Smiling Critters: A Turn To T...

By ANewCozyWriter

1.7K 51 17

During The Hour Of Joy, DogDay finds himself trapped in a real nightmare; being imprisoned by CatNap and tort... More

Thanks To The Angels.
The Runaways.
Looking For Them.
Returning home!
Finally together!
The Danger of the Truth.
Three Heretics, Three Ways.
The Plan.
Interpreting Dreams.
At My Lowest Point.
The Hostage.
A Negotiation.
The Trap.
The Destiny of an Adept.
Showing Him The Truth.
Three New Threats...
...A Savior...
...And A Warning?
A Peculiar Bunch.
The Message.
High Treason.
And A Farewell...?

Home Sweet Home.

91 3 1
By ANewCozyWriter

The four Critters opened the door of the huge house. Bubba stuck his head inside and looked around.

Bubba Bubbaphant: All clear; let's go in.

PickyPiggy: You go, guys! Stay in the lobby, Crafty and I will be back in a sec.

As KickinChicken and Bubba Bubbaphant walked into the lobby of Home Sweet Home, PickyPiggy took CraftyCorn by the arm and stopped her at the entrance.

PickyPiggy: Before we go in, I need your help with a little plan I've come up with!

CraftyCorn: What is it about?

PickyPiggy: Haven't you noticed that Kickin and Bubba are, like, estranged?

CraftyCorn: I've noticed; but what happens with that?

PickyPiggy: Don't you find it weird? Bubba and Kickin got along very well before this! What has happened to them?

CraftyCorn: Well, I don't know...and honestly, it's not important.

PickyPiggy: What? Why?!

CraftyCorn: Kickin and Bubba are very different. It was a matter of time before they lost a huge part of their relationship.

PickyPiggy: Well, I'm goin' to find out what happened to them! But I need your help; try to talk to Kickin about Bubba during the investigation. I'll talk with Bubba about Kickin.

CraftyCorn: What if they get mad?

PickyPiggy: If you see that he gets angry, leave him alone and don't ask him again.

Crafty nodded. She gave up arguing against Picky; another hopeless sentimental, just like Bobby.
Picky grabbed her shoulders firmly and hugged her.

PickyPiggy: Thank you very much!

They both entered the hall with the boys.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Okay, guys, Picky and I are going to go to the dining room to look for food; You go to the rooms for blankets or tools.

KickinChicken went along with Crafty.
Picky and Bubba began to inspect the dining rooms and adjoining kitchens. The room remained almost the same, with its long tables, the chairs and even some of the dishes were placed, but the passage of time broke some of the dishes, broke the legs of the chairs and scattered garbage everywhere.
The kitchens were also a bit dirty. The appliances, unexpectedly, worked, as the refrigerators were working and had apparently edible food.
Of the things in the fridge, Bubba took a packet of strawberries, picked one up and looked at it. It was intact. Bubba looked at Picky and took a huge bite out of the strawberry, leaving only the leaves behind.

PickyPiggy: Is it good?

Still chewing, Bubba nodded and got another fruit from the packet, giving it to Picky for her to try.
She accepted it, popping it into her mouth, forgetting she even ate the leaves and her fingers were pink by the fruit.

There were other things in the refrigerator, including bottles of lemonade, chocolate bars, apples, packets of candy, jars of jam, cans with tuna, cheese...there was even ice cream!
And the strangest thing is that everything seemed to be brand new! As if someone had replenished food recently...

Bubba Bubbaphant: Imma look at the pantry; look for a bag or something to carry them easily.

PickyPiggy: Alright...hey, Bubba.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Yes?

PickyPiggy: Can we talk about something?

Bubba Bubbaphant: Sure, what's up?

PickyPiggy: It's about KickinChicken.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Really? What's wrong with him now?

PickyPiggy: It's not what happens to him...but what happens to you two. Before the Hour of Joy, you had a cordial relationship, and now you are annoying each other! What happened there?

Bubba Bubbaphant: ...Look, I'm not going to start explaining the reason for our conflicts because it would be a waste of time. I just know that I'm not counting on him at all.

PickyPiggy: But why not? What is the problem? Does he get on your nerves?

Bubba Bubbaphant: It's a lot of things, Picky. And I'm not going to talk about any of them. Find me the bag, please.

PickyPiggy: Bubba, things have to be talked about.

