Lonely ( Ticci toby x reader...

By psssstpastel

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( short and graphic, viewer be warned) You let out a sigh as you rested your head on his shoulder. He smelle... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter 10

Chapter nine

89 5 6
By psssstpastel

(Literally been 4 entire years since I updated but what the hell.... enjoy and happy Saturday)

"Oh yeah? Where would you go?" He asked with a laugh, that you were just some joke to him. This all was a stupid joke to him. Well, it wasn't funny anymore, and you're not sure why you ever laughed in the first place.

"Out. Away from here. Far. i can go far and you'll never see me again. You or toby." You said, feeling a hot tension in your chest.

"Oh yeah? Which way is out then? Hm? Which direction in the forest do you have to go to get out? Huh? West or east? North or south?"

You locked eyes with him, you weren't scared of him anymore.
For the first time, in a long time, you weren't scared.

"I don't know" you admitted "but ill find my way out"

"Yeah, I'm sure you will..." he laughed again. "Come on, I brought you some new dvds... have you ever seen Shrek? Its not a tv show its movie, but i think you'll like it. Its pretty funny-"

"I don't want to watch tv. Im tired of tv" you said, growing angrier and angrier. "Im tired of this, i want to leave"

"You don't want to leave..." he sighed. "You're just feeling abandoned and probably hormonal... come on, ill watch it with you"

"No!" You shouted "Im sick of this!"

You stood up harshly, knocking over your plate of cold dried out eggs. Your stomach was huge now, bigger than you've ever seen it. It reminded you of all those pictures in your biology books. I think for the first time, you actually saw how big you were and that in itself made you feel powerful.

"Sick of what huh? You don't do anything all day! You know what the real world is like? Do you even remember?" He stood up, starting to get angry with you. "Oh so you want to get up every morning for a shitty job that doesn't pay you well, where your boss yells at you, just to come home broke and exhausted?! You think thats fun? You think thats a good life?"

"I want to leave" you said again, more assertive this time. "I want to be normal"

"Oh normal huh?" He laughed out again, a bitter and dry laugh. "When was the last time you were ever normal?"

"I had a life!" You shouted. "I was going to graduate high school! I had good grades! I was going to go to college!"

You started shaking again, this time in anger.

"You people stole that from me! You took me from my home, you kept me here and when toby got bored he abandoned me, alone and pregnant in this shitty house, in this shitty forest and forced to live with you shitty people!" You screamed at him like it was his fault that you were here.

"Oh so im a shitty person now huh? You know just the person who brings you food, gets you new dvds so you don't have to watch the same shitty episodes over and over again! Oh such a shitty person who comes in and checks on you to make sure you're still alive!" He yelled at you, balling up his fists.

You laughed at his insanity. Really? You were a hostage!

"But you know what y/n? Im finally glad you snapped out of it. " he shook his head "whatever you're not leaving"

"Why do you care? Aren't you only here to 'make sure I'm alive'?" You asked in a mocking tone.

"I care because i was assigned a job, and unlike your stupid boyfriend I'm actually a competent worker"

"Fuck you Tim!" You screamed "I'm fucking leaving"

You push the reminder of your food at him, and went to storm off into your room to collect your meager amount of possessions you still had.

"The fuck you are!" he snatched your wrist with a bone crushing grasp. "I will fucking tie and gag you if i have to and leave you to rot!"

You pulled against his grasp, screamed and whining.

"Let me go!" You screamed pulling so hard you fell backwards a bit and Tim fell forwards. "Let me fucking go!"

"I will break your fucking wrist you stupid little bitch!" He screamed at you with a venomous hatred. "You think I won't hurt you cause you're pregnant?!"

You struggled against him with all your strength, not really caring if he did break your wrist, you wanted to leave. It was time to leave. 

"I don't care!" You screamed hysterically, like your life depended on it. You panted like you never before, you never felt like this before. This amount of rage... not against yourself for once but finally against someone who deserved it.

