๐๐„๐€๐‚๐„ โ—† alastor | HAZBIN...

By SHSLProcastinator

65.5K 2.3K 1.2K

... '' peace cannot be kept by force and tied down by chains เฟเพ‚ โžต In which ; Morana, a demon from hell, en... More

๐๐„๐€๐‚๐„ ; chrc. info
๐๐ข๐ฅ๐จ๐ญ ๐ˆ ; setting the stage
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ˆ ; make it work
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ˆ๐ˆ ; sssnake in the group
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ; trust in hell
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ˆ๐• ; dancing with the radio demon
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐• ; interesting guests
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐•.2 ; timing patience
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐•๐ˆ ; goodbye, town's sweetheart
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ ; do it for them {act 1 ; beg.}
๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ ; do it for them {act 2 ; A.S.}
๐†๐ข๐Ÿ๐ญ? ; sketches for your wait
๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ ; do it for them {act 3 ; M.S.}
๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ ; do it for them {act 4 ; end}
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ ; before the final act { beg. }
๐.๐“.๐’; dressed for a fight
๐๐„๐–๐’ ; wait, there's a blog?
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ ; the great war { ... }
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ ; curtains closing { END. }
๐๐„๐€๐‚๐„ ; entering backstage!
๐’๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ๐ˆ ; change of clothes
๐€๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ ; cursed kitty
๐’๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ ; apple of his eyes
๐’๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ๐• ; internal rotting
๐€๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ๐ˆ ; her presence
๐’๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ญ ๐• ; now he's pissy! that's the tea!
๐’๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ญ ๐•๐ˆ ; understand
๐€๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ ; from the start
๐€๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ๐• ; mortal life { EDITED }
๐Ž๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ข๐ง๐ฌ ๐ˆ ; hello, town's sweetheart

๐’๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ ; caring for the radio demon

1.4K 66 30
By SHSLProcastinator

... FINALLY, things were beginning to look swell. The hotel having fully recovered from the war and stood there in all its' glory. Newly built, may the overlord add pleasantly. His radio station stood out on the right, perfectly finishing off the building and its' structure.

To be quite truthful, he hasn't expected to return to the area greeted by such a thing. Here he though he had to use his own abilities for the station to be established. It is quite obvious who had spoken up in his favor.

There's only very few people who actually trusted him, after all. Not like he cared much. He was no altruist anyway. ( As he should. )

A certain raven head sat across the circular table. She, being the only companion he can tolerate endlessly, remained in her seat comfortably. Her hand lifting the well-crafted teacup up to her lips to take her drink.

Spending the morning together, their usual routine as if the war had never happened in the first place had it not been for the change of scenery. The radio demon wasn't complaining. After all, this was his favorite area of the building - as well provided them the privacy needed.

The other little thing poking at him was the permanent scars on the raven head's skin that would continue to remind him of her state after the battle against Heaven. His grin remains, but it nearly strained itself.

He does not dwell on it.

There was no need to touch on the topic that's already been settled ( somewhat ).

"I simply can not thank you enough, my dear" Spoke Alastor with his everyday grin, bringing his mug down to rest on the table's surface. He locked his fingers together, placing hie chin above them. He stared into the velvet irises infront of him, his own half lidded with content.

"I never expected to be welcomed by such a kind gift after my absence" He added, quirking a brow. Most had already assumed the worst ( or er...best? ), thinking that the radio demon had died off screen or some sort of nonsense.

Apparently, the raven headed demon belle was no fool like the rest of them. That, unless his radio station had meant to be a memento.

Her teacup was placed onto its' saucer with a soft clank, her voice similar to its' volume as she spoke in response to the overlord's small gratitude.

"I am..glad it was to your liking, Alastor" Morana would give a small curl, a tiny smile that he was quick to notice and take note of. She had made quite the effort to accommodate the whole thing to his taste. Every little trinket was given more than one thought before adding.

The radio demon was pleased.

