Secret diary crush✒︎♡ | Yeon...


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Choi Yeonjun, an Idol in a group call, Tomorrow by Tomorrow, uusually write down how's he's doing and what's... अधिक

Ch.01: dear diary
Ch.02: questionable choices
Ch.03: "why am i like this?!!"
Ch.04: cookie love
Ch.05: mistakes
Ch.06: storytime
Ch.08: roommates
Ch.09: slight changes

Ch.07: octobin & phone

184 13 5


"Thanks for helping me dude, I thought that old man was really gonna give me a smack" He said in a tired manner.

Beomgyu chuckled as he nodded his head "your dad, remind me of yeonjun-hyung, kwan-ssi"

"Hah, from what I heard from you, he's sound like a funny guy" The guy, who's name kwan snicker, and beomgyu shrugged "funny? I would say he's just a fun guy"

He and kwan been chatting since they left the grocery store to get fresh octopus, and beomgyu already shared half of the story and what's he's doing there

While kwan said that he actually don't work here, and he's was helping his dad, but his actual job was at a bar, it's a fun job he say, though there's some problems going on these past days.

and beomgyu can understand, because there's always gonna be problems going on, even if you enjoy you're life

They walk as they turned a corner to an alleyway behind the grocery store and went to the back where they store octopus.

"Beomgyu-ssi which one?" Kwan said and beomgyu carefully look at the octopus in the tank "how about the ugly puffy one, he remind me of soobin hyung" he snicker as he finishes his sentence

Kwan laughed at beomgyu reasons"whatt? Hah you chose a big one too" and beomgyu turned to him "I- I did? it looks small from this angle.."

Kwan nodded as he pull his gloves tight and proceeded to grab the big 'ugly puffy' octopus, that beomgyu chose

When he lifted it up beomgyu step back a little as he used the camera to vlog it, he giggled as he vlog finding the octopus rather cute then delicious

"Wanna touch it?" Kwan asked as he slightly lean the octopus to beomgyu, who slightly flinched "dose it bite?" He asked in suspecting tone, Kwan start, as he hold the octopus firmly "it can.. but you can just touch the tentacles" he finished his sentence with a confident tone

Beomgyu slowly nodded as he reached out one hand to poke the octopus and other holding the camera "octobin, you better nice to me..!" Beomgyu mumbled as he make physical contact with the octopus

It's felt a bit squishy, and wet, guess kwan touch an octopus before bumping into him when they first met

"I think octobin? likes you" Kwan smirked as he lean it to beomgyu more

while beomgyu slightly frown as he continued poking it"oh, well guess, you can have me as a friend before you'll be someone's dinner-" beomgyu smiled before screaming when the octopus suddenly wrap one of its tentacles around his hands

It was sticky and he did not like it, he panic shaking his hand "AH AH AH! BAD OCTOBIN BAD..!!!" But the more beomgyu shakes the more it continues to used it's other tentacles to grabs his hand

Kwan try to help beomgyu and calm him but because he was shaking his hands so hard while the octopus was holding it, it slipped off kwan's hand.. and onto beomgyu's

And it wrapped around beomgyu whole arm, this only make beomgyu panic and scream even more "AHHH- OCTOBIN YOU SON OF AAAAAAAAAAA—"

He screams shaking his whole arm with all his might, but it just wouldn't let go, kwan quickly try to pull it off beomgyu, but this octopus was stubborn..

after pulling and making octobin loosen its grip, beomgyu whack his arm to the side making it slips from his hand and fell off, slamming to the wall before falling to the ground

beomgyu hold his wrists as he drop down on the ground, sighing in relief, then glancing at the octopus "sorry octobin, maybe we can be friends in another life.."

Kwan who look at the possibly dead octopus and exhales "wooo.. who knew a octopus can feel hurt and betrayed"

beomgyu nodded and kwan lean down reaching his hand out to the boy "get up—"

before glancing up to see a guy standing a meter away from beomgyu, behind him, looking at them with wide eyes, then suddenly the guy charged at kwan, he was surprised that he didn't have time to react as a punch hit him right on his face, making him stumble back

While beomgyu flinch seeing kwan get charged at and punched, holy shit, and then someone tap his shoulder, beomgyu froze, he nervously and slowly turn his head, fearing that it could be one of the guy's friend who's gonna punch him just like how he punched kwan-

"Hyung, you good? getting kidnapped isn't fun" Taehyun asked, and beomgyu paused when he saw taehyun, wait what, and if taehyun is here then that guy— "what the hell are you trying to do to him."

oh, beomgyu knew right away from that voice

"Taehyun- you guys are mistaken—" he said before seeing yeonjun turned to him. "guys let get out of here-"

"Yeonjun hyung-" beomgyu didn't even finish and got cut off by yeonjun who look panicked, beomgyu can understand the possible reasons for it.. BUT they misunderstood the situation!!?! yeonjun punch a innocent man!!

