess died six months ago. How the hell would you know how I feel?"

Y/n looks at Dean to see it was taking all his strength to keep it together. Y/n looked down, biting her inner lip. She knew this really wasn't her place to butt in. She wished they did this back at the motel because at least there, she could leave them alone.

"Dad said it wasn't safe for any of us," Dean said. "I mean, he obviously knows something that we don't. So if he says to stay away, we stay away."

"I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man," Sam admitted. "I mean, it's like you don't even question him."

"Yeah, it's called being a good son," Dean stated, raising his voice.

"Dean," y/n said.

Sam gets out of the car and slams the door. Y/n got worried and got out as Dean rolled his eyes. Dean gets out and they see Sam getting his stuff out of the trunk.

"You're a selfish bastard. You know that," Dean said. "You just do whatever you want. You don't care what anyone thinks."

"That's what you really think," Sam asked.

"Yes, it is," Dean stated.

Sam scoffs as he finishes grabbing his stuff and takes a few steps away from the car. "Well, this selfish bastard is going to California." He stops to look at y/n. "You coming?"

Y/n's body stiffened a bit as she didn't think he was gonna ask her that.

"Are you y/n," Dean asked.

Y/n looked between the boys. She was conflicted as she looked between the boys. She wasn't sure what the right choice was and knew no matter what she picked, someone was gonna get hurt. But she had to pick.

She sighed as she looked away from them. She then reached into the trunk and pulled out her stuff. Both boys were shocked by her action but Sam smiled as Dean scoffed.

"Oh come on. You're not serious," Dean said.

"I am serious," Sam said.

"It's the middle of the night," Dean said. "Y/n, come on."

He looked at y/n, almost as if he was begging her to stay but she looked away, unable to face him as she finished grabbing her stuff.

"Hey, I'm taking off. I will leave your asses," Dean stated.

Sam looks at y/n as she gets her stuff out the trunk. When she got all of it, she looked at Dean with an apologetic look in her eyes. She then walks over to Sam as Dean looks at them as they just back stabbed him.

"That's what I want you to do," Sam said.

"Goodbye, Sam, y/n," Dean said, slamming the trunk shut.

The two of them watch as Dean gets in the car and drives away. They watch as the Impala drives away. Y/n gets a bit of flashbacks from when John took the boys away from her all those years ago. But she snapped out of it when she felt a light brush against her fingers.

"Hey, thanks," Sam said.

"Well like I said, I'll always be there for you," y/n said. "No matter what."

"Well, shall we," Sam asked.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders as they started to walk the opposite direction from where the Impala went.

It has began

Y/n looks around as she gets a chill down her spine. She looked around to see there was nothing around them.

"You okay," Sam asked.

"Yeah," y/n said, a bit distracted.

"Come on," Sam said as he held a hand out to her .

She was caught off guard by him handing her his hand and a lint tint of red formed on her cheeks. But nonetheless, she placed her hand into his and they started to walk.

Morning finally came after hours of walking. They looked around to see if there were any cars coming. But there weren't. However they did find something else. A woman with short blond hair sitting in her bag on the edge of the road listening to music. Her back was towards them so she didn't see or hear them.

They walk over to her and Sam puts his hand on her shoulder. The sudden touch made the girl jump and take off her earbuds as she looked at them.

"You scared the hell out of me."

"I'm sorry. I just thought you might need some help," Sam said.

"I'm good, thanks."

"Uh, so, where you headed," y/n asked.

"No offense but no way I'm telling either of you."

"Why not," y/n asked, a bit confused and offended.

"You guys can be some kind of freaks. I mean you two are hitchhiking."

Sam chuckles. "Well, so are you."

The girl chuckled as Sam did have a point. Suddenly a horn went off and they saw a white van approaching them. It pulls over to show a white man in an old trucker hat.

"Need a ride?"

"Yeah," the three of them said in unison.

"Just the girls. I ain't taking you."

The woman gets her stuff and hops in the passenger side.

"You trust a shady van guy and not us," Sam asked.


"There's room here for you sweetheart."

Y/n gave an uncomfortable chuckle. "I'm okay."

The man shrugs and drives off. Sam shook his head and scoffed.

"Well, onward with adventure," y/n declared as she started to walk.

"What," Sam chuckled as he followed her.