He did not answer. Picky knew it was no use going on; Bubba was too prideful to apologize, forget or forgive.
They continued looking for things until they finally had two bags full of food and drinks.
Finishing their task, Bubba sighed and carried both bags.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Okay, done. Let's go.

They were about to leave the kitchen when Bubba stopped and blocked the way. He hastily walked back and closed the door without noise. He was pale as chalk, as if he had seen something traumatic.
Without saying a word, he grabbed Picky's arm, took her away from the door and whispered something in her ear.

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Whisper* We have to hide! CatNap is out there.

PickyPiggy: *Whisper* What?! Where are we supposed to hide?!

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Whisper* Umm...I know! Quick, in those empty crates!

PickyPiggy ran to an empty wooden box, got inside with a large sack and closed the lid, but not before leaving a crack for light and air to enter.
The box was wide enough to lie down on but not enough to stretch out one's legs. So Picky was cowering at the bottom of the box with the sack on top of her to camouflage herself. Eventually, she took it off her and closed the lid completely.
Already in the almost absolute darkness, Picky tried not to move, not to make too much noise, to breathe little in case the time in the hiding place lengthened. She heard CatNap lurking around the kitchen, and every time she approached the box, her heart beat with enormous force.
She was somewhat afraid. She knew that if she made a noise with CatNap nearby, it would be the end.

Luckily, that didn't happen.
CatNap walked around the kitchen and left shortly after. PickyPiggy could see through the crack how CatNap left, closing the door behind him. When he closed it, she saw that Bubba had hidden himself just behind the door, and had stood straight and motionless as a pillar.
He had taken off his white coat and his eyes were squeezed shut.
When silence fell, Bubba exhaled and opened his eyes. He took the coat from the top of a nearby cabinet and put it back on.
Picky left the box without a sound, even though her legs were shaking and she felt that her pulse was failing.

PickyPiggy: How come you hid there?

Bubba Bubbaphant: He came way faster than expected! It has been the closest hiding place I have been able to find.

PickyPiggy: It was clever, really...but why did you take off your coat to hide?

Bubba Bubbaphant: To disperse odors and distract him. I once read that thieves take off a piece of clothing so they won't be detected.

PickyPiggy: We're not thieves!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Picky, we're stealing, because this food isn't ours!

PickyPiggy: ...Okay, yeah, we're stealing. But it's for a good cause.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Let's get this out of here.

PickyPiggy: Okay...I just hope KickinChicken and CraftyCorn are okay.

Bubba Bubbaphant: As long as he doesn't mess up...because she definitely isn't!

Meanwhile, KickinChicken and CraftyCorn were loaded with things; blankets, first aid kits, water bottles they found and even some tools.
They were already making their way back to the lobby, when CraftyCorn remembered the deal she made with Picky before entering.
She thought about what could be the best way to tell him without making him angry.
Kickin was quick to anger, although he reserved his anger towards her.

CraftyCorn: Um...Kickin, could we talk?

KickinChicken: Sure thing, Crafty! What's the matter?

CraftyCorn: How well do you get along with everyone?

KickinChicken: I love you so much guys!

CraftyCorn: But maybe you love some more than others...

KickinChicken: ...Crafty, get to the point.

CraftyCorn: Why are you mad at Bubba?

KickinChicken: What's with that now?

CraftyCorn: Just curious...I'm still worried about the strange relationship you have. You are just bothering each other with the smallest of details. You got along well...!

KickinChicken: Let's see, that's none of your business! It's nothing of your concern!

CraftyCorn: But Kickin! Listen to me for a moment.

KickinChicken: I'm not going to talk about it! The only thing I will say is that if something has happened that has made him angry, if he is frustrated, it is not my fault! I make my life. The problem is his, and only his.

CraftyCorn: But Kickin!

KickinChicken: And that's it! It is clear?!

CraftyCorn: No! Either we talk about it now or I'm out of here!

Kickin was shocked to see Crafty, that anxious Critter that he consoled in the worst moments so that she wouldn't jump into the abyss again, so determined and stubborn that she didn't seem like the same person.
Kickin's hand began to tremble, his heart began to beat, his blood began to boil, his vision began to blur. And something clicked.
A slap crossed Crafty's face. She turned around without even a scream.
KickinChicken calmed down immediately, he regained his senses and even didn't understand why Crafty's cheek was red at first. He soon understood that he had gone too far, that he had hit the person he had never stopped respecting or appreciating.
He started to shake. He took a step back with teary eyes. He dropped all things in his arms at his feet.