"seriously your not hurt right??! ugh.. first let's just go home..!!"

beomgyu tried his best to explain yeonjun kept cutting him and saying they can talk when they leave first. but they can't just leave, for obvious reasons, since yeonjun punched his friend but beomgyu understands why yeonjun acting the way he act, he know yeonjun did that because he care for him

But still they misunderstood the situation, even taehyun realized and try to tell him along with beomgyu.

this is gonna take a some time. but luckily it wasn't long before yeonjun start to see the situation differently, he probably start seeing things differently when he saw octobin looking dead on the ground. . .


"Ah! Poor octobin-ssi..!!" Huening cried out swinging his head up and down feeling bad for the animal

"Wow, so that's what happened, crazy for real.." soobin said with a small 'O' mouth and a disbelief expression

"Yeah!! yeonjun-hyung apologized like crazy too!" Beomgyu nodded with wide eyes, then saw taehyun looking at him, before he also added

"Andd, I also apologized for not picking up they're call, I think I put it on the moon mode when I left the house.. hehe, sorry again"

taehyun nodded at beomgyu 'oopsie' and apologies, seem like he already scolded him before arriving back to the house, he's just continuing it.

"I seriously don't know how to feel about the reasons you chose that octopus.. it would've go out less painful if you didn't choose it" soobin chuckled with a annoyed expression but sarcastic tone

"It had a name!! And it's Mr.Octobin to you hyung!!" Beomgyu said with a offended expression

Yeonjun just nodded at the on going conversation, laughing at some things then looking guilty and regretful with other parts.

"The guy, or kwan.? Got a swollen eye, I think hyung hit his nose in the process too, because it look a bit bruised there too" taehyun said as he drink some 'juice'

Beomgyu nodded "but if it was taehyun who was the one who hit kwan, he'll probably be knock out.." beomgyu chuckled as he look in fear, and taehyun nodded in agreement

"Hmm, so why did yeonjun-hyung give your friend, his number again?" Soobin asked as he glanced to yeonjun then beomgyu

While yeonjun felt his heart be beating fast at any second of eye contact with soobin, that he didn't even heard his question clearly.

Beomgyu look at soobin and act like he think for a second before answering "yeonjun-hyung was gonna pay kwan-ssi for the damages but he said no, he said money isn't gonna help him"

soobin look confused when he heard that, raising a brows at beomgyu. "And then hyung say he'll do anything? Because he felt horrible about hitting him, didnt he?" soobin responded before eating a grilled tentacle

hueningkai nodded at soobin question. and beomgyu continued "He told hyung, he'll let him know if he have anything that hyung can do"

soobin hummed for him to continue more with a unreadable expression, but seem like he's listening in well, beomgyu then clapped his hand together "Even after giving the number, yeonjun-hyung insists he can still pay for the injuries-"

"but kwan-ssi declined" yeonjun added with a guilty chuckle "he said he'll talk to me about it later.." as yeonjun talk his voice become smaller and smaller as he feel nervous because soobin was listening to him almost with full attention

He felt a bit shy

Soobin hummed as he nodded, before yeonjun could think of anything, taehyun asked about who's gonna clean the dishes, making all of them stop they're conversation

"Wellll one of you threes gotta do it, because I help with yeonjun-hyung when it was lunch~" huening said with a cheerful smile, and yeonjun smiled nodding his head thanking huening inside his heart

Taehyun then hummed in understanding, before turning to look at at the other two, and soobin pretended to not see that and continued chewing on a piece of beef with lettuce

While beomgyu sighed, slightly tired, probably from narrating the whole story. "If we just ordered, we wouldn't have such a problem.." he groaned going back to his old words


Yeonjun went plop on the bed, feeling the sheets as he flipped around on the bed, it's felt so good to lay down after a nice shower, though he should go change into some clothes then wearing just a robe, well, he'll do it later

He just wanna lay down first, the bed felt too comfy to get up

Yeonjun exhale deeply as he lay on his back, looking at the ceiling and the light bulb for a moment, then closing his eyes, feeling the light starting to sting his eyes a bit.

Today is tiring, he did so much, and so much happened, but now that yeonjun is thinking about it, it felt like it all happened in a blink of an eye

now all he wanted is to sleep, and quickly end the day, maybe tomorrow would be better to him

suddenly he heard a notification sound from his phone, he flipped on his stomach, then reaching for his phone near the bedside table, he grab it and check to see who it was

It was kinda unexpected but he didn't question it, he was happy actually

Healing-ah, did you get the thing I send

I send it to you're apartment

Hi mom!!