"What? It felt right. After all, that's what all the characters in the movies say before heading on a quest," y/n said.

"So this is a quest," Sam asked.

"Might as well. My dad told me to use my imagination to find the fun out of any situation no matter how crappy or boring," y/n said.

"Really? He said that," Sam asked.

"One of the last things he told me," y/n said.

Sam frowned a bit when he saw y/n's eyes fall as she touched her necklace. It was clear that she missed her parents. She then cleared her throat and ran her hand through her hair.

"And come on, this is our own quest. I mean, think of it or better yet, let me paint you the picture," y/n said, changing the topic. "Two brave adventurers travel across the land to achieve their goal. On the road, they'll encounter feats that they must overcome. In the end, they must defeat the evil king to achieve peace." She gasped as a little glint formed in her eye. "And on the way, they encounter loveable side-charters that join them and become a rag tag team. Slaying beast, drinking at pubs and making memories. We'll laugh, we'll cry and become a legendary team that will go down in history. And in the group will be the two characters that have this unrequited love that'll only get revealed when one of them nearly dies either protecting the other or in a tragic battle. While the leader is the parent of the group and is just over the romance. Ooo, there can also be the one character that--"

She stops when she realizes she was rambling. She sees Sam staring at her with an amused smile as he listened to her rambling

Y/n laughed sheepishly. "Sorry. I went on a rant didn't I."

"No it's fine," Sam reassured. "I was actually invested in your little story. I never thought you'd be this big on fantasy. But I guess, you did always have an active imagination and now I know why. Plus I'm sure the books you read help with that."

Y/n's face got red as she was a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, um, can we just pretend I didn't have that whole rant just now?"

"Yeah sorry, not happening," Sam said.

"Please," y/n begged.

"Why? I thought it was cute that you went full dork just now," Sam admitted. "Shows you're still human under that tough-know-it-all persona you usually have."

Y/n's face gets more red from embarrassment. She tries to calm down as she looks away from him.

"Oh come on, I didn't mean to make you embarrassed," Sam said. "I just like hearing you talk like that. And it's better when it's something you enjoy. Reminds me of old times."

Y/n looks up at him but before she can say anything, she feels her foot get caught in something. She fell to the ground and Sam jumped by her sudden fall.

"You okay," Sam asked as he held his hand out for her.

"I'm fine. My foot just got caught is all," y/n pointed out as she examined her leg.

They look back and notice there is a little pot hole. She noticed that there is a light bruise but it didn't seem broken or fractured. Thankfully. Y/n let out a sigh of relief which relieved Sam since it showed she was okay and she grabbed his hand.

"Sorry, it's my fault you're here," Sam apologized as he helped her up.

"It's fine. I chose to come with you," y/n said as she stood up. She stumbled a bit but Sam caught her before she could fall again. Even though it wasn't broken or fractured, it still hurt. "Just give me a minute to rest."

"Let me make it up to you," Sam said.

He slowly let go of y/n, making sure she won't fall. She was able to stand but her ankle was hurting a bit but it was bearable so she ignored it as she dusted herself off.

"Sam I said it's--"

She was caught off when she saw Sam taking off his backpack and duffle bag. He hands them to her and she gets confused. She takes his bags and he turns around as he crouches down.

"What are you doing," y/n asked.

"I'll carry you so you can rest your leg," Sam said.

"T-Thanks but that's not necessary," y/n said, blushing a bit. "Sweet of you to offer but really I just need a minute and I'll be fine."

"Yeah but we need to make it to a bus station before night falls again," Sam said. "Plus I still feel bad so just let me do this."

"You sure," y/n asked. "Won't it be too much weight? A full grown person and four packed bags."

"It'll be fine. Trust me," Sam reassured.

Y/n chuckled a bit as she shrugged. It was clear he wasn't gonna take no for an answer but he did have a point. They need to get to a station before nightfall and who knows how far away that is. So she put on his bags and climbed on his back.

She secures her hold and he stands up. He readjusted his hold on her and began to walk.

"See. No sweat," Sam said.

"Really," y/n asked.

"Yeah. You're light as a feather and the bags are nothing but grapes," Sam reassured. "I could probably run a marathon like this and still get a good place. Not first though. I'm not that fast."