You looked deep within the holes in his mask, and paused for a moment, which made tim grab on to you harder.

"Good, now have you calmed dow-" in and instead you shoved him towards you, using all your strength to bring his arm to your mouth where you sunk your deep into the back of his wrist. Feeling the flesh, tendons and muscles dig into your teeth. Blood filled your mouth. "What the fuck?!" Tim screamed out in pain letting you go for a brief moment.

You took that as your chance to run, bolting down the hall. You didn't know what you were doing or where you were going. You just didn't know. He quickly snapped out of it and chased after you, taunting you.

"Oh you think you can hurt me? That you can fucking bite me? I will fucking gut you, you stupid fucking whore!"

You got to your bedroom, slamming and locking the door, shoving the dilapidated dresser in front of it. You quickly grabbed one of tobys bags and frantically started shoving things into it. You heard Tim walk back into the kitchen.

"You think thats going to stop me?!" He screamed in the distance. "You think I haven't gotten through a locked door before?!"

Now he was running, and right as you were pulling your bedroom window open you heard a loud crack and snapping of wood, as he stuck his hatchet into the door.

"I will break this fucking door down and kill you, it doesn't matter, Toby will find another fucked up person to play this whole charade with!"

You finally got the window open, and he was still 5-6 swings away from completely breaking down the door. You jumped out, and it you felt the pain in your ankles. It didn't stop you though, you just ran and ran, not knowing where you were going, just going somewhere. You took left, and rights and more lefts and more rights just to confuse Tim. It was dark, and scary, and you didn't really remember the last time you actually went outside but you didn't care.

You were free.
You were finally free.

And you felt yourself smile on the inside as you ran and ran and ran.

You didn't hear Tim breaking down the door, and you didn't hear tim running after you. And you didn't stop until your legs gave out and your lungs burned.

After running for what... an hour straight... two hours straight...? You weren't sure. It's impressive how far the human body can be pushed when its in danger and wants its survival.

You collapsed, panting like you've never breathed before in your life. You felt your lungs tighten and squeezed, you can taste blood in your mouth and you barely felt your heart it was beating so fast. Sitting on your knees, you just sat there, staring into the darkness. It would be daylight soon... that would give you a better chance of getting out of here.

So you just sat there... catching your breath and thinking....

Why didn't you do that when you were being kidnapped? Why the fuck didn't you do that?! Why didn't you scream?! Why didn't you fight?! Why did you just go so easily?!

Why did you fight now...? You were unsure... it was like... you just... snapped. I guess its only natural for someone to just loose it like you did... you were just so lonely, so bored, so tired... tired of waiting for him to come back... tired of this whole stupid fucking situation...

Alright what to do now.... what to do now... you had a little bit of food you had stored in your room... a few bottles of water... a thick jacket and some clothes... it was cold... really cold. It was the beginning of spring... and your adrenaline was fading fast...

You shivered a bit...
Man you didn't think this through...
You were going to die out here... you couldn't even find the house anymore if you tried...

"Fuck..." you cried out. "Fuck me..."

You started to panic.

"No... its going to be ok... its going to be fine..." you thought to yourself "i just have to last a few hours and then ill start walking... ill find someone... something... i will make it..."

You started to breathe more normally and you got up, walking over to a tree, sitting back down with your back up against it, curling into a ball.

"Ill be alright... I'm going to be fine..."


"Fuck fuck fuck!" Tim paced around the outside of the house. He had been searching for a few hours no and no sight of you... god he was so fucked! "God fucking damn it!" 

There was a pit in his stomach... one he wasn't used to... a mixture of guilt and fear... with a tinge of anger.

"Y/N?!" He screamed out into the woods as loud as he could. "Y/N come home! Im sorry!"

His echo only waved back at him.

"Come on!" He screamed again "Y/n!"