Ah mom.. I'm filming something,
I'm not at the apartment, so I
didn't get itㅠㅠ

Mom did you send

No no, I know how busy you are, and last time the food gone bad before you could get it

I just send some clothes I got for you when I went shopping with you're aunt

Ahhh, mom I told you that you don't have to buy me clothes, you should buy yourself some pretty clothes

I did healing-ah, it's matching, so you can wear them when you come visit

Aww mom, okay I'll wear them
when I'll come visit you

Alright healing, don't forget to tell me when !!

Hehe I willlll mom

Yeonjun smile feeling better after talking to his mom, he can't wait to go back home and see her

before he could think about his plans about visiting, he heard the door close

To yeonjun surprise he turn around to see soobin, who was looking him with a unreadable expression, while blinking at him

His heart almost burst when he saw the boy, what is with this guy, In popping out of nowhere?!

Yeonjun immediately adjusted his robe, and sit up properly, feeling embarrassed for some reason

"What are you doing here?" Yeonjun asked as he turned back to his phone, feeling nervous and somewhat annoyed to see that good looking face

"Because ..I'm sleeping here?" Soobin said in a confused manner, as he titled his head, that's when it hit yeonjun

he completely forgot they're sleeping in the same room, because for some reason this house seem to have a lot of things but not more then two bedrooms..

So they play a quick hand game to decide who room with who, and he got soobin on the first tried, just the two of them, he was so stunned that he have to glaze over it and tried to forget it so he can go through the day without thinking about it

it work.. he didn't think about it he whole time until now, oh god, save him,

"Are you planning to sleep in that?" Soobin asked, seeing yeonjun in a robe, as he walk over to the closet getting something

Yeonjun felt his face slightly burn up, a bit embarrassed "n-no, I just haven't changed yet" he answered as he look at his phone in his hands

Soobin hummed as he took out some sweatpants and a white t-shirt out of the closet "also beomgyu said we can play the lie detector game next time because he got tired after washing the dishes" he said the closing the closet

Yeonjun glance up at him then nodded "he washed the dishes himself?"and soobin shakes his head as he turn to the older "nah, I help him"

yeonjun look at the sheets and hummed in response, before the boy went towards the bathroom in they're room "hyung do you wanna go change first or after I shower?" soobin turned to the older, since the house have cameras, he can't changed in the room..

"You go, I'll.. I'll do it later" yeonjun responds without a thought. "Alrighty then" soobin hummed

when yeonjun heard the bathroom door closed, he deeply sighed, when will this be over? he slowly get up from the bed and went to the same closet and pull out some shorts and a black tank top

it was nice of the staffs to leave them with clothes, when they came here unprepared, they kinda have everything for they're needs

he look at the bathroom door, hearding nothing but only the shower on

Soobin took long shower doesn't he? He's probably gonna take awhile

Yeonjun put the clothes on the empty chair swiftly and went plop on the bed again, before adjusting himself on the bed.

For a few seconds past while laying on the bed, yeonjun felt his face begin to burn up, thinking about sleeping in the same bed as soobin

ah this is the problem in remembering it, he can't stop thinking about it, it was better when he forgot about it

Dose this bed even have enough space for both of them? The bed looks big when he's on it right now, but if soobin lay here too.. would they be close or..

Yeonjun slap himself out of his thoughts 'no yeonjun, remember don't let it gets worse..' He shakes his head, before going on his phone when he heard a notification

I'm gonna sleep early today for better skin, you should too if you're not busy

Okay, Good night mom💖

Good Night healing-ah🩷

He smiled to himself, before putting his phone down and getting off the bed.
Then went out of his room and to the kitchen

He opened the refrigerator and grab a can of beer he bought, though this one it wasn't a strong one, he can just drink it like coke, beside he have a high tolerance anyway

He's just gonna drink this and relax, then watch something on his phone before he sleep.

He walked back to his room, doing a lil dance as he walked, then opening the door too see that soobin isn't out yet

Yeonjun exhaled, well that's good for him, if he can just sleep before soobin finishes his shower, he wouldn't have to feel nervous about having to sleep in the same bed as soobin.

He went to the side of the bed and sat on the edge, placing the can of beer on the table and adjusting himself on the bed, feeling the soft sheets as he slide on.

After making himself comfy, he grabbed his phone, and play some stuffed to watched, then grabbing the beer, and opening it

He took a sips as he blink at his phone, watching some random show he click on.


To be continued✒︎♡

A/N: I swear I keep having to cut out half of the chapters because it's over 2k, so chapter 8 will be out soon as possible, if wattpad doesn't lag on me, cuz I need it to stop resetting the positions of the texts..😿😞
Edit: the texting part was supposed to be left and right but WATTPAD WOULDNT ME DO IT.. IT KEEP RESETTING ME BACK TO ONE SIDE. so the texting part looks like Snapchat or discord or what apps that have the text on one side..and the tbc outdo refuse to switch to the middle..

But also, oh? yeonjun is sharing a room with soobin, even though when he makes a plan to avoid being alone with soobin? guess his plan backfired 👀🙈


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