"Okay, I get it you. You're a big strong boy," y/n said. "But don't overwork yourself. The second you get tired, tell me or when I say so, put me down. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Sam said. "Hey, to pass the time, tell me about the new book you're reading."

"You sure you want to hear me rant again," y/n asked.

"Yeah. Of course. I told you, I like hearing you talk. And you hear me and Dean rant all the time so it's only fair," Sam said. "Plus, I'm genuinely curious. Tell me about your book."

A smile forms on y/n's face as hearing that made her really happy.

"Okay, well it's a love story between Clare and Henry, but Henry suffers from a rare condition where his genetic clock periodically resets and he finds himself pulled suddenly into his past or future."

Y/n continued to tell Sam about the book and he would occasionally ask a question or chime in with his own thoughts. She would do her best to answer his questions though she wasn't done with the book yet. The two of them then just continued to talk about other stuff they are interested in and random stuff. It felt nice having a normal conversation without talking about any evil supernatural creature. It really did feel like old times. It felt normal and nice.

After hours, they finally read the bus stop and Sam goes to try and buy some tickets for California.

"Sorry, the Sacramento bus doesn't run again till tomorrow. 5:05 PM."

"Tomorrow? There's got to be another way," Sam said.

"Well, there is. Buy a car."

Sam looks annoyed as he didn't like the sass the clerk was giving him. He picks up his duffle bag and walks away from the window. He pulls out his phone and stares at the screen. Y/n peeks at the screen to see he was ready to call Dean.

"You gonna call him," y/n asked.

Sam sighed as he put his phone away.


They look to see the woman from earlier sitting against the pillar. They were both shocked, confused and a bit annoyed to see her.

"Hey," Sam said, putting his phone away.

"You guys again?"

"What happened to your ride," y/n asked.

"You were right. That guy was shady. He was all hands. I cut him loose."

Sam doesn't say anything; he looks through an open door to see people loading a bus.

"What's the matter with him?"

"We're trying to get to California," y/n said.

"No way."

"Yeah," Sam confirmed.

"Me too."

She stands up and approaches them.

"You know, the next bus isn't until tomorrow."

"Yeah. Yeah, that's the problem," Sam said.

"Why? What's in Cali that's so important?"

"Just something I've been looking for, for a long time," Sam said.

"What about you, girly?"

"Just here to make sure he stays out of trouble," y/n said.

"Well, then I'm sure whatever it is can wait one more day, right?"

Sam chuckled since the girl did have a point.

"I'm Meg," Meg introduce.

"Sam and this is y/n," Sam introduced.

Y/n gave a little wave as Meg shook Sam's hand. To help pass the time, since there was nothing else to do, the three of them sat on a table with beers and some food.

"So what, are you on some kind of vacation or something," Sam asked.

"Yeah, right. It's all sipping crystal poolside for me," Meg said. "No. I had to...Get away from my family."

"Why," y/n asked.

"I love my parents. And they wanted what's best for me. They just didn't care if I wanted it," Meg said. "I was supposed to be smart, but not smart enough to scare away a husband. Well, it's just...because my family said so, I'm supposed to sit there and do what I was told. So I just went on my own way instead."

Y/n and Sam just stared at her. Sam since he understood what she felt but y/n was mainly staring at her because she was getting this weird vibe from her. Meg noticed them staring and shook her head.

"I'm sorry. The things you say to people you hardly know," Meg said

"No. No, it's okay," Sam reassured. "I know how you feel. Remember that brother I mentioned, before that y/n and I were road-tripping with?"

Meg nodded her head.

"It's kind of the same deal," Sam admitted.

"And that's why you're not riding with him anymore," Meg asked.

Sam shook his head. Meg didn't say anything and raised her beer.

"Here's to us. The food might be bad and the beds might be hard, but at least we're living our own lives--And nobody else's," Meg toasted.

Sam raised his beer and they did a little toast.

"So what about you, girly. What's your situation? Got a tragic family story or not," Meg asked.

"My parents are dead," y/n said.

"Well you don't beat around the bush, huh. I like that," Meg said. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to them? Illness? Car crash? Untimely accident?"

Y/n cleared her throat as she eyed Meg because the suggestion seemed a bit weird for her to add.

"I uh... I rather not say since that's kind of personal," y/n said. She didn't really want to share too many personal details with Meg since she couldn't shake this weird vibe she was getting from her.