Fuck... he grunted at himself, taking his anger out on the shitty safe house, hacking away, throwing his all into breaking down that stupid house. You were going to die... it was cold out there... he didn't know what you had on you... he didn't know the last time you left the house... he knew you didn't know where you were or how you were going go get around. You were like 6 months pregnant for fucks sake you couldn't survive in the woods

"Y/N!" He screamed again "if you can hear me, ill get Toby, ill bring him home just please!"

"Tim...?" The static came back... and Tim started to feel sick.

Oh fuck
Oh fuck fuck fuck FUCK!

He turned and he saw the huge slender being, in the black suit, with the blood smeared on it.

"Why are you shouting Tim...?" His static voice felt like it came directly into his skull. It made him want to rip his hair out and pop his ear drums...

"i... uh... i"

"Answer me!" the demonic voice yelled at him... and tims eye sight started to blur.

"Y/n left!" He admitted holding tightly onto his head. It felt like a thousand hot needles were piercing his brain... "god just make it stop..."

"And where has she gone...?" He asked again, with a little more irritation in his voice.

Tim fell to his knees, screaming in pain as blood poured from his ears.

"I don't know!" He admitted "we... we uh got into a fight and she"

"A fight?!" The figure screamed at him and Tim yelled out in pain.

"Yes a fight!" Tim cried out "i didn't mean it, I didn't mean what i said"

"What did you say to her Tim...?"

Tim cried and laid on his side, blood and snot now pouring out into his noise.

"I was just trying to scare her into staying... i promise i-i didn't... I didn't mean it"

"What did you say?!" He screamed again and Tim cried

"She.... she was tired of toby being gone... and i-i-i don't know... it wasn't like her... he just wanted to leave... and i... i just tried to get her to say... i threatened her into staying and i... i"

"You what?!" The figure screeched.

"I grabbed her wrist and threatened to break it!"

"And then what happened?!"

"She.... she-she bit me! And i let go! And she ran into the bedroom!" Tim sobbed from the pain "and i started breaking down the door and by the time i got in there she was gone! I didn't even know that room had a window!"

"And where did she go Tim...?"

"I-i-i don't know... I've been searching for hours..." Tim said breathless... all of the sudden the pain started to subside... the bleeding stopped... and tim laid on his back panting "i don't know what to do... i don't know where she is... who would have known a pregnant woman could run so fast... or get so far..."

"This is a problem Tim..." the being said in a normal static voice.

"I-i-i know..." tim panted "shes going to die and toby is going to kill me... and I don't know what the fuck to do"

And with that, the figure disappeared.

"Oh are you fucking kidding me?!" Tim yelled out "you're leaving?! What the fuck! You have to help me!" He shouted into the nothingness.

"God fucking damn it..." Tim cried out... "what the fuck do i do...?"


It had been a few hours and you had calmed down significantly... but you were starting to feel cold. The sun was rising over the horizon and you were ready go get moving.

You remembered somewhere... out of something... that if you were ever lost in the woods to find a river and follow it down stream, so you decided that was a pretty good idea, and got up, shaking the leaves and pine needles off of you.

You walked for what seemed like hours... and you were starting to get exhausted. God no one told you how heavy it was to tote around a fucking baby... and how exhausting it was to be pregnant....

You stopped for a bit to eat a small portion of snacks and drink some water...

You listened... and listened for the sound of running water.

Come on.... it had to be somewhere. This forest had to get water somehow!

When faintly you heard it... something splashed into something that sounded like water. You walked towards it, praying to hear it again... after 30 minutes of walking you swore that you heard the same plunk again.

You were running this time, towards the sound, towards the hope, towards the freedom.

Come on... water... water... water...

And there it was! A stream! A beautiful beautiful beautiful stream! You had never been so happy to see running water in your life! You laughed, feeling tears form in your eyes!

"Yes!" You cried out, running to the edge of that amazing, life saving beautiful stream of water. "I found it!"

You stopped for a best, resting on the bank of the water, laying down fully on the damp earth. It felt great being outside... it smelled so clean... and fresh... the sky was so blue... and beautiful...