CraftyCorn: okay...?

KickinChicken: ...I-I don't know! I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!

Kickin ran away in a panic. Crafty ran behind him, also leaving all supplies behind. When Crafty reached him, she grabbed him tightly by the waist, in an almost suffocating hug. He tried to get away, but in the end he collapsed, crying and asking for forgiveness for his violence, that he was an idiot, then no, that was not what he meant, that he was sorry, that he loved her very much and that he hated himself, then no again.
Crafty hugged him and whispered that nothing was wrong, until Kickin calmed down, swallowed his hiccups, and wiped away his tears.

They walked back together to where they left all their things and reached the lobby, where Bubba and Picky were waiting for them.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Let's go back.

PickyPiggy: Wait a damn minute! Crafty, what's with your face?

Picky pointed at CraftyCorn's cheek, which was still pretty red from the slap. KickinChicken lowered his head, but Crafty answered quickly.

CraftyCorn: I crashed into a bunk bed by accident. Let's go, shall we?

PickyPiggy didn't pursue the matter and nodded, walking with Bubba towards the exit. Kickin, staring at the ground, walked over to Crafty and whispered a "thank you" in her ear. Crafty smiled at him, took him by the arm and led him out of the house.

The four met again with Oscar and Austin. Austin's hand was already healed, and he was still having trouble getting used to the loss of his two fingers.

Austin: Oh, you're back. Everything okay there?

PickyPiggy: Yep! We come with a lot of things!

Oscar: Nice!

CraftyCorn: Where's the others? Maya, Bobby, DogDay and Hoppy?

Austin: They are taking care of fixing DogDay's legs.

KickinChicken: That monster...I swear I'm gonna do the same to CatNap if he ever crosses paths with any of us!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Better not make extremely hasty decisions. Let's wait for DogDay and the others.

Soon, Hoppy and Maya returned, and DogDay followed them shortly after, who was holding Bobby's hand.
The leader of the Smiling Critters had changed a little, as he not only had his legs back on, but he had also gotten rid of the straps around his neck, waist and arms. He had some bandages on his knees, and the auburn hair that fell to the back of his neck was pulled back into a short, low ponytail. He was also wearing his sun pendant.
He looked the same as 10 years ago.

Hoppy Hopscotch: Ta-dah!

KickinChicken: Wow, he looks exactly the same as before the-

Bubba nudged Kickin in order to make him shut up. The siblings didn't mind it. They were more focused on DogDay.

DogDay: It still feels weird walking...but I guess I'll get used to it.

Hoppy Hopscotch: Of course! Don't worry, because we are going to help you! Surely one day you will jump to the moon like me!

DogDay smiled, wagging his tail gently. Hoppy made him laugh before, and she still does.

Maya: Well, what's next? Bobby, any plans?

Bobby Bearhug: Well, if we want to restore the power to the gas production zone, we have to-

Suddenly, all the lights went out.
There was silence, because everyone was confused. Austin's voice soon rose.

Austin: I swear on our mother, may she rest in peace...if we have to repeat all our hard work all over again, I'll cut my wrists!

Oscar: How are you gonna hold the knife if you're missing two fingers?

Austin: ...Oscar, I sometimes wish you were a kid again.

Oscar: Why?

Austin: I like to go back to the time when you were a shy little boy with a speech impediment, so you would stop saying bullshit!

Maya: Guys, quit the fighting, we have to look what's the problem.

Bobby Bearhug: The most likely thing is that somebody turned off the generators. Sorry, Austin, but we gotta do it again.

Austin: ...Oscar, the utility knife.

Oscar: Nope! That ain't the solution! We can disperse now! We are more people.

Maya: Sounds good; If there are ten of us, we can divide. Three to Home Sweet Home, another three to school and another three to...where is the next generator?

Bobby Bearhug: In the Counselor's Office.

Maya: That.

DogDay: But then there's one left over!

Oscar: Oh...well, that person can stay outside watching.

Austin and KickinChicken: I want to stay!

Maya: Not both; you must reach an agreement.

Austin: KickinChicken, let me stay, man! Understand me!

KickinChicken: You understand me, I'm fed up with this site! I want peace of mind.

Austin: And what about me?! I have lost my fingers, and immediately I will lose my sanity!