Their morning was going smoothly, no interruptions nor explosions that could end it rudely like it did in the past. He can take in the no-other 'entertainment' the raven head feeds him without the burden of others' butting in.

He does all the talking, going through various topics that had just popped into his head. From simply chatter to yapping about subjects that had his already loud mouth running. He keeps an eye open, not once closing both as they had remained on his listener who was readable when it came to her reactions.

She sat there with that curl of her lips widening bit by bit, and his pride was added. The overlord knew of his effect on her. He doesn't find himself stopping the constant use of his advantage either.

He keeps talking, exaggerating a few things by even using his station to add a few effects to his telling. Eventually, he had let his words die when he brought out a giggle from the bijou before him.

Alastor had taken that as a sign to hand over the mic, his mug now empty and he had rested his elbow on the table to prop his cheek against his palm. He speaks;

"Now, I suppose you have something you wish to share with me, sweetheart?" His query would make her perk up, blinking to take the sudden shift of spotlight in.

Morana nods her head slightly, holding her cup in a caress with both hands.

"There's uhm.. a clothing shop in town.." She starts off, eyes glancing to the side as she thought of the details she could lay out for him.

Alastor raises a brow, a little curious but overall says nothing.

"They have outfits for even the past of times..and I'm going to have a look at them soon" She would share, placing the item in her possession on the table to fold her hands on her lap.

"Oh! Then there's no need to ask- I'll gladly accompany you on your trip" Exclaimed Alastor, straightening his back further whilst he adjusted his bow tie with a twist or two. His grin wide.

Morana returns the expression out of her own gratitude. However, it vanishes, replaced by a short realization she seemed to be having as she brought a hand up to cover her mouth.

"Oh..oh, that's really nice, Alastor" She'd say, the hand that covered her mouth now on her chest. Her smile was now sheepish, even a little apologetic for the late revelation.

"But I uhm, Sir Lucifer is.. actually coming with me"

Now he sees why she seemed apologetic.

His grin twitches, yet he shrugs as if he were unbothered by it. He swear he was.

"Not a problem at all, darling! There's still time to change that" He would suggest, throwing her a hint.

Morana sighs, aware of what the overlord was asking of her to do. It didn't take a genius to figure it out, in all honesty. His distaste towards the king of Hell wasn't subtle and he doesn't try to hide it.

Alastor is also aware that the raven headed demon belle had history with the Morningstar family. So, 'unfortunately', he couldn't blame her for her decision.

It was already one thing that the short majesty was now living with them ( the guy having built his own apple looking tower ). Now taking his 'entertainment' with her on his first day back? That's another.

"I still have a lot of time after that.." Morana adds in to divert his attention back to her, not wanting for the overlord to go too deep into his thoughts on the certain blond.

Alastor drums his fingers against the table's surface in contemplation, still not fully convinced enough to let the 'sudden' plan go. Though he sees her beginning to tense up bit by bit as seconds pass. Normally, it was amusing.

That wasn't the case when he hasn't really done anything to her, nor does he intend to.

The radio demon makes up his mind, standing from his seat with hands behind his back. A heavy sigh was breathed out, and he looks down at the demon belle after he was sure he had regained his composure.

His grin returns to its' usual state, bowing slightly towards his companion. His arm had been held out.

"I'll hold you to that"


Alastor, being the gentleman that he is, had escorted his raven headed companion to the hotel's front doors. They walked in comfortable silence, his mind mostly running on what to possibly do after she returns from her trip with-

That excuse of a king waiting by the halls, adjusting that humongous top hat propped on the surface of his slick back blond hair. Lucifer's grin would be directed at her presence, having avoided giving any form of acknowledgement to the tall one between the two.

Morana returns his greeting by her simple means of a bow of her head, tilting it up to meet Alastor's eye. A silent exchange that they would often have for the radio demon to unlock the arm hooked onto hers throughout the escort.

