Summon To Wish

By The_Pencraft

43 17 10

A trigger warning : The book contains black magic. -------------- Agnes after getting cheated on by her ex... More

Author Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

13 6 3
By The_Pencraft

Agnes was resting on the sofa in the living room and was swiping to the left on the phone. She was frustrated and disappointed.

"Swiping to the left will not help. Choose one. There are handsome guys out there. I think this one is good." A sixteen-year-old, cute boy with black hair pointed to the phone who was sitting next to her.

"Jacob, they are good in looks, but I can't trust anyone anymore. You are too young for all this.," Agnes bites her nail.

"Yeah, you are right. They are good in looks but might not be in person. Well, when you already decided you don't want to date, then why are using these dating apps and rejecting everyone? For just time pass?"

"It is hard. I have a dilemma my one half wants to date and get married to have my own family, but the other half..." Agnes took a pause and placed her left hand against her forehead.

"Don't want to get into such things again because that other half is afraid of getting someone like Evans who cheated on me with my best friend. I don't know why am I still calling her my bestie?" Agnes was torn out of the wound she had on her heart. She shed a tear and looked away.

"I am sorry, I couldn't protect you failed to do my duty as your brother." Jacob showed disappointed with himself.

He hugged Agnes and said, "I will help you to get out of this." Agnes looked at him he moved aside and continued out of enthusiasm, "I will be finding the best man for you who will never cheat and will love you no matter what."

"Really!", Agnes looked towards him with some hope.

Jacob kept both of his hands on her sister's shoulder and continued, "Yes my sister, I think I know someone, I am gonna fix you with him just I need sometimes." He then hugged her. He could feel that his sister was feeling better which made him happy but then, at the very next second his smile faded away when he recalled that he had social anxiety. He got anxious.

"It is going to be hard," Jacob said with disappointment.

Agnes pushed herself away from him, kept her hand against his left cheek, "Oh don't worry I will find him on my own, focus on your studies."

"Umm... No, I meant it's going hard to win against Kyle in chess nothing else. I am leaving for now and will surely find a man for you so just finish this chocolate." He gave a fake smile and picked chocolate which was kept in front of the table. His family did not know about his anxiety as he not wanted to bother them because at a very young age he saw his parents going through a lot.

After having a conversation with his sister he left the room with a purpose to end his social anxiety and talk to the man who he had on his mind. He went to his room. His target man, Ken, was living in a neighborhood and luckily that man's room's window faced Jacob's room window. Jacob took out his broken binocular telescope and went towards his window to keep an eye on Ken and find the perfect time to talk to him.

It was hard to see. He went closer to the window to have a better picture but he couldn't as his window glasses were dirty. He opened his window and tilted out of it, wearing a telescope on his eyes to have a better picture. He saw nobody in the room. His eyes got stuck on a poster picturing his favorite boy band Wild.

"Wow, this is something amazing. I wish I could have that." Jacob was amazed. Well at the very next he hears a deep voice saying, "Hey, how I may help you?"

Jacob looked down from the window. He saw a young man standing near a luxurious car "Ken?!" Jacob was nervous. He was caught red-handed, he moved back and was almost hit by the window. He sits on the room floor with an embarrassment.

"I saw you! It is not good to look into other houses." Ken said.

"No, I... I didn't. I have no bad intentions. I  just wanted to fix the target, I mean, I don't know what I am saying. I am sorry." Jacob was anxious. It was the first time he had spoken to Ken.

"What target? I am not getting you, please show me your face. Can you explain what's going on?", Ken asked politely.

Jacob collected some courage to look out of the window.

"So, here you are." Ken whispered and continued, "Speak out, what target? Don't worry I will not say anything."

" mistake said Target but I did not mean it I was watching a bird and then my eyes got stuck on a poster in your room picturing Wild." Jacob was embarrassed. He didn't look in his eyes while explaining it. Mostly he was to the other side. Ken responded with a laugh.

"If you are free, which I think you are come to my house after ten minutes. I will be showing you some good collection of Wild." Ken smiled and parked his car.

It made Jacob excited. He was impatient to see all those collections but after 10 minutes he did not want to go. He was anxious, a lot was going on in his mind
What if I bother him? What if I get judged? How to begin the conversation and face him? What if I get out of words? I am gonna embarrass myself. He paused and gave another thought, No, I must get over this. I must make up my mind to date my sister.

He gained some confidence and finally paved his way out of home. He walked through the main gate of Ken's house. With every step he was losing confidence but still was determined to walk to his main door. He finally made it and pushed the doorbell.

Ding dong!

After a second Ken wearing pajamas opened the door.

"Hello", Jacob greeted nervously.

"Hi. I thought you were not coming as it is over thirty minutes." Ken was cool about it but Jacob presumed that he bothered him and interrupted.

"I am sorry. I...I got into some work. No, I was afraid I might bother you. I don't know what am I saying. I am sorry. I am leaving. I will be punctual next time only if you want me to visit." Jacob faltered.

"Slow down, no you are not bothering me and will never. You are such a nice person. If I just ignore what you did this noon, which I will surely forget. Don't worry. Come inside." Ken took Jacob directly to his room.

There were a lot of photos of Wild hanging on the wall other than the poster. What amazed Jacob more was the collection of albums Ken had. He did not miss to buy a single album by that band. There was a large collection of merchandise. Ken's room looked more like Wild's showroom.

"We are alone. We can play music out loud. Choose one of the songs you want to dance on." Ken kept too many CDs in front of Jacob.

Jacob hesitatedly chose a song named Spring.

"Oh, it's my favorite." Ken smiled. Jacob was getting comfortable and started enjoying the company of Ken. They both danced and laughed. After dancing for an hour. Ken offered him some snacks. They talked for hours. Jacob was surprised to see himself getting comfortable with someone. He took a rest at his pace and when he woke up it was evening. He saw Ken working in the kitchen.

"Oh, you are up now," Ken said while pouring milk into a glass.

"Do you want chocolate in your milk?"

"I am good with any."

"It seems you are doing fine now," Ken said while adding chocolate to the milk.

"Yes, I am fine."

"When you came to my house you were so nervous and was breathing heavily." Ken served a glass of milk and noticed Jacob getting uncomfortable.

"Oh don't get uncomfortable. Take it easy. Although I am an automobile designer I took a course in psychology."

"Wow, so you have already graduated?"

"Yeah, I am last year from Kylie University and then got a job in LK Automobile company."

Woah he did graduation from the same university my sister did. I think this is destiny, they are destined to each other. Jacob smiled while looking at the milk. Ken found it suspicious. Before he could ask Jacob threw a question, "What do you think of marriages? Do you want to get married?" He asked with a big smile.

"Umm... Uh..." Ken rubbed the back of the neck. "I never gave a thought to it. I think we should not discuss this."

Jacob sensed that Ken felt awkward after what he said. He ran from there out of embarrassment.

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