"I understand," Meg said as she sipped her beer.

Y/n doesn't say anything as she take a sip of hers.

In the middle of the night, Dean called Sam. Sam takes the call and does his best to be quiet since everyone else was asleep.

"The Scarecrow climbed off its cross," Sam said, confused.

"Yeah, I'm telling you. Burkitsville, Indiana-- Fun town," Dean said.

"It didn't kill the couple, did it," Sam asked.

"No. I can cope without you two, you know," Dean stated.

"So, something must be animating it--A spirit," Sam suggested.

"No, it's more than a spirit. It's a god--A Pagan god, anyway," Dean said.

"What makes you say that," Sam asked.

"The annual cycle of its killings, and the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman, like some kind of fertility rite," Dean said. "And you should see the locals. The way they treated this couple, fattening them up like a Christmas turkey."

"The last meal...Given to sacrificial victims," Sam said.

"Yeah, I'm think a ritual sacrifice to appease some Pagan God," Dean said.

"So a God possesses the scarecrow..."

"The scarecrow takes its sacrifice," Dean finished, cutting Sam off. "And for another year, the crops won't wilt and disease won't spread."

"You know which God you're dealing with," Sam asked.

"Nope, not yet," Dean admitted.

"Well, you figure out what it is, you can figure out a way to kill it," Sam said.

"I know. I'm actually on my way to a local community college. I got an appointment with a professor," Dean said. "You know, since I don't have my trusty sidekicks, Geek boy and Dork girl to do all the research for me."

Sam chuckled. "You know, if you're hinting you need our help, just ask."

"I'm not hinting anything," Dena admitted. "Actually... uh... I want you to know... I mean, don't think--"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, too," Sam said, knowing what Dean's trying to say.

"Sam...You were right. You got to do your own thing," Dean said. "You got to live your own life and so does y/n."

"You serious," Sam asked.

"You've always known what you want and you go after it. You stand up to Dad. I mean, you always have," Dean said. "Hell, I wish I... anyway... I admire that about you. I'm proud of you, Sammy."

"I don't even know what to say," Sam admitted.

"Say you'll take care of yourself. And help y/n figure out what she wants to do with her own damn life and look out for her too. God knows that girl might act cool and put together but she's a mess," Dean said.

Sam looked at the sleeping y/n next to him and smiled a bit when he remembered her whole rant about this being a quest. "I will."

"Call me when you find Dad," Dean said.

"Okay. Bye, Dean," Sam said.

Dean hangs up the phone and Sam puts his phone away. He started to process what Dean said and was starting to rethink what he was doing. He then jumped a bit when he felt some weight on his shoulder. He looks to see y/n, leaning against him, still fast asleep. A little smile formed on his face as he left y/n alone to sleep.

"So cute."

He looks in front of him to see Meg was now awake.

"How long have you two been dating," Meg asked.

"Oh no, we-we aren't dating. We're just friends," Sam clarified.

"Seriously," Meg said with a raised brow.

"Yeah. And what are you doing awake," Sam asked, trying to change the topic.

"I had to pee and saw you were on the phone. Then when I came back, I saw this little display," Meg said. "Who was calling you anyway."

"Just my brother," Sam said.

"What'd he say," Meg asked.

"Goodbye," Sam said.

The next morning, Sam explained to y/n what Dean told him. She felt a bit sad that Dean is letting them leave their lives while he continues alone. She felt bad since she knows how lonely it can be out on the road. Plus, this job is dangerous, especially alone.

Y/n and Sam try to call Dean but he wasn't answering his phone. That was honestly getting them worried.

"Hey. Our bus came in," Meg said, gathering her stuff.

"Then you better catch it," y/n said.

"What," Meg said, confused.

"We have to go," Sam said.

"Go? Go where," Meg asked.

"Burkitsville," Sam said he and y/n gathered their stuff. "You got your stuff?"

"Yeah," y/n said.

They start to head out as Meg tries to process what they just said.

"Guys...Wait," Meg called out.

"We've been trying to call my brother for the last three hours. We're just getting his voicemail," Sam said.

"Maybe his phone turned off," Meg said.

"No, that's not like him," Sam stated. "Meg, I think he might be in trouble."

"What kind of trouble," Meg asked.