Parting their arms away from the other, the radio demon had pulled out a cloak out of thin air- the sight making the short king that was ready to drag the raven head away look at the display with confusion.

"Thank you, Alastor" Morana spoke up, hands lifted. She takes the cloak, putting it on to tie the strings, securing it in place.

Alastor smiles in response, adjusting his monocle as his look serves as a silent 'your welcome'.

The exchange was judged internally by Lucifer. He had already bid his goodbyes at his daughter and her girlfriend, so he had taken this chance to finally lead Morana out the door.

Their figures had begun to shrunk the more they went farther away from the hotel, Charlie's arm waving at the two of them.

"Have fun at your trip! Stay safe!" The blonde princess would exclaim loudly so she was sure they heard her. Such loudness met by a static from behind her, causing her to look over her shoulder to spot the radio demon staring off into the distance the duo had disappeared off to.

His grin a bit strained, but it was masked well.

He dislikes the feeling of impatience that had begun to bubble within him. Even more so, the instinct to follow after them. Whatever was making him go through this internal burden was becoming a real nuisance.

A thought crosses his mind, an answer that had the conflict reside for a minute.

He leaves the area, heading upstairs despite the others questioning glances.

By the time he was out of their sight, he melts into his shadow- vanishing completely.

He travels through the dark in his discreet form, slipping past through doors without notice from any of the others including the sinners below his level amongst the streets of the Pride Ring's city. He searches, eyes nearly glowing for the presence he was getting bits and pieces of.

A clothing shop, that's where they are.

He didn't need to look for too long. He knew exactly what the raven head had meant for he had crossed it a few times before. How befitting the style was for her and her times.

It stood out from its' modernized rival stores.

So did its' pair of customers going through the fabrics displayed.

His lips would curl and further widen, connecting his shadow with theirs to further disguise himself.

Just for a little while.

He just needs to quell the internal nuisance rotting within.

His gaze remains locked on the duo, specifically on how their conversations were going. He feels his eye twitched slightly, merely out of his own personal distaste towards the short king that was throwing clothes over onto the raven headed demon belle's arms.

He was just about ready to pop up from his place, maybe even to see the reaction he had always gotten from her and see if that could quell it before he assists her in her predicament. However, Lucifer's voice would prevent him from doing so.

"Now THIS! This is perfect!" He would claim confidently, pulling out an outfit from its' hangers to bring it to view. Morana lowered her arms to look, eyes scanning the display in front of her. Her lips part slightly, awing at the stitching and design of the white outfit. A suit fit for his majesty.

Lucifer smirks with pride at her expression, raising a finger so he could get his say.

"Anndd... That's not all-" The blond brings that hand over to the other racket of clothes, pulling out another with a similar color scheme albeit a bit more on the floral side rather than formal or royal. A dress, white and gold stitching that you'd mistake it as an outfit from Heaven itself.

"I found a match!" He'd say, his voice nearly singing it out. "Look! It's got the kind of layers that you're fond of!"

Morana's mouth would form a small 'o', walking over to gently run her thumb across the fabric and examine the design. He wasn't wrong. The layers of the skirt was similar to her current one.

Unbeknownst to them, the shadow wasn't amused by the implications happening at this very moment. In fact, it seemed to further feed whatever nuisance was bubbling up in his cannibal stomach. It irks him.

He nearly spawned behind him. Half way through it, a painful prick at his chest had made him retreat forcefully. His wound, he recalls with annoyance. It hadn't heal.

Damn it all.

The radio demon didn't need to be here any longer.

He leaves, unaware of his shadow counterpart parting from him to stay behind.

Morana had informed Lucifer about her move to try on the dress, excusing herself to head into the dressing room whilst the king of Hell searches for the perfect outfit he could pick out for his daughter and maybe her girlfriend, to an extent.

That was sweet.

The raven head would think, closing the door behind her and turning the lock. A shadow morphs to take the size of the door, startling the petite demon into the corner with the dress held up to her chest. Her nervousness spikes, until familiarity takes over.

