🍃HEARTSTOPPER🍂 Found in New...

By Sambang1987

552 21 2

Nick and Charlie could never be happier! Both fully graduated college, happily getting the ability to marry a... More

💗Elle's short POV💗
🍁 NICK 🍁
🍃 CHARLIE pt.2 🍃


53 2 0
By Sambang1987

You can't really blame Tao for his on and on sudden ideas that he ends up doing during the last minute without anyone knowing. On those kind of days, he obviously apologizes for acting before thinking, which he's always done since High School.

Now that we've...matured, sorta, it's kind of annoying to handle. Today, he decided to invite our three friends from Truham; Isaac, Darcy, and Tara, to go to New York with us in order to adopt a specific baby. Not that having them come along is a bad idea, never! The more the merrier.
But...Nick had already paid for the tickets and arranged everything for the four of us.

"Please tell me the three of you paid for a ticket..." Nick pleaded.

Darcy and Tara looked at one another with a well enough look to know that they didn't. Isaac grabs a paper from his opened book revealing his ticket. "Came prepared."

I strain a smile. "That's one problem solved..." Nick sighs.

Darcy gives both of us a guilty look. "Sorry, I thought Toa said you paid for the tickets already."

"Yeah, for me, Charlie, him and Elle, Tao never said anything about the three of you joining." Nick looks at Tao glaring slightly. Toa didn't seem to care as he just shrugs, placing both hands into the pockets of his jumper.

After some apologies from Tara and Darcy, Nick pitched in to buy them their ticket and moving them into the same class as ours. While Elle scolded Toa in the back, next to Isaac who wasn't listening into anything other than his book about...murder?


Once it was time to board the plane we went and gave our tickets in and luggage and boarded the plane to New York. It wasn't as crowded as it seemed, there was a couple of families with babies, some of the people who noticed these babies seemed already annoyed.

The flight attendant helped with our luggage and we each sat together with someone: Nick and I, Toa and Elle, Darcy and Tara, and finally Isaac with a stranger who fell asleep the moment she sat down.

I sat by the window, I shut it to keep from the sun getting into my eyes and nervously fumbled with the string of my ripped jeans (Yes, my style sorta stayed the same as I grew, don't judge!) the silence on the plane was unbearable, it had me think of a lot of things.

Will the baby like me?

Do I have the capability of being an amazing parent?

Did Nick feel forced to adopt a baby with me just because I finally wanted one?

I exhaled slowly and shut my eyes laying my head against my seat. Great. I barely get on the plane and I'm already thinking about negative thoughts, worst part is the plane hasn't started yet! I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder, I open my eyes to find Nick staring at me with a concerned expression.

"You alright, love?" He asked. I'm pretty sure I blushed.

I nod my head forcing a smile to my face. "Y-yeah. All good, just...nervous about the flight."

Nick raises an eyebrow at me and moved the hand which was on my shoulder onto my hand that was on my lap. "Your afraid of planes?" He asked.

"You can't blame me!" I argue. "I've seen many plane crash movies and no human being survives, and if they do, their damaged permanently or left deformed!"

"I'm pretty sure damaged and deformed are both the same thing, love. But if it makes you feel better my worst fear is you with that hideous sweater Harry gave you as a 'Still-very-sorry-I-bullied-you-during-high-school-wedding-gift.'" He frowns. "Honestly, I feel like he didn't even try to see if it looks nice. 'Just grab and go', is what he was probably thinking the entire time."

I laugh at his attempt to mock Harry. I kiss his cheek. "I have to agree with the sweater part, it is hideous and clashes horribly with the style I wear, but that act just isn't giving, darling." Nick pouts.

"You don't like my Harry act?"

"I like you better when you don't act like Harry, Nicholas."

Nick smirks and pulls me close, only the armchair of the seats keeping us from fully being attached to one another. "Oh really? And why is that?"

I lean close our lips almost touching. "Because Harry, isn't the one I fell in love with all those years ago. Idiot." We lean forward for a kiss...

"Can't their be one place that does not include the both of you making out?"

I pull away immediately once I hear Toa's voice from behind us. Nick narrows his eyes after giving him a dull look. Elle had a neck pillow and an eye mask on her face with the airplane noise canceling headphones on.

"You already made me pay extra for two more friends, Tao. Cut me some slack and let me smooch with my husband." Nick grumbles.

I yelp once I feel my body being pulled into the embrace of Nick's muscular arms. I blushed horribly and blushed harder once Nick kissed me.

Once we pull away, I was left flustered and Nick felt proud and amused. I could hear Tao gagging in the back, a flight attendant even had to approach him and ask if he was alright.

I chuckle a little and rest my head against Nick's, both of us closing our eyes after buckling up.

"Attention passengers we will now begin our flight to New York City, please have all luggage's placed away, children and adults in their seats and buckled up. Nobody should be out of their seats until the flight attendants say it is alright."

The plane began to move and soon fly up into the sky, our trip to New York has now begun, before falling asleep, I realized something...the negative thoughts where forgotten.


Hello! That is the end of Chapter 2, I apologize if this chapter seemed short or rather quick paced, but I hope you liked it :)

Next chapter is coming soon!

Please vote, comment, and follow if you enjoyed reading this chapter!

Until then, bye for now!

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