"Sorry but we can't really explain now," y/n said. "Look, you should get going. Don't want to miss the bus."

"But I don't understand. You're running back to your brother? The guy you and y/n ran away from? Why-- because he won't pick up his phone," Meg asked. "Sam... y/n... come... with me to California."

"We can't," y/n said. "Sorry."

"Why not," Meg asked.

"He's our family," Sam said.

Y/n and Sam walk out of the bus station to head to Burkittsville to help Dean. But they need a car. So they need to steal one.

Thankfully, there was one that they could take. So they made sure there was no one nearby and they stole it. With the car now acquired, they drove to Burkittsvillie.

It was night by the time they got the orchard that according to Dean, was where the job was taking place because of some scarecrow. Or at least that's what he told Sam when they last spoke. Sam parked the car and they got out to search the orchard for Dean. They hear voices and follow them.

"Dean," Sam called out.

They find Dean and some woman tied to trees. The woman was rightfully scared by this whole thing while Dean was so relieved to see them. Y/n goes to untie the girl while Sam untied Dean.

"Oh! Oh, I take everything back I said. I'm so happy to see you two," Dean said. "Come on. How did you guys get here?"

"We, uh... Stole a car," Sam admitted.

Dean laughs. "That's my boy and girl!"

"I've never seen you so proud," y/n said.

Dean chuckled. "Hey, keep an eye on that scarecrow. He could come alive any minute."

"What scarecrow," Sam asked.

They managed to untie them from the tree and they quickly stood up. Seeing the scarecrow's post was empty and they all get nervous.

The four of them off through the orchard, trying to get the hell out of there. As they ran, Dean filled in Sam and y/n about this whole situation. The woman was named Emily and the locals were planning to sacrifice them since they needed a man and a woman in order for the ritual to work. And to stop this whole thing, they have to burn a sacred tree.

But they figured they can do it in the morning since they have to worry about just escaping the scarecrow or as Dean put it, 'shag ass before Leatherface catches up'.

But as always, escape wasn't easy. The four of them are surrounded by the locals, pointing guns at them.

"Please, let us go," Emily begged.

"It will be over quickly. I promise."

"Please," Emily pleaded.

"Emily, you have to let him take you. You have to--"

Suddenly the man who was Emily's uncle, gets killed by the scarecrow. The scarecrow then captures Emily's aunt. The townspeople run off horrified and the four do the same as the scarecrow disappears with his victims.

The next morning the four of them return to the orchard with gasoline. They walk through until finding the sacred tree which was marked with Vinc's tattoo design. Sam pours gasoline as Dean picks up a long branch and lit it on fire.

"Let me," Emily said, taking the branch from Dean.

"You know the whole town's gonna die," Dean warned.

"Good," Emily said.

She throws the burning branch onto the tree and they watch as it goes up in flames.

After that was down, the trio took Emily to the bus station. She was gonna board a bus that was headed to Boston. She gave Dean a smile and waved them goodbye before boarding the bus. The trio sees her take her seat and the bus takes off.

"Think she's gonna be alright," Sam asked.

"I hope so," Dean said.

"And the rest of the townspeople--They'll just get away with it," Sam asked.

"What will happen to the town will have to be punishment enough," Dean said.

"Poetic justice in a way," y/n shrugged.

"So...Can I drop you guys off somewhere," Dean asked as them as they headed to the Impala.

"No, I think you're stuck with us," Sam said and they stopped walking.

"What made you change your mind," Dean asked.

"I didn't. I still want to find Dad," Sam stated. "And you're still a pain in the ass. But Jess and Mom...They're both gone. Dad is God knows where. You and me-- We're all that's left. So if we're gonna see this through, we're gonna do it together. With y/n's help." He looked at y/n. "If that's okay with you."

Y/n chuckled. "Yeah. I'm fine helping. Like you said, we're all we have left. We freaks gotta still together in this crazy, fuckin' world."

"Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful," Dean said as he put his hand on Sam's shoulder.

Sam hits Dean's hand away and they all laugh.

"You should be kissing our assess, you were dead meat, dude," Sam said.

"Yeah, right. I had a plan. I'd have gotten out," Dean said.

"Yeah right," y/n said. "Is that why you were still tied like a chicken when we found you?"

Sam laughs as Dean rolls his eyes while holding back a laugh. They get in the car and drive off.

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