When was the last time you went outside?
What day was it?
What month was it?
What year was it?
How old were you?

You had no idea.... you had no idea how much time has passed...

But that didn't matter now... you would find out soon... you would be free soon...

You started to feel tired... so tired... you hadn't slept in a day or two... you weren't really sure... the earth felt so soft... and so comfortable... you could sink into it, let it wrap around you.

It was hard to keep your eyes open, and as the running water made a heavenly white noise... you slowly fell into a deep sleep...


You woke up hours later to a twig snapping, you jumped up, choking on your breath and snot. You looked around, scanning the area for any potential threats... you saw a rabbit and it turned to you as you stared it down.

It looked back and quickly hopped away, terrified of you. What an odd feeling... something being scared of you...

You sat up... your back hurt... like crazy... man sleeping on the forest floor really hurt... you wiped the sleep out of your eyes and stretched out your arms. The sun was hanging pretty low in the sky... but you figured that you could walk a few more miles before you would have to find a place to sleep for the night.

So you got up and followed the stream, down stream just as you were taught or read somewhere... you didn't even remember...

You walked
And walked
And walked
And before you knew it... it was starting to get dark again.

"God damn it..." you whined, looking for a place to bunker down for the night.

As the sun started to dip into the horizon... you found some abandon boards stack up against a tree to make a makeshift structure to block you from the wind a cold. You sat in between them. You sat, with your knees as closed to your chest as it could be... and wrapped the jacket around you.

The temperature was dropping and dropping fast... you just had to stay awake and stay alert....

You heard another twig snap... and you looked around for a bunny or a deer... but it was nothing. Your heart dropped into your stomach... and you felt the baby kick. Like it knew you were in danger and that someone was watching you...

"Shhh.... shhhh... its ok..." you rubbed your stomach... "its ok, no one is hear" you whispered blow your breath.

You heard it snap again... and it felt closer this time.

"God damn it..." you whined a bit... "i can't die... i just got freed..."

You felt tears prick your eyes... and you felt so stupid for leaving. Why did you leave....? Looking back now... cold and tired and hungry... your life wasn't too bad....

Maybe you could go back... maybe.. maybe you can just survive on the bare minimum. Besides, you had the baby now, you weren't totally alone if toby never came back.

"Hey!" Something yelled out at you, it sounded like a man.

"Oh fuck!" You thought to yourself as you shut your eyes.

"Hey!" The same echoed again... "what are you doing here?"

You opened your eyes a looked around... nothing.

"Don't you know the forest is dangerous?" The disembodied voice asked again.

You didn't answer. You didn't dare answer. This wasn't tim, or tobys, or the figures voice... and you knew that a random voice calling you in the forest shouldn't be followed or answered.

"Hey!" It called to you again and you started to tear up. "Did you get separated from your friends?"

Its not real... its not real... its not real...

You rocked yourself for some comfort as you tried to calm down.

"Hey!" The voice shouted again... sounding closer... you tried to make yourself small and invisible. Hard thing to do at six months pregnant. "Don't be scared... im not scary..."

You were very scared... incredibly scared... you wanted to cry and just be in Toby's arms again. You felt so safe there... and now you were just raw meat on a hook for the "hey!" Guy. You still didn't answer...

"Hey!" It yelled out at you... sounding closer than ever. Before you know it, he was right over your shoulder... "i found you!"

You screamed and jumped up, knocking your backpack and jacket off of you, grabbing a huge stick holding it in front of you. You finally were able to see the voice and it was a man with an orange hood covering the entirety of his upper body, with some dirty blood covered jeans.

"Stay away from me!" You shouted at him with fake braveness. "Just stay away! Go away"

The hoodie being laughed and walked towards you.

"What is that going to do? How is that going to stop me?"

"Stay away! Leave me alone!" You swung the huge stick, almost cracking him in the neck. He ducked a bit, and stepped back.

