A Person with No Curse Energy...

By JoshMorningstar7

682 41 15

Hello, This is my first Story that I'm making, I hope you all like it, i tried editing but i was still bad at... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 1

122 5 1
By JoshMorningstar7

Before we  Start I'm Not gonna put Images Cause it's hard too do it, I have to download the images first before even try to put in the chapter. Well that all thank you for understanding


(Where we Left off, Yuji Was Being held tight by The Cursed spirit and was being Crush to death which he begins to remember what Megumi Told Him, To Fight another cursed is another Cursed, Yuji Thought of an Idea, He then proceed with his idea without thinking about the consequences, Yuji Throw the Cursed Object in the Air and Ate it, But what was happening is that Megumi warned not to do it, But it was to late few seconds later Yuji(?) Burst and ripped apart the cursed spirit arms that was holding him, Then Yuji(?) Slash the Cursed spirit again this time killing it completely, After killing the cursed spirit Yuji(?) begone to laughing maniacally, Then suddenly he ripped his jacket and shirt off and Continue laughing, Yuji(?) then notice something this isn't he's body but he was okay with it since he do whatever he wants, Yuji(?) Then was cut of by Megumi. Megumi then told Yuji(?)"Curse...You're a Curse....and it's my Job to exorsice you...........Then let's begin where we left off.)

(No ONE's POV)

Yuji consciouness return, and he became accurately aware of his body, He can sense megumi penetrating gaze fixated of him. Confusion struct and washed over Him, coupled with a peculiar sensation deprived of his clothing.

Yuji then instinctively held his hands high, and gave a defensive reaction to the uncertanity that surrounded him.

Yuji: "hey looks it's me". he spoke that stammered.

Yuji: "I don't know what happened, but I'm backnow, Please don't do anything crazy ,alright? I'm back. We should probably be going to the hospital or something."

Megumi:"You...Ate the cursed object.....Special Grade Ryomen Sukuna's finger". Megumi voice trailed off as he stared at the gound. The ominous atmosphere weighled heavily upon Yuji's shoulder.

Glancing around, Yuji noticed a looming storm from the horizon. His gaze shifted to the left, To where he spotted a white hair wearing a blindflod standing with Megumi. An unsettling feeling gnawed at him

Yuji(Thoughts): Who's that Guy? More Importantly, What that storm above us?

(Gojo POV)

Gojo: "So, what's the info". I was standing next to megumi and ask on what the situation and while looking around on what happened.

Yuji thouhts begins to think couldn't help but feel he was up for a beating. Megimu suddenly gaze he's attenntion and locked his gaze to ominous Storm forming.

Megumi:"Gojo-sensei, is that a cursed spirit above us", Megumi ask me, Then i turn my gaze to the ominous storm forming. I then Concentrated and focus on to sense any cursed energy upon gazing it, I sense no Cursed Energy but Felt something it's strong.

Gojo:"Actually it's not. Whatever it is.....it doesn't have cursed enegry". I responded to his question earlier. I then shifted my focus on the Boy with pink hair.

Gojo: "Did you Find the missing cursed artifact? The higher-ups wanted to know where it was after it went missing. Figured you were on it megumi, Any Luck?"

IT didn't take long the pink haired boy responded of truth

Yuji: "Um...Actually...I ate it". The pink haired boy confessed. So begone to walk infront of him gazing his looks and scanning him.

Gojo:"For real". I responded


Suddenly something fall from the sky and crash next to us, He was wearing a yellow jumpsuit and red gloves also boots, Upon rising on the impact. The three gaze look over to the unknown person, Upon gazing him they saw appear utterly ordinary.

Yuji:"I'm sorry,Who's that suppose to be?"Yuji ask in Confussion

Gojo:"First someone ate a Special Grade Cursed Item,Then a citizen with no curse energy comes crashing down from the sky? Megumi, I wish i had your lock."

Megumi:"Gojo-sensei now isn't the time to joke around, This is serious, I have no idea who is that person is,But Yuji ate a finger and he's back to normal self."

Before Gojo and Yuji could respond, The person that fall from the sky wearing a yellow jumpsuit and red boots,gloves then begin to ask them a question.

Saitama:"Do you know what city this is? Were you guys the one who put me here? Is their also and Stores near here"

Gojo:"You are fascinating to me.Do you Know what cursed energy is?"

Even Yuji who is still unfamiliar with cursed Energy and the concept of it.

Saitama:"What is that,If your talking about Monsters,Yeah I do".

Upon replying to the question, Saitama didn't understand the question which he also gave the wrong answer. Gojo question was misunderstood and didn't get exactly get his answer, But he ignored it and just answer saitama question.

Gojo:"Well you have None of It, There only two people in my Life who i've met with no little Cursed energy. But your strong I can sense it, You're hiding something from. Did the Zenin clan send you? Anyone else with You".

The intense scrunity in the air.

Saitama:"Don't know. I'm from city Z, and I have no idea what city this is, Tell me."

Gojo:"This is Sendai City".


Saitama tone was in Confusion Given the answer by Gojo, Trying to bridged gap of the misunderstanding the moment.

Gojo:"Are you a Jujutsu Sorcerer?"

Saitama:"Uh...Name's Saitama.I'm a Hero".

