It's A Match

By LoyalSong

247 9 0

The main characters story begins in the early 2000s. Girl meets boy, boy meets girl and they fall in love. Ma... More

1: Prologue
2: Introducing Marcellus
3: Introducing Francesca
4: Two Doves Diner
5: Who Is He?
6: We're At the Same School
7: Is That a, Yes?
8: Meant For Each Other
9: Anthony's Sister
10: Zackeriah's Accident
11: Ethan's Call
12: Elijah's Situation
13: Moving?
14: A Proposal
15: Pregnancy
17: Dolly Thompson
Short: 👑The Royalty Story👑
18: Moving To Texas?
19: Goodbye By Philadelphia
20: New Sweet Home
21: First Day of Work
22: New Friends
23: We're Going to Be Parents!
24: Winter Break
25: Where The Times Gone
Author Note

16: Finding My Purpose

10 1 0
By LoyalSong


Meanwhile, what is happening with Anthony?

Anthony's in his dorm room studying for a test of his own it has been a tough couple years for him and he still doesn't know what he's meant to do. He prays to God for guidance and wisdom as he is journeying through college life. Zackeriah and him are rooming together along with two other boys who are sophomore, they're pretty nice and haven't given either of them a problem.

Anthony put his study pencil down and groaned causing Zackeriah to look up. "Struggling?" He asked him. Anthony shook his head and turn to his friend, "It's not that, I know I said I wanted to try and be a doctor because I like helping people."

"Yes?" Zackeriah motioned him to precede.

"Man, I don't think this is what I'm called to be. I have this strong feeling deep down that I'm made to do something else." Anthony paused and asked Zackeriah. "Zack, how did you know, you were meant to do be a song writer or do something that involve music?"

Zack mind was brought back to the time when he was a kid, and he first wrote his own song.


Ten-year-old Zack is sitting at his desk in his classroom, its currently recess, and the teacher had the class stay inside since it's raining. "Zack, whatcha doing?"  A random girl in his class asked him. "I'm writing a song." He told her not looking up from his paper. 


He shrugged and glanced up at her for a quick second to see she has long wavy ginger hair and forest green eyes with freckles, and she had a cute innocent look on her face. 

"I was bored and just felt like it." He said looking back down at what he's writing. She smiled and was going to say something, but someone called her off, "Dolly!" She heard her friend calling her, "When you're done can I hear it?" Her voice is so interest that it made a big goofy grin spread across the boy's face.

"You'll be the first." He let her know making her giggle and nod. Her friend called for her again and ran over them. Zackeriah looked up from his writing and to the girl. She's playing a board game with one of her friends. He tilts his head and wonders who the girl was he has never seen her before, someone nudged him. 

He looked to his other side and saw it's his friend Anthony. " You, okay?"

"Yeah." He nodded, "Um who's that girl over there I never notice her before?" He asked pointing to the ginger girl.

"Who? Oh, that's Dolly Thompson. She's a transfer student, you were absent when she was introduced to class."

Zack nods as he stared at the girl and then he went back to writing his song before recess was over.

*These are the first sentence of his song*

"Oh, isn't life so beautiful, life can have it up and downs, but you have to be strong."

End of Flashback

"Wait... you have been writing since you were ten?" Anthony asked surprised.


"Uh, we knew one another along with the others, how am I finding out about this now?"

"Back then I wasn't as confident with my writing skills but as I got older, I knew this what I'm supposed to be doing. That was when I was fifteen and then I told you all, I didn't think I would actually make a career out of it and use my talent for the Lord though." Zackeriah said grinning happy that he is using his gift to give glory to God.

"I had this strong desire in my heart that only got stronger once I surrender my life to Jesus and now am following him."

Anthony smiled and then it deflated a little, "Only if knew what I was meant to do on this earth."

"Talk to the God about it and I believe he will give you the answer you were looking for."

Anthony has prayed for guidance and God has been guiding him, "I-" He cot cut off by his phone ringing. He answered, "Hello."

"Anthony, I'm sorry to bother as I know that you are busy with college and stuff, but can you talk to your sister?" His aunt asked him.

"What's wrong with Mary?" He asked worriedly, he looked at the clock 8:30 p.m. he's in California and they are still in Philadelphia it's way later. Mary should be in bed sleeping for school tomorrow.

"The time difference is way later there then it is here. She should be in bed, right?" He hears his aunt sigh, "She's not listening, she keeps saying she wants her big brother." 

"I'll talk to her." He hears shuffling and then he heard his aunt say something to Mary.


He grinned, "Hey, M. What is this about you not listening?"

*Silence on the line*

"Mary." Anthony said in a strict voice.

"I'm not in good mood, I miss you." The twelve-year-old said.

Anthony frowned, "I miss you too, both of you. But I don't come home until winter break or summer break."

"I know." She grumbled.

"Mary, you need to behave and control your anger. Auntie has raised the both of us in place of our parents. You need to be respectful to your elders and remember what we talked about?" He asked her softly.

"I should give all my worries to God, and he will give me peace." Mary sighed.

"Yes, apologize to our aunt also is there something else you're not telling me?" He asked accusingly and jokingly. The line was silent, "Mary?" He questioned with an eyebrow lifted.

"Uh, I- I'll talk to Aunt Betty, bye Andy, I love you."  She said and hanged up quickly, a shocked Anthony was staring at his phone in confusion. "What just happened?" He quietly asked himself. Zackeriah has been staring the at the boy during the whole phone conversation and laughed snapping Anthony out of the shock.


"Nothing, it's just the way you were talking to Mary."

"How was I talking I talking to her?"

"With care? I don't know, you have always been good with little kids even my own siblings. It's like you're a natural when it comes to children." Zackeriah said and went back to studying.

Anthony sat there thinking about what Zack said and smiled.

"I think I'm going to change my career choice." He said to no one really, but Zack gently smiled and said, "Good choice."











God Bless You :)

We all have a purpose and God has a plan for your life.  

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