"Woah! That's unnecessary!" The hoodie being laughed a bit, now walking forward a bit. "You're the one on my property... now you're threatening me?"

"Stay away!" You repeated yourself, your voice shaky and weak. "Just... leave me alone... ill leave..."

"Alone? In the dark? In slenders forest... if its not me someone else is going to get you..." the being walked closer and closer and you stepped back. "And honestly I rather have the fun"

"You can't hurt me!" You shouted swinging the stick again, actually hitting the being i  the shoulder.

"Ouch! The fuck?!" It shouted at you. "Now why not? Because I definitely am!"

"I... i-i know toby!" You shouted in your defense. "Im tobys girlfriend and im carrying his baby!"

"Tobys who?" The being confused. "Wait... are you the one Tim complains about...?"

You panted in fear... you couldn't think... you just held your stick with an iron grip grasp. You didn't answer.

"Wait...." the being thought a bit, sorta letting his guard go.

You took that as a sign to hit the hoodied being again, harder this time, aiming for his neck but hitting him in the shoulder again.

"Ouch! Fucking stop that!" He shouted at you. He grabbed at your stick and you took it away just in time.

"Leave me alone!" You shouted at him again. Getting ready to swing again, now aiming for his legs.

"I said stop that!" He shouted at you as you missed, but you swung back around and got him in the back of the knee. That caught him off guard once again and he fell to one knee. "Ouch! God damn it! Ok now you're pissing me off!"

"I said stay away!" You shouted back at him ready to swing again.

"Calm down!" He yelled holding his hands up In defense. "Just please calm down... I'm not going to hurt you..."

You cut your eyes to him.... and you didn't lower the stick one bit... you were ready to swing again, next time you we're going to aim for his other knee, then the head.

"I am going to slowly step back... and I'm going to leave..." you said in a calm yet strong voice.

"Leave? Is that what you're doing out here...?" He asked confused. "Where are you going?"

"Home." You said confidently.

"Home? Tobys home? Well i hate to break it to you, but you're like 10 miles away from your house." He said confused again. "How did you even get out this far?"

"No. Im not going back there."

"Does toby know you're gone?" He asked finally somewhat aware of what was going on.

"Toby doesn't care" you said matter of factly. "I haven't seen him in over a month"

"Well that's certainly unlike him..." he said the confusion coming back into his voice. "Hes been showing up to work though so hes definitely around"

You laughed again a dry sarcastic laugh.

"I knew it." You spit out with a mixture of anger and disappointment. "I knew he abandoned me..."

"Abandoned you? No... thats not how he abandons people..." he thought to himself "he never just leaves them in the safe house"

"Who cares!" You yelled "it doesn't matter anymore!"

"No we should really get to the bottom of this..." he said now fully letting his guard down. "Its really not safe for you to be out here.. at all... despite the fact that you're in the family way"

You rolled your eyes.

"Whatever" you spit out.

"Now don't get angry with me, I'm not the one who left you out here." He said shrugging his shoulders. "You know i should just call tim, maybe he knows-"

"No!" You shouted at him. "No, no calling anyone, im just leaving, I don't care how dangerous it is, ill take my chances"

"You see... i really don't feel comfortable with that..." he admitted. "You know my ass would be on the line and you reallllllly don't wanna piss off my boss"

Jesus Christ. You raised the stick again, getting ready for another knee shot when you swung it and nailed your target.

"Oh fuck! What the hell!" He shouted in pain "come on! We were just talking"

"No! Im tired of talking! Im tired of this! Im leaving" with that you swung the stick again aiming for his head, but he caught it, and ripped it out of your grasp.

"Now I'm tried of playing games!" He shouted at you. "You know if you weren't my coworkers girlfriend i would have fucking snapped your neck by now!"

You backed away from him. Getting ready to make a run for it, when out of no where he snatched your wrist, pulling you into him. It reminded you of when Tim grabbed you and you started to panic.

"Let me go!" You struggled against him, kicking at him and hitting him. "Fucking let go of me!"