KickinChicken: And you're gonna lose your life if you don't enter in that! Right now, it's easier for you to die at my hands than at CatNap's.

DogDay: Okay, enough guys! If you cannot reach an agreement, we'll leave someone random here...
...Bubba, you stay?

KickinChicken: WHAT?! WHY HIM?!

Bubba Bubbaphant: And why not?

KickinChicken: Because not! I don't want to leave here! I'll stay here!

KickinChicken sat on the floor with his arms crossed. Bubba rolled his eyes and headed towards the school.

Bubba Bubbaphant: I'm going to the school. I'm fed up of him.

DogDay: No, Bubba, wait a minute!

DogDay grabbed his friend's arm and leaned close to his ear.

DogDay: Please stay with him.

Bubba Bubbaphant: What?

DogDay: Try to convince him to go or something! Accompany him.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Let's see, DogDay, I don't think it's clear to anyone that I can't stand Kickin! Do I have to say it in another language so you understand that I can't be with him alone?

DogDay: At least stay with him. I don't want him to be alone... would you do me that favor? Only this one. And I swear to reward you when I return.

Bubba Bubbaphant: ...Okay. I'm staying with him. But I don't promise that I'm going to fix it with him.

DogDay: Thank you very much, Bubba. Be careful here, huh?

Bubba Bubbaphant: Be careful, you too.

They both returned to the rest of the group.

DogDay: Done; Bubba will stay with Kickin. Austin, don't you mind going with the others?

Austin: I do mind, but I have no choice but to go.

DogDay: I have an idea; Now we are eight, right? Well, three will go to Home Sweet Home, two to the school, which is smaller and less dangerous, and three to the offices. I think it's best not to go back to PlayHouse...

CraftyCorn: It doesn't sound bad...but who will go where?

DogDay: I had thought that Hoppy, Picky and Oscar go to Home Sweet Home; Maya and Crafty go to school and Austin, Bobby and I go to the office.

PickyPiggy: Sounds good.

Hoppy Hopscotch: Of course! Let's go, team! And you two, be careful and don't go into trouble! You heard me, KickinChicken?!

KickinChicken: No, relax Hoppy!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Good luck, and be careful you too!

The groups divided up and went to different buildings. They were almost ready to face a challenge not so new to them...


I wandered at a slow and heavy pace through the huge dilapidated house that once was the home of the kids we patiently taked care of; later, the scene of the extermination of the guilty and innocent; then the temporary prison of the children I saved until they died little by little; now the home I lived at and that those workers violated; my shrine, my hunting ground.

PlayCare, that orphanage, a true pride for the founder, the workers and of course, for me, was now a garbage dump, the vestiges of the Hour of Joy. The scene of a bloody spectacle that finally ended, under the orders of my God.

For my God...

Everything I did was for my God; I isolated myself because of my God, I attacked everyone because of my God; I isolated the teachers for the sake of my God; I imprisoned, mutilated, tortured and humilliated DogDay, my "best friend"...for The Prototype.
My God.
My savior.

Those thoughts ignited a strange feeling in me.
The image of DogDay came to me as an illusion. I saw him running through the hallways to play with the children, I heard his laugh in the rooms. I felt his overflowing joy and that light on his face, as if the sun accompanied him everywhere, illuminating even the greatest darkness.
I even saw myself being dragged around by DogDay, with his tireless chatter...

...and for all that, I hated him.

I hated him deeply.

I hated his kindness.
I hated his sincerity.
I hated his honesty.
I hated his unjustified joy.
I hated his energy.
I hated his social skills.
I hated his charisma.
I hated his tenacity.
I hated his bravery.
I hated his love for everything.
I hated his naivety.
I hated his innocence.
I hated his affection.

I hated...his entire person.
How comfortable he was in the he tried to take me to the light...
So I payed him back, by pulling him into darkness. By putting him at the level of those who suffer and those who rage in pain.

I did the unthinkable to make him pay for everything I hated about him...
...but he always came back to talk about the angel. His own savior. That heretic that would pay with their life for stepping on PlayCare.

DogDay is a oppositionist...
But... I know he's special.

He has escaped, he has fought for everyone, and now he was against me. He was a warrior. A warrior that once fell down and later arose.

I already made him pay enough for his sins, his heresies and his resistances.
It was time for those workers, those sons of bitches, and the other Smiling Critters, other slippery heretics, to pay for him.

And I knew precisely which one to start with...

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