Gojo smiled widened. Megumi, on the other hand,Grew increasingly frustrated that Gojo diverting his attention from Yuji. Walking over Megumi, Yuji attempted to convey his perspective.

Yuji:"Hey". Yuji began. But was Cut of by Megumi

Megumi:"You fool...do you have any idea what kindo of situation you got yourself into into?" Megumi said in a Tone of Annoyance.

Yuji:"I had to eat it.It was only way I could help...I mean...Save myself...". Yuji replied with guilt

Megumi:"You were better of being dead than eating that thing...". Megumi replied in  a cold harsh tone

Yuji frown deeped as he remembred his final visit to his Grampa.Turning his face back to Gojo,Yuji listened to the ongoing coversation between the two people.

Timeskip: Brought you by Saitama Playing video Games with Yuji and losing, Now getting angrier than destroyed the controler, Yuji crying in chibi form destroyed controler.

Gojo:"I'm sorry to inform you that your from a different world. There are no City Y,A or whatever your talking about. Is there anyway I can Help?."

Saitama:"Yeah...First Giving me Personal space". Saitama replied in a tone of annoyance given how close he was in his face.

With a casual Stomp Saitama slam his foot. On the Conrete Floor with one stomp causing the whole building shake.Yuji heart reced with alarm,and Megumi,too was unnerved unexpected display of strenght. For Gojo he only chukled, seemingly undeterred by Saitama's demeanor.

Gojo:"See...I knew you were Special.Hey... your name is the exact same name as the prefecture we have here in japan. Interesting....Oh! Wanna become a Jujutsu Sorcerer?."

After Momentary Pause By Saitama,who seems lost in thoughts,even absintmindedly digging his nose. Yuji,Megumi,Gojo waited in silence, giving time to contemplate.Finally Saitma replied

Saitama:"No". Gojo Furrowed his brow,Suprised byt he immediately reject

Gojo:"No,You sure?, You can save a lot of lives".Saitama replied again


Gojo:"Money,If it's that, Then the higher-ups can make that happen for you".Saitama replied

Saitama: "How much our we talking?".Gojo replied

Gojo:"It Depends how much your worth really".Saitama replied

Saitama:"Meh...I'll Prove my Worth on my own terms".Gojo replied

Gojo:"Food?"Saitama Replied




Gojo:"The thrill of battle"

Yuji grow impatient with the back and fort of the conversation between the two. The conversation shifetd from Ryomen Sukuna's Finger to this random,enigmatic bald name Saitama.Yuji decided to interject.

Yuji:"I'm sorry,but... We haven't had the chance to Introduce ourselves too".

Both Gojo and Saitama turned their attention to Yuji.For Saitama,it seemed as if he was peering throuhh Yuji, rather than him.

Gojo:"Right,Saitma, This is...".Megumi was the one promptly replied 

Megumi:"Yuji". he said in a normal tone

Gojo:"Right,the other one is Megumi. He is a Jujustu Sorcerer and I'm the teacher's of the Firs-Year Students at Jujutsu High,So are You...". he cut of by Saitama replied

Saitama:"Yes".Saitama responded casually.Yuji couldn't help notice but notice Gojo's visible Confusion.

Gojo:"Yes What?"

Saitama:"I'll join". Saitama clarified, Raising a brow

Gojo:"Splendid.How old are you again.

Saitama:"Uhh...let's see...25". Saitama replied, Yuji Smirked

Gojo(thoughts):"His too old to be a First-Year Student or Any School. How will this even work out?"

Gojo,meanwhile,appeared worried and ran his hand through his white hair, Trying to Figure out a solution to the problem.

Gojo:"I guess we can always make a exceptions.I hope the higher-ups are okay wtih this. They probably straight deny you. Or you can be a Teacher, Can you Teach?".

Saitama:"Nope".After that answer Gojo exaggerated sigh.

Gojo:"How about becoming a Student,I mean Putting...your age to the side,There are special priviledges.So What do you think?

Saitama:"Uh..Sure,But wouldn't i have to go through like an entry exam or something?". But Gojo snapped his fingers.

Gojo:"Exactly.How about Fighting The King Of Curses Ryomen Sukuna? That'll Put you in Special Grade Level, Giving more recognition...that is...if you beat him...".Gojo had a Mischievious Grin on his Face. 

Megumi quickly express concern.

Megumi:"Sensei...Don't you think that a little to Much for Him to face? This doesn't even feel like fair this like straight Up Murder".

Gojo:"Nah he'll be alright~~~at least i hope. if he's about to get killed.I'll step in right away. Are you okay with that saitama?"

Yuji notice Saitama not being afraid or Frightened.Perhaps he had no comprehension of how powerful cursed spirit could be.

Saitama:"Uh...yeah,sure. Whatever.Look I'm pretty tired, So can we go on with it.".

Gojo:"Of course,Yuji...can even control Ryomen Sukuna Right?". Gojo turn his attention to Yuji. Who scractched his head thouhtfully.

Yuji:"I think so.When do you want him to be let out?".

Gojo:"Right when Saitama is ready. Do your best alright?".


Yuji turns attention on Saitama and look at him, See his face that saitama isn't taking this seriously. With that Yuji focus he's mental energy or Mental switching, and Ryomen Sukuna returned to the world, Hunger for Exciting and thrilling battle for his long for Desire..... SUDDENLY THE SCREEN GOES BLACK AND SHOWED 


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