"Stop being difficult!" He yelled at you. "Now you're going back home, enough of this nonsense!"

"Let me go!" You screamed and started crying again, just being so tired, so hungry, so thirsty. "Please just let me go..."

"Oh come on..." he grunted at you, pulling you towards him. "Its not all that bad... I'm not a scary guy... honestly if you got knocked up by toby then you can't be to easy to scare"

You struggled against him, and you both swung back and forth, pulling yourself against and away from each other.

"Please... I don't wanna do this anymore..." you cried out. "I want my mom... please"

"Thats too bad!" He yelled not really caring about your emotional outburst. Of course he didn't, he didn't know you like toby or tim, and it did take a lot of time for tim to finally see you as a person.

"What am i even doing here.... what are you people doing with me?!" You shouted crying "is this all a game to you?! Am i just some toy? Am i just a pretty thing you look and play with until you get tired?!"

"Look lady i don't even know you... this is between you and toby"

"Please just let me go..." you dropped to your knees, becoming dead weight, which considering your state of being, was a lot heavier then you were before.

"Let you go so you can die out here? How is that freedom? Huh? How is that any way to go out?" The hoodied being calmed down a bit, and tried to reason with you.

You sobbed and sobbed.... still being dead weight, and the hoodie being tried to grab you, tried to pick you up, but he found it hard to get a grasp. He tried and failed, and resorted to sort of dragging you.

"Come on can you please get up and walk? You're going to fuck up your shoulder like that" he reasoned with you, but you weren't having it.

"Please don't make me go back..."

"Oh come on... sure toby has his moments but look at you! He certainly likes you right? You know its not personal" he said sorta cheery. "You know if you were my.... what was it 'girlfriend' you said... i would be worried sick"

"He doesn't care..." you cried out not moving, letting him drag you. "Just let me die out here please..."

"Oh you're just being silly" the hoodied being laughed. "Come on now... get up"

You just stayed on the floor, sobbing. Refusing to move. He shook your shoulder a bit, trying to prop you to get up. You finally resolved... and you started to get up on your own, and he let go of your wrist.

"Now see... was that so hard-" before he could finish his sentence, you had kicked him hard in the groin. He screamed out in pain, and doubled over "oh you stupid fucking bitch!" He screamed out in a blood curdling way.

You took that as your chance to run, and you did.... but man... you were so tired of running and running, you really only made it about half a mile before you collapsed in exhaustion.

"Now im really pissed!" You heard him yell into the forest. "If you weren't connected i would fucking kill you! And i would make it last a long long time!"

You tried to get up and run again, but you kept stumbling and falling over. After around another 50-75 feet you collapsed again, coughing and wheezing. Then... you heard the static.

It started making your vision go blurry, and it became louder and louder like it was inside your skull... like it was attacking your brain like a group of hornets. You felt your face go red and hot... and blood started to pour from your nose. You started coughing and choking and wheezing, and your vision started to turn grey.

You looked up, and there he was, the slender figure... in the blood splattered suit.

"Hello y/n..." he whispered towards you, his voice almost sounding sweet.. and alluring. "You're a far ways from home..."

"Please...." you cried out, shutting your eyes and feeling the blood from your nose drip into your mouth. "Please let me go..."

"Why do you keep hurting my proxys....?" He asked sincerely, like he truly didn't know.

"Please i want to go home..." you cried out.

"Answer me!" The being screamed at you, and you felt all the hornets sting your brain at once.

"Please..." you said, curling up into a little ball. "Please just take me back home."

The pain got more and more intense, like your ear drums would burst... and you started to feel blood drip from your eyes. It stung so badly, you couldn't tell which were tears and which were blood.

"I didn't want to hurt them... I just want to go home... im scared... i want my mom..."

"Silly girl..." he said ceasing the pain and the bleeding. "You are home"

And with that, he picked up your crying and bloody mess of a self, and held you close to him.

"Lets go find toby..."

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