A silhouette belonging to a certain overlord, yet she somehow knew it wasn't him. Not when its' eyes were a bright green rather than a red. His presence more on letting out filtered noises than actual words.

"...Oh, it's you..." She'd softly utter, managing to calm herself. The shadow perks up, its' smile widening from the recognition. It instantly started to make gestures through its' figure, seeming to try and communicate with the raven head.

Morana was not unfamiliar with the tactic, having conversed with the shadow before. She watches as observantly as she could to depict the message.

And velvet irises would glint, gaze going half lidded once it all begins to fall into place.

The shadow was relieved.


Alastor stands there infront of his mirror would his permanent grin strained from his distaste towards the sight. His wound barely looked like it had healed the slightest. It was already stitched up by his own hands, he didn't understand why this had to take its' time to recover.

Perhaps the fault lies within his broken staff? He'd glance at the item propped on top of his desk.

He concludes so.

His ears flickered, his senses going off when the door to his room had opened with a small creak. His hand moved to close his button up, glaring momentarily at the rude intruder.

He'd blink, seeing his shadow slither over onto him as if it had been gone for a while.

"Alastor?" The radio demon perks up at the quiet call of his name, eyes wide when he had seen her standing by the door way in all her glory.

Her hands folded on top of her chest, her concern visible when she had caught wind of his condition. He knew who to blame for the tattle, but he held back from speaking about it.

"Mon Coeur! You're back early! Did Lucifer bore you?" Alastor would exclaim and ask with his usual tone, merely to act as if nothing was amiss to ease her worries. Unfortunately, she wasn't easily deterred by his act.

Morana approaches, and he shifts slightly in place. He wasn't afraid, of course. That's absurd.

.... Though, he does feel a bit unnerved by her approach.

"Uhm, no.. I was.." the raven head had begun to respond, keeping her hands close whilst she keeps a distance. Her intention not to get too close, but enough to be able to grasp where the wound was before she had made eye contact with the overlord.

Alastor intended to interrupt, her look a reminder for him not to. He had an obvious guess to why she was here, nearly throwing another glare but at the shadow watching them.

This was vulnerability, in a sense.

He did not like that.

"Ah, yes, so you've noticed?" He would question rhetorically, his tone losing the broadcasting charm it had to something that picks up on his current irritation about his predicament. He spots her looking back at where his wound was, fingers twitching slightly to make a move.

He did not want to be pestered on like a wounded critter in need of assistance.

Morana would hold out her hand, his shadow coming in to place an item to rest on her palm. A roll of bandages that she held in a loose grasp. She was a bit unsure of how to approach next, mind wandering.

She tilts her head up.

"... May I?" She'd quietly ask.

Alastor's eyes narrowed, the static to his voice increased to a higher amount. His grin twitches, his ears pinning back at the offer held out to him.

He turns his head away.

Unfortunately, he has to take it to consideration.

"... You may."

Thus led to the position they were in now, the radio demon seated on the mattress of his bed with the petite demon his side. The room filled with nothing but silence, the soft and low sounds of slow jazz being played by the small radio rested on the bedside table.

Alastor turns his head back ahead, tilting it down slightly to witness the raven headed demon belle at work. He feels her touch linger slightly, each time the bandage was being wrapped around him. She didn't comment on anything, nor on the other old scars that had marked his body.

She was careful not to touch him that he may considered discomforting.

Her focused look.. seemed relaxed. A sight he hasn't seen much, if he had to be quite honest.

Alastor hated this kind of vulnerability.

He was at her 'mercy'.

He thinks the heat that came to his face was one from annoyance, the thumping from within his chest born from the thoughts spiraling in his mind.

Perhaps he needed to indulge it.

For the sake of getting rid of the nuisance rotting. He had decided, hands resting on the mattress.

As long as her attention was on him, it'll rid of itself.

➵ words ; 3005

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